- In this episode of the Sports Porch Black and Gold podcast, the hosts discuss various sports topics, including the Pittsburgh Pirates, NHL playoffs, and a fun segment of "Stump the Yinzer." - The hosts pay tribute to a dedicated fan, DG, who...
The Steelers - Is Najee going to Ball Out This Year? Pirates - Oh my. It's a mess. Hockey Jesus Preaches on the Reardon Firing Trader Joe's Product of the Week What We're Watching The Grand Schwalbini Predicts...
The Steelers DRAFT - What's your grade? The Pirates are the Pirates. Offensive woes Continue What We're Watching and the Trader Joe's Product of the Week - All on the PORCH tonite!
Hockey Jesus on the end of the Penguins season and the NHL Playoffs. The Steelers will draft....? The Pirates are back to being... the Pirates? The Trader Joe's Product of the Week and... The GRAND SCHWALBINI PREDICTS
Pittsburgh Penguins beat Nashville Predators 4-1. Stayin' alive for the last playoff spot in the Eastern Conference. Only one spot remaining as Islanders pull out a victory.
Tonites show features: Hockey Jesus on the Pens playoff push. The Pirates Split with The Philles - Are they still for real? The Steelers - All Quiet on the Western Pennsylvania Front The Trader Joe's Product of the Week Taste Test. What Are We...
Tonight... The Penguins Playoff Push with Hockey Jesus Should be be excited by the Pirates yet? Steelers Draft Expectations the @TraderJoes Product of the Week What we are Watching It's a packed Porch, but there's room for all yinz!
The Pirates are PERFECT. The Steelers add to the roster as the draft nears... and the Penguins are trying to limp into the playoffs.
Pittsburgh Penguins a shoot out loser to the Columbus Blue Jackets 4-3.
Pittsburgh Pensguins keep hope alive for a post season seat and beat the Columbus Blue Jackets 3-2. 74 points (32-40) on the season
Pittsburgh Penguins win 4-1 with some new faces in the lineup. PENS beat the Carolina Hurricanes in Jake Guentzel's return to Pittsburgh. The Tribute video was great.
Pittsburgh Penguins lose to the Colorado Avalanche 5-4 in overtime and despite gaining a point are not officially, but essentially eliminated from the playoff push.
Hop up on the Porch for some serious talk. The Steelers are still making moves, the Penguins season may be over and the Pirates are primed for 2024. #pittsburgh #pittsburghpirates #pittsburghsteelers #buccos #letsgopens #pittsburghpengins...
Are we working on another QB controversy in Pittsburgh? Bye-bye Picket... bye-bye! Hockey Jesus is still praying for the Penguins... and more! On this episode of the Sports Porch, the hosts kick off the show with some playful banter, including a mention of being live on various platforms all over …
Pittsburgh Penguins win 6-3 at home vs the San Jose Sharks