May 30, 2023
The Sports Porch Pittsburgh - Pass the Doobie

The Buccos are back to .500 and LeVeon Bell reveals the secret to his game... that we already knew...
The Buccos are back to .500 and LeVeon Bell reveals the secret to his game... that we already knew...
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Oh my god. I just wish you guys could be here for what for the comment that Mark Schwab just made. There some days I I think you should be in jail. I just do. I think there's something wrong with you. Yeah. Really after that you think there's something wrong. I mean but you did laugh out loud. That is true. You're putting it on me. Yeah. Yeah. You did laugh out loud too. The comment. Take some ownership. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And I guess I did bring up the story for that. So, here we are.
Thanks for being here in the sports sports.
Oh, the Sports Sports Pittsburgh. Memorial Day version. It is Memorial Day. Memorial Day. God bless our troops. Yes and happy day off to everybody. Absolutely. Yes. Thank you for your sacrifice to all those who can't be with us and to those of you who are serving absolutely. All respect. Um this is the Sports Sports Pittsburgh and you are watching live on social media right now and that's how we do it.
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com. And we already got a faithful fan Bobby Trumbet Junior. Jersey's in the house. What up Bobby? What up Jersey? If You're listening on the podcast or on American Busker iHeartRadio every Sunday at 4 PM Eastern Time. You can catch our show live on social media, 730, Monday nights Eastern Time. You can be a part of the show. We encourage you to comment. That's the thing. We're we're a bunch of guys.
Look, we're not insiders. We're not journalists. We're we're guys that sit around and talk about sports and other things.
I'm a Nobel Prize winner. If you if you if you were able to see any of this, well, you couldn't. Anything happened before this show, you would be horrified and also for me, it was one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life. So, we welcome you here. So, what do we do? Uh we talk about sports. Uh I think I've gone over that enough. So, let's just dive right into it.
Listen. Let's dive in. Um if you're if you've been listening, I I want to thank you tremendously to the Buccos report after every Buccos game. Now, tonight, we're going to combine the Buccos report with the Sports Podcast because I don't even know Schwab are you checking the score the Buccos were playing they were down five to one early which was no surprise and if that happens if they did lose they're under 500 I did say that I would they have lost 14 to four holy hell they are almost almost got there they're now under 500 my goodness so I had said that DG's in the house what's up DG hey David I had said I would do the Buccos report until they're under under back under 500, but you want to know what I've had such a great time doing that and and I do I do mean that that we're going to keep doing em and I'm just going to do em all season long.
We appreciate that. Thank you. I think you're nuts. I know but but I thought you were nuts. I mean and and the Penguins are. It does get addicting. I I understand where you are right now. Absolutely. Absolutely. Um Brad. You hit a rough spot. You hit a rough spot. I'm kind of going through that right now. Yeah. Well, I you know when you have those West Coast games you're like picking it up in the morning anyway.
Yeah. That's nothing wrong with that. I did stay up for the Seattle game the other night but it was Friday night but I did stay up and watch it and then ran down here and did the Buccos report at one AM. That was actually fun. Mm hmm. You don't know how long I'll be able to keep that part up. Well, hey, I'll be up with you this week. Stanley Cup Finals, you know, I'll be up all the time.
Can't miss a game. There you go. Okay. We'll commiserate together. So, anyway, I want to thank you for listening to the Buccos report after every Pirates game and we're going to continue to do those because the response has been great. Tons of people are listening and I am truly grateful. So, let let let's talk about the Pirates. Um the Pirates are back to 500. Why and why will they stay there or not? They're under 500.
They are back to under 500.
So, you know, so what happened? Um look I know I know I I know what the knee jerk reaction is what happen what usually happens well that's not what usually happens they usually don't get off to a great start you know they they're usually treading water under 500 for a while what happened is their bats look Shelton can't figure out where this lineup should be okay and I've been advocating for this for the entire season I think not that it would change things dramatically but I think that Jason alright Jason Juan Bay needs to be the lead off hitter I just think he needs to be the lead off hitter you got Bay you got cuts you got Reynolds they don't have a true number four hitter sowinski can hit home runs okay I think that guy still has Major League potential okay see if Hannah is over the hump KaBrian Hayes has no bat whatsoever the other Mays Hayes yeah excuse me Willie Mays Hayes the other night was it last night they went to ten innings or yesterday they went to ten innings okay they could not get they had the bases loaded okay with nobody out with nobody out and they could not get a runner in and they had two outs bases loaded and Kabrian Hayes comes in he's already struck out three times I knew he was going to strike out to end the game and well not to end the game Seattle came back and hit the three run bomb and that guy is the Pirates killer he hits home runs like crazy against Pirates but my point is where was I mean you can say what why was why did Shelton leave him in why didn't he pinch hit for him well who the hell was a pinch hit.
Right. I mean they don't even have a bench. Their bench is playing. It's just it's just a lack of talent issue unfortunately. Yes all it is. I mean really the fact that they held on above 500 almost until Memorial Day was a great start to the season. Yeah. Yeah. I mean if anything if they go through some sort of a hot streak again it it keeps them relevant but yeah they could.
I don't I don't think so. How are they going to do that? I mean they already outperformed who they were supposed to be right? Yeah. So yeah. To get back to that how do you get back to that? Uh I I well if I mean without a spark from somebody like they got their they got their first spark from catch coming back clearly he was happy to be back had a little bit of extra adrenaline his age is going to show now and so they're not going to get that from him but they gotta get it from somebody so they either gotta bring somebody up which clearly they don't have or they gotta go and get somebody which clearly they won't so I just don't know where they get it from that's the that's the issue that you know we've dealt with for years and that is truly honestly now following the team as closely as I followed it this year that is the issue I I really now understand even more how frustrating that is because you know they're not going to do anything there are some moves they could make they're one player away you know Schwabber and I were talking before the show who who who are we talking about that if you you put them in the lineup Harper Bryce Harper.
Yeah yeah. They now they don't have to get a three-hundred-million-dollar man but you know, you got a Bryce Harper in their lineup is not horrible, okay? It's performing horrible right now but it's not horrible but there's a few players that that I mean, you know, god bless him because Brian Hayes should not should not have a bat, okay? The guy is just but who are you going to put in instead? Who are you going to give a shot? You know, you're not.
You're not and Shelton keeps tinkering with the lineup. The other thing that I had a huge problem with the other day was you know, Mitch Keller who's having a tremendous season and this is his what third full year in the big leagues is it his third full year is it he's young I didn't realize he was that young he's young no he's young yeah oh yeah he I could be wrong about third full year if you want to look that up but I I I think the point I'm making is that it it looks like you know he added a two seem fastball this year you know he's starting to understand how to pitch to certain hitters how to pitch in certain situations and then he had another test the other night and that test was he got off to a rocky start got behind early okay and a younger pitcher a younger Mitch Keller you know then the wheels are going to come off but instead what did he do he pulled it together he kept them in the game he gave up four runs which is uncharacteristic but he finished the sixth inning off with two strike outs they had an eight to four lead they go to the seventh and Shelton trots him out there okay you've got a good bullpen right especially with a four run lead right why why and then immediately he walks the first batter the next guy hits a home run thank god it was eight to six at that point turn they ended up winning eleven to six but you take what's a what's a great situation and you turn it into a nothing burger and after the game when you're watching the game after the game you get a shot of Mitch Keller he looks like he lost the game you know and then they go on to lose the next two so you know I I don't I don't understand that and and obviously the Pirates organization is not going to go out and pay the big bucks for the best manager in baseball either I get that too but you know as fans you're looking at this and you're going my god if this team put together the the type of first third of the season that they just have and they they're literally missing like one or two pieces just to stay relevant not to go to the World Series.
Right. What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? They're just not going to do that when they already know that. I know. I know. They actually have a they have a reason to do it this year with losing O'Neal Cruz so early in the season and if they're not going to do it now, they're never going to do it because.
Yes. They could go out and run a guy for the rest of the year. And if they're not relevant by the trade deadline just trade them back to whoever you got them from. Yeah. Yeah. But this that's what's always that's always been my big beef with the Pittsburgh Pirates Organization. They just don't do it. You know they're not going to do it and you're stuck in this mediocrity.
At least we're not at the bottom. Yet. But well you think we're headed there? You know I just think the division's that bad the A's are really bad yeah well they're not yeah they're not Oakland A's bad yeah I mean they still got the Saint Louis below them and the Reds below yeah I mean the division is not the greatest division so is there an outside chance I I would say at this point watching the way they're performing they have absolutely no shot at the wildcard now the division is so bad that do they have a shot at the division I would say very outside because teams like the Cubs and the Cardinals make moves you're right I mean yeah yeah the Cubs will definitely make a move and even Milwaukee's been known that makes moves in the right few years anyways right so I'm going to just real quick this is going to be our Buccos report for the night so the the Pirates lose 14 to 4 they now under 526 and 27 they scored four runs on nine hits with two errors they got one in the top of the ninth yeehaw San Francisco 14 runs on 1818 hits if I'm not careful I'll start thinking about what Schwagger said right and I'll start laughing the loss goes to Rich Hill let's take a look at his line six innings pitch nine hits six earned runs one walk three Ks not a good outing for him well maybe for him The but Bolton, wow.
He pitched a gem. A third of an inning pitch, six hits, eight runs, eight earned runs, two walks. Ouch. That's not going to do good things for his ERA. Yes. Uh Zestrisni which is one of the most incredibly Soviet era KGB names I've ever heard.
Yes. I am Zestrisni. Uh two thirds of an inning. One hit. No runs a walk. Uh Owens it really doesn't matter.
After Bolton so yeah there there's your probability there and let's see Joe had a double Mercano had two doubles Palacios had a triple and a double hey Swawinski did hit two home runs again wow where was he batting in the lineup there you go number four hey what was I saying Swawinski should bat number four yes now look at this though look at look at Shelton tinkering around with this line Marcano Reynolds McCutcheon Joe Bay Castro Palacio's Hedges you know this is This is driving me nuts, okay? Every they they bang out seven home runs, right? And the next night, Cutch isn't in the game and they have a different lineup, okay? Why not show a little consistency there? So, back to back to 500 or back to under 500 excuse me.
Um let's see where that puts them currently to back in the central and we just talked about that. Uh tomorrow night's games at 45 PM. Yeah I'll be talking to you late Steve. Is there a Stanley Cup game tomorrow night? Or is there a playoff game? Not tomorrow night no. Oh so you'll be sleeping. Okay. Well because even if even if Dallas wins tonight they're not going to start the Stanley Cup until Saturday.
Yeah I think Saturday they're starting no matter what. Okay. Okay. So there's your Buccos Buccos report for the night but I'm going to keep doing them because I am having fun and hopefully hey who knows? We'll see what happens.
But you know that's about that. So let's move on to something that's a little more fun than that. Let's move on to the fact that we found out that the Steelers have a smokey locker room.
LeVeon Bell spoke. It was before he got to the locker room. Yeah I don't know man. No I guess they they didn't actually specify. Off the premises.
On the way in the car. I like that kind of party. Yeah let me tell ya. Um what do you guys think about that? What what are your thoughts? I mean well it doesn't surprise me. Right. Does it surprise any of you? No. I mean I mean he got picked up with another person in the car smoking and that's kind of what yeah it that's what got him into trouble to begin with and he was like don't you know who I am essentially.
Yeah. And the cops were like it doesn't matter.
Who you are. You're smoking weed and we can smell it. And that's that. Right. And of course you know it did go it it went reported but nothing really happened from it right so the fact that they're actually talking about it now no it's not a surprise so I think what I think it happens all the time on every team I don't think the Steelers are unique in that situation yeah probably right well what he was specifically talking about was the fact that he smoked it before the games I think he even mentioned in the parking lot but he smoked it before the games because it gave him the ability to kind of ignore the pain and What that tells me is that like you said it happens all the time and this crazy love of mine.
I couldn't help myself. And that's fine. I've been listening to Amazon Prime. The heck was that? You don't know that song? Crazy love of mine. I don't. It happens all the time. This crazy love of mine. Maybe it was better singer. There you go. I know.
We'll work on getting back up same practice right after so no he you know it it leaves me to say look there there's a lot of guys smoking weed right before the game he's not the only one doing it and you know damn well the teams know well now it's illegal well it's pretty much they're not testing for it yeah well that's different now so yeah it is illegal right yeah I mean I just thought it was funny that he came right out and admitted it I I thought it was funny well it was like figures I think the whole thing with LeVeon Bell actually is is sad because you know he was a really great player who took a stand really for no good reason and ruined his career I mean he true it's he he could have potentially been on a path to be a hall of fame running back if he stayed here and you know had many more good years and he just really kind of threw it all away to take a stand and make money and go to a team that was garbage and just deteriorate as a player and you know now he wants to you know sign a with the Steelers to retire a Steeler great but you know it's kind of like you screwed it all up buddy yeah do you think the Steelers would do that no and there's just no chance because of the way he left I agree and and actually he'd left for more money but he would have gotten more money had he signed that contract with the Steelers and would have been better off right so you know I get it like you know sometimes the Steelers are are cheap when it comes to especially the running back position but in this case they knew what they had and they had somebody pretty special.
He could catch the ball. He was pretty good runner. He wasn't great on contact. Let's face it. He didn't like the contact clearly if he had to smoke pot, you know, to to help dead in the blow for that, right? Yeah. But I agree with you. I think things would have been much better off for the Steelers organization and for LeVeon Bell if that didn't happen and I just wonder like if who he was talking to that told him like he get more money elsewhere like but I don't I don't think he had a good crew around him.
Right. And maybe that's what we're seeing now with the Steelers by saying hey we're going to we're going to we're going to draft good character players now. Maybe that's code for people have good people around him so they make better decisions when contracts come up for negotiations. Yeah but he seemed to be also I mean he went to the Jets. Now we were going to talk about this a little bit later but I'll bring it up now.
He went to the Jet and he made a comment that when he went to the Jets that's when he really realized the difference between a good coach and a bad coach in the NFL. He said Gase was not a very good coach. He was not very organized that Sam Darnold had no clue what the protections were going to be or the plays that we're going to call because Gase had no he did not have that kind of decision making.
He said it was too complicated. Right. Right. And and and that Tomlin and and that in a way think that was his kind of back door way of saying you know I should have stayed in Pittsburgh but do you really think that I I mean I I get the sense that because of his because a truly talented running back a guy that has all those kinds of skills and is really great you know he would have performed a little better with the Jets I I think he was he had been used up I think his his usefulness was you know he he carried a really heavy load here so I think he was at that critical moment where it was like he just wasn't going to be the same player anyway.
First of all, I don't think anybody performs well with the New York Jets. Well, right and so going there should have been a red flag to begin with like that was the only team that wanted to take a shot with him and the only reason he ended up in Kansas City was because they got him basically for $500000 dollars. Yeah. And they could run him as a third running back.
Yeah and he only carried the ball a couple times. It was almost nothing. Right. So, I mean, that's that's the thing like when you know you're going to the Jets you know you're screwed and and by the way I feel that way about mister Rogers up in New York as do I yeah I just don't think that's ever going to work out well I mean look that happened with Neil O'Donnell when he left the Steelers listen of his career we've talked about this we've talked about this just not a good place to go Cleveland drafts quarterbacks and they die and and the rest of the quarterback the rest of all the old quarterbacks you go to the Jets to finish your career and just limp out of the league.
I I don't think Aaron Rodgers is going to do jack **** in New York. I do like the Jets new coach Salah. Yeah. That's his name. I I I think I think they've got I think they've got a I think they've got a chance with him there but I don't know how much he runs the team. I don't know anything about the Jets and their organization but with him at the helm I think he's got a better chance at it but let's face it Rodgers ruins every team goes to.
Yeah and and they do have a dynamic those two young dynamic running backs. Yeah Breeze Hall's excellent. Yeah yeah so you know I mean Garrett Wilson at wide receiver his guys Lezard and they got some talent and they got they got what's his name in the quarterback position.
The sauce. It actually it actually sounds like we're making a case for them to be better. Tom. No I mean a lot of people are choosing they will do well. I think they will be better and I think that's one the teams the Steelers are going to have to beat out for the wildcard. Uh oh. Uh listen to that. Okay and Todd Ross says you said a a month full Chris. I think he meant a mouth but DG.
You can say a month full. Yeah.
Schwab had a mouthful before we started.
You people. Yeah. Yeah. It happened. Uh DG says I think he was taking advice from maybe his uncle. He's referring to LeVeon Bell. I think you're right. Yeah. Yeah. So, okay and another funny thing, Kenny Pickett's playbook was stolen but then apparently returned after his car was stolen, right? Plus I had Mojack on it huh? Yeah what wasn't stolen the car was stolen and the playbook remained in the vehicle. Yeah. It was innocent. You know he was just doing a commercial shoot. There was an innocent theft. Yeah. You know.
Okay. The guy probably thought it was just a rental. You know. Right. Just just a car laying there with the keys in it. You know. Yeah. Just took it for a ride. He didn't search it. You know. Mm. Who knows? Maybe he memorized the whole playbook. That's what I was saying. I mean it is Canada's offense. It couldn't have been that hard to figure out. It funny it's. Well you know who was the one that was accused of stealing the playbook Bill Belichick. Yeah I I saw oh yeah there was there was a lot of memes.
Yeah. Yeah. You never know what that guy. You know.
I went down from Patriots headquarters. There you go.
Yeah it's funny. It's it's I I totally lost my train of thought. I'm still thinking about Schwabsmith from early. Really? You're not thinking about Kenny Pickett losing his playbook? I can't help myself. That's that's a serious egregious offense. It is a serious I think they need to switch out the offensive coordinator over it. I remember now. I remember now. Speaking of that, I remember now. Uh the interview that Kenny Pickett did on the radio this week where he said they are actually they're instituting like three times the number of plays that he was given last year to to run, okay? Because you know, he's experienced on it.
All I could think about was like, oh wow. Now, you have about half the number of plays that a regular offense NFL run. Right. Right. You know because. Yeah. I I I don't know about you guys but I do kind of know about you guys. Um there's an awful lot of talk this year coming from Steelers fans, Steelers reporters, Steelers Nation that you know, this is the year. You know, this is the year Kenny Pickett is going to show us what he really has.
Look, no. It's not going to happen. I I I look I wanted to. I'm the man. Too many jet sweeps. Yeah. I I wanted to.
I'm the big I was the I'm the biggest Kenny Pickett fan out there okay I don't have to say that anymore but there is just no way in hell with this guy running the offense you're telling me three three times more plays Schwabber three times more jet sweeps I mean this guy had look he could he you're telling me three times more plays then why wasn't Ben Roethlisberger running three times the offense he wasn't so that's a bunch of **** yeah it is not by Kenny Pickett he's not **** I'm just saying the offense is **** No it is.
I mean I don't understand why you can't give a rookie quarterback the full playbook. Like here it is. This is the full playbook. Learn it. Like if you struggle through it that's okay. You're in your first year. It doesn't matter. But honestly I I think it has to do with the Steelers organization. And certainly Mike Tomlin is part of this. Their ability to want to be a winning team.
Right. So in order to a winning team. You don't throw too much at anybody at any given time. So, it makes it easier to dumb down things and I think that's the problem like they don't want to just go for it. They're they're afraid to just go for it. It's like, you know, when you get into that cold pool, are you going to put your foot in or you just going to jump in.
Sealers are always put the foot in. Let's see how the waters are. Let's get used to the water before we, you know, kind of go down the ladder into the water. They're not a full On jump into the water type of person. So that's just the way the organization's always going to run. So we have a question here from a YouTube viewer Steelers freak on YouTube.
Thanks for watching us there. Uh his question is who hired Canada? We've we've talked about this before. Tomlin. Yeah it's a Tomlin hire. Yeah I'm but it it's an organizational hire but it it was Tomlin. Did he he hired him right out of pit right? Yeah. Uh I think he was I think he was quarterbacks coach for a couple before he became offensive coordinator and and yeah with the Steelers yeah yeah that's usually the way it works out with the Steelers they they usually say quarterbacks coach becomes offensive coordinator for whatever reason that just seems to be the lineage on the offensive side of things yeah I I don't know I don't know and I don't care it's time for him to go and I think in this in this area anyway here in Pittsburgh after this first after that first literally the first half I think think the fans are going to give him I don't know it's going to be a short release in that they'll give him like two series because the the the patience is totally run out on that side of it everybody wants to see this offense perform it doesn't matter who the name is and what the number is on the jersey they want to see it perform and they can't perform if if the play calling is as **** as it has been and if the game plan is as **** as it has been and I just don't think it's going to I don't think it's going to change I mean I have to see at least 28 to 35 touchdown passes from Kenny Pittsburgh it to say that this was a better year.
At the end of the year. Yeah but I don't think we're going to I mean I think we're going to know after game one what the offense is going to look like. You know what I mean? Like going for the rest of the year. That's how that's how plain white Vanilla Canada's offense is. I hope you're wrong but you probably are right. No I hope I'm wrong.
I hope I'm dead wrong. Uh DG says Coward did the same with Ben his rookie year only gave him limited amount of the playbook to run. Canada does need to go. Um did did did well remember Ben's rookie year he was the backup that's true there's he was he was he wasn't expected to know the full playbook oh that and that was the same thing with Kenny Pickett until Trubisky right but at the same time you're talking a total offense so there are some parallelism Derek David's not wrong in in saying that you got anything to say Schwauburn you've been very quiet other than a you know a Kurt comment here and there we already know what he feels about Kenny Pittsburgh no I mean I think it's just honestly it's just an it's all an unknown I mean The thing the thing that I think is probably the most problematic part of the whole equation is that for Kenny Pickett to have success this year he almost has to sort of say the heck with it and gunsling a little bit you know and just say art the heck with it you know alright I understand the play called but hey I'm going to chuck it down the field let's see if he can catch it yeah like that that's I agree that's what's going to have to happen really and then of course that happens you know then is you know Canada irritated with him and all that kind of stuff so I don't know I you know agree with you.
I think I think Kenny Pickett's going to have to take it into his own hands and just make some make some risky choices on the field that are going to go for interceptions sometimes and sometimes they're going to go for big plays. But honestly I think that's what Steeler Nations. I know that's what I want to see. I want to see that ability in him. How he can get it down the field whether he's good or not at it.
You know. We gotta know that at the end of this year. Yeah. I mean I think he's got a chance. You know I I I would say that I think he's got a he would have a better chance with a a different coordinator. But at at the same time I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't rule his career as over if this year doesn't go well because if they do remove Canada at the end of this year then they bring in somebody new you know the third year could be the launching year.
I know. Well especially with rookies you know you've you've got four years basically to prove something. So he's got three more years to do something. Pick up that fifth year option. That's the way always works. You know that's that's the way it works with all these rookie contracts. Yeah so the freak says I read Tomlin told Canada to keep things simple for Pickett and told him to dial more back the second half of the season to stop the INTs.
I don't know about that. No I believe it. Yeah Tomlin Tomlin definitely would tell Canada they at because remember Tomlin's defense first. Defense is going to win this game. Just make sure you don't throw in anything into the playbook to where he's gotta throw it over the middle and make a mistake. You know we want to run it on third and two we don't care you know we we figure we can get it done and let's face it their offensive line's better this year so the B should be to be a little bit less risky is probably makes more sense this year than it did last year so speaking of the offensive line in camp Broderick Jones has been taking snaps with the second team and you're you're not a fan of that no I think it's stupid yeah because he's your number one pick he's clearly going to be your starter on the left tackle position just put him there day one yeah just make be like sorry buddy you're out you know if he wants to cry if he wants to get traded fine with me do you really the future do you really I I think he's the future too but this is the way Tomlin operates so do you really think Broderick Jones going to end up starting at your at left tackle honestly I don't know that I I I said this a couple weeks ago that that one of the things I'm going to be looking for when they finally make it to Latrobe is whether or not he's going to be running with the first team from day one and he's not Well I mean that's OTAs so true.
I'm not going to I'm not going to I I before they get to camp. Right. That's when it matters. Yeah. When they get to camp is when it matters because he's going to know what the you know the blocking schemes are at that point. He's going to be the guy out there either on the left tackle or he's not. And if he's not then I've got a problem.
Yeah. I I win. And I will make it known here on the show. Oh and I can't wait. I I I totally can't wait. Um okay we got another comment here from DG on the we definitely know that Dan Moore isn't the answer yeah and and you know that Dan Dan Moore knows so there's you're it's not like you're belittling the guy yeah it's he just doesn't have the pedigree you know hey you're the second team guy you're getting his paid as much as you did last year just be ready to go in you're the swing tackle there you go yeah just get ready to come in when when somebody gets hurt somebody's going to get hurt this year yeah and I'm just excited we were talking on an on an early show.
It's been 15 weeks since the Super Bowl and it's 15 weeks to the start of the season. Mm. And 15 weeks. I know it seems like forever. The dead zone still. I know and the Penguins aren't playing hockey anymore and the Pirates are going back to sucking. Yeah. I mean God we're going to have to start talking about like is there a lacrosse what are you drinking? Is there a lacrosse? We might have to go over to the River Hounds stadium.
They sold out. Yeah they sold out. They're playing against the big leagues now.
Hey if you want us to finals. If you want us to talk about soccer leave a comment in the chat down there. Please don't. And Please tell us you don't want that. But that's why we brought back what are what are we watching and we'll get to that after the next segment here because what are you drinking? What are you drinking? Yeah.
You're clearing out my fridge. Well you know I'm just I'm just helping you out you know. Yes thank you so much because that was burning a hole in my I don't even know what that **** tastes like. I have no idea. It doesn't taste like anything really does it taste like seltzer water with a little booze in it yeah this one taste more boozy than the others which I don't really like yeah obviously I I do like the cranberry flavor okay gotcha gotcha but the pomegranate regular ones are probably better well pomegranate is good for guys our age yeah we need yeah we need to be more regular Chicolo alright to say his name once alright we got we got we got Penguins News potentially on a new GM because the ball is in this guy's court now and it's a guy you talked about.
Well, everybody's talking about Kyle Dumas. Everybody wants him to come in. I told you I was lukewarm on him last week. I thought that that they would sign him by the end of the week but probably what happened was they gave him an offer and they said it's yours if you want it. Remember, they have to sign two positions. So, they're signing the GM and the you know, the the hockey operations guy.
Um so, if he comes in, I I think it'll still be good for the team. You know, he's young. Um he he's an analytics guy. He'll bring in some different dimensions that that Hextall didn't. Well, Hextall didn't bring in anything, right? Well, he didn't bring in anything and he was non-communicative if you've read the articles from Rob Rossi and and he's just done a great job with kind of exposing how terrible the situation was with the.
That'll be the last Philly guy in inside job and that I don't think I don't think anybody's gone to that level but all the things he said he would fix with his communication he didn't fix he clearly wasn't on the same page with Sullivan clearly was not on the same page when when Bluger got traded you know on the dad's trip and that even pissed off Crosby and that's hard to do it's hard to upset Sidney Crosby but that really was like the I think the straw that broke the camel's back I I kind of have an issue with that with the players just because if you're going on a dad's trip on the weekend of the trade deadline what do you think can happen you know so and and the players actually pick the weekend they do that on so I have a little I have a little problem with that but I'll never have a problem with Sidney Crosby the the guy is nothing but gold he's he's he's very calm in these situations and if he gets upset by it then there were definitely some things that should have been communicated you know communicated better in the flow and clearly Hextall wasn't the guy.
No but so between Kyle Dumas and this other guy Matthew Darsh he's the current director of vice president of hockey operations for Tampa Bay. I like those two guys. So if either of those guys end up I I did mention Berjamin. I still kind of hope that he's in the mix. Is he the LA guy? Yeah he's the LA guy. He's he's Lemieux's friend. Mhm.
I I'd like to see him get a position somewhere too.
I I think between those three guys I think either two of those or one of those guys will will end up in the organization I think will be ready to make moves for you know the 2023 twenty-four season. Do you think it's an issue with Doobies coming in if he comes in considering the make up of the of the team now versus the style of hockey you know or the style of player that he would bring in or do you think that helps Sullivan and how Ham strong are they by the contracts that they have for them to make those moves this year? Yeah extremely extremely constricted by the contracts that they have.
Lot of no movement clauses. They're really not going to be able to make very many hockey moves. Um the only one that you really have that can you can move which you probably don't want to move is Gensel. Um he's the big he'd be the big piece you can move. Now now if you move Gensel to Toronto for somebody you know like Nylander somebody like that you know somebody maybe with a little bit more talent a little bit younger I could see that happening but probably not I don't think he's going to come in and do that I think what he's going to do is he's going to use his analytics to look at who they need to replace on the bottom on the bottom lines and I think they're going to be some different players there by the way I think I I remember saying this at the trade deadline that you know they should they should've went out and got a guy who's playing for Dallas now Domey right and he's lighting it up for Dallas so and once again he's a tough player I think they need to get tough players and the thing about Dumas that I don't like is there really weren't a lot of tough players on that Toronto team they have a lot of talent but they don't have a lot of tough players so I don't know how he feels about going out and getting a tough guy and I think honestly you're seeing it now with Tkachuk you know doing what he's doing in Florida and he's playing with Bennett who's a who's just a wrecking ball I think they're have to go out and get a guy like that so and I don't know if he believes in that philosophy by the way I don't like it just because you know the the way it works in NHL is you please your own so you know you gotta have a guy out there who's going to go lay the law down on the ice but I hate that type of play but that clearly is not left the NHL yet even with all the scoring that's going on so so the first year you know of we're we're assuming it it could be this guy patience is going to be the name of the game yeah well I mean so if they bring in Matthew Darsh he's done a good job of trading some key players away and getting some younger talent in return so I'm I'm more hoping that he's going to be in the mix because I think he's got a little bit more ability for working with an older type of team and trading off some of those players now he did trade Patrick Maroon off that team and Maroon ended up winning two more Stanley Cups with other teams but there's always that there's a that balance between who do you trade and who's going to be good for you coming back.
I I don't think they can make very many trades just because of no trade contract. Right. That they have. Right. With the with the big with the big guys. Yeah and well that's assuming that none of them want to be traded which. No. They probably don't. No. I mean they played well last year. I don't I don't see that LaTang wants to go or Malcolm wants to go.
Crosby signed for the this year and next year. Right. Well this coming year and the following year. So I don't see him wanting to go but if he does then that would be really interesting situation for Dumas to have to deal with. Yeah. And you know what? He's got some young talent up in Toronto that they could trade him to so. Yeah. But we don't want to talk about that.
No we don't want to think about Crosby leaving but the reality is unless they sign him to an extension in this off season. You're going to be thinking about it next year for sure. And DG's DG's singing your song. You know goalie goalie goalie. Of course. I mean you know I don't know if you follow the the IIHS the the international hockey thing that's going on.
The Smith actually performed pretty well for the American team up there. Yeah. They lost in the in the Bronze to Finland. Um but once again he's not the guy. No he's a backup goalie. Yeah. And Jari didn't even play for Canada. So that just tells you all you need to know about Jari. You know he's crushing it for team USA. Cutter Gautier.
Gautier. Former Flyers number one pick from last year. Jerry because they are so relevant.
And nobody's really killing it for the USA.
They didn't even medal so. Mark finally woke up Amy. Yes. Yes.
Only so much I can contribute. I think David's right. I think you know they gotta go out and get a goalie. Um but once again Dubis didn't think that you know they had a goalie problem up in Toronto and clearly they did. I mean they went out and got our buddy Matt Murray but he only played like thirty games for them last year and wasn't even relevant in the Well that's kind of been the knock on him. It's like look at the goalie he tried to pick up.
So Helibuck's name's been thrown around as a potential Pittsburgh landing spot. I don't think they're going to go get him. I think there's there's going to be a bidding war for him. Is Ilia Brisgolov still available? I don't know but a Russian you know help Gino? Sure. Who the hell is that? Is is that a real name or used to be a flyer? Yeah he used to be a flyer. Used to be a top goaltender and I think I think the Flyers is like still paying for him.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think so. I think they they like gave him like a 12 million dollar contract. Yeah. With like the Matzer State still paying Bobby. It's a Bobby Bennett contract. Yeah. I love that. I love that stuff. I think it's great. Um okay and remember every next year every after every Penguins game the Hockey Jesus Preaches on the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or anywhere you get your podcast. Well. And the Stanley Cup Finals are coming up and I have decided that after every game in the Stanley Cup Finals I will I will be giving updates.
I'm so excited. Yes. The will make a comeback for the Stanley Cup finals. And look I stay up to watch knockout games when it comes to a trophy. I couldn't tell you how excited I was when Tkachuk grab that that trophy. I think it's the dumbest thing in the NHL where it's like we can't touch we can't touch the trophy because we want to touch the Stanley Cup. Grab that **** thing. Pick it up over your head and Show it to your hometown.
Take it into the lock room. Pour champagne over it. You deserve it. And I just love what Tkachuk had to say about that thing. So good for Florida. I hope if if Vegas gets to raise it tonight that they do the same. That's stupid superstition. I think Sid smashed the pieces the second time they got to the to the Stanley Cup by picking it up and then he's you know if they get back he's going to do it again.
Of course McConnellsville. Yeah Jeff is in the in the House from York VA. What's up Jeff and Terrence from Connellsville. Thank you for being here. Um so yes the Hockey Jesus we can look for I'm so excited. I think I'm going to go have a Subway Turkey Sub. I think there's one thing we could use a little more of from Hockey Jesus next year is a little bit more prayer.
I think we do we did need a little bit more prayer. I agree with you there. Yeah you gotta you know. Yeah. Well let's you adjust. You know. You make adjustments. I'll I'll talk I'll talk to the big guy about that. Yeah. Alright. Let's get in with God here. You've got a hotline. Yeah. I got a hotline. I got the straight line right. They're on speed dial. It's all heart. It's all heart. So okay so we'll be looking. Now are you going to do a hockey Jesus Stanley Cup Finals preview. Absolutely. That'll be coming this week probably Thursday maybe Friday. Whenever you get it's on brother whenever you get it. It depends. You know if Dallas keeps winning eh they they could force a game seven two nights from now.
Yeah. Okay.
They're on right now. So, you know, first one usually the score is usually the winner in this these games. Mm hmm. Okay, guys. So, that's it for sports. We got one of our favorite old segments that we've brought back during the Dead Zone. It's called What Are We Watching and what does that mean? Well, it's that simple. What are we watching? With all the streaming services out there, there's so much **** you can watch and I would wager to say that between the three of us, we've watched a lot of **** and we like to talk about.
You more so than me. You're kind of a bad watcher. It's always so. I've been in a bad rut lately by the bad stuff. Yeah. Well, this whole this whole HBO Max to the Mac Max thing. Mm hmm. Uh like I'm I'm thinking like how many marketing departments are sitting around going, we gotta come up with ideas to spend money like. Yeah. It's totally screwed up my direct TV stream thing.
I couldn't get it and then finally, what happened is it showed up down at the bottom as a new so now I can finish Gamora. Blah blah blah. So what are we what's my well what's go ahead? You you're using direct TV. That's not my problem. Yeah that's your problem. Is it my problem? What are you using? Huh? What are you using? Fios.
Verizon. Okay. What are you using? Your direct TV is the NFL ticket. Oh yeah but what are you going to do this year? Yep. Well you just gotta use YouTube though. Yeah. Yep. Gotta get to YouTube. You gotta use the tube. Alright. That's where I'm headed. Tubing. Alright.
So what are we oh yeah. That's the party I want to see. My kind of party now. I like that kind of party. So what are we watching? Party baby. What are we watching? We're going to start with Steve today. Oh wait. How about that? Well that's because mine's lame. That's exactly. Mine's mine's actually not a streaming service. This is actually something that you can still watch on the regular television. You can move those rabbit ears and see if you can get it and get that direct TV.
Nope. Don't need direct TV.
Get her straight from right from the service. Right there. From the Indiana's up and you get. You should probably tell us what it is because it's everybody knows what Survivor is Chris. Is it the 44th season of Survivor? 44th season. Okay so like back there's more than one season a year. Usually. Yeah. The COVID stuff you know. But they usually have two but sometimes when they do like all stars like do one you know.
Yeah but doesn't that and that's sometimes that just screws me up because like back in our day season. Right. That would that would be 44 years. That would mean like right. I was like I was eight when they started survivors. Just assume that that means you know twenty-two you know twenty-two seasons. 22 years. Seriously? So we were in our 30s when they started this stupid show.
Yeah. Yeah. It started before I even had kids. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what you know when when I when I finally put in my first survivor casting that'll be part of it. Yeah. Are you really going to do that. Oh, sure. Yeah. Have you tried to get. No, I haven't but I I'm I'm going to. Yeah. You want? I would like to be, you won't because you know, I'm I'm geared to the number forty-seven.
I would love to hunt survivor fortyseven. You know why that is, right, Robert? You know why he's 4seven, right? I know, I don't. It gives me a reason to get my mullet back. It's his football number. Oh, okay. It's his it's his football number. Alright. Why was it your football number? Well, mostly because of Mel Blunt. Oh. Okay. Well, that shows you much I know about Pittsburgh history.
Okay. Well, tell tell us Steve is this season survivor different so this was a no it's it's never really that different but what was what was fun about it was there was a woman from Pittsburgh yeah there was yeah and she was an engineering manager which you know is dear to my heart and she ended up in the final three wow she actually got only one vote in the finals so she didn't win but disappointment but you know she she almost brought it home for the burgers but the the the fun thing about this season I think was there were three people who kind of stuck together and made it to the end.
You know how there there are people stick together. They end up stabbing somebody in the eye and. Right. Uh you betrayed me and all that. But there are actually three people who who stuck together till till the very end except the one had to get voted off because they they build fire to make it to the final three and it was two of the same team members you know battling against each other.
And it I just I just love it because you know the petition is just so great and you know I know it's not real reality TV. I know they make **** up. Yeah. But I just I think it's fun. Like Caroline for example was kind of a key player this year. She was that's the Pittsburgh right? No no no Heidi was the the Pittsburgh Heidi.
Okay. Yam Yam actually won. Yam Yam. Yam Yam Heidi Heidi Heidi Heidi.
But no Carolyn was like I I think she literally she looked like she was a little psychotic. Like she was very a very emotional player. And normally emotional players don't last very long. But she kind of used it to her advantage which I think was the the unique twist on it. And there was there was some there was some famous person who loves survivor and like ended up like giving her like a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand dollars.
Oh really? She was her favorite survivor and I guess like celebrities get involved now and like give them money. Oh really? Yeah. Before there was a in in years past there were certain votes like if you were voted the most favorite then they'd give you some money but they don't do that anymore. And Jeff says Survivor started in 1999 the year I got married. Wow. You know what Jeff? That would make you the true survivor.
Mm hmm.
I don't even know his wife. She's probably tremendous because you know. Well. Yeah. She he certainly does. She's from New York. Um maybe I'll get to know your friends.
Yeah 199nine so that was the year Leo was born. Yeah so my first daughter. Yes. I'll not have one. I was going to say let's not reveal anything we don't have. Well you know I could have another daughter. You could. It's very possible. I think all of us could. Alright. Let's hope not. Um and if you go out for survival I mean don't they want to don't they want you to be like don't you need to train or something to like even go out for it or you have to go through physical they all these the interview processes legendary.
But don't you have to be like in great physical shape. You're in better. Well come on. I'm not like you Klein. Look at me. I can make it. Uh that's not where it helps. It helps if you're in good shape. Okay. No. That's not true because Yum Yum was not in great shape. Well it helps on the physical challenges. I'm not like you Klein.
I mean let's I'm not trying to go out either. I'm just lucky to be alive right now. No I mean there are definitely women and men who are like in great physical shape. And then some who are in just like normal but I mean you do have to take it physical and they check you don't have any major major health issues. Right. The only that if if if he makes it to Survivor 47 so we got like a year and a half. Well they'd probably start the interview process in the next six months or I would think so yeah. So if he makes it on that show I mean you want to talk about Coattails.
Mhm. We're going to have a good time. So I'll pull for you. Yeah.
Absolutely. We want you there to win. My fee goes up. You're going to get a whole new my fee goes up. That's fine. You're going to get a whole new wardrobe if you make it on Survivor and a tattoo as well. We'll pay for that. Right here. I don't have any tattoo. The porch. I am. I am tattooless. Yeah.
Alright. I'm sure that's a question. How many tattoos do you have? Yeah. How many tattoos do you have? That would be each one none. Zero. Zero. I'm healthy and clean.
And I'm dirty. Alright. It's true. Schwabber is watching something. I loved this show. Mhm. Oh The Spy. On Netflix. It's a good one. It's just a sixth episode and it's a true story of a Israeli who also was an Arab and he went to a What was the country that he went to? Syria. Syria. Or no no no. Jordan. It was either Jordan or Syria. No it was Syria.
I think it was Syria. Yeah. A Middle Eastern country. Yeah. Yeah. Went to Syria basically to spy and made it pretty far. Made it pretty far. Gathered a lot of really good intelligence and also got caught and so it was a good story that that probably the most amazing part of the story is that Sasha Baron Cohen who is typically Bora and like you know kind of a fool.
Yes. I was in a serious acting role and he was very very good. Yeah. He was fantastic. Very very good. He was one of those guys kind of like Robin Williams where you're like oh my god this guy's incredible as an actor. Right. Yeah. Right. So it was really really entertaining. You know and and only six episodes he can get through it. You know in a night you know if you're Chris.
Yeah. Uh you know or like you know four or five if you're anybody else. Yeah.
A week if you're anybody else. Right right. A if it is. And it's a true story. That's a true story. Yeah, it was and a good story too. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, it hasn't, it has a good ending.
Not really. Not. Oh, good. Yes and actually, I'd say yes and no. Okay. Yeah. I'll take that. Yeah. Yes and no. Yes for some people, no for others. Right, right, right. There's always a win in your losing side and all of my predictions, right? They're going to win or they're going to lose. That's what I've been asking. Uh and DG on the survivor thing for you Steve says that Richard dude won the first season. He's got nothing on you. I agree. Yeah. We're going to start a campaign. Well, you know what? Richard actually got hounded by the IRS because he never paid was his fault. I think he's dead now. That I think he is.
Damn. God rest his soul. Sorry Richard. God rest his soul.
Okay. I am watching something called Citadel. I watched the first episode. Did you? Citadel. Pretty good. I see why you're watching it. She's pretty hot. Yeah that's that's you're You're she married to a Jonas brother? Yes. Is she? You know what? That really pisses me off. Boy, that Jonas. Hey, Joe Bros get around. That Jonas dude is cool. She because she is smoking.
Absolutely and I don't know if you recognize this, you wouldn't but from Game of Thrones. Mm hmm. The dude. Yeah. That's Rob Stark. Oh, it is Rob Stark. Older. Well, he's older now. How about that? How about it? I've only watched one and I like the first one. How how much have you watched? Um I watched the Tire thing because I watched it in about a day and a half.
Did you? Did you? There you go. Yeah. Yeah but you realize you you put the wrong title. I know I'm changing it. I'm changing it. Amazon Prime. I thought I changed it. I must not hit the save button. So By the way Sassy must have heard us talking about her. She's down here. There she is. Hey my my boys in it who you say you don't like.
Uh Stanley Tucci. Stanley Tucci. Yeah.
I love Tucci. I love the Tooch. Yeah. You know what? You know what's funny is you know I re thought that that my opinion on him. There are some things I like him in. Yeah. And some things I don't and in this I I really like him. They do. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. Citadel apparently there's a secret spy organization that's been set up privately around the world. It's outside of any government. It's not the CIA. It's not the FSB. It's not MI six and their whole thing is to do good and that's it.
Uh and then they kind of get like wiped out and double Cross and you know Priyanka Chopra, Jonas, and Rob Stark whatever his real name is. Um and Stanley Tucci discovering Italy. And he doesn't discover Italy in the show though but the parts of it take take place in Italy. Anyway I yeah I think it's really good. But you know the second season that is actually about another Citadel spy like there's not a second season yet is there? Yeah there's another season coming. There's like an off shoot coming.
Yes yes coming. Yes. Citadel too. Yes.
Yes and when he says that I'm reminded of the subway comments before the that's going to haunt you the rest of your week. I mean just so on the cuff and. Yeah. Horrible. But Citadel it's really good on Amazon Prime. Really good. I I cannot recommend it. I'm really I'm actually surprised that like to me that's a very similar show to the recruit and the night agent and didn't you say you like you didn't really like the recruit that much? I I was like very similar to like acidity.
I liked the recruit. Uh I like the premise of the recruit. I just I like the recruit. I just thought that the main character in the recruit over overacted. That that was just doesn't quite have your acting chops. Does it not? Overacted. Yes. Yes. Not my job. Made it unbelievable. He doesn't have my David brings up something that I watched. I know. Let's do it. One one last comment in here.
Thoughts on successions finale. I thought it was a disappointing lame ending Could have been better in my opinion. Go ahead and talk about it. I'm going to watch succession but I don't care. You can go ahead and talk about it. Um so this this was you know how you get an ending and it's not really an ending. Mm hmm. That's what this was. This was there was a decision that was made at the end.
I'm not going to give it away for you Chris because it it wouldn't be good but there was a decision that was made at the end. It was kind of surprising but it didn't really clean everything up. Like at the end like nobody nobody really gets killed off. Nobody Really everybody's still kind of there doing their own thing and like you get the sense like there could be a spin off really easily from it but if it ends just like that then it just ends because it's just the the the actors are so messy.
They're so dysfunctional like there's no way to clean up the mess that happens. Mm. So in my opinion David you're right. If you're looking for a a a finale. The finale. Yeah. That was final and this is over you don't get that at all from this but there was definitely a a movement that went in one direction versus the other. It like went clearly in a different direction.
Okay so spitball it. Do you see a spin off or no? I think the actors would want to do a spin off. Yeah. They really do because they really like if you if you watch the things after they talk about you know being part of it they really liked each other. Like right. Yeah. So I could see that spinning off into something. Did you watch Nell Thing? No I I watched couple episodes.
You thought I would like it but just didn't get back. Okay. So you still haven't gotten back. Yeah. By the way that's a that's kind of a whole other topic. Like what do we think about these like you know when when some big show ends and then they do this like thing afterwards. It was like and we just became a family.
You know what I mean? Like you know they're just like you know our lives are completely different now that we did this show. You know we didn't we didn't think at the beginning that the world would take to this. But they did and you know what we are all such better people just for being around such good people you're talking about when the actors are like they like jive with each other stuff like that you know what do you mean but what do you mean what are we supposed to think about that I'm saying some people he doesn't believe that sometimes they're a little ridiculous yeah like they take it to a new like this is my new family like right I did four seasons with them and now they'll always be best for and stuff like that.
Like nothing will ever be the same. Yeah. You know, an acting won't be the same without Ruth.
Yeah. Well, who's the who's the who's the who's the one director who like keeps the same actors in all of his movies? Nolan, isn't it? Doesn't Nolan always doesn't he always like use the same actors and actresses in his movies a lot. Yes and and so does Martino does quite so does Martin Scorsese. Yeah. So, I think I think there's a little bit of that that goes on. Yeah. Well, they get really comfortable with people.
Yeah. And they work really well with them.
I just love the characters in succession. I I I hope they do it do another one but I'm skeptical. I and and to your point Mark I I think I think that that what happens that is that a lot of these shows now that the the the emotions that get wrapped up into it and the time if you've ever been on a movie set if you've ever even just been an extra which a lot of us have and I've done a lot of that just for the extras to show up for 30 seconds on the screen you get the call and you show up at 7 AM and you may be there until 830 at night and all year all I did when I I was in Mindhunters in the very first episode of plumber scene no I miss Mindhunters by the way you did did you see it or you miss it no I saw it both seasons bring it back bring it back it's a great hunter did you watch it no watch it you should you'd like it yeah but in in the first episode you do see me for a little bit of time yeah and I didn't notice yeah I you're going to notice now because I'm going to I'm bringing it on.
Oh I know. I know. Yeah. You showed me the thing you had to slow down and zoom in on. Yeah. Yeah. And listen. Between that and my three seconds of fame with Russell Crowe. I mean I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Sure you are. Yeah you were on with Russell Crowe. I was. Yeah over. You're the terminator. I was. Yeah. The next three days. What do you think we're dumb? Yes.
You think we're stupid? No. So I was. Hey he's the terminator. Okay. I was. I was on film with Russell Crow. Sure and the Beautiful Mind. I bet. Yeah.
You **** it up. Alright. Alright. Alright. We need to end this. Yeah. Yeah. The point I'm making is it's a it's a long it's like it's a lot of they they I can understand why. Take it from an extra why they got Chris Klein. It's a long day. Yeah yeah. DG DG says Russell Crowe threw a telephone at you.
No but you guys will be sorry next week when I prove you wrong. I'm just telling you. Alright guys listen this is been absolutely a joyful memorial and I want to thank you for listening to the Sports Porch Podcast on the iHeartRadio app Apple Pod cast, Spotify, anywhere you get your freaking podcast and of course watching us on the world or visiting us on the world wide web at The Porches Live. com. The Porch is Live. com. The Porch is Live. com. The Porches Live. com. And every Sunday on American Musker iHeartRadio.
4 PM Eastern Time.
That's it. We are out.
Not out yet.