The Sports Porch Black And Gold - The Playoff Beard is ALIVE
Tonites show features: Hockey Jesus on the Pens playoff push. The Pirates Split with The Philles - Are they still for real? The Steelers - All Quiet on the Western Pennsylvania Front The Trader Joe's Product of the Week Taste Test. What Are We...
Tonites show features: Hockey Jesus on the Pens playoff push. The Pirates Split with The Philles - Are they still for real? The Steelers - All Quiet on the Western Pennsylvania Front The Trader Joe's Product of the Week Taste Test. What Are We Watching? Hop up on the Porch!
Episode Summary
Hey everyone, thanks for tuning into another episode of our podcast. We had a bit of a rocky start with some technical hiccups, but we powered through and brought you a live show filled with sports talk and some Trader Joe's taste-testing.
Hockey Talk
We dove deep into hockey tonight, focusing on the Pittsburgh Penguins as they make their push for the playoffs. Hockey Jesus joined us to break down the scenarios for the Pens, discussing their current standing and what they need to do to secure a spot in the postseason. We analyzed their performance, the importance of winning games in regulation, and the potential tiebreakers that could come into play. Despite a goal being waved off during the live broadcast, we kept our spirits high and our beards thick in true playoff fashion.
Steelers Silence
We touched on the Steelers briefly, noting the quiet before the storm as we're about 10 days out from the NFL draft. There's speculation on whether the team will draft a tackle or a center, and we also discussed the potential acquisition of wide receiver Brandon Aiyuk from the 49ers.
Buccos Report
Our Buccos report highlighted the Pittsburgh Pirates' current form, sitting at 11-5 and leading the NL Central. We discussed the lineup, the potential issues with depth, and the performance of key players like O'Neil Cruz. We also had a little rant about the absurdity of sports radio focusing on whether fans should boo players like David Bednar.
Trader Joe's Product of the Week
This week's Trader Joe's product was the Aeoli Garlic Mustard Sauce, which came highly recommended by a customer who literally bought out our entire shelf. We gave it a taste test live on the show, and it was a hit with its robust flavor and a bit of a kick.
Golf Chatter
We also had a brief chat about golf, celebrating a local amateur's performance at the Masters and debating the prestige of the green jacket compared to other sports trophies.
That's a wrap for this episode. Remember, you can catch the podcast right after the show on all major platforms. Thanks for joining us, and we'll see you next time on the porch!
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Marc: You are looking live.
Chris: You are looking live. Uh-oh. Needs to mute himself. I'm sorry. I was doing busy work. I think he did that. We were doing busy work. That's exactly right. Dark and late start, everybody.
Marc: Technical problems. Oh, yeah.
Chris: We are live all over the world on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, X. Instagram as well. How crazy is that? Join me, my Instagram brothers and sisters. If you drop a comment there, hey, give me a second to get you into the show. So thanks for being here. And after this show, right after the frigging show, we drop the podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify. where you get your freaking podcasts. So what are we going to do tonight? Well, listen, man, as far as a damn goal, as far as we're concerned, it is playoff hockey time. And if you see hockey, Jesus watching in the background shows your beard hockey, Jesus, I shave this thing playoff beard exists, it survives. So we're going to talk a little penguins hockey tonight with hockey, Jesus, we're going to talk We may get into the Steelers a little bit, but it's awfully quiet. All is quiet on the Western PA front with the Steelers. We have the Trader Joe's product of the week, of course. We sure do. Can't wait, which is a surprise for these guys. Oh yeah. And what we're watching, a little bit of what we're watching. So thanks for being here, guys. Also, if you feel like it, The Porch Line, that's what we're going to call it from now on. The Porch Line is open at 412-805-7236. One line open. Good time to get in. That's right. You can call into the show. And if I can make all the things work on my thing here, I should be able to answer.
Steve: Your thingy is a bit broken.
Chris: My thing has been broken for a long time. Yeah. All right. So, uh, from the old age, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to crack a trader Joe's sparkling water. There we go. And, uh, we are going to go immediately into hockey. Jesus preaching on the podcast, on the I heart radio app, apple podcast, Spotify, or anywhere you get your frigging podcast.
Marc: And
Chris: Hockey Jesus is going to preach after tonight's game because we're going to hang out after the porch here at the porch and watch a whole bunch of playoff hockey and smoke a whole bunch of cigars. Maybe just one. Okay. And drink a whole bunch of water. And then there's going to be a Hockey Jesus podcast. Sounds like a dud of a party. Catch the sports porch podcast. Uh catch the sports sports podcast on youtube. It is backsplash at backsplash like a bathroom At the sports sports podcast you can subscribe there. You can watch the hockey jesus But I digress hockey jesus. We got what a two to nothing lead over the predators right now in the very beginning of the first period Give us the scenarios tell us why the pens are actually playing They're in the playoffs right now. If you think about it. No, they're no. No. No, I mean, this is the playoff Like single elimination we get right.
Steve: Okay. Look about 12 years ago 12 years ago feels like 12 years ago, but 12 games ago I said the Penguins are out because you did I said it would take 96 points to get into the playoffs. Well, I I did a little wrong calculations there because I based it on previous years and I didn't realize that so many teams wouldn't want to actually take over those last two spots until like the last five games. Right. Right. So so as it turns out, definitely 90 91 gets you in for sure. 990 probably doesn't get you in an 89 get you a basically a four way tie, right? And the penguins right now are sitting at 86 points. So that tells you all you all you need to know. You have to win these last you don't. The Penguins don't have to win their last two games, but they definitely need to get three out of four to be in contention for that last spot. And depending on how they get the win, if they get a regular, they get a regulation win, then that basically gives them the first tiebreaker over all the teams. The only team that can catch them are the Flyers and their one regulation win behind the Penguins. So that's why it's important tonight to get a win. It's important tonight to get a win in regulation, because then you now own the tiebreaker over everybody, no matter what the Flyers do to the Capitals. And they play on Wednesday. So I'm sorry, they play tomorrow. They play tomorrow. Yeah, because the last games are on Wednesday. How did they get in this position? Look, they suck for basically all of March. And that's why they're in this position. They've had to win the last 14 games in a row, and they've won. Not they won 12, but they've got they've gotten points in the last 10. And that loss in Boston almost was predictable, to be honest, because did they just go? No, no. OK. No, it was predictable because you just can't play at that high level for that long. And like I said, if you're listening to the hockey, Jesus, if you're not, you should be go to YouTube now and subscribe because you need to be listened to me. But since you're not, I'm going to give you a little preview of what I said before, which is Ned's save percentage kept going down, down, down in the last three games. And you could see that that he wasn't Radically focused like he was when they when they beat the Washington Capitol. Well, you predict you you predicted that you predicted and I really thought that maybe Sully would just give Jari like give him a pep talk and say we need you tonight. You're going in tonight Tonight's your night if you if you play well tonight, then you can you can get this back. Mm-hmm.
Marc: Yep
Steve: That's what he should have done, even if he didn't give it back to him. He only needed him for one game so that Ned could have like three days off and get that focus back.
Chris: And you did talk about that on the Hockey Jesus show.
Steve: But they didn't. And the reality is, look, when the game was tied 0-0 about midway through the game, that Boston game, I said, this is bad because if you watch hockey and you've watched the Penguins, you know they don't win 2-1 games. They only win like 5-4 games, 5-3 games, 6-5 games. So once Boston started scoring, I'm like, okay, I feel better now because the Penguins only win high scoring games. That's just who they are. That's who I thought they would have been a long time ago. this, this, this, this imposter team that was playing before that was trying to play like two, one game, nothing.
Chris: Yeah. I mean, three goals in the first period, three, three 39 remaining. I mean, we've been here before. I know.
Steve: We've been here before.
Chris: I know. I know. I know.
Steve: But they're probably they're probably opals or sorrows. It now three.
Chris: I didn't know George Soros played for the Pens or the Predators.
Steve: No, he's still in Greece somewhere. All right. No, no, I, I, it's a, it's a great start for the pens, but look, winning tonight only is half the battle. You still got to do scoreboard watching. You have to watch the, you have to be watching, uh, capitals playing, uh, uh, Boston. That game was tied zero zero zero. And really the big one to watch honestly is the Detroit Montreal games. They play back to back. They play tonight and tomorrow. Yeah. That's a really important series. Somehow somewhere look if Detroit wins out pens are screwed, right? Unless of course somehow the devil's managed to beat the Islanders Canadians are up on the Red Wings two to one. Okay. Well, that's that's that's a good start. That's good. Yeah Detroit's much like Pittsburgh. They like to score a lot of goals So, uh-huh.
Marc: So that one's far from over the Capitals are up on the Bruins one nothing
Steve: And once again, way too early to be too excited or terrified.
Chris: So the playoff beard is surviving. And of course, we've got the Penns Predators game going on right now here in Pittsburgh. And I know a lot of people are watching that as well.
Marc: They are reviewing it. I don't see anything that was an issue here, to be honest.
Steve: Well, we didn't know on the first one until it looked like he stepped on his skate.
Chris: Yeah, that's what they're talking about right here. Eller. Yeah, the Eller's maybe it's goalie.
Marc: I think the goaltender, if anything, was out of the crease pushing Eller.
Chris: No, he's in the crease. You see that?
Steve: Okay, well, we got a show to do. I think they already gave them one. They probably aren't going to give them two, but sometimes they just like these games to be close and they'll give them another one. So, you know, at this point, if they take this one away, that'll be two in, two taken away.
Chris: Yeah. So if If the pens went out, obviously, they still need to win out.
Steve: Well, depends. Like I said, they can get three points as long as Detroit and the Capitals lose a game. And if they win in regulation, then you don't have to worry about the Flyers beating the Capitals because the Penguins own the no matter how they beat, no matter how Philadelphia beats Capitals, they'll own the tiebreaker against them. Right. And they can't they they can't they can't tie the Penguins. OK, so but I mean you got to keep an eye on that New Jersey game to The Islanders because if the Penguins win and somehow that New Jersey loses and the Penguins win They can actually still get into the third spot Which is probably not likely because Honestly, you probably want to be in the fourth spot anyway
Chris: comes the call.
Steve: I don't know. I don't know that I would want to play against Carolina. I think I would rather no goal. I think I would, I think I would rather play against the Rangers is as crazy as that might sound, but the Rangers have been pretty pedestrian lately.
Chris: So, well, they don't, I mean, they're just, they're playing to stay healthy. Really? If you think
Steve: I know but teams at the at the end of the year whether they're playing their secondary team or their their primary team They're gonna win games. Yeah, you know and and the Rangers haven't been winning games That's why I thought they would actually manhandle the Islanders but having to win that game in overtime was kind of a shitty way for them to do that to us and
Chris: Okay. So, uh, yeah. And Don Bigaville on Instagram. Thank you, Don, for being here. He says third goal waved. So yeah, it's back to two, nothing three 40 left in the first period. Um, and again, we're going to be back on later on tonight for the hockey Jesus podcast. I will be producing it, but hockey Jesus will take the reins and I, Hey, I gotta tell you that yesterday I was mowing the lawn and I was listening to your last three shows. Fantastic.
Steve: Yeah. Amping it up. It's so, it's so much easier to get excited about these games when they mean so much.
Chris: Yeah. Yeah. Well, and, and just, you know, you just, you're just, you're playing the part, man. Hockey Jesus has taken over. Uh, and, and I, it's great. It's great to hear.
Steve: Um, maybe it's the beard, but the beard will be going. Yes. If the penguins do manage to lose this game, I probably won't be clean shaving. Cause I don't think Chris has a razor big enough to shave this thing off, but it, The next time you see me on Wednesday, I will definitely, absolutely be clean shaved.
Chris: We're going to use my wife's doll razor that she uses to shave her legs on his beard. What do you think? How do you think that'll end up, Schwaber?
Marc: I'm feeling… I hate this.
Chris: Okay, we do have a comment here that I can't make heads or tails of and and I just want to bring it up because I want to try to say it. Oh, yeah, dj katekri from sanctuary and phantom, please All right, dj katekri.
Steve: Let's go. Yeah, I don't know I don't know about that one, but let's go pens in swahili. I had to get it in there.
Chris: So listen hockey jesus preaches, uh after every single Penguin's game he preaches on the podcast on the iHeartRadio Apple podcast Spotify or anywhere you get your friggin podcasts, of course, and he does a great job And we can't wait for later tonight to do the show again and peace be with you and talking about and talking about the penguins and their playoff push. I gotta tell you, the beard, it's getting a little scraggly. Like last week, it was perfect. I haven't trimmed a thing. But what's going on up here? Like, why is this not growing in?
Steve: I shave that. I keep it nice and clean, although stubble's starting to come in. I was supposed to trim it, but I was secretly thinking that this is the last week, so I'm just gonna let it go.
Chris: But if you did this, it would be like the full-on beard.
Steve: No, it doesn't. It doesn't really grow that thick up here. And honestly, I know I hate it like closer up to my eyes because rubbing against your glasses, it obstruct your vision. I don't know. Why don't you try and grow a beard and get back?
Chris: All right, well, I can do that. Okay. All right. I'll tell you what, if the Penguins make the playoffs, I'll grow a playoff.
Marc: I think you should get rid of your sideburns. It's not a good look for it. You don't think so? No. No? I'm just being honest.
Chris: You know, we're being honest here, right? Truth. You know, Schwab, I appreciate your honesty. I do appreciate your honesty.
Marc: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm interested in the show. Come on now.
Steve: It's hockey.
Chris: D.G. says, I never miss the hockey. Jesus recaps. They're great. Thank you, D.G.
Steve: and D.G. tweets them out, too. So I know I love it.
Chris: Thanks, D.G. Yeah, keep that up. Yeah. And if you're a faithful, you know, get it out there. Get the word out.
Steve: That is a way where that is what we're approaching the one minute mark. This is where penguins traditionally give up a goal. So here I'm going to predict it. Here comes a goal for.
Chris: Well, I don't know. They're down in there. They're on the predator side.
Steve: It doesn't matter. They can come out of nowhere.
Chris: Yeah, I've seen it happen. It'll come out of nowhere.
Steve: Okay. One shot, one rebound. It's in the back of the net and you're like, oh my God, here we go.
Chris: Catch the Sports Forge podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, Spotify, or anywhere you get your frigging podcast. We drop it right after the show. Subscribe, leave us a review. Subscribe to our channel on youtube. It's backslash at the sports porch podcast You can also watch the hockey jesus rant after every singles get every single penguins game And of course when the playoffs come left well, and when the playoffs come you're going to be doing some you know
Steve: Oh, absolutely. If the penguins are in, I will absolutely do what we know that after the penguins, but I've got a little thing set up where I think it's going to be, uh, it's going to be a new format behind my back.
Chris: Oh, I can't wait to see this.
Steve: It's going to be new. So you got to come in and see it. Is it art? Uh, no. Did you make it yourself? Uh, it will be crooked. Let's just say it that way. Would Mario Lemieux approve? Mario. Yes, definitely does.
Chris: Yeah, that's like out of the Philly accent. They call him Mario. Yeah, Mario.
Steve: They think he's they think he's Mario.
Marc: It's not. It's Mario. It's Mario. It's more.
Chris: Why don't we call Mario and ask him? So I know Mario is watching. So you should call in at 8 0 8 0 5.
Steve: Yeah, but no, I'm definitely going to be doing at least two nights a week during the playoffs with or without the Penguins.
Marc: with or without you no no no no without you i can't live somebody with or without you that was incredible man pretty good all we need to do all these years was sing together yeah i know i just like i got my hair is standing i know it's ridiculous well i i expect greatness yeah there you
Chris: OK, let's go. Let's let's move on. There's a character in the house and his name is the pirate. So boy, yeah, I'm not going to put the uniform on for it today because we got playoff hockey going on. But the Buccos report is back. And of course, the question is still, should we be excited about the pirates? And the answer is maybe. I mean, it's just not going to change. It's just not going to change. Now, one thing we do have to say is congratulations, Kutch, finally. hit his 300th home run. Oh, was that his 300th? That was his 300th home run. 300.
Steve: So it's always… I saw it. I saw it live. I was actually watching.
Chris: Yes. So it's always good to see that. And congratulations to Andrew McCutcheon on a great career and 300 home runs. Good for him. Actually, in a way, maybe there's a little bit of a monkey off his back. because now now he can he's not pressing for it anymore. Right. And I don't care what these guys say. You know, when Ripken was, you know, going for the grand finale in the record, when when Sosa, even though he was juiced up or McGuire was. Look, you're pressing. You want your name up on the board. You want to be able to do something right. You want that. You want that accomplishment. DG says probably because he's too haunted by those funky Philly's uniforms. They were horrible uniforms. It's terrible. What was it that Pat on track sent us? He texts us, what in the name of all is holy are the fillies wearing? So as far as as far as the Buccos go, you know, they're 11 and 5. They're still first in the NL Central. They split with the Phillies. They split with the Tigers. They lost two or they took two or three from the Orioles. You know, where are we this year? You know, again, last year, 20 and 8 were not there yet. And then basically they collapsed for the rest of the year. this year, 11 and five. What's better? I can't really tell you, you know, I can tell you that they've got a better lineup that much. I think the three of us could agree on. And we did last week. Um, I can tell you that Jackson Winski, even though he's batting sub 200, he's got two home runs. He, he hit a huge blast against Zach Wheeler, you know, the Phillies ace, the other day, and that bodes well. I like the fact that they've got him in the lineup I like the fact that they've got him in left field. I'm still not a fan of O'Neill Cruz batting anywhere, but second or third, like last week you said, maybe he's a better, maybe he's, you know, I would take what you're saying. I think he is the prototypical third number three hitter, but yes, batting second, I think is, you know, I would, I would be good with that. This team still does not have a clear number four hitter. Um, key Brian Hayes, looked a little shaky in the field against the Phillies. You saw that one play. Look, I'm not saying he's a bad fielder. Believe me, he won the gold glove. He's a good fielder, but he's a streaky hitter. And I think the other thing that the pirates are doing a lot of is striking out. Okay. O'Neal Cruz. Here's my beef with Cruz. 26 strikeouts. That's what he did last year, though. Well, look, If you're going to be a superstar in this league, you cannot strike out that much.
Marc: Well, but let's also realize to really, this is his rookie year. I mean, he's just playing. I mean, how many, how many major league games has he played total? It's got to be under 30, right?
Chris: Uh, no, it's more than 30.
Steve: I think he, I think he, I think he played like 45 or 50 games last year before he got injured.
Chris: No, last year he only played like 11 games.
Marc: He got injured real early last year.
Chris: No, I can tell you what his career stats are. How many games has he played? Yeah, I'm trying to find that here. Stats, let's pull this up. Career, he has played, well in 2022 he played 87 games. so he's played 114 games in his career he has a 238 average this is the big one 114 games 164 strikeouts that's a lot okay but let's also say 437 at bat but he hasn't played he hasn't even yet played a full season of baseball this is true he's he's he's 50 or you know 48 games right below a full season but You know, give him a little time.
Steve: Well, his strike zone's a little bit larger than it is.
Chris: It is. But I did watch him the other day to work the count in his favor pretty well. He's got a big, long swing. I'd like to see him shorten that swing up a little bit. And oh, Pat on track, right on time. Did I miss the cuts discussion? Yes, you did. Yeah, you did. Absolutely. Yeah. You'll have to rewind later. Mr. Rewind. Go back to the podcast. Um, but I guess the point I'm making is that I, I still think we've got a lineup issue, uh, as far as, you know, you don't have a, a, a true number four hitter. And like you said last week, no depth. And that's really going to be the issue. Let's let's pretend for one second that they get off to something similar to this 20 and eight start. the differences this year, their starting rotation is better. It is better. They've got experience there for right now. Now I know I look at Steve and he's like, I can tell the cynic is coming out.
Steve: I mean, Keller hasn't actually pitched very well. He pitched well the other day.
Chris: Yeah. He pitched the Phillies. He pitched pretty good yesterday. Yeah. So, um,
Steve: No, he just got, he got out pitched. It's just that Jack hit a grand slam on a one, two pitch, and that's not going to happen all the time.
Chris: No, it's not. And it didn't even look like, it didn't even look like Jack should have hit that ball out. I mean, that ball was way outside the zone.
Steve: Why he was putting that ball right there on a one, two count on a guy who only swings for the fences is beyond me.
Marc: Yeah, exactly. I think it's because he thought he couldn't hit it.
Steve: Yeah, yeah, yeah, which most of the time it's true because The book isn't out on him yet because he's only played one season now Now here's one thing last week that that drove me.
Chris: Uh, absolutely bad shit I want to get dg's comment in here on o'neill cruz He seems to go down with too many called strikes since we're all little we're taught to swing Okay, since where I thought he was saying since we're all little which compared to o'neill cruz, I guess. Yeah, we are correct Since we were all little, I think is what he meant. We're taught to swing at anything close when you already have two strikes. Yeah, that's true. But Cruz has to cut that down. He has got to cut that down. You cannot be a star in this league and strike out basically 35% of the time you're up at bat. You just can't, you know, you just can't do it. And you can't be a number two hitter and strike out that much. You gotta have a high on base percentage. Here's what drove me crazy last week, and I think I may have mentioned it to one of you guys. Maybe it was you. Can't wait to hear it. The whole David Bednar issue. The whole David Bednar issue. Okay. So David Bednar gets trotted out there here against the Orioles. He blows another save. He's off to a bad start because he missed spring training. He was injured. The fans are booing for a solid week on sports radio. Every show focused on should we, or should we not boo David Bednar? Is it acceptable? All I have to say, here's what I have to say. If that's what you have to talk about as a fan base and from a journalistic perspective, your team is doomed anyway. I mean, come on. Should we have booed David Bednar? Was that right? Was that wrong? Who the hell cares? You paid money to go to the game. Who cares? Why do we have to talk about, why weren't we talking about O'Neal Cruz and his strikeout ratio? Why weren't we talking about Jared Jones and, and, and Mitch Keller and, and the Roldis Chapman and, you know, Jackson Winski and the actual game instead of where they booing Shelton or were they booing David Bednar? That's kind of like saying, am I going to have a hot dog or am I going to have a hot dog when I go to the game? I mean, hot dog or chili dog. OK, hot dog or and can you think of a worse? I mean, I understand city pride here. I get it. We're Pittsburghers. Could you have a worse concoction than a foot long hot dog with pierogies and pickles on it? I mean, you can for a town that boasts a world class health care. I'm not I'm not sure we're sending that really great.
Steve: How are we supposed to use our health care if we don't clog our arteries with such food? Oh, so it's part of the conspiracy.
Chris: Right.
Steve: That's how that's how everybody ends up at the hospital.
Chris: Yeah. Yeah. And Pat's trying to catch up. Steve is taking this playoff beard way too seriously. Not yet. Not yet. It could get worse.
Steve: I think it won't because it will be shaved by Wednesday, no matter what you think.
Chris: So no matter what, it's the end of the season. Did you get an edict from, oh, is that the way it works? DG says chili dog every time. Is that the way it works when the season is over? If you don't make the playoffs, do you shave the beard again and start?
Steve: That is exactly what I told flock. I said, I am going to shave the beard once the penguins are out of the playoffs.
Chris: Oh, and you're thinking they're going to be out.
Steve: No, but if they, if they do make the playoffs, then I can shave it and start from scratch.
Chris: That's what I'm saying. Is that what you're supposed to do?
Steve: Is that the, yeah, you have to start from scratch when you do the playoff beard. Okay. Now I will not be doing a playoff beard. This was my playoff beard, just so I'm clear. This is gone in two days. Okay, people?
Chris: I'm disgusted. No matter what happens?
Steve: I don't think that's… I don't think that's… No matter what happens.
Marc: See, I think if they make the playoffs, you roll with it.
Steve: Yeah. I absolutely do not roll with it. It rolls off my face.
Chris: Yeah. But is this an edict from the higher power that's involved?
Steve: This is the hockey Jesus being honest to his flock.
Marc: Yeah. Or is this a message from the wife? Yeah.
Steve: Susan doesn't care.
Marc: I mean, you know. Is it, you know, feeling shame from when fans such as Amy May call you Santa Claus?
Chris: No. He doesn't want to. No, it's Papa Smurf. He doesn't like the Papa Smurf.
Steve: I'm not offended by the Papa Smurf and the Santa Claus.
Marc: Yeah, Santa Claus is sort of with your whole theme.
Steve: I mean, Santa Claus works. Santa Claus is Jesus.
Marc: Right. Right. Thanks, Amy.
Steve: Yeah. And it's like it's like Peter Parker and Spider-Man.
Chris: Yeah. I'm Pat thinks you look like Kenny Rogers and D.G. says you play a playoff.
Steve: No singing.
Marc: Yeah. No win. Know when to fold them. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.
Chris: You gotta count your money. When you're sittin' at the table, there'll be time enough for countin'. When the dealin's done, now every gamblin's countin'.
Steve: I like the idea of a player-option mohawk, but that would have worked better with my last haircut, David. That would have been awesome.
Marc: How would the folks down at the manufacturing plant feel about the mohawk?
Steve: They probably love it. They have no control over my hair.
Chris: None at all. None. Zero. Yeah, but your wife does. We know that.
Steve: Yeah, that's true. But she doesn't really care either. She knows I change my style every six months. You do, actually.
Chris: You have for many, many years.
Steve: Yeah. I'm going to go bald soon. I'm going to join Schwabber.
Chris: as far as the Buccos report goes, you know, still early 11 and five off to a good start. Like to see that, um, we still have issues with this lineup and the way it's put together. Um, there is, there are some issues in the bullpen, but Holderman's coming back. Chapman is good, even though he, what did he, he coughed up a run for the Phillies to tie it the other day. Um, he's going to give up a run. He's going to get hit, but I am, I am much more worried about the pirates lineup actually than I am about their rotation and their bullpen this year. I'm I'm because there is no depth and you've got those issues we talked about, but this will be an ongoing story. They're playing the Mets. Um, actually right now I, I, I don't see that the first pitch is been thrown yet, but, um,
Steve: Oh yeah, they had it. It would have to be by now. 7.30 started the latest. Yeah, so… Maybe the game's over with that new pitch cap.
Chris: Yeah, I'm updating it. It's live, right?
Marc: Okay, so… Did you hear what I told Cline on the other show?
Steve: I did, yeah. It's coming. I love it. I love it. I say bring on the robo-umps. No way. I can't stand it. I think they should have, they should be able to say every inning, that's a bad pitch. You suck. Redo that.
Chris: Yeah. So much for the pitch clock.
Steve: Especially, especially you were right with that, with that one referee. He's awful. I think he calls balls strikes on purpose just to piss off guys.
Chris: Okay. So, uh, thanks guys. Uh, we've got a couple more segments coming up here, but I want to remind you, you are watching the sports porch live on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube X and Instagram. And we're going to drop this podcast right after the show on the I heart radio app, Apple podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you get your frigging podcasts.
Steve: Hey, you know what? Now that I'm thinking about it, I am getting my haircut on, on Wednesday. Maybe, maybe, maybe I should just go tell her Mohawk this sucker shave and a haircut, two bits.
Chris: All right. Okay. Uh, Steelers draft thoughts, anything, or do we really care right now? It's been real, real quiet 10 days till the draft.
Steve: It's it's basically, are they going to draft the tackle or are they going to draft the center? Nobody knows. Yeah, I know. I'm actually more interested in the Brandon a you talk.
Chris: Mmm. Yeah, you know what? It's funny I almost forgot about that and I saw today that there it's starting to heat up.
Steve: Well, yes He asked for a train you did officially officially asked for a trade.
Marc: Okay. Yeah, I like brand-new a lot I think he's a very good player.
Steve: I know he's basically a rental player because you're not gonna sign him next year
Chris: you don't think.
Marc: Yeah. Well, I don't know how this feels. I don't know about that. I mean, I, I think it might be one of those things where if you, if he's going to be dealt to you, then you have to have a longterm deal in place. Yes. Yeah.
Steve: Or you're not, I mean, you're right because you're not going to give up like a first round pick in a third round for nothing.
Marc: And if you think about it, you know, um, I mean, look, you, you could, he's probably not a number one, but he is certainly like a one a type. Right. And, Being that they you know, they're planning on Pickens being the one but they also have You have to have a little bit of caution because you never know if he's gonna blow up Like a to or an Antonio Brown, right? so he'd probably be a smart play to give him a long-term deal and to have some safety there if something goes wrong with Pickens and
Steve: Yeah. Yeah. I think they need a, another really good one. A one B. Well, they get definitely fits, fits the, fits the bill.
Chris: If they get IU, then before the draft, then that really kind of opens up their options, uh, at the draft and, and Pat on track says there's lots of wide receivers in the draft.
Marc: There are but you never know some of them are gonna be good and some aren't but the draft is in two weeks So we'll have a draft show for that.
Chris: Well, we'll have a good time with that. Amy May says what about The amateur at Masters is from Pittsburgh.
Marc: Oh, yeah, Neil Shipley Neil Shipley Look at a little cross-eyed during the log cabin interview. Did you notice that?
Steve: Yeah, maybe that's why he's so good. I mean, he's probably he's what like 22 or something like that. I'm like that. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, he's just a kid for God.
Chris: There was all there was all kinds of talk about his mullet. He was paired with Tiger. No, he didn't have a mullet. That wasn't a mullet.
Steve: No. Yeah. No. A Pittsburgh mullet is definitely not that. I mean, he had the feathered hair. He had the classic early 20s look. Look, the kid played great. He had the longest drive. I was watching, actually. I was watching the Masters before I decided to watch the Pirates. I don't know why I changed it. I think because Tiger and Shipley were done. So I'm like, I'll give the Pirates the innings. Anyway, it's pretty cool.
Marc: It's where they have the Ceremony. I got you. Yeah.
Steve: Yeah. Well cabin. Yeah.
Chris: Yeah, right. What do we call it?
Marc: No, I think Pat's trying to say what are you talking about log cabin guys? He just doesn't understand that that's real. Oh, that's nevermind.
Chris: Yeah. Yeah
Steve: No, but that's where they that's where they give the they give the jacket out and they have they have the the top amateur They're right and they they interviewed them and there was like some controversy about Tiger Woods giving him some note Which is I don't need it was like made up cares.
Marc: Actually, you know what though? I've I've I've thought this many times Why do you have to have the low amateur at that?
Steve: Well, he was the only amateur that made the cut.
Marc: Yeah, but it's like, so what? Like, OK, great. So, you know, you shot like seven over par. Congratulations. Low amateur. Yeah. I mean, that's ridiculous. I mean, just let Scottie Scheffler take all the glory, which he deserves.
Steve: Well, he did get all the glory. Yeah. And he got the green jacket. By the way, what do you think about the green jacket and trophy? Like, is it up there with like the Stanley Cup? Nah. Would you want to wear the green jacket like you would want to hold the Stanley Cup? Would you want to wear a green jacket? No. Well, I think it's up there.
Marc: Well, it's up there. I mean, look, and there's different ways of looking at it, right? Like the one thing I learned today about You know, it's it's probably a different conversation, though, like the individual sport versus the team sport. Right. Because like if you're wearing the green jacket at the Masters, I mean, you are the god of golf at the moment. Right. You not the whole team, not Sidney Crosby did it. And I was, you know, on the third line. It's you.
Steve: OK, here's one for you then. Yeah. The gold jacket for being in the Hall of Fame or the green jacket for winning the Masters gold jacket all the way. I think I'd want the green jacket.
Marc: I think green jacket. You're shitting me. Green jacket. Yeah. Dude, there's nothing like winning the Masters.
Steve: Dude, it's the Masters. It's infamous.
Marc: Yeah, you get to play there the rest of your life. Yeah.
Chris: Yeah. As if you wouldn't get to play there the rest of your life if you didn't win it, but you were a pro golfer.
Steve: No, you can't play there. You can't. You are invited.
Chris: Very selective. Well, as if you wouldn't be invited if you weren't a good golfer.
Steve: I mean, a great golfer. And one that won it.
Chris: Well, you have to be invited. I mean, I would take the gold jacket, but honestly, I think the fashion statement of both is horrible. Yeah, they're both ugly.
Steve: But that's the idea.
Chris: You want to have an ugly jacket. You want it to be so ugly, everybody says that must be special.
Marc: You also have to realize that, you know, if you… I lost my train of thought. Thanks. Thanks a lot, Chris. You're welcome.
Steve: Amy said that Madison won the second tournament.
Marc: She's crushing it.
Chris: She is. We've got a miniature. We've got a we've got a female Tiger Woods on her way out here.
Marc: My niece is 11 years old and her favorite golfer is Scottie Scheffler. She wore the Scottie Scheffler colors on Sunday and also came out with the championship.
Steve: Very well played.
Marc: And she did. I'm telling you, man, crushing it. She scored. It was a it was a nine hole. She scored thirty five. Second place scored forty. Third place scored fifty one. Yeah. She's dominating on nine holes. Five stroke victory. Tiger running away with.
Steve: Unfortunately, we won't see her at the master.
Chris: Yeah. Well, I couldn't score thirty five on nine holes if you let me start from three feet away. That bad at golf. So congratulations to her.
Steve: Way to go, Madison. We're very proud of you on the porch.
Chris: Absolutely. Absolutely. You're outshining your uncle, which is not that hard to do, but he'll always be a cheerleader for you, right?
Steve: Oh, yeah. Mark will make a good cheerleader.
Chris: I just want you to know, Mark is starting on a new career, and we're going to talk about that in a little bit. Aren't we all?
Steve: I mean, I've got at least two secondary careers going on here.
Marc: Interesting nugget here by David DG. I didn't see that. I didn't know about this. Did you know about this, Steve?
Chris: No, I didn't. Let me read it out loud for our podcast listeners. Old news, but I saw Rudolph was, pardon me, offered a two-year $10 million contract until the Steelers committed to Wilson, who insisted on starting. Steelers took back the offer, costing Rudolph about $8 million. I hope Wilson isn't a diva who sucks. Well, I think we all hope Wilson isn't a diva who sucks.
Steve: Oh, I mean, this is so much better. I mean, even if Wilson is a diva who sucks, would you still rather have Ken Pickett and Mason Rudolph on your team versus the two quarterbacks we have now?
Chris: Well, at the risk of being completely socially inappropriate, I mean, I think we all appreciate a diva who sucks.
Steve: At least one of us here does.
Marc: I'm not going to put that picture up. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to send this show to the property diva and I will give her the exact timing of this comment.
Chris: Mike has a very interesting comment. I have no idea what the red plaid jacket at harbor town is yeah i don't either but if it's a if it's a terrible looking jacket then everybody wants to wear yeah isn't the green jacket at the masters better than amy says you should be ashamed of you i am ashamed of myself pickable human being isn't the green jacket at the masters Better than the awful red plaid jacket at Harbortown coming up this week. What is Harbortown? That's another… Harbortown, it's probably got to be in Maine, I guess. Yeah, Harbortown. It could be anywhere along the coast. Massachusetts.
Marc: Harbortown. Anywhere there's a Harbortown.
Chris: Rhode Island. It sounds like a boss out there. Yeah. Where'd you park the car down at Hobbiton?
Steve: But I have to say the Masters is really the only, the only golf that I'll watch all year. I won't watch another. I watch all the majors. Do you? Yeah, I do.
Marc: I mean, I guess if it's on Sunday and there really, there really are, there really are a lot of really good dollars right now. Actually, I think Scheffler is potentially going to be the best golfer since Tiger Woods.
Chris: Pat on track. Hilton head, you Luddites. Harbortown is in South Carolina. I know what you meant by that, Mike. Thanks. Yeah, I'm not. I've talked about this in the past. Golf and me just don't mix. No, no. And I got no class. That's exactly right. I am a classless heathen.
Marc: As I demonstrated earlier, you can't put you in a country club. No.
Steve: By the way, I've been kicked out of a few country clubs. Did you see that one guy? He was basically wearing Panda Nikes, his shoes. No, I didn't. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, what? Why are you wearing Jordan shoes?
Chris: You mean Panda Nikes? Yeah. Yeah. He said Panda Nikes.
Steve: That's what I said.
Chris: Yeah, but you said Panda Nikes. Some people say I say Nike.
Marc: Some people say Nike.
Steve: So it has to be Nike, not Nike.
Chris: Well, who who who says Nike?
Steve: I just said it.
Marc: I know some people do. I don't. It's not it's not, you know, it's not the more favorite shoes, whatever.
Chris: my lord playing in myrtle beach this week what do you get the week off from work yeah no i think one of his girlfriends is driving him up there oh he's got a girl yeah he's got a girlfriend yeah he's got a girlfriend she's a diva she drives she drives a 78 Eldorado oh is it one of these pictures that he sends us was like when they were 14 years old no it's heather tom Oh, yeah. It's Heather Thomas. Heather Thomas. Which, by the way, when he sent that, when he texts us that pic of the old pic of her, where I had all the… That's what everybody thinks of Heather Thomas. Yeah. Well, and why wouldn't you? But then I Googled her, and I mean, for her age, she's still not bad looking. She's pretty damn good looking. Yeah, she's 64. Or 66, or whatever it is.
Marc: Yeah, she sounds like, you know, the exact number.
Steve: Yeah, I well, you know, 64, 66. This show is off the rails. It's all the same.
Chris: We are off the rail. We got another comment here. Beth is hot. OK, it's Beth. Beth, you sure it's not Myrtle taking you to Myrtle Beach? Beth Myrtle and Myrtle Beach. I think it's time to get to some food.
Marc: Yeah. Yeah. Let's let's do that.
Chris: And some TV. What we've got coming up right now is what we like to call The Trader Joe's. Oh, yeah. Taste the biscuit.
Marc: Taste the goodness of the biscuit. Taste the honey sauce. Is that a honey sauce? Taste the goodness of the biscuit with the honey sauce. This is for you, DG. Oh, yeah. Honey sauce on me. I don't like the way it tastes with my chicken wings.
Chris: All right, our Trader Joe's, Trader Joe's product of the week brought to you by me. First thing I want to say is that Trader Joe's is not paying us to spon, is not paying us for sponsoring this. If they want to, they're welcome to call, but I do work at Trader Joe's. They keep me employed in that sponsorship enough, but I did get their permission to do this. So, uh, what we do, uh, of course, Jeff Paula says Myrtle Beach, the good old days. Um, What we do is every week I pick the product of the week from the Trader Joe's lineup. I bring it here to the porch, we sample it, we give our opinions. Hopefully it's not spicy. Hopefully you're not going to burn our mouths. Last week was the Zoog Sauce. This week is Trader Joe's. I got to grab it back here. It's called Trader Joe's Aeoli Garlic Mustard Sauce. It sounds like something I would like. I'm already in on this one. Now there's a little bit of a story on this one. Tell us the story.
Marc: Where did the people start planting the garlic?
Chris: No, no, no. This is a story. This is the reason why it's on the show. Let me just get the Trader Joe's product of the week up here. I was literally stocking the shelves, and I had a customer come to me and say, hey, can you tell me where that mustard sauce is? I love that stuff. And I just happened to know where it was. And I led him to it, and I said, oh, yeah, I've been meaning to try this. And he said, yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. And I said, how many do you want? Do you want one? He goes, oh, no, no, no, just keep them coming. I eat this stuff. The only thing, I'm not kidding, this is the only thing I eat. And I said, so what, two or three? He said, no, give me the whole shelf. So I gave him like 25. That guy's really committed. He said, this is the best stuff I've ever tasted. And I was like, no, I got to take it home. There was some sort of TikTok thing.
Marc: Sounds like he's a bit of a lunatic.
Chris: I don't, well, I mean, I don't want to make any comments about Trader Joe's clientele because I do love them all and they are all very entertaining. I'm thinking there was a TikTok.
Marc: Sounds like the company line.
Chris: No, this guy was like, he was like, it looked like he had come from living in a cabin somewhere.
Marc: Can't open and talk at the same time.
Chris: I got it. All right. Are you hungry, Schwaber? Are we gonna see him on the news later? All right. Here's the garlic aioli sauce. I've got man dies from garlic aioli I've got pita. I've got the cashew chip and I've got tortilla chips. What would you like the pita pita? I think the pita gives us the best shot at experiencing the honey sauce. Yes It's the best. Yeah. All right. There's your pita It smells good. Yeah, it does smell good. So Trader Joe's product of the week, their garlic mustard sauce. So try not to get any on the microphone. Is it good?
Steve: Oh, man. Yeah. That mustard really cuts through. Oh, yeah. Right.
Chris: Let's see here. It actually makes the pita taste even better.
Marc: What do you think? I do think, though, if this is all that you eat, you've lost your marbles. Yeah, but that's good.
Chris: And it's got some kick to it. Yeah. A little bit of a kick. Yeah.
Steve: Yeah. It's that wasabi mustard, but not terrible.
Chris: Did he check the expiration date as DG? Did that customer have phallic foul garlic breath?
Steve: I don't know. He must have been out for weeks, by the way. Look,
Chris: How can you not like garlic says Mike Lawrence. I'm getting that cool. Awesome, Pat. Thank you. There you go. Yeah, it's good stuff. And we'll eat it throughout the show. But give me a let's do a give me a like as far as a dip go, because there's so much more you can do for this. And I encourage you guys all to go to Trader Joe's dot com. Just look up the only garlic mustard sauce. I'm sure they have recipes and stuff like that. But as far as like a dip goes, how would you rate it?
Marc: Um, well, you know, to be honest, I'm not really sure that I would eat as a, as a dip. I think I'd put it on like a hot dog. Yes, yes, exactly.
Steve: I was thinking like, like a corned beef sandwich or something.
Marc: Corned beef sandwich would be perfect. Or even, even maybe like a turkey sandwich. How about a hamburger?
Chris: Sure, yeah. I could do that, yeah. You could probably rub it on a steak and then sear the steak and it would give it a nice flavor.
Steve: I absolutely think it's much better for a sandwich than a dip.
Chris: Yeah, this guy just said he puts it on everything. You know, like the old Frank's Red Hot. Everything? I put that shit on everything. Everything? Yep.
Marc: Everything? Yep. I hope not, because I could sting a little bit. What are you talking about? I don't know. What are you talking about?
Chris: All right. Well, thanks for, uh, thanks for, uh, participating in that. That was our trader Joe's product of the week. We're going to let Schwabert take us out on that. Then we got, what are we watching?
Marc: Taste the goodness of the biscuit on the honey sauce, honey sauce on me. I like the way it tastes on my chicken wings. There it is.
Chris: All right, Trader Joe's product of the week. Thank you so much, guys. That'd be good on chicken wings. DG says, taste the biscuit. Pat on track says, put that on sandwiches or even mix with macaroni. That's not a bad idea. You can mix it with macaroni. And Raeann says, hello, you guys. Pittsburgh beautiful. Thank you, Raeann, for joining us. This is the Sports Forge Black and Gold podcast live.
Steve: Sorry, she missed the hockey segment.
Chris: on, she can go back and watch it live on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn X, and Instagram. And we do drop the podcast, the sports push podcast on the I heart radio app, Apple podcast, Spotify, or anywhere you get your frigging podcast. I was burping there. That's not good. And Jeff says, sorry, I got here late. Have a good week, everyone. Thanks for being here. See you, Jeff. Jeff. The next segment we get into is something we call what we're watching.
Steve: But I have an announcement to make way before you even do that. I just have to give update on the scores. Canadians are beating the Red Wings 31. That's midway through the second period. Capitals still holding on to a one nothing lead against the Bruins. But we know how good the Bruins are in the third period. And that has a little less than 10 minutes left in that. It's all going right so far so far. And the Islanders looking pretty solid with the 3-1 lead over the Devils. The Devils are pathetic. It's actually better that the Islanders win the others lose because then the Islanders have nothing to play for. Right, right. And Penguins have everything to play for.
Chris: So, the announcement I want to make is that Mark has embarked on a new career, apparently, even unbeknownst to him. He's embarked on a new career. Congratulations, Mark. So, we all know that the porch is at my home and the studio is in my home, so we come here- Well, I have a porch, too. Well, yeah, I know. And your porch is, is a good stand in. So, uh, so I'm sitting here and I'm getting ready for the show and I look over and I see a text and a picture from Mark and I'm thinking he should be driving here by now. He was. And this is the picture that comes up. And what I realized is that he is in my driveway. Grand Theft Auto. In my, that's right. And like I said.
Steve: If you only knew how the hot wire.
Chris: The Grand Schwabini imitates Grand Theft Auto. He's about to steal my wife's car out of the garage.
Marc: I told you that this is the easiest house to steal a vehicle from. Yes. And I proved it this week. Yes.
Chris: I had the headset on. And then when I walked out, he had the engine running. like he was getting ready to pull out of the driveway so there's there is the grand schwa beanie his new job stealing his friend's cars um what you're watching i actually would have uh at least taken it into the drive but then i thought oh you know what if i
Marc: Nick, something on the Maserati.
Chris: I think I'll pass. Yes. DG in the Maserati. Exactly. Okay. Last second of the show. What'd you say, bud?
Steve: I let you borrow it.
Chris: You let me borrow it. My Maserati. Oh yeah. It's Steve's Maserati.
Steve: Just so everybody knows where all the hockey Jesus funds are going.
Chris: Well, hey, it's white, so it's perfect. What we're watching this week, what we are watching, so what is this? This is what we're currently streaming online or watching on any of the one million different streaming services and our thoughts on it. Maybe you should watch it, maybe you shouldn't. One million dollars. First up this week, we're gonna go with, actually we're gonna go with Steve here. I know about this show, I actually watch this show.
Steve: Oh, have you? I have. This is definitely a Klein show.
Marc: It is a Klein show. Oh yeah, it looks like science fiction.
Steve: It definitely is science fiction.
Chris: Constellation on Apple TV.
Steve: The thing about Constellation is that name is used in a lot of different movies.
Chris: It is. Yeah, Jodie Foster, right? Right.
Steve: So there are like four or five, like when I, when I Googled it to find a picture, I'm like, no, that's not the one. No, that's not the one. Oh yeah. That's one. That's the one right there. Yeah. I think they're going to have a second, by the way, one season, Apple TV. I don't know. It didn't end it.
Chris: It didn't end.
Steve: It didn't end. They got to have a second season.
Chris: Well, there was no ending to the first season. Well, there could have been. Well, that's what I'm saying. Well, uh, two to one, two to one, two to one. Yeah. Nashville discord. Oh, that's not good. All right.
Steve: So your, your take on it. So, um, my take on it is, look, if you're into these theories of alternative world and that sort of thing, and you love space travel, this is the movie for you.
Marc: Oh, it's a movie. It's a series. It's a series.
Steve: Yeah, i'm sorry And here's the thing like there's a multiple seasons Yeah, it's gonna be like I I couldn't tell if it was put it this way the only one so far And I think it was out Was it out this year or last year? Last year, this year. And it's like, I don't know, it's like 15 rank on, on Apple TV or something like that. So it's, it's, it's still kind of trending down. But the thing is like there's, I forget that lady's name and the, the, the guy from breaking bad, um, um, Jonathan Banks, Jonathan Banks, right. The old guy. Okay.
Marc: Yeah.
Steve: And Mike, right. Yeah. It kind of throws you off. Like he, he has the same banter, but like, He like play kind of a similar character in some ways but they're both experiencing like they can't tell if they're Hallucinations and you can't tell if they're dead or alive and they're like in these parallel universes yeah, and like they kind of the universe is kind of cross over each other at certain points and You can't tell who's if like there's somebody tricking somebody or if this is just the way real life is It's really it's really kind of like confusing sounds like it could hurt the brain a little bit it does it really does like it's it's it's very it's a very difficult three to one three to one oh nice smith scored that's that's that's a really big goal right there because smith never scores um so yeah so constellation look i love i love i love the idea of parallel universe theory and that sort of thing and this kind of actually brings it in the real life, but then you realize how confusing it can get. So I would say if you're not a sci-fi person, steer very, very clear from this because it will absolutely hurt your brain. If you love that sort of thing, this is the movie, sorry, this is the series for you. I found it to be… Yeah, multiverse. That's right, Pat.
Chris: Yeah, multiverse. Exactly. I found it to be somewhat brutally slow at times.
Steve: It was very slow. Well, because they keep going back to certain segments in time. And it's like, I already saw them floating through the spaceship for a time.
Chris: But in one universe, they're dead. In the other universe, they're alive. And what I'm hoping is that in season 2, if they have a season 2, that they start to connect the dots a little better. Because I think it has promise.
Steve: Well, they have to because the thing that supposedly created the ability for them to open up the worlds and travel between worlds… Was this new element. Yeah, was this cat. They were calling it the cat. And like they turned it on in space. And and supposedly it did something maybe or maybe not. What they didn't do was they didn't go backwards in time because how did the other two people who were up in space end up colliding into their own parallel universe? I don't know. So I think that's where they're going to probably go with with season two. They're probably going to go backwards in time when that lady that lady Did it or maybe when Mike, the older lady. Yeah. And Mike. Yeah. And it's probably something about space that brings it out to. So there's a lot of still unknowns about it. But I do like I do like the multiverse, the way they brought that to life, because it's a very difficult concept. yes yeah i this is a show that i feel like you've talked me out of watching it yeah no mark you wouldn't like it i would not i would i would say no to you i feel like you've talked i mean i like the silo yeah yeah but that was totally no no this is way more no no this craziness the way yeah the silo was like what's really going on yeah this is everything is real and it's in the silo this is who the hell knows what's real Am I dead or am I alive?
Chris: And watching it, it's one of those things where, like you said, the multiverse is a very attractive subject to do a sci-fi movie or a sci-fi series on. And if it's done right, where I am with it is I'm not sure it's being done right, but I have high hopes.
Marc: It's I don't think I don't think he's got to do it. I hope he's got. I hope he's Mr. Apple pie in the sky.
Chris: I don't even know we're doing that. Yeah. What we're watching.
Steve: There is no good music in in Constellation.
Chris: We're going to move on to the Grand Schwab Beanie. The Grand Schwab Beanie is watching something that I just can't tell you how much I loved it. I can't wait to hear what you think about it. It is The Gentleman. Yeah.
Marc: And it's on Netflix. Yes. Have you seen it, Steve? I have not. It's a must watch.
Steve: It's either The Gentleman or Gamora.
Chris: Yes. Oh, yeah.
Marc: No, it's the gentleman. As you can see, the guy in the lower left hand corner, he's from one of the white lotuses. Yeah. White.
Chris: Yeah. He played the husband who was a total jerk. Yeah. I liked it.
Marc: And he's a good night, Ryan. He's really like the lead actor. He's the lead actor in this. And I thought he was excellent. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, look, what's a requirement of a Schwab show? got to have some drugs and drugs. Yep. Violence got drugs involved. We got, we got violence. Um, that's it really. But no, it really, it really was very clever. Crazy in it too. Yeah. There's some absolute, I mean like it's one of those where, um, If you're going to love the show, you're going to think that the first episode is fantastic. And it was. I mean, I would say like, I mean, probably the two best episodes were the first episode and the last episode. Yes. You know? Yeah. But in between, they were all good. In between was very good. For those of you who like Breaking Bad, Gus is one of the bad guys.
Chris: He basically plays Gus, but as an American. Right. Yeah.
Marc: He's a different guy. Yeah. Yeah, so it was really good. I mean, the bottom line is it's, you know, to give you a short little synopsis without really sharing anything, you know, a very wealthy guy in England. An aristocratic family. An aristocratic family, you know, who's got a castle and, you know, all sorts of old money. passes away and everybody thinks that his fortune is going to be left to his son. His oldest. His oldest son, but his oldest son is a total screw up. And so he leaves everything to his other son, who's always been really well put together, but it's kind of like distance himself from the family, so to speak, kind of doing other things like being in the military and stuff like that. So they find out that he's now going to be in charge And then he sort of, uh, uncovers sort of some of the, uh, things that his father was involved with, which, uh, are up to no good. Yeah.
Steve: And, uh, is that the guy in the chicken suit?
Marc: No, that's the brother. That's the brother who's a screw up. One of the greatest scenes in a show I've seen in a long time. Yeah. And, uh, you know, and so, and so basically, um, you know, it's sort of like his tug of war between, You know, I got to get us out of this life versus, you know, I kind of like this crazy life.
Chris: Yeah. And also, how do I keep my brother from not completely exploding this whole thing? Right. Exactly. You know, and his brother's actually is kind of a sympathetic character. Right. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and the great thing is it's that cheeky British humor that also ends up in like, you're going along with it and then you're thinking, oh yeah, I see where this is going. And then you're like, It didn't go anywhere near what I thought it was going to go in the exact opposite direction. And instead of becoming a resolution, it became chaos and mayhem.
Marc: Right. Yeah. But but the I thought the ending was very clever. Yeah. And I think it's set up well for season two. I hope so. And they're saying it's going to happen. It's been really, really popular.
Chris: Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's, dude, you got to watch it. Well, there, there are a few shows anymore that when you're watching them, even though you're enjoying them, that you're, you're anticipating something. And then when that moment comes, you're left there going, Oh, my God. You know, like very few shows like that. Right. So you will you will have those moments. The Gentleman on Netflix. Absolutely. A must watch. DG says The Gentleman. It was clever and unpredictable. The younger brother becomes a much better criminal than the criminals. And he's he does make his share of mistakes. He does. But because he doesn't panic ever. Right. He's able to get through it. And as a new buddy and car thief. Mm hmm. You should know. Yeah. I share the same lessons. Yes, exactly. So the gentleman on Netflix, I am currently watching something. Now, this is something that I've watched three episodes of because it's brand new on Apple, but I love it. Is it a documentary?
Marc: No, it is not. Really? Really. Is it a series from 25 years ago? No. No. All right, well, share. I'm interested.
Chris: I was waiting for you to give me permission. I was waiting for permission. It is not The Gentleman. It is Sugar on Apple TV. Sugar. Isn't that old? I think it's old. Is it new? Yeah. Apple stars Colin Farrell. OK, and it's basically based on like the classic idea of the old time detective who's looking for a missing person. But it's in modern times. So he plays a guy who and you find out more about his past as the episodes go on. But he was basically some sort of like either secret agent or spy in a previous life military background but now he works for this organization that caters to the uber wealthy and private people if they have somebody who goes missing like a son is kidnapped or you know for ransom or they just disappear and they don't want the publicity he's an expert at getting underneath the covers and kind of figuring out what's going on. And I'm surprised at how well Colin Farrell is playing this role. Well, I think he's a great actor. He's a great actor. But like at first I was kind of like, but it doesn't matter. He's doing really well.
Steve: So sounds like it's a poor man's version of Ray Donovan.
Chris: Yeah. Actually, you know, what's really funny is during the last episode that I was watching, I thought to myself, the Ray Donovan was a fixer. Yeah. Right. Colin Farrell is he's a fixer, but it's specific to missing person. Right. Only missing. But it did strike me that way. Yeah. But he's not the bully that Ray Donovan like Ray Donovan was just a gangster.
Steve: Oh, and a drunken.
Chris: Yeah. Yeah. Colin Farrell is like Colin Farrell is like impeccably dressed perfect manners. He knows.
Steve: So was Ray Donovan. He was just drunk.
Chris: Well, he knows like 10 languages. You know, it's a little different.
Steve: He was not highbrow.
Chris: Yeah, no ray donovan was not highbrow. Colin farrell is definitely highbrow Um, but the story is it's pretty interesting The premise is he gets contacted by a huge hollywood producer who's in his like late sep james cromwell, you know, james cromwell is He's the guy in iRobot that play the, so anyway. He has a missing person. He's told to contact this organization. They send, this guy's name is John Sugar. They send Sugar. Sugar gets up with him and starts walking down the road. And he's of course, his granddaughter is missing and he's got a grandson and a son that's in the movie business. And it starts to get a little bit complicated as to why is she missing. And it's good.
Marc: It sounds interesting. Yeah, let us know once you finish it what you think. Yeah, I…
Steve: I thought we were supposed to finish.
Chris: Well, we kind of talked about that. It's called slacking. Yeah, it is. So Pat on track says, right, the guy's name in The Gentleman and in Breaking Bad, Gene Carlo Esposito, the usual suspect, Kevin Pollack, a few good men, Kevin Bacon. Oh, he's doing the back the bacon, which is why, Pat, that's so old. Did you see the comment by Pat?
Steve: Back to bacon, yeah.
Chris: Back to bacon. Thanks, Pat. Appreciate that. Now I'm hungry. I wonder if that aioli sauce would taste good with bacon. What do you think?
Steve: I'm going to go with no. Like a bacon cheeseburger? Unless it's on a BLT.
Chris: Apple TV, instead of Sugar, which was my choice, we watched Severance, which is good. Oh, Severance is really good. Yeah, season two, it came out in like 2020. Yeah. Severance. Like, I don't think there's a season two coming. There's not going to be a season two?
Marc: I don't know.
Steve: I don't think there is.
Marc: Maybe it just wasn't that good. No, it was really good. No, it was excellent. Well, you thought it was good. I thought it was good. Most people didn't. Yeah.
Chris: Well, I did. Yeah. Yeah. Then DG says, Susie liked it more than me. It's a little too strange and kind of slow for me. Um, but I, I would recommend you, you liked it?
Steve: Yeah. I like Severance. Yeah. I would watch it. I would watch Severance again.
Chris: you would watch it again? Yeah. Well, I would watch season two. So, Hey, listen guys, we're going to go on and finish watching the pens game and some more hockey, and then we'll be back on with the hockey Jesus after the game. Oh yeah. And, uh, show guys.
Marc: Some communion. Let's get there. There we go. Cracker and some grape juice. There we go.
Chris: A cracker and some grape juice. All right, guys, thanks for watching the sports sports black and gold on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube X all over the world. And of course, I am going to drop this podcast right after this show, right after this show on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, Spotify. or anywhere you get your friggin' podcasts. And you can catch up with us. Subscribe, leave a review, go to the YouTube channel, and give us a like, give us a subscribe. You be good too. Brother Pat DG says, thanks for a great show, guys. Good luck, Mark, with that car business. Thank you. I am your technical director, and I am out.
Marc: Congratulations, Kaitlin Clark, number one pick.