The Porch Is Live - The Pirates Are in Free Fall
The Pirates are in FREE FALL and we blame... who? Find out. Hockey Jesus preaches on the decisions Kyle Dubas has to make and we talk about the best streaming options to watch. It's another great one on the Porch!
The Pirates are in FREE FALL and we blame... who? Find out. Hockey Jesus preaches on the decisions Kyle Dubas has to make and we talk about the best streaming options to watch. It's another great one on the Porch!
On this episode of the Sporch Porch, we express our frustration with the Pittsburgh Pirates' recent performance. The hosts also mention their presence on social media and the Fishing Network. They thank those who listen to the Buccos Report after every Pirates game.
[00:02:02] Pirates' freefall is frustrating.
[00:06:25] Major League Manager's Confession.
[00:10:00] The manager's questionable decisions.
[00:13:29] Lineup Changes and Preparation.
[00:18:02] Approach to hitting.
[00:20:09] Criticism towards MLB team.
[00:24:59] Pirates' batting slump.
[00:27:30] Reds' young talent and success.
[00:31:01] Cleveland Brown Stadium disgrace.
[00:34:56] Starting a family.
[00:38:22] Sleeping arrangements and marital relations.
[00:43:27] NHL draft prospect Nate Danielson.
[00:45:20] Dubas' tough balancing act.
[00:51:52] Future of Pittsburgh Penguins.
[00:53:53] Lady Bing Trophy.
[00:56:24] Israeli army friends cope with loss.
[01:03:34] Greatest pitcher of all time.
[01:04:31] Nolan Ryan's fastball.
[01:08:18] Capital crime mystery.
The Pittsburgh Pirates are struggling with their hitting, and their manager, Shelton, seems unsure of how to help. During an interview after a game, Shelton was asked what he could do to improve the hitting, and he responded by saying, "I have no idea." This is concerning because the team has three players batting in the 100s. The podcast hosts suggest that a more experienced or high-level thinking manager would notice some obvious issues, such as pulling starters too early and not having a strong lineup. The team is also lacking talent in certain aspects of the lineup, making it difficult to construct a strong lineup. The players are competing for their careers and need to hit well to become everyday players in the major leagues. The podcast hosts suggest that the team needs to work on their approach to hitting and consider jumping on first pitch fastballs if that is a player's strength. Overall, the Pirates seem to be struggling with hitting, and their manager appears unsure of how to help.
The Pirates have been changing their lineup every night, which can make it difficult for players to anticipate pitches and for opposing teams to game plan. The leadoff hitter, for example, needs to know what their responsibilities are and what pitches to look for, but with a constantly changing lineup, this can be difficult. Young hitters like Swinsky, Bay, Palacios, Marcano, and even Henry Davis and Nick Gonzalez may not know day-to-day what spot they will be in, which makes it harder for them to prepare. The podcast hosts also discuss the idea that while it makes sense to have some sort of rhythm to the lineup, it can be hard to construct a lineup when there isn't talent to fill out all aspects of the lineup. Additionally, the hosts note that everyone on the Pirates team is not just competing as a member of the Pirates, but they're competing for their careers, and at some point, it's just about hitting to become an everyday ballplayer in the major leagues.
Dubas, the GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs, discussed the possibility of buying out contracts, but ultimately decided against it due to negative consequences in the past. He mentioned that buying out a contract hurt their ability to sign players down the road. The hosts of the podcast also expressed their own opinions on the matter, with one host being a fan of getting rid of Grandland and buying out his contract, while the other host preferred going after someone younger. Dubas is facing a difficult balancing act of making moves that will benefit the team in the short term while also considering the long-term implications. The hosts also compared Dubas' job to that of Briere, the GM in Philly, with Dubas having the tougher job as he needs to win this year and make the playoffs.
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Swell AI Transcript: The Porch Is Live - The Pirates Are in Free Fall.mp3
00:00 Chris That's not that's not Tonight this is gonna be a really really good one tonight because I am frustrated Frustrated okay. Yes, I you know and I just will talk about that in a minute. Thank you Watching the sports ports this is the sports ports Pittsburgh where you can catch us on the I heart radio app Apple Cod podcasts
00:46 Steve Spotify I didn't know they had Cod cast. Yeah, they do on Apple. I love the Cod Cod cast
00:54 Chris Get your freaking podcasts or as always at the porches the porches the porches That's right, and we are on social media right now all over Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Twitter Thank you for being here And we do drop the podcast after every show on the I heart radio app Apple podcast Spotify or anywhere you get your podcast And as I always say on the buckos report if you want a little warm sports hug hug You can go to the porches the porches and I think we already said it three times And also you can catch the Cod cast on the fishing Fishing we're on the fishing network now while we're really expanding network. This is crazy So listen subscribe to the podcast after we drop it after the show tonight and please guys we're looking for reviews So we would really appreciate and and we love everybody that comes out every week to watch the show we're having such a good time with this we love it and Just leave us a review that'd be great. Right Schwabar. Leave us a review. I mean share us your feeling Let us know how you really feel. Yep. So I mean we let you know how we really I'm gonna let you know how I feel Right now because you're fresh and see holy hell the pirates are frustrating. Holy it's a freefall Listen I I want to I want to thank everybody who listens to the buckos report after every single Pirates game Bless you your buckos report after every pirates game on the podcast Any some butt drugs it is we got to bring that we got to bring that commercial in to great. I'm actually do that Can you email that to me Schwabar? Like during the show while you're sleeping I would rather concentrate on the sports ports. I I just can't I Am so the dead zone, you know, it's freefall and it shouldn't be it's it's it's baseball season and the Pirates got off to a 20-9 start and they've been 1534 Since or 15 and 33 or whatever which is kind of how we thought they'd start anyway But as it says on the ticker below if you're watching holy hell, are they frustrating? And I'm gonna go into something here right now and this is dangerous But it's a good thing they don't let me in the locker room to talk to anybody there because I I blame this Like we can we can go All all around and Bobby Trump at juniors in the house. He drops a comment in the chat He's a Penguins fan and I enjoy your podcast. Thank you, Bobby Oh wait, no hockey season Bobby Trump at juniors just sounds like a right fielder. He does Or he does catcher that plays maybe a catcher. Yeah That would be Davis yeah, his name's Davis right Mitch Henry whatever Hank Look, I am I'm late. Look the organization itself has its issues. We have our issues with the owner And all that kind of stuff, but you know what my big issue this year is with the manager Okay, and I always feel guilty and I'm actually kind of scared like if he sees me on the street He'll punch me in the face or something People who want to punch him in the face I know doubtful I you'll get punched in the face Yeah by the Pirates manager. I think make sure you get video. I was things doubtful who recognize you from this show Yeah, you're probably Recognize me at all. Yeah, so Different real life. Yeah the and Bobby played second base. So so I just you know, let's go over the positives Okay, let's talk about the manager. I like where you were going which there are none that that's where I was going I I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell is going on with the way this Team is being managed DG's in the house as always. Thank you DG for being here It's it is Look these games are brutal to watch and I don't want a medal. Okay, they're just brutal to watch on a chalkboard it really is okay because our and there we go, there's the okay see Okay, I know I thought it that last week's show go. I'm gonna digress now last week's show. Okay
05:11 Steve You counted the number of okays in the count them
05:15 Chris But what I realized after I listened to it I take a little drive in the car and listen to our podcasts what I realized is like the entire podcast I'd be talking blah blah blah blah, and there'd be this random Schwab. Okay I was like and then I realized it like every time Mark said, okay He looked at Steve and I was like these guys they're like inspiring against me So DG said he sums it up Shelton is just not good. He picks the lineup like he's pulling bingo numbers
05:49 Steve Beautiful absolutely no apparent rhyme or reason I like to get in on this Sheldon fashion go for it You take would take it away So I don't watch the games But I listen to some of the games and I certainly listen to the to the buckos report, right? Absolutely, right and What I've learned was this the Pirates can't hit the ball right now, right? And they interviewed Shelton at the end of the game and they said What do you think you can do to help the hitting and he said I have no idea Quote unquote. I have no idea what to do and I'm thinking of myself How does a major league baseball manager first of all say that and second of all say that when he has three players that? Start that are batting in the 100s, right? It's a simple thing you say well I have to Coach the ones that aren't hitting well like for example Swinsky can hit the shit out of a fastball right right, but he can't hit a curveball so all he had to say was I got to teach Swinsky how to hit a curveball and I have to take our Catcher out because he's terrible and we have a number one pick to put in his place, right? I'm gonna do right like if he would have just did that maybe he would have had some Confidence in the players that are out there who want to try and play right and he just when he says stuff like I have no idea what to do People are gonna follow that and they're gonna be like, yeah Well, I don't know. I don't have any idea how they hit this ball either So I guess we're in the same boat and I want to I want can I have an extension? Yes
07:32 Chris Could you address Karen? Yeah, I want to address Karen's comment here for those of you listening Karen is commented on Facebook I've been donating for a long time. Please stay a Pirates forever fan true fans They've been a fan for over 60 years. God bless you. If you continue to bash them, I will stop donating Well here here's the thing Karen It we don't want to bash them. I want them to win desperately I I remember when I when I first moved to Pittsburgh 30 years ago It was on the heels of the bonds Draybeck Bonilla Leland's Years and they were still good and it was great, you know In the 70s when they beat my beloved Orioles at the time they were a great team to watch that the buckos of ten years ago with with with kutch and and Russell Martin and and you know almost just almost reaching it and making the playoffs man This city comes alive when the team is good. And that's what we're doing. What we're talking about is And no CD I did not say Sid Bream because Steve goes into convulsions when I say that I go can't it catatonic you do Yeah catatonic. Yeah the opposite. So Karen we love the Pirates We we want them to win and this year when it started off and it looked like oh wow, you know There's gonna be a different team this year. They're gonna play well Mmm, I wasn't really no you weren't but I mean it got our hopes up and now what's happening is we're watching a franchise Seem to slip back into its usual ways and it's just frustrating So please I'm so grateful that you're here and you watch us and and you participate and thank you for that But it's not about bashing the Pirates. It's more about you know Questioning what what is happening in in that in that locker room? And right now to Steve's point when you look at the lineup Every single night and mark and I talked about this before the show for a long time Okay, you've got a you've got a Bevy of young and talented players Okay, and they and they I'm not gonna be able to ever say okay again and not be self-conscious but and they Played the way they did in the beginning of the season and then which was above where they should have played obviously but but then they start to slide and Then you watch what this manager is doing. I Can't figure out Whether or not honestly, I'm gonna say it. I can't figure out whether he knows he's a manager or not
10:08 Steve Well, I mean I agree with you just by the things that he said and you know Karen We're just trying to give you honest analysis true of what we see and sometimes it is a little harsh. It is true We are a little harsh here on the porch, but it's just What's happening? Like if Sheldon would have come out and said some things that made sense. We would have been like, okay The guys got a handle of what's gonna happen. Look what what happened was they they had the perfect storm They took advantage of that pitch count before people knew what to do with it, right? Right They actually Sheldon if he was the guy had a really good idea for what to do Steal some bases get on just just get runs, right? Yeah, and you were talking the pitch clock not the pitch count Sorry, yeah pitch clock 22nd clock and in and they played they played great But they played against teams that weren't very good. So now what's happening is they're playing against better talent and people have figured out what to do with the clock and how to get around that and Now they've kind of got like, you know, whatever 30 40 games on these new players and they're like, oh well, we just pitch Zouinski curve balls and we pitch around kutch and Everything's good then then we can beat this team now the manager needs to manage Right now he really needs to get out there and change up what he's doing and when he says things like And really know what to do. That's not what a manager should be doing a real major league baseball manager Goes in just gets it done. Yeah, and and and that's that's my frustration with the Pirates this year because I didn't actually I thought they would be where they are right now. Yeah, you're not so I'm not surprised I'm surprised by the way they started and I'm frustrated like yourself right that That they've fallen so hard in the last two months, but it's kind of predictable
12:03 Chris Well, and there's some obvious things I think that have been going on that that seems to me a more seasoned Or a more high lever high level thinking manager would notice first of all For quite a while He was pulling our starters no matter how they were pitching after basically He was trying to get him to five innings and if they got in a little bit of trouble the end of the fourth they were yanked if they got into a little bit of trouble with one out in the fifth they were yanked and That being said there were a lot of starts that were they were on their way to possibly being Quality starts and the guy would give up a walk in a hit and they'd yank him and our bullpen which was incredible Fell apart and that's gonna happen that that was the part where I was like like that's obviously not the managers fault injuries Happen and so you have to retool the bullpen So what do you do is you get your starters who have been pitching well and you you trust them to go? Into the sixth inning, you know, you want your starter to hit the sixth inning and unless he's getting shelled you let them work through adversity Okay, and if I know and if that if Damn it and if that happens then they gain Confidence in the way they're pitching and it teaches them how to pitch in stressful situations But instead he's pulling them another thing is The lineup is different Every single night and look when you are a leadoff hitter No matter what no matter what position you're batting in the lineup. Okay, if it's your if it's your Position in the lineup if you are the everyday leadoff hitter if you are the everyday second third fourth fifth sixth You know what your responsibilities are and you know what pitches to look for and after a while every team Has to pretty much game plan to pitch the same way to you So you're creating a situation in which opposing teams you can Anticipate a lot of their game plan Yeah And when you're when you have young hitters like Swinsky like Bay like Palacios like Marcano Even Henry Davis early in his career Even Nick Gonzalez who I didn't don't think has a hit yet when they don't know day to day what spot they're gonna be in The lineup they have no idea how to prepare because you can look at the tape of the other pitcher But you're gonna you're watching him he's pitching this guy this guy's batting third There's a guy on first like I have no idea how I'm gonna game plan to hit this guy
14:41 Marc I don't know what to expect. I'll disagree with you a little bit. Okay, please do I Do think obviously it does make sense to have some sort of a rhythm to your lineup however, I Also think it's hard to construct a lineup when you don't really have Talent to fill out all aspects of the lineup. This is true You know, like there really is no three hitter on this team, right? You're trying to create a number three hitter, right? you know, so I think that that's hard and and then the other the other part to it that I would say is You know with the exception of somebody like McCutchen, you know, everybody on this team Is not just competing as a member of the Pirates, but they're competing really for their careers, right? Yes, and at some point, you know, it's just gotta It's just gonna not matter where you're hitting You just got a hit to be able to become an everyday ballplayer in the major leagues You know, I mean the reality is I mean, yeah, would it would it be easier on the player? Knowing that they're gonna hit second every day. I do agree. Yes However, at the same time, you know I'm sure many players, you know until It's determined that you know, maybe they are actually a number three hitter You know They start out hitting seventh and then they hit sixth and you know, then maybe they try them in the leadoff spot You know, right and you know, but eventually if you keep hitting You know you find that spot and and maybe what Shelton is is is Struggling with is he doesn't really have a good spot for a number of the hitters Now granted, I think you make a good point like, you know on this team I don't see any reason for so inskey to hit anywhere but fourth or fifth You know, and I don't see any reason for G1 Bay not to lead off, right? I do agree with that But at the same time, you know We gotta you know guys gotta make it happen no matter where they're putting the lineup because the reality is
16:58 Chris You know, you want to become an everyday ballplayer You got a hit and they're just not hitting and DG says Mark's theory does not allow for his crazy swings when it comes to creating his lineup He's all over the place. I've never seen this extreme than any manager You know, I I think that what you're saying Marcus is actually 100% true There is obviously onus on the player to you know, hit the ball and I think that That were to find his stroke. Okay, and God, I hate that word now Well, no, you know what?
17:38 Marc Here's another is it frustrating for your stroke here. Here's here's another thought if I'm my breaking into you here too much No, go for it. Here's another thought You know something that I heard mentioned on the radio By our local folks here and I kind of agree with it is You know another thing to look at also is is just the approach to hitting it It seems like what they're doing is they're sort of teaching guys to take pitches and so What's happening is because the pitchers on the opposing teams realize that they're taking pitches they're getting ahead in the count and So, you know once you're behind in the in the count It's really hard to get a hit and then also, you know, there's there's gonna be players in this league Look, I mean, yeah, we all want a good at bat But there are also players in this league that are great at jumping on a first pitch fastball down the middle Right, you know and if they don't feel like they've got the ability to do that or if that's gonna sort of Get under the hitting coach or the manager skin if they do that Then we're really kind of you know, the we got to look at the approach to hitting too
18:54 Steve Yeah, and and I think that that all goes back to what's happening behind the scenes here. What are they working on? Another I know what they're working on. What is that? The the new club where you can get the new shirts at the PNC Park, right? Did you see that the vice of the president of baseball operations You want to go to hockey right now? Actually, I think some of these guys weren't actually in baseball They were they came from other places and some of them actually came from the Pittsburgh Penguins. Yeah, but yeah I think that I think that's more important that we sell more of these Where they city can actually connect jerseys at the at the at the new ballpark at the new, you know The new swag shop. Yeah, everybody needs to go down there and get their new jerseys
19:40 Chris Well, I did I did make a comment there. That's what they're focused on right now I did make a comment that like what do you do? When the team is in freefall and you've got a home stand coming up. You bring up Henry Davis And you go get a new jersey and you fill the stands. That's right Limited time only hurry up get down there now Yes, DG says when losing 12 of the last 14 or so reality dictates that some criticism is appropriate Even Jim Leland has criticized which is rare and that's what I wanted to get to Leland comes out and says there's no reason to Have a catcher who's batting 170 in the bottom of that lineup now Look, you're not gonna put your best hitter in the number nine spot Okay, but you're going to you've got another catcher in Jason DeLay Who's played a little over a year in the major leagues now or close to it and he's batting better and you bring up your number One pick who is a catcher and has he caught yet? No, no, he has played right field and I believe he's DH'd Yeah, yeah, I know why why are they not putting him behind the plate? That's a question. I would have for Shelton I do want to put it out there that on Instagram I took a risk and I invited Derek Shelton to come on this show. I have not heard back yet So and I'm not expecting to but I think it would be really interesting and listen if he comes on I promise will be nice. We just have questions and we want to hear what he has to say
21:07 Steve We're gonna have to get down to the to the new stadium. I can also check him out I can also do stadium. Yeah, you know the new stating with a swag shop If you haven't been down to the new PNC Park, yeah no longer PNC Park or is it still PNC Park? It's still PNC Park. It doesn't he talk. It doesn't you talking about it doesn't have a name though Like the PN the naming rights are up for PNC Park and they never got a new name
21:34 Chris That's what I was asked. Oh, so PNC isn't paying for the name Well, I I think they're getting it for for or they paid for it and nobody else has picked it up
21:43 Steve Yeah, we're not gonna I mean, maybe they're in their 21st
21:47 Chris Option year. I think they should go the way the Orioles went. It's just Orioles Park at Camden Yards There are no naming rights you can be the official PNC happens to be the official Bank of the Baltimore Orioles and there's PNC all over the ballpark huge and I found out over the weekend that they happen to be the official Bank of the Miami Marlins as well Because it's all over that Carolina hurricane, right? That's all a bunch of bullshit. But but anyway, so yeah, that's interesting. They should just go it should just be I think they should name it Barry Bonds Stadium Controversy DG says three shots on the way in Steroid Park
22:33 Steve Sheltie that show you didn't take the steroids when he was here though. No, of course not Pittsburgh history nobody's ever done steroids
22:43 Chris Now here's here's what DG says another thing the shame is that DG is just as frustrated as I am and and a lot of The shame is Davis gets pulled for defensive reasons late in the game no kidding He's not a right fielder and that that's exactly right I mean they're trying to teach the guy how to literally they're talking about teaching him how to play right field. Why? Yeah, why he's a he drafted him as a catcher. Yeah, he's caught games before you have a terrible Catcher right now. Yeah. Well, he's terrible as far as hitting goes. He's not a bad catcher defensively. He's not great But and and when you see him he looks like he's got a really great personality I mean, I'm not knocking Austin hedges. I'm just saying his bat is is not good I heard tell some really good jokes at parties. Yeah, right Maybe we should get him on the show. Yeah. Yeah, let's bring Austin Well, I don't know but I don't think he's got a lot of stuff lined up. So you might be able to get him probably Probably not. So what are your thoughts about the Pirates? Are you as frustrated as we are about the same things? We are I mean They just gave Sheldon an extension. What does that mean? Look in this day and age extensions mean nothing They gave it to them when they were like 20 and 8. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. That's true Well, we we still don't know how long the extension was and how much it was so it could have been like for another year Right now and they can buy you can fire a guy at any time. So that none of that really matters So nothing's not gonna give away free money. No, no, he's gonna keep him for as long as he has Gonna make him earn it. He's gonna make him earn it Gio Yeah, I lost most your comments and like to hear back from you yeah, I'm not sure this is an actual
24:29 Steve You know, yeah, I don't think that's a that's a football Yeah Hey, we do make friends here on this show we do okay once in a while every once in a while we get a new friend in
24:44 Chris Yeah, yeah, and they disappoint us but not showing up. Yeah, but that's okay. So I am I Am NOT Surprised that the Pirates are struggling. I am surprised. However that they're struggling this bad The statistic I brought up the other night That actually last night on the Buccos report I'm gonna I'm gonna bring it up here again Schwab or sent it over to me. It was it was great that Swinsky hedges Castro and Bay are now combined one for their last 92 that was actually probably before last night Right. Yeah before last night. So they're a little worse now One for one cuz you know, they all play yeah, yeah Well to me look these guys are these guys are major league ready players doesn't matter what organization they were in Okay, they they've they they've been they've played baseball their whole lives They definitely are major league ready from the standpoint of they're on a major league roster For that many players to be having a slump that poorly tells me that there is not any sort of real Attempt at coaching on the back end. There's no plan. It's not that they're not being coached It's that there's there there's kind of disarray like we've got so many guys that are struggling so much What is our approach as a team and that's the point there doesn't seem to be an overall Organizational approach to the way this ball club is managed on a day-to-day basis on the field It's like every night is a brand new game It's like watching little league, you know what I mean? Like when when my dad would be like, hey, you know Hey, you know Joe you you play left field tonight. You've always wanted to play left field, you know Or somebody would say hey coach. Can I bat fourth tonight? Oh Sure Santana you can bat fourth tonight. No problem, you know, like that's what it feels like and I'm committed to doing the buckos report and I want to see them turn it around But first of all a wild card at this point in the season in my opinion is completely out of the question 100% And prove me wrong pirates prove me wrong the only way that the pirates make the playoffs and I think this is baked in anyway is if they win the division because I do not see a wild card coming out of this division I see the Cubs as having an outside shot at winning the division and the Brewers Sometimes seem to be able to hold on at the end of the season right now the Reds look Incredible and I'm not I'm not sold on the Reds yet But but if they go past the all-star break and there's still three or four games in first place Then definitely you got to start worrying about the Reds
27:39 Steve Well all their young talent is coming up playing where they're supposed to be playing right performing well, right? They have some really unbelievably great hitters on that day that are young too Yeah, and they probably bat in the same spot in the lineup pretty much every night in their real three and four hitters Yes, right, right. That's what that's what the Pirates need to do
28:00 Chris They need to kind of just stick with the script. Yeah, and there's no reason to create a new script here They just don't have a script. That's the problem. Yeah, they don't have the script Okay, I'm gonna remind everybody that you can get your buckos report after every Pirates game on the podcast on I heart Radio app Apple podcast Spotify or wherever you get your friggin podcasts and you can always catch us on the porches And CD says now to quote Jim Mora playoffs. You're talking playoffs playoffs ain't happening. I'm with you CD right now There is just no way there is just no way But we were talking playoffs at the end of April we actually we and and look I was talking Oh, so you guys were telling me was too early
28:43 Steve Yeah, well we were we were talking about their ability to get to the wild card Yeah, and we said I believe Mark was taking lead on this
28:52 Chris Let's just wait till July and see what's happening. Yeah. Well, we didn't even have to wait that long Okay, so let's move on and let's talk first of all, let's talk Steelers Let's talk Kenny Pickett's wedding. Yeah, I was gonna say there's been a lot of happy wedding to Kenny
29:08 Marc Yeah, absolutely Congratulations, you think he went over the the new part of that 95 bridge to get there Do you know who is I don't know one and oh at weddings while the rest of the division is oh for one No at weddings while the rest of the division is oh for one Kenny Pickett the pick dealers Yeah, Deshaun Watson's like oh for 25 What it would it would it would I mean you didn't you can't you didn't put it together yet No, I am putting it together 25 assault charges. Yeah, I understand that right. Yeah, he's not close to being married. Oh Well, I didn't maybe he is I don't even know
29:48 Steve Maybe I thought maybe you're thinking he was married 25 times and then divorced that's kind of where I was going I was like, which seems like a lot for a young guy. Not really not really No, you think you can by the time you're 25 be married and divorced by five times
30:03 Chris There's a lot of things I did 25 times
30:06 Steve What did you do it while you were frustrated?
30:09 Marc Yes, by the way, by the way, I was in Cleveland's is going downhill. I was in Cleveland last weekend Why? Well, my wife had rap concert my no my wife had some medical issues and so we were going up your good Good physicians up there. Wait, wait, wait, wait, there are no good physicians in Pittsburgh. You had to go to Cleveland Yes, Cleveland's where they're at. Well, the clinic it the Cleveland Clinic is world-class I don't have you ever ate at a place called pure W
30:39 Chris Never is it near the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame it is I've eaten there with my daughter Well, it's not no it's not on the pier there No, it's one of the best restaurants in the city. It was unbelievable. I'm not gonna waste that on my daughter Right smart good parent
30:56 Marc But anyway, the point that I bring up she's not watching as we went to this restaurant for dinner We drove right by the Cleveland Brown Stadium. Yeah, I've been there not inside. What a disgrace To drive by a stadium and to see gigantic banners of the Sean Watts Scum of the earth then Miles Garrett scum of the earth. Yeah, and you just keep going by Scum after scum of the earth chubs a pretty good guy. Well, it is the mistake by the lake It's just a new mistake but could you imagine man if that was your team my god That's that's what you're bringing your kids to yeah
31:38 Steve In Cleveland, it's like the best thing they've had to root for since Brian Sipe. So Who was Brian Sipe exactly? Yeah, like that. These people don't even remember who Brian Sipe was who was Brian Sipe He was a quarterback. Was he? Yeah. Yes. When was he before Cozar before Cozar? Oh, okay. That's why in the glory days Before they moved to Baltimore the glory days
32:04 Marc Jim Brown
32:06 Steve The glory days of Ernest Beiner who then won a Super Bowl with the Redskins. No Ernest Beiner made the world's greatest mistake He did. Yeah, he did fumbled the ball on the goal line. He was in the end zone and he said no I think i'll fall. Yeah, i'd rather win it with Joe Gibbs Right, but anyway, I digress. Oh, so why are we talking about dealers? Why are we talking about Kenny Pickett's wedding? Well because he got married he got married he got settled down we ended up in Deshaun Watsonville
32:36 Chris Aka Cleveland. Yeah, and here we are but it wasn't there I saw something online and and we all know that everything you see online is absolutely true that there was some sort of scuttlebutt about how he
32:48 Steve Kind of gave the Steelers kind of an icy look or something at the wedding or oh the Steelers. Oh, yeah well, yeah, that was because there was a Huge ice sculpture ice sculpture said Steelers and had you know the hyper cycloids The the one thing I have against the ice sculpture was everything was yellow in it Like if you're gonna if you're gonna spend the money get the yellow get the blue get the red. Come on he's got the money clearly he's been on pyro and you know, he went right when I came in and then the ice, you know the The dry ice floor so you couldn't see if they were walking or actually gliding across the floor
33:29 Chris I mean he had the money to do it and he didn't he went on the cheap for the I think he's gonna regret that Whole thing. I think you I think you abide by the old age proverb of you know, don't eat yellow snow Exactly. Exactly. There should be no yellow ice Well, I mean maybe i'm wondering if that guy wasn't completely loaded and like I need some more ice
33:50 Steve Yeah, well it was over by the oysters, I don't know if that had anything to do with it I don't know. Well good for kenneth good for kenneth for Kenny Pickett finally scores big Do you think he threw more than one touchdown pass in his honeymoon I think I think he did and that's a good start. Yeah, I think you know, this could be the sign of a good good season
34:15 Chris Listen, I think Kenny Pickett broke lots of scoring records at Pitt
34:20 Steve Yeah, uh, that's not what his wife thinks huge scoring. I'm pretty sure his wife doesn't think that
34:25 Marc I'm not talking about I mean she was at Princeton at the time. I know like I said pit Yeah, I don't think that his wife talked to Rochelle and Nancy and
34:34 Chris Ramona and what? Ramona everybody knows Ramona. Yeah, everybody knows Ramona
34:43 Steve Did she used to hang out at the oh david says no No, yeah, the oh's been gone for too long he already knows that David, you know or warped. Yeah, but anyway, congratulations at Kenny Pickett and that's your stealer news for today
34:56 Chris In all honesty, you know like listen man gives you something to play for now. You're starting a family You know, um, we hope we hope we hope he's starting a family win us We don't know if I hope he doesn't start the way he started his season. I love this comment I love this from brad. Do you think he wore his gloves on his honeymoon?
35:16 Marc Well, he doesn't small hands. Yeah, actually
35:20 Chris As far as I know once the answer to that is yes brad. I see I disagree because once you're married don't the gloves come off
35:27 Steve Um, no for the woman the gloves come off
35:32 Marc I'm saying from experience. Yes. Yeah, i'm saying with the small hand and then come the two beds I gotta tell you guys a story, but go ahead. I'm saying with the small hands there might not have been a laugh to see Yeah, right
35:46 Steve Good lord. She probably wanted the the big hand look with the gloves I'm not i'm i'm not like you take off the gloves and then the hands look small
35:55 Chris Yeah, and leave the gloves on you know what they say about big hands. You're right. So
36:00 Marc Okay, so you guys brad's on to something. She probably did have them in her purse Yeah, and and she definitely owns the gloves now. That's 100 sure about that All right guys, it is it is getting a little late into the game here. Yeah, and we've got a cup We've got a couple other
36:15 Steve Things to get to and I think taking control. Well, I mean, I think we want to talk hockey before the draft Well, we we definitely want to do that, but we sure that we got all the steeler news out
36:24 Chris Yeah, can he pick a wedding? That's yeah, but but I also want to get this in by brad because this year We're not going to let this guy down. Okay, he's going to be in the weekend of october 29th the jacksonville game Brad we will see you that weekend jacksonville. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, absolutely meet you down there What what weekend is that? It says the weekend of october 29th. Oh, well It's the weekend of october. What do you mean what we get? It's halloween weekend. How about that halloween weekend? Well, I mean halloween what if your neighborhood is trick or treating on that? Well, I don't know Yeah, I mean what if no, I don't trick or treat anymore. Do you see any kids around here? I mean nobody else can see what i could go trick or treating with some scouts. Yeah You still got to be there for the kids in the neighborhood. There are no kids in my neighborhood. That's true. You live in a ghetto
37:12 Steve No, he he's the house. He's the house on the hill. You can't get to that
37:18 Chris That is right. So so so brad listen We we we we bagged out on him last year that well some stuff happened I don't remember what it was. He was in town for the jets game the jets game. I know
37:29 Steve Yeah, I don't know why we didn't meet. I think we knew that the steelers were making a commitment to you Yes, this year we will absolutely at least we will meet you at a minimum meet. Yes, we will meet That's right. I mean scott's gonna be in town too. So you're gonna have tickets. He'll be down there
37:42 Chris Yeah, well, we don't want to get scott. No, no, no, but what i'm saying it gives us a reason to go down Okay. All right. Good. Yes on top of brad being around scott scott's gonna be here. Uh, Okay, let's see if we get any other uh, We need to get dg here. Actually, I i've been down to palm beach a few times And I could have reached out to dg and we got busy and I didn't so I owe him too Um, so so so we'll do that's a big disappointment aren't you? Wow No wonder why we won't have any fans. Yeah, but i'm gonna give you i'm gonna get i'm gonna give you something real quick here You guys are gonna really appreciate. Okay. Okay the other the other week The other week before the show we were talking about marital relations. Oh, yes and sleeping arrangements And I I have to admit I have to I may have called me here. I I made fun of you guys Okay, here it comes you guys get ready and within two days I was sleeping on the couch
38:40 Steve Yeah, there you go. Yeah, baby. Yeah, I don't know why you sleep in the couch You got plenty of other beds just grab a bed. There's a tv make it yours
38:47 Chris There's a tv and it was it's because I snore I snore too much That's the that's the reason for everybody. But yeah, yeah, that's that's what she told you Yeah, that's exactly what I thought that's yeah, that's just what you're telling me. That's what she said Yeah, I was like you want to know what karma's a bitch We try to tell you you know, I know it's crazy one of these days you will listen that first night That that first night I was sleeping on the couch and I was just sitting there like fuming but I wasn't mad at her
39:15 Steve I was mad at you guys That makes sense. There's a lot of sense in that
39:21 Chris I gotta admit it to him. Although i've been allowed back lately. All right
39:25 Marc And no wives will ever agree that they snore too
39:29 Steve No, of course not, of course not I love it I love it somebody want to talk about the calder cup I think cd said something. Yes. Yes cd wanted to talk about the calder Jesus update us on this hershey bears I'm not sure why anybody would want to talk about the calder cup
39:47 Chris But first I want to remind you that after every penguins game Especially when penguin season is in full swing the hockey jesus preaches on the podcast on the iheart radio app apple podcasts Or anywhere you get your podcast And throughout the playoffs he does hockey jesus updates and even through off throughout the off season You will get that so subscribe to the sports sports podcast. Leave them a review leave us a review hockey jesus
40:11 Steve What do you have for us this week? Well this week, I think maybe we should throw up David's comment about dubas. Let's talk about dubas. All right So can do this i'll throw the comments. What can dubas really do this week? Uh Not much really david, but here's the thing that he did signal and i'm sure you you've you've seen this if you're following the pens At all dubas kind of opened his mouth about you know buying out contracts you know, i'm a big fan of getting rid of grandland just buying out his contract and Pretty much dubas said we're not gonna buy out his contract because they did that in toronto and it really it really hurt Their ability to sign players down the road and I get it, you know Just kind of take your medicine now next two years and the and the reality is they're probably gonna need some bottom six guys to play So we saw a small sampling of what grandland can do and it was absolutely horrible I mean it was it was atrocious So I say we give we'll give him the first 20 games and then if he's no good you just cut him Maybe somebody will pick him up then Um, so i'm okay with that the other thing too is you know, he's been very silent about jeff carter Which clearly means that carter's coming back So that means they're not going to be looking for a third line center, which is good and bad because once again carter's old Maybe just needed some time off. There's no playoff games last year. They got an extra month in there of uh rest and relaxation Hopefully that will help Um that will help You know that situation As far as the buyouts so he's not really gonna do any buyouts he did hire this I don't know who this person is. Vuki. Mufo Director of hockey operations. I love his name mofo. Yeah, that's he's a mofo Yeah, mofo is a mofo mofo actually he he is from la And I i'd love I love the la operation lots of mofos in la. I think he was like manager of direct underneath the hockey of operations, uh President he was manager of director of hockey operations president. No. No, he was the manager underneath president
42:21 Marc Did he wear gloves? He absolutely did wear gloves. He was the assistant director of hoppy operate
42:30 Steve Anyways, what what does that mean that that the director of hockey operations will do he'll just basically listen He'll be a sounding board for um for for dubas really He brings in these guys just to kind of throw around the sit around The the table like this and just say what do you think about this guy? What do you think about this guy? What do you think about this guy? Yeah, and i'm sure sullivan's going to be part of that group The one thing I do like about dubas is he's come out and already said what he's going to do There's no secrecy about it. I really like that about him So we don't have to speculate about whether granlin is going to do this or do that He's going to keep granlin. The only thing that he didn't really say was whether or not um He was going to keep the first pick or trade the first pick I get the sense that he's going to keep the first pick and Um, there's actually the the prospect that they're really looking at is nate danielson He basically is your ham and agar just a great player. He's got great hands He supposedly is one of the best skaters in the draft Um, but and he's got good size. He's six one He's a center. So you're looking at him to play the third or fourth line center Probably in a year or two um, and he's got great size The thing about him is last year He kind of fell off a little bit because he had such a rough start and he played for a team that wasn't very good And but he came on at the end and he ended up with like a point and a half per game which in the aah shell
44:02 Marc Isn't great. Um, but um, does a ham and agar prefer A ham and cheese sandwich or an egg salad sandwich I think he prefers a they would never eat an egg salad sandwich. I think he prefers an egg. He prefers an egg mcmuffin Uh-huh. Yeah egg mcmuffins would be good for a ham and agar for for breakfast still waiting for mcdonald's to call Yep I could go for one. I'm on a protein diet, man I can't do that. Well, you can take you could take the you could take the buns. Yeah Do you think that jari will stay or go?
44:33 Steve I don't know. I got the sense that he was he was looking basically what he said with jari and uh, Dumalin was that he he was having conversations with them about what their expectations were For a contract and then he was basically looking at the market to see if they thought they would get it elsewhere I think if he thought that they would get it elsewhere That he might sign them if he thought the price was right But my guess is the price of the market is going to be higher than the pengs one play Pay for either of these guys dumo or jari and I don't I think jari will probably end up going which Is good and bad because now you got to replace him. The question is you're replacing with somebody younger Or do you go for like a mike quick? And just say hey Proven commodity we need somebody good the next two three years and that's it I think that's a bad idea. I'd rather than go after somebody younger, but This is the balance that dubas has to play no matter what he no matter what moves he makes he's got to go Younger or he's got if he goes older. It's got to be a proven commodity
45:39 Chris It's going to be better for them should they make the playoffs. I've got a question for you Dubas or briere who has the tougher job right now?
45:49 Steve Briere is the gm in philly. There's no doubt that dubas has the hardest job, right? The thing about bri the thing about briere and philly is he can just do scorched earth policy and just start from scratch Yeah, and he can he can do which is what he's doing. He can do a two or three year He can do a two or three year plan Dubas has got to win this year and not only he not only does he have to make the playoffs this year He almost has to win a playoff series this year for him to be considered successful
46:19 Chris That's going to be really difficult with this team. But given the fact that it is Well accepted in not only in fan circles But in hockey circles that hex stall left a mess Okay, would wouldn't it be? Acceptable for him to kind of burn it down a little bit now While he still let me rephrase this if the flyers had Crosby and malcolm, okay, and and they burned it down To bring in to bring up a lot of younger players Maybe I think both crosby and malcolm have two or three good years left. Maybe more Wouldn't that potentially lead to Quicker results than the same old same old now i'm not grading dubas at all Because he's brand new and he's he's a fresh fresh eyes and from what I understand about, you know hockey He's going to be a better gm than hex stall. I mean, it's just it's almost baked into the cake But it's been left a mess So why not burn it down and bring in some of these younger guys and and let these these superstars teach them instead of you know Possibly putting grandlin back out there and possibly putting jari back out there and possibly putting dumalin back out there You're just putting the same team back out on the ice
47:43 Steve Well, and that's why I think that's why I think he'll probably let jari and dumalin go. Okay. I mean the older guys That the chance for burning it down was five or six years ago Okay, and they would have had to do it piecemeal. They couldn't have done it like in one season, right? Like they would have had to get rid of malcolm one year and then latang last year And that would mean that sid would be the last man standing this year. Gotcha or for the past understood, you know And they just decided not to go in that direction instead. They're going for the nostalgia play. They're going for again Look, look these guys are going to be hall of famers. They're going to break records Let's just enjoy it while they're doing it even if we don't make the play
48:24 Chris Why don't we enjoy it holding a cup up? I mean, come on these guys are guys that win cups
48:28 Steve That's what they're trying to sell right? Hey, these guys got one more last run in them They're they're gonna make it they've proven they don't have it in them and not these guys But because where these guys are you're not inserting young talent into those spots, right? So you're never going to see a young a young talent come in pittsburgh the next three years And play where malcolm in sid play unless one of them gets seriously injured And then you'll see it happen, but at that point it's going to be plan b It's not going to be plan a it's not going to be somebody they pick to put in that position
49:04 Chris It's just going to be somebody that has to try it. Okay, and that's going to fail so so let's uh, because we we want to get on to some things that we're watching here, but Tell me what your gut Really tells you about the next Two to three seasons for the penguins no sugarcoat in here. No fanboy stuff
49:24 Steve What is your gut really telling you my guts telling me that? They're going to and I don't know in what positions and that's the that's the frustrating part for me There'll be some positions where they'll Pick somebody who's old there'll be other positions where they pick somebody who's young And they are going to try and bring them up as quickly as possible to play with the old guys So my thought is they probably will go after an old goalie Because they think that's a position that needs to be solidified for this year in the next two three years And then I think they'll probably try and keep some of their by getting the old goalie They don't have to trade any of their picks to go get a young goalie, right? So then they'll take their picks from what I can tell from what dubas is saying Sounds like he wants to draft some goalies. So I think they'll draft some young fast skaters And they'll also draft a young goalie. So for three years from now When sid's probably gone and gino's probably gone and tangers probably gone They're going to have a young hot goalie come up and maybe maybe help them
50:29 Chris Limp along, you know the post sid Penguin so if i'm if i'm interpreting this, uh, not good
50:38 Steve No, it's gonna it's like if you look at the teams that are going to be in their division They already have great young talent, right? So they're gonna have to try and find a way to play against them smartly And sullivan has already announced that he doesn't play smart. He plays fast plays at the speed of the puck They're going to struggle against these teams and that could mean bad things for sullivan Potentially, I can see in the next two or three years sullivan getting fired And and and I can see a new coach coming in bringing in new life, but not maybe maybe Maybe get malke and sid and latang through to the second round And almost get to the to the finals and that'll be that'll be like it that'll be it for the glory years It'll be over. I'm not liking this. I'd rather them go out with a cup. Of course everybody would well I can tell you it won't be as bad as the pittsburgh pirates because Because thank you for stating the obvious because they'll actually spend to the to to to the Cap right and they'll always have a player in mind to go and get like the reality is Let's say in a couple years Some of these young young guys I mean who even knows edmonton might get frustrated with mcdavid and drysidle to be honest with you, right? They might have they might have 12 million dollar contracts and maybe that'll be around the time, you know Sid's getting out or geno's retired and they got the money to go get a young talent like that I can see that happening. So there's a possibility that's past three years, right? But there might be a young talent that somebody just like jack eichel, right? Buffalo got frustrated with him and said we're getting rid of him. He went to vegas. We want a cup Yeah, you know, so that just like the penguins did with bluger No the opposite Reverse that I know I know one more shout out though to the hershey bears in the caldera cup They actually did come back to to force a game seven. They were down they were down Three two and they won the last two games and they won the last game in overtime Um to to win it after being down to nothing in the game And you know how difficult it is like in the stanley cup finals you score the first goal You're gonna win you score the first two goals You're almost guaranteed to win. Well, that didn't happen and I I get it. It's it's the it's the calder cup It's not a real cup Sorry cd But I mean, it's what hershey gets. I mean they get the caldera cup. That's their stanley cup
53:16 Chris I hope you get the chance to drink out of the cup of trogues. Have one for me the uh, What's funny is when I was growing up in york in central pa? That's the hockey that I watched was the bears and I used to go watch the hershey bears Up in hershey all the time and there were many I think they won a bunch of cups in the in the 80s
53:32 Steve Didn't they I know they won at least one because I remember that year Well, that would make sense because they're washington's farm team, right and washington never won anything So the fact that they won the calder cup was good enough for them
53:45 Chris right Okay after every pens game hockey jesus preaches on the podcast and we want to remind you To subscribe to the sports porch podcast on the iheart radio app apple podcast spotify Anywhere you get your podcast, please leave us a review We would love that and visit our website at the porches the porches The porches Now since it's the dead zone, we've got lots of time on our hands We sure do so I do we are gonna yeah, you guys know I do especially now that i'm sleeping in another room Well, at least you got a television. Yeah, I do and apple tv plus and all that other good stuff What are you watching? Uh, so we're gonna talk about what we're watching and what is that? What are we streaming? What are we enjoying right now? Our first uh, we're gonna defer here. Oh, by the way, anzie copetar just won the lady bing trophy Oh nice. What's the lady bing trophy? It means you're you're polite to other players on the ice Yeah, you don't get a lot of penalties. Are you serious? Yeah, normally, uh, they have a trophy for the nice guy Lady bing lady bing. They actually call it the lady bing. It's a real thing. I'm not making this up. It's a real thing Um, yes. Yeah. Well, you know Let me silly. Yeah, that's ridiculous to be honest with me Hey, you get the nice guy trophy. All right. Um, okay. So what are we watching? We're gonna go with uh, we're gonna go with mark Uh mark you are currently watching what
55:17 Marc When heroes fly I thought he I thought superman already flew on that was on netflix. That guy looks angry. He is he's cool He's got a great i've already i've already watched it. It's just a one year 10 episodes. It's great Um, you guys might you know start, you know complaining Let me guess there are drugs in it You are correct It is and guns it is israeli there is a Voiced over english virgin
55:48 Steve Uh I think you meant to say
55:54 Marc We've been doing this a long time today. I am definitely watching I am definitely anything that has an english version in it virgin in it Yes, when you voice over an english virgin, there's some serious shit going on. We just went from like, uh, one eye to seven eyes I know that yeah What I did seriously, uh You know, it's got everything that I like it's got it's got virgins. It's got guns. It's got war It's got terrorism jews. It's got drugs and it's got jewish people my favorite Your people people now it's it's it's a good story. It's basically a story about Uh, these guys who are in the army together, uh in israel They fight in a war Uh, they lose a close friend of theirs in the war And kind of how they all cope with it and then one of them goes down to Columbia to kind of get away from from everything and that person, uh goes missing in columbia and It's it's it's really good. It's worth it. You don't want to go missing in columbia. No It is and you said it's one season. Is it like was it like this past year? Is it a couple years old? Um, Within the last
57:13 Chris Two years or three years i'd say at the end of it. Is it uh definitively over? It's like a limited series Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, 10 episodes on netflix. That's a good one though. I I the the four Episode limited series sometimes it's like it's like not enough. It's like yeah, I agree with you
57:30 Marc Like this is enough that like, you know You know and the bottom line is gotta be seven. Yeah, it it definitely goes like, you know, you'll probably watch it in
57:40 Chris Two and a half weeks. Um, that means chris will watch it in two weeks. No, no, no Watch it in a night in a night. Give me a night. I'll be done with it. I'm gonna be done with it tomorrow Just to just to mess with you guys. I'm gonna just approve a point. Yeah, i'm watching it right now and you don't even know Okay, when heroes fly When here I can't that sounds like a like a black mirror episode listen, i'm i'm gonna this is a spoiler alert But I cannot wait until we have a radio station. We're gonna have so much fun and that's just a tease just a tease Um part of the marketing plan steve is watching something that i've watched
58:19 Steve This is something everybody should watch. I am not totally agree. So It's facing nolan. It's a movie Actually, his son made it documentary movie documentary movie on nolan ryan, right? I'm not a huge baseball fan, but and I grew up with nolan ryan, right? I had no idea three quarters of the thing in this movie. I think it was just so well done like I've I i've either forgotten or didn't remember that he played for the 1969 amazing mets and won the world series. Yes, he won the world series as a rookie Yes, and he pitched and he pitched well and and controversial he wasn't like supposed to pitch They're like no put him in the game three. Yes, the manager put him in the game three. Yeah, and he won Yeah, I mean some people are like this guy's cashing in there's no way nolan ryan it had because at that point he had no control He absolutely had no control like nuke lelouch. He was wild as can be hit hit hit players Nobody wanted to go up there and and face face him It was incredible the and the other statistic that I learned from that from this
59:30 Marc That also blew my mind Nolan ryan won zero Cy young awards. I know zero actually not a one makes perfect sense. Here we come. There we go. There we go Yeah, tell us why so first Steve carlton was winning them all he was but first of all, uh, so You know, you know who won, you know who won a world series game as a rookie for the 1980 philadelphia phillies bob walk Okay, nolan ryan. Wow. Yeah. Okay, and uh, you know, here's the thing when I'm not gonna He clearly hasn't seen the thing no well in all honesty when I think of nolan ryan I honestly only think of one thing Go ahead. I know what you're gonna say in the 1980 in the 1980 run to the world series um the philadelphia phillies were down five two In the eighth inning with nolan ryan on the mound a seemingly impossible Juggernaut to stop and the phillies came back and they beat nolan ryan and from that moment forward When the phillies won the world series and I was 10 years old. I was just like We own nolan ryan That's it That's all I see I see seven no hitters or eight no hitters or whatever it was most ever great Yeah, great. I wait. I says great. I see him punching the heck out of robin ventura. Yeah, it happened But I see a blown World series opportunity. Well, that wasn't his only one. He also blew one with the rangers Yeah, so he so he blew so he won one world series when he couldn't pitch and then he when he could pitch he blew two
01:01:11 Steve and uh, and you know, well, I mean it's never really just about the pitching but No, but you get the idea. Yeah, how how many world series did randy johnson?
01:01:22 Marc Won. Yeah. Yeah
01:01:24 Chris But he was a big part of it. Okay, so let's let's just talk
01:01:29 Steve And just just look up his stats i'm looking at him right now. They're ridiculous. There is nobody there are probably Nobody there are probably 15 or 20 He has 51 major league baseball records records pitching records. They're probably 20 that won't even come close to being touched Nope, he pitched for 27 seasons. Yep. He had almost 6 000 strikeouts. Yep. Did he pitch to 50? Uh, no, he was in his no he was uh, 45 46 and and and the reality is The way he left the game was because on his last pitch he literally tore Attendant in his arm. Yeah, he couldn't there he couldn't pitch and he knew that was it
01:02:09 Chris That was the end of his career. Listen listen to these stats in 1989 when he was 42 Pitched for texas. He was 16 and 10 with a 3.2. ERA 32 starts 239 innings pitched 301 strikeouts and uh the next year at 43 232 strikeouts 344era at 44 years old 291era 173 innings pitched 233 strikeouts, but wait, that's not all sounds like a couple good doug drabec years, uh, well, let's let's add in like 10 more good doug drabec years uh 72 These are just strikeouts 72 329 73 383 74 367 76 327 77 341 78 260 779 223 1980 1980 200 strikeouts. He was an 11 and 10 with a 3 3 5era. That's called no run support Okay, that's called five two lead in the eighth to go to the world series, right? I'm not good enough No, oh my god. Look this guy is the greatest pitcher other than cy young that set foot on the mound
01:03:34 Steve Do you disagree now after watching that? I agree. I mean you just just watch it the other thing David they didn't talk about the what what you said with the beating of the first two batters as a high school senior But what they did say was you know, everybody said that you know He got such a strong arm because you know He threw he used to deliver papers and used to throw it out the throw it off of his bicycle You know when he delivered 300 papers every morning He said that actually was a lie He drove and he always threw with his left hand because he when you're driving you have to throw with your left hand So that wasn't the reason he did it the reason he did it was his dad was so crazy He would wake him up in the middle of the night to throw ball with him Like one o'clock at one o'clock in the morning and just throw as hard as he could And he just just just got that muscle memory at a young age. He was he was absolutely incredible Plus he was super he was a really big guy, too Yeah, he was tall but but and actually he credits. Um, the I forget the houston pitching coach That he taught him to to how to control the ball because it was the way he was it was the way he was He was landing when he was throwing it. Yeah, he was leaning one way versus the other and he said once once he figured that out He was he was like I could he could throw it anywhere And that's why he would throw at guys because he knew where to throw it where he wouldn't hit him But just to scare him enough off of the off of the plate And then the next time just come in on the outside of the plate And and players were just terrified the guy was pitching over 200 innings into his 40s I mean and and and doing it well supposedly through the fastest fastball They said it was clocked at like 101 or something like that And then the gun was slow gun was the first time they actually created a gun then They they calibrated it and he said it was like 108.7 or something like that. He was throwing the ball Yeah, which is just incredible. Yeah, I mean, yeah if you've ever if you've ever been I mean I've never been behind something that was like 80 miles per hour. I can't even imagine what 108 looks like
01:05:39 Chris Yeah, just like I have no idea. Yeah, it's a blur and and and it's in mark's defense Before I watched it. I was kind of where mark was as far as Nolan ryan like yeah a choker. Well, and but he did choke a couple times But a great but a great pitcher like one of the greats but just one of the greats Listen you got two guys here. We both watched it changed our minds. Just watch it
01:06:07 Marc Promise me, please. I'll watch that along with the cy young and the sandy cofax
01:06:13 Chris pretty pleased with uh Never mind, okay Okay chris is Chris is watching a sci-fi thriller. I thought about this one and then I thought Sci-fi I like sci-fi. I do like sci-fi too, but you know silo It's really good tim robbins is in it and he's really good common is in it and he's really good. Yeah, are there
01:06:40 Marc Trolls no, are there ghouls? No, are there dragons? No vampires? No, are there
01:06:47 Chris So there's none of those things. No, I might be interested. No, it's it's uh, so I is it alternate dimension? Movie no, no, no, those are big. No, i'll give it i'll give it i'll give you the straight. Okay, it takes place Somewhere in the distant future on earth and what has happened is you don't really know what's happened There is about 10 000 people living in this silo that was built directly down into the ground think nuclear missile silo But it was it was built for human Human beings to exist in and it goes down like hundreds of levels gotcha and a reverse size Skyscraper right into the ground and they can't figure out that some at some point in their history to get back out No, they know how to get out at some point in their history A rebellion happened and all of the history prior to that rebellion was erased from all the computers So they don't really know exactly how they came to be there But what they do know is one of the highest penalties for crime Is they send you out to clean the kid? They have a camera outside this silo pointed to the earth and the earth looks like it was just destroyed by By a nuclear war, right? so one of the the death penalty is you you have to go clean the camera you have to go clean the camera and and or if you say Like there's a lot of curiosity and they know that so some people are like why one day fukushima? I want to go outside Some people actually have said I want to go outside If you say that the crime that's a crime. That's a capital crime. They're like you go outside Here's a tissue. Make sure you wipe that thing on your way out. Yeah, so so there's a mystery There's a mystery surrounding what actually happens. Okay, and it's uh i'm in on this It's nine episodes in the first season and I just finished it in a matter of 48 hours and uh For real for real and uh, it's actually it's done very well the acting is really good Silo on apple tv plus if you're into that definitely watch it. Um And uh, that's about it. You guys got anything else you want to add in that's uh of any sort of value at all?
01:08:57 Steve Well, did steve have what we're watching? Yeah, no facing nolan remember just went over how nolan The greatest you just bashed nolan ryan the greatest picture of all time a long time
01:09:06 Chris Um All right, listen guys I want to thank you for watching us on social media Okay, I want to turn mark down I want to thank you for watching us on social media watching the sports porch podcast And also catching the sports porch podcast on the iheart radio app apple podcasts or spotify or anywhere You get your frigging podcasts and always at the porches the porches the porches And we will catch you next week you sons of bitches later. Thanks tg Okay You