April 11, 2023
The Porch is LIVE - The Buccos Start HOT

The Buccos are off to a good start... but... and... will the Pens make the playoffs?
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The Buccos are off to a good start... but... and... will the Pens make the playoffs?
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That would be Steve of course. I took care of that Steve because I am like sorry I got excited. The capital's just stored. I am like. Everybody is excited. I am like a watchful parent. Okay listen if you're if you're watching us give us a give us a comment. Tell us you can hear us. We've had some technical difficulties. We have a new studio set up. We've got all kinds of stuff going on.
So maybe you know just give us a comment or something like that. I've got a new technical director Christian Klein. Christian Klein. That's what they used to call me when I was a landscaper. Yeah. A little Mexican guys. They were like Christian. Christian. Christian. Yeah. Yes. So anyway, listen. Welcome to the Sports Sports. Okay, great. Thank you, Amy. Finally, finally, finally. Okay, welcome to the the Sports Sports Pittsburgh.
We are live. Wanna thank you for being here and listening on American Busker iHeartRadio. American Busker has a hundred and fifty million registered well iHeartRadio has a hundred and fifty million registered users, 2, 000 devices across 260 platforms and you can catch the Sports Sports Podcast on the iHeartRadio app just about anywhere you get your podcast and of course you can always hit our website at The Porch is Live.
com. The Porch is Live. com. The Porch Is Live. Dot com. Very good. Very good. See? We're already overusing the sound effect. Yes. Yes we are. Sound effect. Yes we are. Okay. Sorry about that. Have a talk with the technical director. Yes we will. Yes we will. Hey Amy drop us a comment and and just tell me that Steve and Mark sound the same as I do. Yeah if it sounds if it still sounds fabulous.
So we sound good no matter where we're talking. Come on.
And we'd like to thank Amy Mae Schwab, our producer. Yes. She's the real technical director of this show. Yes. Well done. Yeah. She is also give her a moment to respond. She is folding laundry while watching the show. Oh okay. Okay. Hey it's a good show to fold laundry to she enjoy folding your box of shorts. Why don't you shut your mouth? Schwab is so into the microphone here. He's like he's like I do like the microphone.
Why don't you I knew you guys.
Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. Okay. Listen man. We got a show to get into right now. So the first thing we want to talk about obviously is the Pirates and the start that they're off to. I I feel like Schwabber is going to be you know well let's talk about the Pirates Chris. Let's talk about that. The whole time. So. As long as he doesn't break out into another Prince song.
We'll be okay. Yeah. Right.
So look the the Buccos are off to a six and 3 start and how about those Buccos there you go thank you the Buccos yes yes and obviously you know all over the news Cruz entered you know they get off to a great start Reynolds you know Reynolds is hitting 405 with five home runs and 14 RBIs player of the week Major League Baseball's player of the week yeah Brian Reynolds and I'll be honest with you I mean I I I like him as a player but I never saw him having a week like that before.
Yeah I mean five home runs is above his pedigree. Yeah that's that's that's a week. But hey we'll take it. If you're going to go six and three you're going to need somebody hitting five home runs especially now that's Cruz is out for 4 months. But he'll be back in time for the playoffs. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yes. The push. And real quick. DG is in the house.
Thank you for being here DG. Drop us a comment. Let us know. Let us know how the sound is. We got a new sound set up here and just give us a thumbs up or something so six and three obviously you know when we talk we we've launched our show in Philadelphia and obviously the Phillies last year they made the World Series and one of the things we you know concentrated on when we were talking about them is the fact that it's a long season okay and the expectations for the Phillies are obviously a lot higher than the Pirates but to get off to a six and 3 start and you know especially yesterday that one to nothing game you know take the Cruz out of it for now.
Right. Okay. That that that's a you know your pitching is showing up. Bednar is an all-star reliever. Yeah. Reynolds is as Mark just said is you know he's out to get paid and. Who isn't? And and he is talented. Um and I just you know then Cruz breaks his ankle. And it's like are they are they really that cursed? Because how do you replace that guy? I mean who do you with.
They're talking about Rodolfo Castro and the guy they just brought up Mattias is that his name? Yes. Yeah. Right. Are you actually paying attention? Well, just because they're winning. Is Rodolfo Castro a world leader or a Major League Baseball player? Um. That's Fidel. I don't know. Oh. Fidel Castro, my apologies. Yeah. Uh Lynn Cavelli says not doing so well tonight. I don't know what that means.
Sorry about that Lynn. A few minutes ago, they were down to four to one. Yeah. Yeah. She's talking about the Pirates. Yes. Well, let's talk about the good Pirates. Sorry, Lynn. Yeah. And by the way, I disagree with your definition of a curse. A curse is if a guy is running the first base and he twists his ankle. Like what what Cruz did was I don't even know what it was.
If you seen the play he wasn't sliding. It was like he was running. He knew he was caught because he kind of put his arms up and then like at the last moment he decided to slide. And this guy you you turn me off. Sorry no we're good now. We're good. Was that on purpose? No it was an accident.
Studio. An accident just trying to play around with levers. I know. I I was yeah that's my fault. Totally my fault. Don't touch the button. Sorry. Sorry. Let us know you can still hear us. I didn't screw into a rant too. I I apologize. The problem with Cruz is he doesn't know how to freaking slide. I mean he's six foot seven and he decides that at the last moment he's going to slide in the home base when clearly the the catcher already has the ball and can tag him out.
Like it should have been a head first slide like to the outside of the plate you know maybe you make it but you're probably out anyway. I don't think a guy that's six foot seven should be sliding personally. Like like you you make the decision to go for it or you don't and I I to me when he put up his hands it was like I'm caught like oh well he should've just let the guy tag him and then he goes he goes in and then he gets to play for the next four months but instead he decides he wants to fall down like a 10 year old trying to slide.
Right. And he fractures his foot. Right. Well, I'm not so sure that I I agree with that he shouldn't have slid. I I think that he was just never taught how to slide correctly. Well, I mean I don't want to put it on him and it's not going to it was a fluke play. I mean, it was just fluke. I mean, you know, he he he kind of like caught himself midslide.
Didn't know if he didn't fully commit to it and you know, basically probably his cleat caught something on the ground and that was it. It was just play. Let's not over analyze it boys. Yeah. But but he's out for four months and there goes the season. Yes. Well here's what I like to say about the six and three start. This is very typical of the Pirates.
Remember last year I believe they got off to a really good start too. They're like five and two or something. Were they? Yeah. Yeah. They were they were off to a really good start and everybody's like oh maybe they won't be as bad as as you think they will be. Well let's let's analyze it through my eyes. Which is please. A G Pittsburgh Pirates fan who wants to be a fan, okay? And I will watch some games at some point but I didn't watch any of these nine.
Right. Let's be honest. Yeah. Um but what I did notice is in the box scores, they can't beat Cincinnati and they can't beat Cincinnati because Cincinnati's not sexy and they're in the division and they can't beat the divisional teams but when they go up to Boston, now all the players come out because they're like, this is an opportunity for me to get the hell out of Pittsburgh let's shine up in Boston and they sweep Boston three nothing right interesting and then they come home you know you're going to get a bump from the home opener Kutch everybody's crying I guess you know whatever by the way I think the signing of Cutch was a fabulous marketing deal makes yeah we talk much easier yeah we talk so so and they got some they got some money for that on Friday night when when they win they did and then they lose and then they win the Interesting thing about them winning and losing.
I mean it's the Chicago White Sox so they're not going to play them again. But right. But but I mean they win what? Thirty-9 game? Yeah. And then they win one nothing like. One nothing. What is this team? Like that. How does that happen? Yeah. That doesn't make sense. Well that goes back to what we talked about before which is it's a long season.
So take the O'Neal you know even if Cruz doesn't get injured. I I think that you have more of a a situation in which like you said Steve they're off to a good start yeah you know and and unfortunately with Cruz being I think it's more of it kind of sucks more because we wanted to see what what Cruz was able to do as opposed to like he would make him aware right right yeah can he not strike out as much can he be more consistent can he go 30 can he do 3030 you know which I not this year I I gotta say yeah definitely not yeah he's out to August but the like they're going to bring him back and put him right in.
I mean, you know, if and it's a humongous if they're in playoff contention, you know, maybe but they're not going to rush him back. I would count him as out for the rest. I would too. Really? Yeah. I mean, that's that that's what I would do. Just let him heal. Yeah. It's fine. Yeah. Now, Amy likes to likes to chime in here once in a while.
She says the new sound system is making us all sound sexy. Hey, Amy. Let's keep that to just one. Yeah, here we go. Mark, Mark gets all the sexy note. Yeah, DG the sound is great. You are clear with a little more base than in past episodes. That's right DG. Thank you very much. Like a microphone sound system. Now here's the one thing that I keep looking at Schwab because in all of our in all of our podcasts okay and remember you can get the sports sports podcast on the iHeartRadio app or anywhere you get your podcast.
We drop the episode right after the live shows. On all of them Schwab is always sniffing and coughing and all that kind of stuff. You gotta try to keep the sniffling down a little bit. Well What do you do? Do you like snort a huge line of Coke before you come in here to the to the no. I was going to see. I you know what? I did see him pulling in the dryer.
Yeah. Is he like snorting coke? I couldn't tell what he was doing but he put something into the glove compartment. He's got a response though. I know that. Don't call me a drug addict. There's inappropriate. Uh what I have to say is I have seasonal allergies. Mm. And just by my being here to begin with. I mean this is the commitment. It is.
Yeah. You don't know just how hard it is for me to do this show. Yes I know. And apparently you do have some sort of an addiction. I am addicted to nasal spray. In fact I have some on my person.
We're going to have to frisk him before he comes into the studio. Oh you guys. You guys. If you're not watching the Porch's Live you have no idea what you're missing. So DG DG agrees with Mark that he was late to commit to his slide and like like like Schwabber said you know we don't want to overanalyze it. We we don't. Look. You know bad things happen on slides.
Your legs are in weird positions. The ball bounces the wrong way. You know the catcher he he gets the play. Blah blah blah. Injuries happen. I just hope that you know I just hope that the Pirates can can contend to be maybe 500 this year. I think that's our best case scenario after watching nine game. I didn't watch all nine games. I listen to most of them on the radio.
Mm hmm. I I find it I find it really relaxing to listen to the base listen to the baseball on radio. Yeah. You know I can believe that. Yeah. Yeah Candy. Yeah because I listen to hockey games and. I've done that too. It's it's it is. You can do other things and you can still understand what's going Yeah. Let's talk one more thing before we leave the baseball.
On Friday it was a thirteen nine game right? Okay. Yes. Yes. The amount of time of the length of the game was only two hours and 45 minutes. So did you like that Steve? I think that is probably the most exciting thing about baseball this year. Hm. You're going to see a lot of games that are going to be less than two and a half hours.
Normally a game like that last year that'd be like a three fifteen three and a half hour game. Right? Big difference. Ridiculous. Pittsburgh's making a big difference. Yeah. Nobody wants to see them grab their nuts and. Yeah. And pull their jocks draft. That was the yeah. And no more fifteen throws to first base. Yeah. Like it's like just get in there and throw the ball.
Like that that's baseball to me. Yeah. Did did you one of the who's the who's the play call for the Pirates on the radio. Who's that oh I don't know who it is in there. Bob Walks? Yeah. Is it Bob Walk? Bob Walk? Yeah. He's still around yet. Yeah. Anyway, he he's he's actually really funny. I like to him on the radio and the other day he was commenting on the pitch clock and he said instead of it wasn't a direct comment about the clock I realized after he said it he said and these new batting gloves these days they adjust themselves it's amazing you know because how many I mean one of the worst remember Brian Roberts when Brian Roberts was the second baseman for the Orioles you guys didn't watch him play that much but I did he was one of those guys who adjusted his batting gloves 500 times between every pitch Barry Bond did it a lot oh come on had the elbows.
He had the gloves. He had the I always found now of course this is me in playing high school ball and I I didn't play on my high school team but I played legion ball. I always found like for me hitting it was like I'm just going to go up and hit like I wore batting gloves and everything that the quicker I could get to the plate and just get into the groove of hitting the ball the better.
I never understood all the machinations of my yeah I never did any of that. I think it's just a routine like you know when guys are up to the free throw line someone will like put it around their back and like bounce it six times. Right. You gotta have a routine. They're just gotta they got a new routine or they're going to strike out a lot.
My routine was smash the ball. That's what I wanted. My routine was don't get hit by the ball. Try to walk. So you know this year raising the Jolly Rodgers so far a little bit more than not but with that injury we'll have to see where they go. Um I do want to I do want to make one quick comment about David Bednar.
I love that guy. I think he's hilarious and I I think he's really good. What do you mean he's funny? Yeah. Yeah. What? His attitude. His attitude. Yeah. I just think he's like he goes I think he's hilarious to watch. What do you mean hilarious to watch? He's just so determined. He's this big huge guy who can throw ninety-eight miles an hour.
Never mind. But that's not funny. That's just being a good baseball. Mark just wants to hear himself in the morning. I don't understand. I don't know. I don't understand the funny aspects of a big guy throwing a ball. Yeah. Yeah. Well, if you just think about I haven't I haven't seen him throw a pitch yet so I tell you what I'll make you a deal between now and next week I'll watch him pitch and I'll tell you if I think it's funny he must be a big David Wells fan yes I was a huge David Wells coming out of his his uniform he's pitching like yeah well he was like he was like you you know you walk into the bars anybody want to pitch across the street you know and then he would go okay so moving on here moving on here I want to thank you if you're listening to us on American Busker iHeartRadio.
Oh and we we have to mention that every Sunday. Oh yeah. At four o'clock you can catch The Sports Porch Pittsburgh and The Sports Porch Philadelphia. Yes you can. On American Busker iHeartRadio WWW dot American Busker. com. Dot com. That's right. And of course you can always catch us on The Porches Live. com. The Porches Live. com. Sunday nights right? The Porches Live.
com and a lot of people folding laundry on Sunday nights. I know that's where I hold my okay NFL not a whole lot of Steelers stuff going on obviously the draft is what two weeks away we're like two weeks away from the draft yes I'm very excited for it yeah I love the draft it's it's one of my favorite days of the year is it really do you take off Friday you like take the next day off because you gotta well I don't because you know they on Thursday and Friday it's only at night so you don't take the day off no I will say that's true you'll get up early in the morning I will say this I've I've adjusted to it now I did prefer when it was all day Saturday and all day Sunday.
I I preferred that. I agree with you because you could be out and about and like oh they're they're going to draft and you like are like checking to see who they're drafting. I like like you know going to like a Damons with a bunch of guys and what are a numbers you're really showing you know. Yeah. When I used to go watch football with Charles.
Oh my god. Back in the the early the early Fantasy League days when they first went online. Oh yeah. It was a couple years before I got involved with the group we're in now but then we added that one but Charles and I used to go down to Damon's and Fox Chapel and he would get down there literally at like 10: 30 in the morning because to get a good spot.
They had all the yeah direct TV and we would be there just fast forward and now it's nine o'clock at night and it's the Sunday night game and my bill, my tab at Damon's is like $384.
You know, yeah.
And that's and that is no no freaking joke you know and I am beyond hammered beyond hammered you've been there all day yeah and the crazy thing is it was fun though oh it was a blast and and I had to I asked the guy you know how do you get all these games and that's how I got introduced to Direct TV and oh wait a minute Jeff is in the house from York good evening gentlemen oh and hey Chris yeah thank you Jeff right on Jeff New York PA but anyway yeah That's why I got Direct TV is because every Sunday I was slapping down my credit card for like 400 bucks for twelve hours of football drinking and wings.
You got the big Costco wings and you made your own. And then I made my own wings. Got a new television you're broke even. Yep yes yes. So anyway okay so OBJ signs with the Ravens. That's right. Um the Baltimore. Bait. Bait for Lamar Jackson. Are they dangling that bait? Probably.
That's what I said. Yeah, for sure but they didn't have a wide receiver anyway. So, they needed to get somebody. I'm just happy they paid overpay. Yeah, I'll I'll tell you. $15 million? Yeah. Ridiculous. 15 that could go up with incentives to 18 million. I mean, the guy hasn't played in a year. Yeah. Uh and he's got a history of injuries. Yeah. Yeah. That is that is not a good signing in my book.
And he hasn't been good in like 10 years. Right. I mean, like, you know, to me, I I could buy like a one year six-million-dollar deal but that's about it well the the problem is they don't have anybody so they had to bring somebody in and the problem with Odell Beckham Junior is he can't carry a team himself anymore no like he he was great with the Rams I thought yeah because Cooper Copp was carrying on exactly he was the secondary or the third choice so now he's the number one choice like you could still cover him with one guy and and cover him no problem and you don't have to worry about Mark Andrews still right And and I we were we were reading good news for Mark Andrews if he sticks around.
He either either we were reading DG's mind or he was reading Iris right now. The sympathico there is so it's so close but that's exactly what he was thinking. Yeah David he didn't played all that. Yeah coming off he had a whole year to to heal. The question is is how much rust is on that. Yeah. And and Jeff Police do you think the Ravens will trade and possibly the Colts? I'm guessing he's asking Lamar.
I I I don't think that's going to happen at all.
Cuz I I I think they'll trade him if they want to give him like three first round picks. That's what I'm saying. I think the asking price is too high. Yeah. And I think Lamar wants too much money. I I really think and and the rumor about Beckham and Lamar talking yeah sure those guys talk. Yeah. I mean I think that move but ultimately the Ravens they're the ones that decided to sign him and Lamar still not signed. Right. So it's not like Lamar went to the Ravens and said hey I talked to Odell. I talked to my buddy OBJ. Uh if you guys sign him I'll sign on the dotted line.
I think the Ravens brought him in his bait to get Lamar because. Right. You know now he's got OBJ on the team. Right. I don't I don't think that there's any way that Lamar gets traded. I I'm no. I I I just don't I agree with you. This is a weird standoff. Isn't it? Well it it's a it's a poor move by him because basically what he's saying is he's saying he's worth more than Deshaun Watson.
And he and He is. That's a problem. But nobody's going to pay that contract. Right. They're not going to pay that for Burrow. They're not going to pay that for Hertz. You know Mahomes didn't get that kind of a deal. You know it's just not going to happen and he's just dug in that this has to happen. I know. I am. And it it makes no sense. I mean he's losing millions and millions of dollars every time he every year that goes by that he doesn't sign.
It's really foolish. It'll be interesting to see when if he shows up for you know OTA and that sort of stuff my guess is he's not then is he going to show up for training camp that's going to be the big deal and that's a long time down the road yeah but he this was always going to end this way we talked about that last yeah that's true and and that that is the problem and you know I blame the Cleveland Browns you know I mean they should be thanking the Cleveland Browns because we don't have this problem as Steelers fans absolutely thank you Cleveland thank you Cleveland absolutely screwing the ball morons.
Yeah, I I get the ball to morons. I like that. I I just don't think that you know usually I guess what I'm getting at is usually when you see a a player a star player and they get into a standoff with the team. You can kind of predict where it's going to go. You know, you can kind of say, alright, you know, sooner or later, this is what's going to happen.
He's either going to be traded or he's going to sit out. This is something where it's like it's it's it's it's it's so beyond weird I don't see him I don't see him standing down I see no way this year I I think he's going to play but I mean come on ultimately he'll only make 35 million yeah ultimately you're not going to turn down 35 million yeah how do you do yeah for you know to make a point yeah you know I I agree I I I agree he's coming off an injury too okay and and draft wise we'll maybe we'll do a we'll do a draft preview closer yeah we'll do a draft preview so at This point right now I think the the biggest question is you know are the are the Pens going to make the playoffs and and so we're going to bring in Hockey Jesus who I I We're finally going to get around to some hockey.
I love it. Yeah we're going to bring in we're going to bring in the Hockey Jesus Steve. And the Hockey Jesus preaches on the podcast after every single Penguins game. And you have done 80 penguins game. 80. That's crazy. When we when you got something to say happy Easter Hockey Jesus. There you go. Happy Easter. Well thank you very much. Yes. I hope your Passover was. Yeah. Non bloody.
It was sensational. It was non what? Bloody. Bloody. Yeah. We're Really? Look, you should know by now that I don't really understand my holidays so. Yeah, okay. Uh let's just stick with yours. Well, clear clearly I don't. Yes. Yeah and apparently, I I my my privilege prevents me from understanding those. Yeah. Any sort of yeah. Anyway, it's nice to be fully risen again. Yeah. And and in fact, I appreciate all the prayers you said yesterday for me.
Yeah. Well, we're praying for we're praying for you now Hockey Jesus. I can tell you some prayers have been answered tonight. Yes. Yeah. Okay. The Washington Capitals are up three nothing.
Really? Yeah. Gotta use the sound effects when we when we can. Gotta get them in when we can. That is good news. I mean who saw that coming but it's a long way to go. There are two more periods to play and the Islanders definitely are able to come back from these things. Um zero zero in the Toronto Florida game. So we're scoreboard watching tonight of course.
But we're scoreboard watching because the both of the all three of these teams the Islanders the Panthers and your Penguins. My Penguins. My Hockey Jesus Penguins are all winning. The they're the only teams that are winning by the way. All the other teams are like winning, losing, winning, losing, winning, losing. It's like nobody, the only team that's winning, winning, winning, winning, winning is Boston. Can you say winning one more time, please? Well, I should say it nine times but I really don't feel like saying it nine times.
Yeah. People will be turning away. Yeah. And Boston did set the record for most regular season. They did. They got the they got the record against Mark's Philadelphia Flyers. Yeah. The fact that the Flyers scored three goals on them was a miracle in itself yeah it was right and they lost okay but so Boston's clearly rolling if we get some help tonight that's a big deal because I was looking at the schedule thinking like I thought the Islanders had easily went out they play you know they play the Capitals and they play where is it where is it they play they play a crappy team is it the Blue Jackets no no we play the Blue Jackets I think it's Montreal they play Montreal they don't play anybody good but here's here's the thing like yeah I know.
I've said it so much. It's great. They talked about it 8 million times on the radio today too and I I I totally. It is. It's it's they play against Montreal. Okay. Yeah. So I knew as the Capitals in okay alright. Uh but here's the thing like I thought Florida would definitely lose against Toronto or Carolina but as it turns out Toronto really doesn't have anything to play for anymore.
They're locked in a position. They're definitely playing against Tampa Bay Lightning. And Carolina by the time they play them in the last game of the season may already have first place locked up. Although Carolina is losing tonight to a crappy team. They're the Senators. Yeah. Nothing. Yeah. So that's actually good because if if the Hurricane have to win the last two games to stay in first place, it all depends on what the Devils do.
Um and the Devils, I watched that Devils Boston game. Two really good teams. I'm surprised though. It's it's amazing how you can have such great talent on the ice and it's like a two one game. Mm. It's like the the the goalie play just just been crazy good. Yeah. Um and that's what the Penguins have been getting and I think that's why they've been winning.
The other thing they've been getting in their wins his secondary scoring Carter scores Nylander scores Heinen scores in the last two games clearly Crosby was the MVP of that Detroit game look great put the team on his back just hit a laser for his 1500th point only 15 players in the NHL all time have gotten to that plateau so clearly he's one of the greatest but hey the Pens gotta beat Chicago tomorrow and then they gotta do justice against Columbus now the last time they played against Columbus Blue Jackets they actually had to from behind the win they were down four nothing in that game and won 54 so I think Columbus is going to be actually thought Detroit was going to be the worst but I think as long as the Islanders or or somebody can beat the Florida Panthers who are on a six game winning streak which is incredible and they play against Toronto and and Carolina if if if Florida can win out and win eight in a row man I don't I think I'd want to play them if they play against Carolina in the first first round or if even if they play against Boston so that's going to be a tough game so did you just say the Pens play Chicago and the Blue Jackets.
Yeah. That's those are the last two games. Last two games. So both of them tomorrow. And then Columbus. Thursday on the okay. I was thinking of making a is there any chance that they would lose one of those two games. Yes. There's absolutely is a chance. I mean Chicago and Columbus are firmly locked into their positions right? Yeah. So that means that but where do you get a mute? Yeah well you keep looking at Mark and and and you can just talk the microphone.
I'm pretty sure kids can hear me. They're good. Yes. Yes. They're good. They they know what the hockey Jesus is saying. We're talking at each other. There you go. You know, sometimes you can look at each other. Are you holding hands under the table? That's none of your business. You do that? Stop talking. That's none of your business.
You stay on your side of the table. We'll stay on our side of the table. Okay. Yeah. So, they play they could definitely lose against Chicago and Columbus just because these teams now have all all their players who want to prove something. You know, they want to try and make team for next year so so these are and I think that's why the Capitals are winning tonight because when the Capitals lost the other night against Florida which they had that game in hand there's no reason they should have lost that game they just fell apart in the third period but that lost put them in the Bedard sweepstakes if you that's what I'm getting it the Blackhawks and the Blue Jackets are not in the playoffs no they're banking they're actually the the Chicago is the worst team in the west and.
Right. The Columbus Blue Jackets are the worst team in the East. Right. So you couldn't have a better scenario which makes me nervous. Right. Right. Right. Because it's like you have the easiest two teams you could possibly why would you how could you lose to them? Right. Well anybody can on any given night when a when a goalie wants to steal a game when when when and you know a couple young punks who you don't know how they play just decide to skate circles around you because they can they're young right and you know the Penguins they love to skate but they're 35 year olds so third period comes around and you got 22 year old skating around 35 year olds in circles it could be a problem so they're going to have to do what they did the last two games play a discipline game don't get into don't get into these rushes don't get into the trading of opportunities just don't let any good opportunities in between the dots in the slot no good shot let Jari do his thing.
Hopefully he saves those those shots on from the outside which he's been doing. That's all you're asking. I I feel like I feel like you could just say they just need to win these last how you win is through these things. Yeah. You don't do the other things. That's how you lose. Don't do the things that make you lose. So. Don't do the things that make you look good.
Let me ask you this question. Let me ask you this question. Okay. Do they do they absolutely have to win both games or is there a scenario in which the Islanders or the Panthers could lose and the Penguins could lose one of these games and still make it into the playoffs I mean I know it's like they they do need to win both games but do they absolutely have to win they have to win one for sure okay because they're a point behind got it the problem with that is then let's say the Islanders end up losing against Capitals tonight if they win And then they lose.
Yeah. And then the Islanders lose but get the overtime. They get a point. They don't win the tie breaker and they're out. Okay. Yeah. That's what I heard. The tie breaker. Yes. So so if you win them both if if if somebody loses. The Islanders lose or Florida Panthers lose and you win both. You're in. You don't have to think about tie breaker scenarios.
None of that **** Right. You're automatically in. You you have your own fate in front of you. Gotcha. Okay. And when they lost to the Devils which nobody was surprised by that put them out of the playoffs and they're still out of the playoffs even though they won their last two. Yeah and we we we I don't want two more hockey Jesus podcasts.
I want like seven more.
We all do. Yeah. And I'll be honest with you. You may only get four more Boston. Pens. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. But you will get you no matter what even if the Penguins don't win. You will at least get bonus one for the playoffs and I I promised to do a bonus one for every round of the playoffs so that means the first round well the second round and then the third round would be the hockey the hockey Jesus is going to is going to do his podcast even even through the playoffs is what you're saying even if they're out I I have I I'm addicted to hockey okay yeah much we know and hockey is your hockey your nasal spray.
The reason I. Hockey addict. The reason I came back to life was to watch the playoffs.
Alright. And so there you go. Okay. Okay. So hockey I feel like you want to say something about about the playoffs here. Anything? Uh no. I mean you know to be honest though regardless of what happens I think it's most likely they will make the playoffs and then they'll have to face Boston. Hm. And that will not end well. Um And if that doesn't happen then it's even worse not making the playoffs.
I think anyway you slice and dice it it's been a disappointing year. Would you agree? Well it it's been disappointing because our general manager wasn't able to get the pieces put together to put together a team behind the first two lines. Right. Let's face it. You know when you think of the a disappointing year you think well Crosby didn't have a great year or Gentzel didn't show up.
Russ didn't have a great year but you know what he probably is going to end up with 20 goals right I think he has 20 yeah this guy yeah maybe I don't think he scored last game no his next goal will be 20 but so it's not been disappointing from a star standpoint but it has been disappointing from a management standpoint and I don't mean Sully necessarily and I know people are aren't really thrilled with Sully and I think he does need to figure out if he just wants to play this game with this team because it's not working but I think he needs to do that in the off season.
You can't change now. Right. Forget about it. Even though. Right. I think their scheme has changed a little bit in the last two games. And by that I mean they've got they they play a little bit more of a trap where they're not letting people just skate back and forth. But once it the skating starts happen the Penguins don't stop it.
They just love the skate. So do you think there's any possibility at all that because Boston is was charging so hard into trying to score the most points and the most victories and not resting their players that in that first round no matter who they face that they could there could be a let down there? Absolutely not. No. No. Well so Boston.
I think so. Boston is a machine of a team. Yeah. Like to put it in perspective they have a a gold differential of like a hundred and twenty-three. That's crazy. Right. Yeah. And I know that's crazy. The team that's next is 61 yeah wow that's second place that's huge so they're double the second place yeah so that yeah so it's crazy they would have to they would have to really fall far as far as being gas well and the the other the other thing about their team is they just roll four lines yeah and so they're nobody's gas because nobody plays a lot of minutes it's not like they have one superstar this is what I think about Edmonton I think Edmonton is a skilled team but their team game is half of what Boston's team game is.
So that's why I like them so much. Right. It's and I just don't see a let down happening. They they they might have an injury in their defense or they can't even have an injury in their goalie because both their goalies are really good. But they could have an injury in their defense that could hurt them from being able to move the puck out of the zone which could cause problems.
Yeah it's it's not like a scenario with like a a pre-tight old Washington Capitals that you know relied on you know a Vechkins line and right you know every year they were a disappointment losing in the first or second round of the playoffs it's not like a team like that won the president's trophy it's it's it's truly you know a dominating team yeah yeah in in all aspects of the game okay okay so I I doubt it so it would be nice if both Florida and the Islanders would lose a game and the Penguins would win out then they would end up in the position where they'd either play Carolina hopefully they would hold on But if they had to play New Jersey I don't know.
I I I did say that I would like them playing New Jersey. Yeah. I don't know anymore. Yeah. That New Jersey team got got good and faster. Well we talked about this on the on the sports porch Philadelphia when we were talking about the Sixers. The playoffs are another season in every in in every sport. Yeah. So you never you never know.
For sure. Yep. So you guys oh another interesting stat I thought at the beginning of this year would you have would you have predicted that Malcolm would play every game did he play every game no he's played every game he played every game all he really well except for the games he gets thrown out no no but he he's on the roster yeah well he has the most penalty minutes too this I gotta give credit to the radio crowd for this I got yesterday as I was driving around so it was like yeah Malcolm Raquel has played every game and so is Crosby Sid has yeah yeah and there was another guy can't remember who it was but yeah I mean we were banking on a Malcolm injury because it always happens.
Uh banking on a Crosby injury because it always happens. Yeah. I mean most players get injured. Sure. But they've played the whole year. And that's kind of actually disappointing. If you think it's a shame. Yeah. It's a shame that you know they got that kind of effort from them and and they you know they're struggling to make the playoffs. Yeah. That's that's why I think it's you know you're going to call it a disappointment.
That's the reason it would be a disappoint. Yeah. Okay so listen guys. Every Penguins game. The Hockey Jesus preaches on the podcast after every single game. Next one is tomorrow night, correct? Black. Two more left. Right. Um on the iHeartRadio app, the Sports Sports Podcast after every Penguins game, The Hockey Jesus Preaches. So, anywhere you get your podcast. And every Sunday, you can hear us on American Busker, iHeartRadio at 4 PM on Sunday.
It's a two-shot block. That sounded pretty good. It's a two-shot block. Two-shot block coming at you. There you go. Start it. That's it. Yeah and we want to thank American Busker iHeartRadio. IHeartRadio has a 50 million registered users. 2000 devices, two hundred and sixty, 50 platforms, something like that. I don't know. My dog Sassy's getting all crazy. Okay, last thing I want to do this week, we're going to start something kind of.
We gotta do some fill time here. So, just because we have fun, I just want you to close your eyes and pick a card, okay? Let's do it. Close your eyes and pick a card. Close your eyes and pick a card. I can't see who are. Just pick a card. You just gave me one. Just pick a No I didn't I didn't pick.
Okay. And you gave me. So these are these are from my 1989 top set. And we're going to talk about the players and the memories that we have. So we're going to start with Steve. Steve you have Huby Brooks. Huby Brooks. As in LA Dodgers. Yeah it's right. 1989 top set. Don't crease the edges here. No no no I know. It's it's it's it's big condition here.
So give us give us the background on the on the card. So when when I saw Huby Brooks I was thinking Wasn't he a New York Met? I remember New York Met. I think he was. So he went to the back and Huby Brown the NBA broadcaster. Yeah. No, Huby Brooks was a Met from 1980 to 1984. Yup. And then he went to the expos.
Yes. And clearly was traded in the 1990 off season. Yes. To your LA Dodgers. Yes. Now, I don't remember. I want to say he's a short stop but I don't remember. So, I'm going to look. Bats Right. Throws right. Hughby Brooks. It doesn't say what position he played in. It might say it on the front of the card. He was not a home run hitter.
I don't remember it as a home run hitter and like a nominal average. This is outfield right there. Oh yes he was an outfielder right. There you go. Got it. Right there. Yep. Averaged in his major league career. Two seventy-six. Through 1990. Remember through 1990 in his first whatever set. And has a total of 103 home runs and he was an okay what was his best year in the years that you have on the card his best year was his first year but it was only for twenty-four games no okay take that out yeah okay so games let's see he didn't play every game a lot so he was never really a full time guy 98 games yeah I guess in the Mets in 82 3 84126 150153 okay that was his best year he had no.
Two eighty-three. Brass Tax and Steve are not going together tonight very well. 283 and 16 home runs. There you go. In his 19 eighty-4 season. Okay. Not good. He's not a good player. I would say you don't remember Huby Brooks. I do remember Huby Brooks as a met. Okay. And I and I don't remember him being a superstar and I my memory is right.
So okay we'll put that up there real quick so everybody can see that with Steve's card. Um and Jeff I I had to get this comment in by Jeff Paul he was an expo. Now, here's the reason Jeff Pollis would know that. Jeff Pollis, I'm telling you and you guys have never met him. I went to high school with him. We're great friends.
Uh great guy. Um born and raised in York, Pennsylvania, okay? Backstory. Yes. That's the back story. That's all you need. Born and raised in York, Pennsylvania. Right. The only Montreal Expos fan on the planet I have ever met in my life at an expos hat. He was a fan.
Just tell Tell us Jeff. You were an Expos fan. I'd love I love their uniforms and that and he was a proud Expos fan. Expos. Yeah. Growing up in Philadelphia we had a big French Canadian section so I knew a lot of exposure. Oh stop it. That's sick.
That's such **** Swabber's so happy he could get that. He could rattle that one off.
Alright Schwabber what's your card? What's your card? Uh outfielder Glenn Bragg. Show it to the camera. Let's see. Glenn Bragg. This is the nineteen ninety. Put it put it up real close. Side your face. Your camera's look at that. Can you see yourself? There you go. Alright. Glenn Bragg. Okay Glenn Bragg.
I do remember. I don't remember him. Was he outfielder first base? Outfielder he played all these four years with the Brewers. I guess he was traded to the Reds before the start of this season.
He he was he's exactly as I remember him definition of an average baseball player you know like lifetime lifetime batting average of 256 through 1990, you know hit about you know, 12 home runs a year you know you know had maybe like on average 50 RBIs a year he was nothing special hold on to that it was nothing special he's garbage no okay no okay I mean the bottom line is is that this is in mint condition you could rip it up and it'd be worth more there you go that's exactly right that's exactly right Okay and my my player is Tom Brunsky.
Tom Brunsky. Bruno. Yeah now so from 81 to 89 with the Cardinals. So he must have been traded to or signed with the Red Sox for the ninety season. Um Tom Brunanski his best year up till 2000 and or 1990. He bet let's see he batted two sixty and he had thirty two home run. That would be 19eighty-seven. That was his that was his breakout year with the Twins.
32 home runs, eighty-five RBIs and batted almost two sixty. I do remember 32 home runs. Yeah. Yeah. Long ball Bruno. Yep. Yep. And long ball Bruno. So okay so let's decide. Who was the best player of these three? Oh Brunanski. Brunanski. Hands down. Oh yeah.
Yeah. No doubt about it. Who look the most like Steve of these three. Oh definitely. Yeah. Oh yeah definitely. Not definitely not Brad. Yeah. Now but me you know there's a little resemblance there. I don't think. If I could get a mustache like that I'd wear. Backwards Mount Pleasant Days. You never know what happens on the farmyard. Alright so and and Jeff chimes in. Uh he was. Dave Cash was my favorite player as a Philly and then they traded him to Montreal.
Oh so there you go. There you go. I was a kid so don't judge. Jeff you ought to know by now that is what I've built my life on. No judgement. No judgement here. Dave Cash. No judgement here. By the way I have actually been to Montreal Expo's Olympic Stadium. Have you? As a little to the side. As a little schwabber. Oh as a little to the side. Wait wait wait. Were you there for like a game or did you just like no.
No I was there with my parents took me to Montreal and we were visiting and where the expo played they played in their stadium. I believe it was called Olympic Stadium because they had the Olympics there. Yeah. Right right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah so you know we did a little tour of that. All the like the Olympic village and it was all like around the stadium. Yeah. It was one of less memorable moments of my life.
But but I guess I do remember it. Yeah. Cuz I'm because I'm telling the story. Yeah. I just wanted to find a way to bond with Jeff. Yeah. I think I think you have. I think you went a little too far. I did the best I could. Yeah. You did a great job though. Yeah. I'm very interested to see what exactly you know Jeff found appealing about you in high school.
About me. Oh yeah.
Brad's in the house moving on. Brad's in the house. Hey Brad what's up? Uh you came a little late but I think Jeff actually found my my endearing personality. You know what? I'm not even going to mention words. Yeah I I I Jeff would you say that Chris has an endearing personality. He's not going to say that dear. He's not going to say that. I I'm look I When I was in high school you know and in our at our age at this point right now it doesn't matter.
When I was in high school I was an **** Okay? I think that's what Jeff loved about me. Oh really? And I don't think he loved it because he was like wow. I wish I could be an **** like Chris. I think he found the **** that I did like ridiculously stupid and unbelievable and he couldn't believe that anybody was as big as an **** as I was and it just made him laugh. I think you've had a breakthrough night.
I've never heard you acknowledge yourself as an **** Yeah. Ugh. Dude, come on. Let's see. We got a comment here and I'm I'm hoping it's Jeff. I'm hoping I I I that's that's another story Mark, right? Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Did I nail that though, Jeff? I mean, I'm not bragging, believe me. I I I actually wish I wasn't an **** So, you're reformed. You became a better person. Not in the least. No. No, you have.
You have. You're not a terrible guy.
Trying to save the show. That's a therapy session. Okay.
Listen guys. I want to thank I want to thank everybody for listening and bearing with us through this this this studio stuff we got going on. We're we're so excited that we can't stop talking. We're having I mean I'm loving listening to this. Yeah I can't stop. I love hearing myself. I know you do. See I knew you would you would buy into this. I think you like hearing me too. No. I like hearing me. No I don't think so. No I like hearing. I don't think nobody likes hearing us more than Amy does. Yes. Yeah. That's true. That's true. And you know what? We hung out long enough that's Jeff agreed with me.
Ask all the way. You know, Jeff, that's an answer to a lot of different questions if you think about it. Alright, guys. Listen, thanks for watching us on social media for putting up with us and as always, you can catch the Sports Porch Podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Spotify, Apple Podcast, or anywhere you get your podcast. You can get us online at The Porch is Live. com. The Porch is Live.
com. The Porch is Live. com.
That was fantastic. That was. Yep. That was the wrong one. I meant that one. Breaking news. That's what I meant. Horrible job D features. You're going to have to label that.
Label it. Yeah. Over featuring. And somebody get Chris a label maker. Over featuring. And and and and and every Sunday at 4 PM on American Busker iHeartRadio. You just go to the iHeartRadio app and pull up the American Busker station. It's an indie station. Thank you Nancy Hahn. We love it. DG says thanks guys. Have a good week. Catch you next time. Go Cats. Thank you DG and let's roll into the playoffs with the music.
Let's go Pens. Let's go Pens.