The Porch Is Live - Is Jarri on the Trading Block?
The Porch Is Live - Is Jarri on the Trading Block?
Hockey Jesus is in the house... Jake or Jarri? The Buccos Report is back. Become a supporter of this podcast:…
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Feb. 27, 2024

The Porch Is Live - Is Jarri on the Trading Block?

Hockey Jesus is in the house... Jake or Jarri? The Buccos Report is back.

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Hockey Jesus is in the house... Jake or Jarri? The Buccos Report is back.

[00:00:08] Survivor reality TV controversy.

[00:07:27] Hockey Jesus and trade rumors.

[00:12:21] Rollercoaster of hockey emotions.

[00:13:36] Trade Deadline and Team Strategy.

[00:20:56] Trade strategies for Pittsburgh Penguins.

[00:25:16] Hockey Jesus' background design.

[00:28:36] Fan reactions to team decisions.

[00:35:31] Jack Swinsky's rookie home runs.

[00:41:27] Philly's new nickname WizWit.

[00:47:01] A mysterious kidnapping story.

[00:56:10] The dark side of the church.

[00:57:28] Bizarre athletic showdown in Florida.

[01:04:41] Appreciation for the audience.

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Chris: last one, and then he got voted out the next one. Was that really his name, Johnny Fairplay?
Marc: I remember, I think I was watching when Johnny Fairplay was.

Steve: Yeah, Johnny Fairplay was like in the first 10 seasons, and he actually, when people used to come and visit, he made it to that point, and he had the person tell him that his grandmother died, even though she didn't. There you go. We are live. Oh my goodness. I don't know what to say.

SPEAKER_01: Hello subscribers, welcome to my channel.

Chris: now yeah welcome to the sports courts pittsburgh we are live here live all over the internet we're live on face book you too acts instagram on the left hand side here so welcome instagram thanks for being here so we are live on radio p g h right now radio p g h i'm gonna drop a comment if you're in the car don't stream us live and watch while you're driving streamers live on radio p g h it's great how you save lives thank you very much martin if we care about our fans uh…

Steve: You don't want them dead.

Chris: And no, because then that the obvious thing would be that they couldn't watch the show. Exactly. And we dropped the podcast right after the show, right after the show on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or anywhere you get your frickin podcasts. So how's your week been, guys? Oh, that's a tough question. I was waiting for Mark to say Monday, Monday. It's Monday. All right, so what are we going to do? Well, of course, if you've tuned in here and we thank you for being here, this is all Pittsburgh sports all the time. Follow the YouTube channel. Hockey Jesus is on the YouTube channel. He's in the house right here, right across from me. That's Steve. That's the Grand Schwab Beanie right here. I'm your technical director. We're going to talk a little hockey. We're going to talk penguins. We're going to talk krausen on instagram is uh says he lives in california, but mrs My pittsburgh born and bred. I didn't know you owned pittsburgh krausen, but hey, hey, congratulations. It's a good place It's a good place. Um done a good job with the place You have and of course you can always catch the website the porch is the porch is The porch is Yes. So, um, here's what I want to do tonight. The first thing I want to do actually is I just want to, I just want to do some quick NFL stuff. Uh, we have a, we have a Philadelphia sports show. This is the grant Schwab beanie from the sports porch, Philadelphia. So we were talking about rankings of quarterbacks. And I actually have to give credit to the fan on this because I heard about this site on the fan and how, and, and, and this quarterback list and how ridiculous it was because they put Jalen Warren or Jalen hurts 17th on the list. And Anthony Richardson, 60 Anthony Richardson, 16th. But, but what I, what I was more interested in, yeah, for real, what I was more interested in fellas is to go down and find where Kenny Pickett was. Okay. Okay. That's fun. And they do have Kenny Pickett ranked, I believe appropriately. So I think this is going to be a short segment 31st. And the only quarterback he's ranked above is Bailey Zappy of the Patriots. And he's right below, though. This is the one that got me. He's actually ranked below Aiden O'Connell for the Las Vegas Raiders. Thoughts on that at all. Just, just because there's so many Justin Fields rumors and all this other BS going around there, you know, I, I think this guy for his ridiculous as a list, he put up there with like Aaron Rogers, 15th and to Anthony Richardson, 16th, and then Jalen hurts 17th. Right. He, he, he got the Kenny picket part. Right. 31st.

Steve: And I don't know, I don't know, even a little harsh by my I don't know that he's the second worst in the league.

Marc: Yeah, I mean, because I think so. Well, if you think about it, there's I mean, there were probably like five or six backup quarterbacks starting at the end of the year. I mean,

Steve: I don't know. It seems a little harsh, I think, by that standard. Well, I mean, the problem you have is we don't know everybody on that list. I assume he just picked a quarterback from each team and that team. But to Mark's point, there were a lot of quarterbacks who had two or three quarterbacks play for them. So does that mean like, uh, you know, Bailey Zappi was on a list, but Mack Jones probably isn't even on the list, right?

Chris: No, he's not. It's he's considering starting quarterbacks.

Steve: He considers all of these guys. Garoppolo's probably not even on the list. He didn't play enough last year.

Chris: Sam Howe is 29th, Will Levis, right, you're right, Deshaun Watson is 27th, Desmond Ritter.

Steve: I mean, and what's the criteria? Is it just stats? I mean, because you have to, to me, a quarterback is about wins first and then statistics second. Right. So I think he's better than Will Levis. Um from that standpoint so far, you know just from a wins wins loss standpoint I think he's a better he can win more games than will levis can But I think will levis can probably throw a better ball than he can. Yeah, that's the problem with with these lists It it's like subjective to the point where well, what do you want to what do you want to grade?

Marc: Like right and if he was great if he was great richardson played like four games last year Right. You know. Yeah. So how does he get up there?

Steve: Yeah. I think I think this is a dumb list. And I think to follow any list is probably sus as the kids suspect.

Chris: OK, so it's us. So we'll just we'll just forget about it. We'll forget about it. Hey, listen, guys, we dropped the podcast right after the show. So if you need to catch up, you can subscribe on anywhere you get your podcast. And, OK, hockey, Jesus has some things to say. The Pens beat the Flyers seven to six yesterday. It was a I mean, did you not almost have a heart attack during that game?

Steve: I did several times.

Marc: There is obviously a huge difference between you and I and our expectations for the season. Because when I was listening to the Hockey Jesus last night and when the Flyers tied it up 4-4 and you slammed your notebook. Oh yeah. I don't think I had a speck of emotion the entire game.

Chris: Well, first, I want to let everybody know that Hockey Jesus Preaches is on the podcast after every single Penguins game without fail. And you can catch that podcast actually on the iHeartRadio app or anywhere, but also on YouTube. So you can see his pretty mug up there worshiping the Penguins and bringing Penguins disciples into the fold. after every single Penguins game. And you're off to a good start. I think, yeah, I think the background looks good. I think, you know, we got to get the mic straightened out a little bit. I think there's something weird going on there, but I'll just take this one.

Steve: This one seems to work just fine.

Chris: All right, great. You can take this one with you. So, Preach Hockey Jesus, tell us what you think about what's going on here. There's so many, look, there's so many things going around, but I actually have to give you props because today on, oh God, where was I listening? Oh, Somebody was talking on on some radio station today about You know the upcoming trade deadline. Yeah, and dg's in the house. What's up dg that game aged me a last-minute tie would not surprise me Uh, but but what they what they said is this is starting to hit the national media now because three big hockey guys that are hockey insiders in the national media as of this past weekend just started reporting that Maybe the penguins would consider trading jarring. And I thought hockey. Jesus talked about that three weeks ago.

Steve: Yeah, I was over that three weeks ago. Yeah. And it's because it's because they need scoring. You know, the reason the reason I said that was you have to look at your team strengths. And the Penguins team strength, not last night, but the Penguins team strength, if you look at their statistics, is their goaltending. They have two goaltenders that anybody would love to have as a backup or as a tandem starter for a team who needs a goalie, like the Devils, for example. If the Devils had a goalie, I think that, you know, you would think of them differently as opposed to maybe, you know, the mushy middle, as it's called, where I think the Penguins are now. to maybe a contender to where like you know the rangers and uh carolina sit right now in boston for that matter in florida florida is really good like florida probably could even use a goalie too and if they had a they had if they had a goalie like like broski played last year they're scoring at a better pace than last year so Yeah that's why i said it it makes the most sense but nobody was thinking it because they think well jerry signed the penguins are stuck with him that the penguins didn't want to sign into a five year contract then the penguins aren't going to be good again till after jerry's gone. So the reality is you try and get things for him now, and you don't lose that much in the short term. That's the delicate balance that the Pittsburgh Penguins have right now is you have to continue to win, but yet you have to trade off some pieces that makes you think you're looking towards the future. And that's why I was for Jari and not necessarily for Gensel. I'm still not convinced that Gensel is the right guy. to be traded just because I think they can find a way to sign him with a with a cap going up 4 million next year. I think they can find a way to do that because they're not going to have Carter. I've been through this before, so I don't want to repeat myself, but I just think that if they do trade him, they got to get at least something in return, which means somebody who can play now, maybe not necessarily on the top six, but somebody who could play on the top six next year or the year after that. And they have to get another draft pick because like you guys were talking about on the, on the, on the Philly porch. You never know what's going to happen with draft picks. I was looking at a trade the Penguins made when they traded Paul Coffey away from the Penguins after they used him to win two cups. They got nobody for him when he went to the Kings. And they got a first round and they got a prospect. And I can tell you, I looked at the names. I don't think they ever played a single game for the Penguins. So you have to really guard against that. You have to be absolutely convinced that the guy you're getting. Look, when they traded, the last guy that they traded of this stature would be Jordan Stahl, right? And who did they get for him? Brian Sutter. Brian Sutter was terrible for the Penguins. He was not good for the Penguins. But they did get Brian Dumoulin in a throw-in, who was the prospect. And look how many games he ended up playing for the penguins, 600, 500, 600 games. Rent ones to Stanley Cups is a throw in. So it's not necessarily about the guy that you're getting for the guy. It could be the prospect that could be the one that you really are excited about. So but I think with somebody like Jari, I think you easily get a first round pick. and then you can make a decision about net and everybody's talking i don't know anything about this guy this bloomquist it's down in the mine yeah yeah don't know anything about him they like him but if they like him then he's gotta be he's gotta be pretty impressive and willing to probably bring up next year should you should they they deal jerry and help peterson's available.

Chris: Yeah, he was pretty good. He was pretty good.

Steve: Yeah. Yeah. So. So, yeah, that's the I think that's the deal with Jari. I mean, as far as the game last night, it was heart attack city. I mean, I just get so wrapped up in these games. I don't get too terribly excited when they get up by two goals, just like I don't get terribly excited when the other team scores the first goal. It's it's when it's like. two, one, and then I'm like, okay, the next goal matters. And then they tie it up and you're like, shit, you know, I'd rather them, I'd rather them see them go up three, one in the second period, then tied two, two, you know, going into the second period. And then when they were up four, two, I'm like, I'm feeling pretty good about this. Let's just get to the end of the period and I'll feel better. And then shit happened.

Chris: Yeah.

Steve: Next thing you know, it's six to six and right. But there are some positive things. I mean, the amount of goals they scored in the last five games, the fact that they've won, they've gotten seven points out of the last 10 in their last five games. It's a good trend, but they were so far behind. I know if you look at it and you're like, well, if you do the math. They have four games on hand on the flyers, so if they win all of them, then they're on the spot. Yeah, but they have to win all of them. You don't win all of them. Right. That's number one. And number two is there are two other teams that's in front of them right now. Uh, the capitals and, and the devils. So, I mean, they got to jump over those guys too. They did manage to jump over barely by one point, uh, the, the Islanders. So they are, they did jump in front of them since this time last week, which is good. That's what you want to do. You have to continue to make those, uh, progressions. Um, but it really puts a dubious in a tough position for the trade deadline. I think he would rather trade like somebody like Raquel. Or, um, Riley Smith. And then that way he could free up some, some cash. And, uh, these aren't guys that aren't popular. Look, they're also thinking about still putting fans in the seats. They still got to sell tickets. Yes. And if they, if, if they, if they get rid of Jake, that's one less, that's one less fan that everybody knows.

Chris: Yeah.

Steve: People, people come to see Jake and they're not going to be like, Oh, what's that new prospects name? Jim Smith. Yeah, they're not gonna warm up the Jim Smith unless he scores three goals.

Chris: Now everybody's gonna think the Penguins have a prospect named Jim Smith.

Marc: I actually, I did read an article today saying that they were gonna look to get rid of Raquel and Smith to free up cap space to Son Genzel.

Steve: Yeah, that would be, to me, I think that's the smarter thing to do. I think that's the smarter thing to do. But I mean, look, you can get you can get a ton in return for for Gansel, right? There's no doubt about that. Yes. And and notice I haven't even said, you know, well, what is Sid feel about it? They know what Sid feels about this.

Chris: Do we really know what Sid feels about it? I mean, it's a business. We don't need to know.

Steve: Right. That's what I'm saying. It's a business. The man making the transaction needs to know so he knows how to deal with that moving forward. And Sid's already said he's here for life. He wants to be here for life. So I don't think that there's really anything to worry about on that. And look, they're starting to score without Jake in the lineup, right? So they do have capable players that Sid can play with. Now, I don't know what's going on with this rust injury. I saw that, uh, Jake's going to make the West coast trip. I'm hoping that means rust is also on the, on the West coast trip. Um, so if those two guys are on the trip, at least that's signaling the me that, um, I think they're probably still going to be with the team.

Chris: So you were taking, you were talking to us before the show started. Um, actually I have, I, I have a question first. If they're going to make a trade Jari or Gensel in your opinion, I think it'll be Gensel.

Steve: Okay. And what would you do? I wouldn't trade Gensel or Jari. I would trade, uh, Raquel and Smith free up, uh, cap space and, um, Don't worry about the prospects, honestly. I mean, at this point, they're so far gone when it comes to that. What's another couple years? I just don't see it. And the reality is, you know, everybody's talking about this Carlson trade was a bad deal. It's true. He's not been a good fit right away. Well, that's why it's a bad deal, right? He has scored. I mean, he's still, he's still a plus guy who he plays with really matters when he plays, uh, with Graves. He's terrible. He's absolutely horrible. But when he plays with Patterson, he's actually pretty damn good. So the question is maybe, maybe they just need to go get a better defense bin for him to play with. They're going to have to sign Patterson next year. And they thought Graves, I actually think Graves is the bigger problem than Carlson. He's the lesser player. So if you can find somebody better to play with, and look, they're playing POJ now, maybe Ludwig's the guy. Honestly, I think I would rather see them do something more drastic like bench Graves and play Ludwig. and and figure out if that combination works better i know they'll never do it because of the stupid salary you know he demands and it's like well you got all that money sitting on your bench and nobody wants grades right now and i think grace will probably pan out in the long run but. I can't believe that a guy like that knows how to play with a guy like carlson because he's such a unicorn out there and in the tank plays almost the same way so he's stuck if you can't figure out how to play with that guy you have to bury me either in this in the bottom pair with a real or you don't you don't plan.

Chris: So I think one of the things that we discount as fans, no matter what the sport is, is when you bring a guy in who's who's a really great player, you just automatically think he's going to add. Yeah. And, you know, I think in baseball it you have a much better chance of that happening because baseball is such an individual team sport. You know, it's it's it's mano a mano pitcher versus batter. Right. So, you know, and then if he gets hits, then people score.

Marc: You don't have to pass the ball to write an individual team sport. Yes. Tell us more.

Chris: You can quote me on that.

Steve: I like that. I love how you can quote me with that.

Marc: I think an individual sport would be tennis Yeah, yeah, but I think you get my meaning golf unless you're playing in the Davis Cup. Yeah. No, I got what you said Yeah, that's gone. I'll give you my opinion on if I were the penguin I can't fucking wait to hear this is gonna be great. Let's trade Sidney Krause. No, I would Please trade No, in all seriousness, I would do a little bit in the middle of what Steve's saying. I would trade Raquel and Smith to free up cap space for Gensel. And I would trade Jari. Yeah. Simply because, look, you know, Jari hasn't been a great performer in the playoffs.

Steve: He's never won a playoff series.

Marc: No, he's actually been very good in the regular season. He has, but he, he has not played well in the playoffs. So I almost kind of look at it like, you know, like, and I mean, maybe you wouldn't want to trade him to the devils, but like the devils desperately need a goaltender.

Steve: No, they would trade him to like Edmonton.

Marc: Oh, okay, Edmonton too, right?

Steve: Yeah, Edmonton. And by the way, he has history in Edmonton. He's won like some Canadian cup up there. Oh, really? In Edmonton, yeah.

Marc: Yeah, and like, you know, I think like for Jari, you know, for a desperate team, for a goaltender, you could get a first round pick and you might even get a guy who could like play on a third line or something.

Steve: That's what I would like if I would like them to get like a prospect for him and Edmonton because there's got to be a winger up there who just can't break the line. Right. Right. Right. You know. Right. Yeah. So I think that would I think that would be ideal. And I wouldn't be against that, by the way. I would be perfectly happy if they were able to free up some cap space. To be able to continue with the Gensel project and let I and I know Gensel and Jari are kind of similar because let's face it Jake probably has you know, two or three more peak years and the way he plays I mean He's always in front of the net. He's always getting hit with pucks He's he's not a big guy and he likes to play a big man's game and that's why he's out as he got hurt for that reason the jury contract

Marc: I believe it's a five-year contract, right? It is, yeah. This is the first year. So it's really not a good contract, I don't think.

Steve: I agree. I mean, that's why I said at the onset of this is it's a good idea to just get rid of him.

Chris: Um, so i'm putting something playing. Well, i'm putting something up here that you wanted to talk about. Um during this during the show Uh, you have some things are you trying to gaslight me? I am gaslighting you that's what I do best ask my wife, um individual team sport Uh, i'm gonna put this up here inside the penguins these guys on youtube. So tell me tell me what your your beef is with them Yeah, because you you're you could you were getting very emotional.

Steve: We weren't I just don't like I don't I don't like it when other youtubers use a guy like frank cerebelli who's a known pittsburgh penguins hater and calls him an in and call them an insider insiders say that dubious is making the wrong moves they should have said a pittsburgh penguins hater is saying that the GM for the Pittsburgh Penguins is making a bad move. Right. It's clickbait. Then when they do that like that, they're just saying, oh, click. And by the way, they got me. So it's probably why I'm a little pissed off about it, because I'm like, oh, which insider was that? Was it E.J. Raddick? Was it somebody, you know, that's, you know, not a hater? yeah pierre mcguire maybe no no it's it's a known pittsburgh penguins hater and uh that just drives me crazy i'm gonna call that out every time is the hockey jesus because it's it's clickbait and it's ridiculous sacrilege There's no clickbait coming from the hockey Jesus.

Chris: That much I can guarantee you. Yeah, absolutely. And DG being in the house, I missed his comment real quick before we move on here. Can Ned handle the load if Jarry's gone? Will Magnus fill in?

Steve: Um, yeah, I can tell you, I can tell you, David, that, uh, Ned's done well in back to back games, but you're right over the long haul. It's kind of like when Jari was, when Jari was there and, um, and he was just the backup guy was like, uh, well, Can can Jerry really play, you know first string when Murray's out and he really couldn't Not for a while, but let's face it Ned's been in the in the game for a little bit He's just never he doesn't have a lot of miles on his skates either. I so right I don't know the answer is no one really knows and that's why they wouldn't just automatically do it because They need him they would need in the play lights out of the last twenty three games in the season so so yeah that's that would be that would be a big question mark but I think I think I think Magnus would be fine in the backup role he's come in the only time he's ever been in the game and he's. And he looked good. And plus he's a different style. So sometimes that throws goalies off other teams off when they played maybe one game against a big guy. And then the next one against somebody like Ned, who is who's a little widely.

Chris: So team Melody is back on Instagram. Thanks for being here. He said, are you going to bitch about the game last night? You know what? You should have gotten here a little earlier because he did a lot of bitching about it. Uh, and I don't know team melodia. You told me you subscribe to the youtube channel. You can go back and uh, watch the hockey jesus, um pontificate on the penguins game last night i'm not gonna Thanks for being here.

Steve: I'm not gonna complain about a win. Sorry.

Chris: She I called team melodia. He i'm, sorry, she I got the pronouns, you know, you can get canceled if you use the wrong pronouns I'm not get that right.

Steve: I'm not in San Francisco, so I don't think I've got, I will be later this week and I'll make sure you get canceled.

Marc: They, them, they, them situation. I don't know. I don't know.

Chris: I have no idea. Very glad you're here, though. Thanks for being here. Let them tell you. Okay, so Hockey Jesus Preaches on the podcast after every Penguins game, and also you can subscribe to the Sports Porch on YouTube and catch the Hockey Jesus there after every single game.

Marc: Um, I've had it.

Steve: I do. I love the likes. I love this subscribing. Let's get some comments going. Let me know how you like my background too. I've been, I've been fiddling with it a little bit here and there.

SPEAKER_01: It looks good.

Steve: I got a little more light, a little more light. I got some lighting that's coming on. My wife happens to be an interior designer. So, you know, I got a little in there. Oh, But that's going to happen after the trade deadline.

Chris: And I'm going to call, I'm going to call T Melodia on Instagram. I'm just going to call her T. No, let's call her T Mel. T Mel. All right. T Mel says she's had it up to her eyeballs with the complainer. So there you go.

Steve: Let's go, Pence. That's what we're here for, some positive optimism.

Chris: Speaking of wives, Mark was asking me earlier if, because I have this- It's always a touchy subject around the court. It is. I have this beautiful postcard of my wife right here, the Pittsburgh property diva. A little bit lower. There you go. There you go. She is, of course, the main sponsor of our show. I like to put that image up. Once again, she's not smiling. Thank you for sponsoring us, Lauren.

Steve: She's smiling. Absolutely. She just doesn't smile with teeth. Mark asked me.

Chris: She's not a toother. He wants to know, does she have a problem smiling? What's wrong with her teeth? So I figured, there you go, Mark. There's nothing wrong with her teeth. Is this photoshopped?

Marc: Not at all. Not at all.

Chris: Not at all. There she is. It does look a little photo. There she is a little too late. What are you talking about?

Marc: But no, no, you heard you do the crest white strips. Yeah, I do.

Chris: Yeah, she does. She does other things. T. Mel, I'm going to Pittsburgh for the last two home games. So excited. Great. Maybe you can hook up with the hockey Jesus in a friendly sort of way.

Steve: It's kind of like what Brad did. By the way, shout out to Brad. I know he hasn't been on, but he gifted me some gift cards. Did he? And we finally used them the other night. Oh, that's cool. So I'm going to stop by the Strip and send them some of them.

Marc: Oh, that's nice.

Steve: Brad, if you're out there, it's coming your way. Thanks. We had a good night last Friday.

Marc: Hey, Brad, I accept gift cards as well.

Chris: Yeah, well, you know, we do have, we do have our number one super fan out there, DG. We do have some kind of surprise here. We're going to be talking about that after that. No, he's not going to complain. I promised email. I promised. No complaints about the pants right now. Keep winning. Everything's good. So Hockey Jesus preaches on the podcast, the iHeartRadio app or anywhere you podcast and catch him on the SportsPort YouTube. It's a SportsPort black and gold colors.

Steve: I may complain about graves a little bit. Sorry. Yeah.

Chris: Well, I mean, if they're not good for the, if it's not, if it's truly not good, then there's nothing wrong. with calling it out. Yeah. You know, you just say, I think we get what she's talking about though. Your general complainers. Oh yeah.

Steve: Um, well one in one, for example, there's a, there's a gentleman that I follow. It's in our fantasy, uh, football, a gentleman, right? Yeah. Who will be unnamed at this point, but he likes to complain about a squirrel. No. He likes to complain about the penguins a lot. One week, Sully's getting fired. The next week, Jari's a terrible goalie. The next week, they should trade everybody on the team. And sometimes I agree with him, but it's like, there's too much. I, I get it. You're vested. You have emotion in this team because you've been watching them for so long. I love the emotion, but at some point you got to pick a lane. You just can't say trade everybody, fire everybody, start again. And then I, and I know he would, he would be there for the rebuild. He wouldn't just cut them loose, but let's face it. There are a lot of fake fans out there who would just cut the whole team loose at that point. So it's a, it's a balance, especially in Pittsburgh where football is that hockey has to play that fine line, even though they've been the best franchise that Pittsburgh's seen since the 70s Steelers.

Chris: So it sounds to me like this may be more of an anger problem on his side. Maybe there's a substance.

Marc: I was thinking more. This kind of shows the difference between a professional like the hockey Jesus and an amateur.

Steve: Well, I'm not professional during many games.

Marc: That's okay.

Chris: All right. So, uh, remember catch hockey Jesus on the podcast and on YouTube.

SPEAKER_01: Now we're going to move on to something I'm very, very passionate about. And that is the buckos because spring training is gone and the games have started.

Marc: Is there a baseball team in this town?

SPEAKER_01: There is, they're called the pirates. Oh, okay. The report is back. Um,

Marc: They've got a lot to talk about, actually. Do they have an infielder?

Steve: Come on. What about the contract?

Chris: I do. Well, here's the thing about that contract. Here's the thing about the Mitch Keller contract. That's what I want to know. This is my question to you guys and to you guys out there. Drop a comment. Is Mitch Keller an ace? Is he in it now? Look, he's the ace of this staff. Okay. All right. Right. Is he an ace, you know, now they didn't pay him, you know, they didn't break the bank. They made him a rich fella and they, they, you know, you're right. They, they, they, they committed to him. He stayed, I think it's good, but you know, his body of work other than the back half of two years ago and the front half of last year, Mm. You know, I mean, really, where are we going here? We're saddling ourselves with the continent. And listen, all credit to Mitch Keller. I watched him last year and the guy was on. He was on. Yeah. He lost it in the middle there.

Marc: You know, it's it's actually, you know, the question actually corresponds to to what happened. You know, probably if you take a really good team in Major League Baseball, Mitch Keller is a three or a four. And he's got potential to be a 2 or a 1, but like right now you'd call him a 3 or a 4. He just needs to kind of show it more consistently over time. But he got paid like a 3 or a 4. That's what he got paid. So really, on the pirate's behalf, it was a good deal. It was a very good deal. Because they could have overpaid for him and gone over $100 million. And somebody probably would have paid him over a hundred million. You know, I, Oh, I think, I don't know. I definitely think so. If, if think about it this way, like if, if the Phillies could give Taiwan Walker.

Chris: you know more than 100 million they would give mitch keller more than 100 million yeah yeah you could be right about that i i'm just i might have been 80 million this is this is the problem here and and same thing kelly at 70 tml tmls on instagram talking about reynolds contract reynolds contract is stellar though you know it's good it's a good contract but I don't know. I, I, I just, I look at this team and last year we got excited because they got off to a great start, even though you, even after Cruz got injured, um, and, and we're, we're just putting so much faith in, you know, uh, a, an actual probably number three starter. Who's who's the staff ACE and so much hope in, I want to see Paul skeins up here. Yeah, I don't he was coming. I don't want to see paul skeins up here because when you when you bring guy when you bring guys Like him up here. They get torched I don't know what happened to quinn priest or not if he's talking about they talked about special Well, that's the point. I don't know. I don't know.

Marc: There's a lot of guys who have been special and well, the good news, the good news for you is he won't be up until at least May because they got to get the extra service year. I know.

Chris: And well, I just don't think that's necessary. If you're thinking about the future for real, you're letting that guy, you're leaving him in the minor leagues for a little while.

Marc: If not necessarily when you're when you're the number one pick in the draft and you are deemed potentially special, right? Right. You know, I think you go on a spring training and if and if nobody can hit you and everybody's like, holy Moses, this we got one here.

Chris: OK, well, maybe then. Yeah. Maybe that's a, maybe that's a good point. I hear you there, but you know, Henry Davis was a very, very special number one pick as a catcher and a hitter. And now they, you know, they, they don't even want to play him at catcher and they bring in grand doll and they're saying, oh, he could be, he could be the catcher. Um, you know, DGS comments, same old stuff. At least we have a fat guy named rowdy. Who's got a chance to hit a few dingers while batting body. Oh, I listen, they brought rowdy and I'm, I'm convinced that the pirates now will bring in certain players because of their name and the way they look. Okay. Because who doesn't fit in better at first base at PNC park, which a bunch with a bunch of us, he enters down there drinking irons and, and eating and eating, uh, for Manny sandwiches. Right. Right. I mean, come on, can we put a real team on the field? Can we please? This is as real as it gets for the Falcons. I know. They're taking baby steps, I would say. Well, that's the thing. In the national media, some of these commentators and these writers have been talking about the fact that they're progressing very, very slowly. Hey, listen, man. I mean, how much slower can it get?

Marc: It's just well before it what it hadn't started.

Chris: Well, you've got a team who is going to be here. We go again. You've got a team who is going to be probably platooning five to seven positions on the field catcher first base right second base right field left field and center field. There's six of the nine positions. That's a pretty bad. Yeah. And when you have a team filled with platoons, you go nowhere. Here's another thing that I think is very interesting. Uh, Jack Swinsky, you guys all know how I love his bat strikes out a ton. Right. Right. My opinion is reason that he strikes out is They don't leave him in the lineup. They don't let him play every day. He is the fastest player in pirates history as a rookie to come up through the system to the major league ballpark. The fastest player to 45 home runs faster than Barry Bonds faster than all of them. So you let this guy get better than Barry Bonds. I didn't say better. I didn't say better. I said, well, you think Barry Bonds is a non-issue anyway, because you know, the stats say at this point in his career, he's better than Barry Bonds. Well, what I'm saying is as far as home runs go, he's got pop in his bat. He's got to figure a couple things out as far as his approach at the plate. And yes, he spent the entire off season, probably, you know, he probably took a million swings in the off season. getting his stance down getting his timing right but he's got to play live and you can agree you could lock this guy down for a decent amount of time and he's not he's also a pretty good defensive outfielder so i don't know why you're letting this guy sit on the bench and not playing him every single night. And I also don't know why you're not batting him fifth. The Pirates were a team last year. I think they were second or third in the league as far as the number of different lineups. So can we get something consistent You know, you can.

Marc: I agree. I mean, he he should he he should be batting some like probably fifth is about right for him. Right. And yeah, he should be playing most every day. I mean, like one hundred and sixty two games, he should probably play one hundred and forty five. Exactly.

Steve: You know why you're not getting consistency. because they're not hiring baseball people for this team. That's true. They're hiring numbers people for this. And, and, and so, and, and if you, if you read the article on the athletic last Wednesday, it was out, it was called why the pirates keep losing comfortable being media. Exactly. And that's it. That's it. And that's what, that's what we're stuck with. When you have an owner like Bob nutting, And the guy is just always going to put numbers, guys, where he should be putting baseball guys. And if we had baseball guys in place, they would be drafting the right players, whether they were a catcher who need you need a catcher. So you draft the catcher. You need a pitcher. So you draft the pitcher. Instead, they just pick the guy that they think either the fans will like or at some point they'll bring him along. He'll be good for a year or two and we sell him off at a profit.

Chris: That's exactly right. Well, and that's why that's why Chapman was brought in.

Steve: Right he was brought in because but i'm okay with that because they know what they're going to do with him and they already have somebody in that position and you know what you having middle relief is you can't have too many of those guys. That is a trade deadline piece. Yeah. And he's a, he's a name. So they know they're not, they're not wasting money by hiring a guy like that. And as far as this, this what Keller, this Keller contract, I agree with Mark. He's a third, he's a, he's a second or third string pitcher and they paid him as such. And when they deal him, People will be happy to take it.

Chris: I got it. I got it. Yeah, I got it. They do address a couple comments.

Steve: You have to read that article on the athletic. If you're not, I actually did read it last week.

Chris: Yes, it's yeah, it's it's well written. Yeah, and it was and it was spot on. You're no doubt. I mean, if this is a this is a business play for those guys, it's got nothing to do with winning. Team L says she can't wait for the pierogies. And we did have a comment here on on Rowdy from DG. He might even, he might eat one of those racing pierogies. Now, look, that would bring people out to the park.

Marc: Pierogies are pretty strong as far as entertainment at the ballpark.

Steve: I like the idea of having a pierogi that you can eat after it's done racing.

Chris: Yeah. Now, T-Mal also says, as far as the mediocrity on the pirates, that's what we're getting from Tomlin. Why isn't it good enough for the pirates? Well, I mean, I just, yeah.

Steve: It's probably the fact that they've won two Superbowl since the last time the pirates were even in the playoffs.

Chris: Yeah. Well, no, no, they, they, the pirates are in the playoffs and what, uh, 13 and 14 or, uh, yeah.

Steve: And, and they were in the play in game. Yeah. Whatever. All right.

Chris: All right.

Steve: I don't think the play in game is really the. playoff.

Chris: So the Buccos report is coming back and I am, I am once we, once we get, once we get a little pet. Now I was listening to a couple of the spring training games on, on the fan and it's getting ready, but it's hard because literally like if you, if you, if you have a team like, you know, like Schwabers Phillies or even the Orioles now, or, or one of the Dodgers or whatever, yes, they sprinkle in Some, you know, some of their prospects and stuff, but, but usually you're aware of who the prospects are and what, and, and what it is, is expected from them. So you're, you're familiar with the names. You're like, okay, I know this guy's been in the minor leagues a couple of years, but they hope to bring him up this year. He's great at this, great at that man, the pirates. I don't even know who the hell they're throwing up there. They're like, oh, this guy, Brannigan or blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, what?

Steve: I wonder if he's Nephews with Laura Brannigan. Yeah, the only other song next week.

Marc: Hey, Philly's got a great new nickname, by the way So they they signed Whit Merrifield. Yeah, it was like a solid solid player with I His nickname is now WizWit. WizWit. WizWit. There you go. Yeah.

Chris: The old Philly cheesesteak Dave. WizWit. That's an excellent one. WizWit. All right. Only works in Philly. Listen guys, thanks for watching us. We got two more segments we're going to go through here. If you're watching this live on Facebook, YouTube, X, or Instagram, thank you so much for being here. And as you can see at the bottom, catch the Sports Porch podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Steve: Or anywhere you get i haven't heard about this, uh controversy with uniforms.

Chris: Yeah, mike's talking about Yeah, mike says came in a little late if you talk about the players issue with new uniforms You know what? I'll tell you what i i've heard about it. They they are they too heavy? No, they they they change light. They changed. Uh, they change rip schwabers wearing one stand up

Marc: No, the the big thing is the names go kind of like in a semi-circle on the back And so it looks good for like a castellanos looks good Yeah, but when you're like, you know, if your last name is like say g1 bay, yeah, like b-a-y It's like ridiculously small.

Chris: Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's not only that they they they switched over, you know to I think nike and fanatics And basically, there are some people that are saying the uniforms, not only are they real tight around the nether region. Yeah. They're also somewhat see through. Yes. Nice. So I'm thinking, like, if you're not manscaping, you're going to have an issue.

Steve: You just wear a cup. I mean, come on. They all do. Just wear a cup.

Chris: Yeah, yeah. Now, as far as words, as far as words are concerned, D.G. chimes in and says, whiz wit, that's better than Mark's nimwit. That was that he used that on the Philly show. Mike Lawrence is saying, yeah, they supposedly have see-through pants. My buddy Jeff is in from York. What's up, Jeff?

Steve: It's all about sex these days.

Chris: They just get with the program. Sex sells. Wait a minute. What do you mean these days? I've known you guys for 35 years. These days are now.

Steve: Now as opposed to before. Before see-through uniforms, now that they have see-through uniforms, just get with the program.

Marc: Kind of like an individual team.

Steve: It's about time to get out of the 1910s when they had those cotton uniforms that weighed like 40 pounds. And they had a full belt with a buckle.

Chris: God forbid you have a belt with a buckle.

Steve: Yeah. I mean, you're playing baseball. Get out there and almost naked.

Marc: Yeah.

Steve: I think it'll bring in the ladies.

Chris: I think it's a good move. You think that's what it's all about? Oh, yeah. Bringing the women in. Got to bring in the ladies. You're hanging that package out there. You think the chicks are going to be like, yeah, let's go.

Steve: Oh, dude. Chicks definitely are checking out guys. Sure. Why do you think they watch the NFL?

Marc: Yeah. The tight pants. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Chris: Yeah. I've heard a few comments about that.

SPEAKER_01: Oh, yeah. In the day.

Chris: Get with it. Yeah. Yeah.

Steve: There you go. It's a great example.

Marc: Why do you just ask Tay Tay? Why do you take my friend Taylor Swift? Oh, Tate.

Steve: Gotcha. He really does have to get.

Chris: Listen, guys, I spend so much time in this screen and thinking about other things.

Steve: Well, it's time to start thinking about see through pants.

Chris: Okay. All right. I'm going to put that on my shopping list. All right, let's move on here. We're our next segment here is going to be something called what we're watching and what is that? Well, that's pretty self-explanatory if you can't figure that out. Um, we watch all kinds of things. Oh, and, uh, Yeah, I guess she does like football. I'll tell you that much. She might end up liking baseball soon.

Steve: It's not the main feature, but it's there.

Marc: She used to come watch me play flag football all the time.

Chris: Really? Were you wearing the tight pants? Oh yeah. I'm going to have nightmares. Uh, what we're watching, what, what we're streaming on, on all these different streaming services. The three of us apparently have way too much time on our hands and we watch a lot of stuff. So we want to help you out. We want to talk about what we're watching, what we like, what we don't like. And of course you can chime in. I'm going to start this week off with hockey Jesus. Uh, yeah, there you go. I'm ready for this.

Steve: You guys had, you have probably not watched. I have watched this. It's a documentary. You would have watched.

Chris: Unlikely me. Yeah, there it is. And what is that documentary hockey Jesus?

Steve: It is American nightmare. It's a good story.

Chris: I'll let you tell it. It's a good story.

Steve: So those two people that are on the screen right now, for those of you on the radio, it's just two normal looking white people. Let me take a gander here.

Marc: Husband and wife.

Steve: No. As a matter of fact, they aren't husband and wife. Not when this all went down. So they actually work together. The guy had a girlfriend where he worked. broke up. They she had an affair, broke him up. And this girl came on the scene and they were dating. And I guess, you know, they had some problems like new couples might have. Like we all do. We all do. But, you know, she came over for a pizza one night. Sounds like a good night. It's always the pizza and pepperoni. They were trying to work things out. She was like, I'm not really comfortable with you and Andrea, you know, and he was like, I'm really over her. I'm going through some therapy now. This is behind me. Well, what you know, at that night, she gets kidnapped.

Chris: She does.

Steve: She does. And he doesn't call in until the next day, like later in the day. But it was a strange kidnap three or four o'clock in the afternoon. He calls the police and say, hey, my girlfriend was kidnapped last night. Yeah. But there's a reason why.

Marc: Sounds like an American nightmare.

Steve: Yeah, it was. It wasn't. But that's not the nightmare. So it turns out that they thought there were a group of people that came in.

Chris: My nightmare is your explanation of this, but hey, whatever.

Steve: There was a group of people that came in. I'm not going to go through all the details of the kidnapping, but it made it sound like he's making this up because it was like they used goggles, they were in wetsuits. Um, they couldn't they had like lasers pointing at them. He was there when she was kidnapped Oh, yeah, he and and they they told him to shut up and they drugged them with NyQuil And something else so that they fell back asleep.

Marc: NyQuil does put you out.

Steve: Yeah Yeah, so so and then when he woke up, they said you you're not allowed to move out of this area We got a camera on you. Don't use your phone for everything. We'll call you with a ransom money

Chris: Yeah, it was a very complicated procedure.

Marc: Well, that explains not going to the police for a while.

Steve: Well, it sounded like a good alibi, right? So supposedly they made him take a lie detector test. The FBI was there. He volunteered for it. He did. And the FBI guy got in his face and said, I know you're lying. Well, as it turns out, the guy was not lying. This actually all happened. But the police absolutely did not believe him. And she was kidnapped and actually sexually assaulted. And they didn't believe anything these people were saying. And every time they like, so they the guy that did it released her.

Chris: Yeah, she ended up getting released. And they're like, well, so she magically shows up. Yeah.

Steve: How did you how did you get out so quickly? And they said this was this gone girl case. Have you seen the movie gone? Yes, I have. So it was like that. This was like the police were saying, well, this is a gone girl case. She just magically did it herself to make it look bad for her boyfriend when really they were in love and she was really kidnapped and raped. And it only and they only found out about it after like other people like started seeing happening to the other people in in coming at this shit came out of the woodwork in the san francisco area and there was one cop there's that san francisco coming up there there was there was there was one cop in particular who was like Honey badger about catching this guy and they got the evidence of her with like a strand of her hair like in this duct tape and they they linked him to her because they didn't really the police never believed it until they had that one piece of evidence.

Chris: They were getting ready to charge her with like

Steve: You know, lying, lying, lying, lying, essentially. Yeah. So it all came out. So it was it was actually it was really it was really well done. It's only three episodes. And it was it's definitely worth it if you like that thing. My wife particularly didn't care for it, especially with the sexual assault and the kidnapping.

Chris: I guess she doesn't like that kind of stuff.

Steve: No, it keeps her up at night.

Marc: Let's just I guess the question is, is it better than Dateline or is it Dateline? Yeah, this is Mark's thing.

Steve: Yeah, it's Dateline. Okay. I thought it was better than Dateline.

Marc: Do they have Keith Morrison on the case?

Steve: No, there was a spin at the end.

Marc: Then I'm disappointed. Yeah.

Steve: I did like the fact that the, like the, the one police department were a bunch of bubbling idiots, but the other department was like, why would you even do that? Like the way they question them and things like that. And really it, it, it's testimony to, you got to have a good lawyer.

Chris: there you go that's the only reason she wasn't in jail because she had a really good lawyer she did have a good lawyer so next on the list that we're going to go to me this is something i think we've seen the last three weeks in a row i am watching the leftovers now you can't do a double

Marc: You can't use the same thing one week after the next. I didn't use it last week. That's an insult to our fans.

Chris: I don't care. You did use it last week.

Steve: No, he used it last week.

Marc: I used it last week. Then my apologies.

Chris: Pay attention. If you weren't so busy sleeping during the show,

Steve: It just tunes it out. My apologies. Honestly, since then, I've finished.

Chris: Yes. Yes. Yes. My apologies. And apology accepted. But that's the last time ever. Yeah. So if you guys haven't been watching the show the last couple of weeks, Mark started watching The Leftovers, Steve started watching The Leftovers, and now I have started watching The Leftovers. And I will say it is absolutely worth watching. No doubt about it. And you haven't made it to season three yet. I am. Yeah. I am now in like episode six or seven of season two. And I literally started watching it like three days ago. So I'm blasted. You're down the rabbit hole.

Marc: Absolutely down the rabbit hole.

Chris: Definitely. I got to tell you, man, I have always been a fan of Justin Theroux. Uh, and now, you know, just like his client guy.

Steve: The guy has 1% body.

Chris: Yeah. Yeah, I do. I think he's got a great body. No doubt about it. At least he did in 2014, 15 and 16 sharing. Um, you're welcome. You're welcome.

Steve: We wear those Pittsburgh pirates pants.

Chris: He probably has pirates pants. That's a new, I like that one.

SPEAKER_01: You got on your pirates pants. Hey, everybody put on your pirates pants. Hop on the plank and let's get on the ship and go. There you go. How about that?

Chris: It's pretty good. It was a good pirate. Yeah. Thank you. I'm pretty good. But this is what we're watching. That's right. That's right. So the leftovers is great. You know what? If you're into strange happenings, conspiracy theories, and not really understanding where everything is going to go. Oh, yeah. Supernatural.

Steve: Right. But you don't know at the end of the last episode where it's really going.

Chris: Yes. So the point is no, but sometimes those things are kind of like if, if the acting, the writing and, and, and the, and the filmography, all that stuff is good. It has to come together or you're kind of like, this is stupid, but it is so well done. And I love the soundtrack.

Steve: I think that wait, wait, wait, there's some really good songs coming.

Chris: Yeah. Oh good. I can't wait. So the leftovers on hbo max All right, moving over to the grand schwa beanie. The grand schwa beanie is watching. I can't wait Yes here. Let's let's uh more stuff.

Marc: Neither of you will watch

Steve: Um, Oh, I I've, I've watched this.

Chris: I think I'll get to your comment in a second. I'll get to your comment. So go ahead.

Marc: Suburbia turn. So last week I presented you with Sabura, right? So that is a three, uh, three season, uh, of, uh, you know, um, kind of a mixture of organized crime and a mixture with the church, the Vatican in Rome. Right. And it's, you know, it is in Italian. We watch it with like the dub over in English. I know that there's that. Yeah. Like I could do it. Yeah. You're just kind of, you know, you, you have challenges.

Chris: No, I like the subtitles. I do. I like to hear the, I think Italian is a beautiful, beautiful language.

Marc: It is, it is, it is. Um, so anyway, for, you know, Sabura was phenomenal. Uh, and then, so we have to jump into, So Baratheira, which is, which is the, it's kind of like going from Breaking Bad to Better Call Saul. Right. Kind of, kind of like that. Except it is moving forward. Yeah. Not backwards. Right. But it's very similar and it's got a lot of the same characters. And so it's another season. It was actually recently put out. It just came out in November. They say that they are expecting a season two of it. So that'll hopefully come out 24, 25, you know, end of the year, beginning of the year. And it's really good. I mean, it's just a continuation of a really good story with a few new characters I will say that drugs, right? Of course. Yeah, everything's about everything drugs violence drugs and Good guys, not don't always win um yeah good guys don't always win yeah and uh you know the the dark side of the church ah no way yes there's a dark side no way yes there's a lot going in in the going on in the vatican sounds like not privy i think the first statement is more appropriate

Steve: Now, I will say… How does Amy feel about this? Oh, she loves it. She loves it. Yeah, she's into the dark side of the Vatican.

Marc: Yeah. All right. Interesting. There was… I mean, the bottom line, the one thing, I didn't love the last episode, how it ended. But sometimes you sort of need that. You know, you sort of need an Empire Strikes Back. Yeah. You know, your heroes that you're rooting for. Yeah. In organized crime, they don't always win.

Chris: They don't always win. I love… How do we go from, like, The the italian mob and organized crime and empire strikes back.

Marc: I like that Disappointment, I get it the people, you know people won who you didn't want to win.

Chris: There you go. That happens all the time. Yeah Okay, next thing headlines. It means something we got about three minutes left on instagram So if they cut us off there after an hour, I want to thank everybody who watched us their uh headlines It means something. Well, we scour the news world and we try to find headlines. It actually means something to us uh I'm gonna go with the grand schwa beanie that headline

Marc: At the Florida Man Games, big crowds cheer competitors evading police and wrestling over beer. So if you are unaware, in St. Augustine, Florida, every year folks come from far and away in their tank tops, cut-off shorts, and they arrive for a showdown. that is about evading police and wrestling over beer like Olympic sports. It's promoted as the most insane athletic showdown on earth, and it's based on the state's reputation for bizarre stories involving brawling, drinking, gunfire, Reptile wrangling and other antics carrying a risk of time in jail or intensive care.

Chris: I feel a new network.

Marc: I feel a new network. Okay, so here's a couple of the events for you. Wrestling sumo style while holding pitchers of beer. uh, running from actual sheriff's deputies while jumping fences and avoiding obstacles.

Chris: So, but, but the deputies are not real.

Marc: They're actually real. They're not chasing them for a real crime, but they had fun and participate. Okay, but isn't it kind of a real crime? No, this is a fun event.

Chris: So the deputies are taking part in the event, not actually chasing it. That's kind of boring.

Steve: Well, you know, it's like wrestling. It's a little state.

Marc: And then I really like this one. I think you guys will like it. They also take a whole bunch of cash and they put it in front of a giant fan, and folks compete to scramble to grab the cash that's flying in simulated hurricane winds. That happens around here.

Steve: Wait, are they enclosed, or is this in an open environment?

Marc: It's an open environment.

Steve: I actually feel like I've seen the one where they put them in a chamber and like figure out ways.

Chris: I actually feel like I've already done a lot of these.

Marc: Just so you know. Reptile wrangling? I don't think that. It costs 45 bucks to get a ticket to this. Oh, I'm down.

Chris: That's our next guy's trip.

Marc: This past year, they sold over 5,000 tickets. Nice. Okay. You're making some money on it. Let's go. The mayor basically just said, we love to give people an opportunity to live a day in the life of a Florida man without ending up in a cop car.

Chris: So basically what they're saying is this is what Florida guys do on a regular basis. I love it. I love it. I do want to go back here and address this comment from DG. I completely forgot about it. And yeah, must have a mullet to compete. That's funny. I can grow one for that. Going back to what we're watching, DG said thoughts on True Detective Night Country. I thought it was fairly good, but not as awesome as previous seasons. I am about

Marc: five episodes in um because the leftovers kind of yeah i still haven't i still haven't gotten past uh the first episode um i haven't yeah it's just it's not bring them together it's not great enough to where it's going to override really great stuff Yeah, like, like if I was watching, if I watched one episode and then I started the leftovers, I might not come back to it for two months.

Chris: Well, that's kind of what happened to me is I had watched like the first four episodes, right? You know, DG, I like it. I think it's good. Um, and I agree with you. It's not as good as definitely not as good as season one and probably not as good as season two. I must admit I did not watch season three. I'm going to go back and watch that season three. was better than two. Okay. So I'll definitely be watching that. All right. Moving on to the last headline of the evening, hockey Jesus.

Steve: I did. I found one this week.

Chris: Um, well, and it's so, it's actually so appropriate for hockey Jesus.

Steve: It is. Dead man remains dead.

Chris: Thank God.

Steve: Yeah. Yeah. There was this man, I guess, somewhere in California, the city of industry. I have no idea where that is. Sure.

Chris: Obviously, it's in California.

Steve: Well, there was a 50 year old gentleman that came in to a medium because he doesn't really like doctors and he was having a stomach ache.

Chris: Okay. Okay. First thing I think of when I have

Steve: stomachache? Well, you know, he doesn't trust doctors, doctors and honest things. So he's like, Hey, can you find a way to help me heal from my stomachache? Well, the guy dies while he's there. And rather than rather, rather than he should have gone to the doctor rather, rather than the medium immediately calling the police, his, his loved ones were there and they said, well, can you try and raise him from the dead? And the medium said, sure. So they left, came back about five days later, and he was still dead.

null: Wow.

Steve: They called the police. They called the police. And the police said something about something along the lines of, you know, there was no there was no foul play here. It was just just something that happened. And now they're going to bury him.

Chris: There's so much wrong with this, this whole idea here.

Steve: I, I, I just, I just saw the headline and I was like, how, okay, this has got to be good. And then I'm thinking, you know, wow. Just wow.

Chris: I mean, like, like you have a stomachache, you don't go to the doctor, which a lot of us don't when we have a stomachache, but it's bad enough. You go to a medium and while you're there, whatever is in your stomach kills you and your family. Your family says, hey, look, any chance you can bring him back instead of like rushing him to the hospital and saying, you know, that's right. That's pops. He always hated doctors. Let's get him in an ambulance. Can we read the Bible over him?

Steve: And maybe you'll bring him back. They wanted to restore the dead man's spirit. Maybe they weren't expecting his body to rise, but and I guess the medium couldn't even restore his spirit.

Chris: My team email on Instagram says that's California. I'm in Nevada. My daughter is in San Diego. I've been there more times than I can count their jag offs. All right, we got one more comment in here from Mike Lawrence. He says, Mark, in line with your Florida games, research the Redneck games, I think in Dublin, Georgia. So maybe you need to look that up. Okay, guys, listen, that's it for our show tonight. And as always, you're right, Amy, they were not. Can't tell you how grateful we are that you attend our weekly uh… thanks for watching the sports for its burger on face book linkedin you to acts and instagram and go to the you tube channel subscribe uh… thanks dvd for another entertaining chill out that's guys next time dvd you are the best uh… and we drop the podcast issues we sign off here i'm gonna be working on that drop the podcast thanks i suppose you're welcome uh… to be working on the podcast on the i heart radio about the podcast spotify

Mark: or anywhere you get your freaking podcast.

Chris: That was a really good one right there, Schwab. All right, guys. Thanks so much for being here. Jeff, have a great weekend. Thanks. Grabs. Thanks. Love it. I am your technical director and I am… Boom. Where's the Jablonsk?

Marc: Jablonsk!
