The Porch Is LIVE in Pittsburgh
Did Kenny Pickett make a statement? Calvin Austin III is fire! The Pirates have to look to next year. Is Jagr coming back to the Pens? What is the truth?
Did Kenny Pickett make a statement? Calvin Austin III is fire! The Pirates have to look to next year. Is Jagr coming back to the Pens? What is the truth?
[00:03:11] Jack Sawinski's playing time.
[00:04:22] Shelton's management skills criticized.
[00:08:12] Bunting strategy in extra innings.
[00:11:10] Steak tartare and Hardin.
[00:16:55] Impressive third and eight play.
[00:19:12] Offensive line performance.
[00:21:14] Calvin Austin potential comparison.
[00:24:09] The defense and backup players.
[00:29:23] No standout players on the depth chart.
[00:32:38] Jets and Aaron Rodgers' Impact.
[00:34:31] Quarterbacks going to the Jets.
[00:39:39] Zeke on the Patriots.
[00:43:31] Chuck Noll's coaching legacy.
[00:44:37] Joe Gibbs and coaching rivalries.
[00:49:35] Jaromir Jagr's possible return.
[00:52:02] Jagr's potential return to Penguins.
[00:55:14] Bringing back old players.
[00:59:58] Caitlyn Jenner and transformation.
[01:03:27] Winning an Olympic gold.
[01:05:19] Staying in Pittsburgh's downtown.
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00:00 Chris Three minutes to now. Oh yeah, get ready for this. Oh no. If anybody had any idea the pain that I have to go through to just try to get this show off the ground every single time. Sounds like you're a complainer. That's why you're the technical director. That's what I'm talking about and I just banged my mouth into the microphone. Welcome to the Sports Porch Pittsburgh. Here we are live all over social media. We are live on Facebook. We are live on LinkedIn. We are live on YouTube. We are live on Twitter and we are also at That's right and we dropped the podcast right after the show on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or anywhere you get your friggin' podcasts. Just want to thank you guys for watching and sticking with us here. We got a lot of things coming up that we're going to talk about. A ton. Not a lot of pirates, please. They always argue with me. See that? That's the Pirates logo right there in the background. Is that what it looks like? That's right and we are going to talk a little bit about the Pirates but it is football season and I know everybody's jonesing for some football. We sure are. So let's just get to the Pirates right now. Doubleheader yesterday, they split. They lost two or three from Cincinnati. They're 11 and a half games out. They are currently playing the Mets right now. They are leading one to nothing in the bottom of the first. Swinski home run? Here's I don't know. I'm not even going to check. We do have a comment. I'm sure it's DG and yes it is. Greetings gentlemen. DG always in the house. What's up Martha? Hey Martha. Welcome. David as always. Listen guys, if you want to get into the show you can always call us with your thoughts. 412-805-7236 and if you're watching. Wait, you said you weren't going to put it up. Yeah, but you guys gave me crap about it so I was like alright I'll leave the phone number up there.
02:27 Marc 412-805-7236. Thank you Schwab. Now would be a great time to call.
02:33 Chris Lines are open. Yeah, lines are open. So I'm trying to connect the Bluetooth to the. I'm trying to connect the Bluetooth to the. This technical director. It's crazy. You think that would have been done before the show. Why do that? I'm just going to leave it off. Do you see what I'm dealing with people? Do you understand this? I'm trying to get a sports show started and these guys are like you know and I can't.
02:56 Steve Come on Martha's ready for some Steelers.
02:58 Chris I thought you said we weren't going to talk any minor league baseball today. We're talking pirates. Here's what I have to say about the pirates. Okay, here's what I have to say. First of all, Steve and I were talking before the broadcast. We were. Alright, Jack Sawinski. If you've got any comments on Jack Sawinski, drop them in the comments section. Do you think the kid should be allowed to play every day? Now look, I don't want to hear he's about 200. I think he's batting 200 because they didn't let him play. They moved him around the lineup. The guy still the home run leader on the team with 21 with 21 bombs. Brian Reynolds isn't even anywhere near him. He's like six behind him and he's second on the team. That's true, but he's second on the team in RBI's and I'm telling you right now. I am. I am not a fan of Shelton at all. Not at all. I bet you were after he got thrown out. I was admittedly. I missed that part of the game, but I don't even care anymore.
04:07 Steve Okay. He was a really good manager from that point on. What'd you say?
04:11 Chris Oh, he was. He was perfect. I think it was the best game sitting in the clubhouse doing nothing. Now, you know, those guys, those guys call it in. But the thing is, I think, I think Shelton is a horrible manager. Absolutely terrible. And I don't know how much does Cherrington have his hand and who plays and who doesn't? Some GMs do. Some don't.
04:30 Marc Yeah, nobody really knows. Nobody really knows. It's a mystery.
04:33 Steve You got to figure Cherrington doesn't have too much because he's not really a baseball guy. He's more of a manager. Yeah.
04:39 Chris So, I mean, I doubt he's going to interfere with a guy who knows baseball during the season. Yeah, I have no idea. My opinion is that Jack Sawinski is a victim of this Pirates management style because the guy is lost at the plate. He has no idea how to hit left-handed pitching and he hasn't been given any sort of guidance. And don't tell me the Pirates have a hitting coach. I think most everybody watching and listening agrees. The guy, their hitting coach is horrible. And I think if they had put Sawinski in, left him at the number five spot or any spot, just leave him in that role because he's only committed one error in center field this year and one error since July 12th of last year. Okay. He's a great fielder. He's a great center fielder. He's got pop in his bat and he needs to learn to hit.
05:34 Steve He's not a great center fielder. Yeah, he is. But I think what they need to do is they need to let him develop so that he can hit left-handed pitching and he can hit a curve ball. Exactly. They got to figure that out and they're not going to figure that out this year. They could have though. That's what I'm saying. They could have. I think if you bat him behind O'Neill Cruz next year, then maybe he's or you put O'Neill Cruz behind him so that they can't pitch around him and then maybe he learns how to walk a little bit.
06:04 Marc I think that's a better set up for him. Hey, Sheme.
06:09 Steve Let me ask you a question about overtime or extra innings as it's called in Major League Baseball. Coming from hockey Jesus. Sorry. I'm ready for other sports. I know you are. I'm absolutely ready for overtime and extra time, but not extra innings. Why do they still put a ghost runner on second base? I don't know. I mean, and it's permanent now because they said they were going to try it for a while and then at the beginning of this season, they were going to say whether or not. Why do they still do that?
06:39 Chris Why is that necessary in life? They do it. They do it for the same reason they have the pitch clock. It's so you don't have 19 innings games. But as far as baseball goes, I do think it's stupid.
06:52 Steve Yeah, I mean, you got to earn your way on base. It's actually worse to use a hockey euphemism. I think it's actually worse than the shootout because you're just literally giving somebody. You're just putting somebody on second base for no reason. I know. Like with the shootout, at least it's some skill involved, right? It's one on one and it makes a lot of sense.
07:13 Chris Like maybe they should just go to the frickin home run Derby and just be done with it. Yeah, it wouldn't be any. It wouldn't be much different. I want to get Schwabers take on this, but here's the one thing that I did notice. In extras the other day, Bito got the loss, but it wasn't an earned run. Right. So why should he get a loss? Yeah. Why should he get a loss if it's not an earned run? It doesn't count as a run, but he gets a lot. Right. But he gets a loss.
07:36 Marc What do you think Schwaber about the Ghost runner? Well, I don't like it. I actually think that the Ghost runner gives extra innings advantage to the away team. I agree. Because they've got a, you know, you've got a pretty good chance with the runner on second that you're going to score. And so now, you know, the other team is left with, you know, okay, now we got a score to tie it up. You know, or let's say that the way team gets another run. Now it's like, oh, we're really in a hole now. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm not a big fan of it. I get it. You know, look, I mean, the bottom line is it's not in the postseason. So for that reason, I'm okay. If it was in the postseason, I think it was ridiculous. But you know, I'm used to it at this point. It's interesting, though, because there actually is some strategy involved. Like, you know, like it's amazing how very few teams will bunt the runner from second
08:41 Chris to third. Right. That's a lot of lost art in major leagues.
08:46 Steve They don't teach that at all anymore. And it's harder to bunt now that you don't have the shift on. Right. So you actually have to do it pretty, pretty well to be able to get the get the runner
08:56 Marc over there. Right. But I always find it really interesting. Now, I sort of get the idea that, OK, if you have a runner on second, you know, if the ball's not smashed, you know, you should be able to score on a single. But what's kind of interesting is like, OK, so let's say the away team doesn't score and now you're starting with a runner on second base. Why wouldn't you bunt over to third? So you could win the game with a fly ball out.
09:23 Chris Yeah.
09:24 Marc Yeah. And nobody does it.
09:26 Chris Nobody does it. Yeah. You know, the first guy that decides there will be a player that decides I am going to learn how to bunt like a like a boss and then they're going to use. Yeah. They'll just put them in. Yeah. Just put them in. Yeah. Yeah. And it'll be like one of those guys who like, you know, it's coming. Well, like a shootout specialist in hockey. Right. Exactly. Exactly. So as far as the buckos go, the one other thing that I wanted to talk about and make is the last thing. And I want to remind you.
09:57 Steve We're already 10 minutes over where I wanted to be. And I blame myself for asking the question, but I had to. Yeah.
10:04 Chris Let's bring it back to the Steelers. It's because of that dumb Nike hat you have on. Thank you. It is. I never wear a hat. Here's the here's the other thing that I hear a lot of. And this is this drives me batshit. OK, it really, really does. I am watching the sports personalities in this little hamlet we call Pittsburgh talk about how it's actually or should be actually possible that maybe we'll see Paul Skeens in the major leagues this year. I've heard this. How can you possibly think that that is a good thing? There is nothing good about that. There's nothing good about having Paul Skeens on the opening day roster next year. Nothing, nothing at all. There is no way.
10:58 Steve Look on the opening day roster. No, no, I think opening day roster next year. No, but I think playing I playing him playing him this year is just an absolute farce. Yeah. And the reason they're saying it is because he's in Altoona now and Altoona season and soon. So he's only going to get a few starts. So they're like, well, if he pitches well there, it makes sense to bring him up because
11:22 Chris I think the rosters are expanded or some shit like that. Right. Right. Look, here's here's the thing. And I've made this point over and over on the boat.
11:30 Steve Robert, stick around. I would love to talk about the Tatar. Yeah, we will talk about that.
11:35 Chris And not the meat. I've talked about this over and over on. Let's bring it back to the Steelers. Not the sauce. Well, you know, Mark, you love steak tartare. Mark made a comment on the Philly show about he's a he's a he's he talked about Hardin and Hardin is ball dominant. And it was all I could do not to write. And I didn't say anything, but he is ball dom. He's right about that. I was like, what is I was thinking, what exactly is ball dominant? What are you trying to do? Yes, I am a child. So Paul Schien should not be. Look, here's my point about Paul Skeens. This is it. He needs to learn how to pitch at the major league level. And I don't care if he was a god in college. It's a major league sport. And whether it's baseball, hockey or football, when you come up and you play with the best of the best of the best, you need time for the game to slow down. And yes, there are guys that can come up right out of college. There's no minor league. There's no real minor league football. And they can perform at a high level in football. But even for them, even your quarterbacks that are great, the game has to slow down in hockey, you know, same thing. They got to put a couple of years in the minor leagues, get used to the style, get used to the speed. You're playing with the best in the world. Baseball, same thing with figure skating. Right. Exactly. And tennis and pickleball and everything else.
13:10 Steve Pickleball. Figures. Now you got my attention.
13:12 Chris Schwab. Same thing with squash. He is. He is. He should not be up here. I'm tired of hearing this kind of crap. And what it is, is it's coming from management. They're they're dangling that carrot out there that maybe we get a guy that throws one hundred and two miles an hour every other pitch. And then all of a sudden, it's the same thing as dangling. It's the same thing as dangling Andrew McCutchen out there. It's the same thing as dangling. It's a rebuild out there. Yeah. You know, they have not their record with pitchers is not good. And if it is, the pitcher leaves. Let's get off this Paul Skeen's thing and let's start thinking about the Jacks Lewinsky's, the Henry Davises, the Andy Rodriguez, the Brian Reynolds, the Pogueros that are on the team. Let's start thinking about how they fit and getting them their advance in the experience. And let's see where Paul Skeen's is next year. After a month or two, a double or triple A. And then if the pirates look like they're in good shape, bring him up. Look, Mitch Keller is not going to be a mentor to Paul Skeen's. Mitch Keller is having trouble, trouble figuring out what kind of pitcher he is. And you don't need then and you're not going to bring back Rich Hill to mentor him.
14:29 Marc So sounds like sales sales of Wiggle Whiskey are down. So let's put some butts in the seat.
14:35 Chris That's exactly right. That's exactly right. So with that being said, I don't want to belabor the point any longer. We are now to the Steelers. We are now going to bring it to what everybody wants to talk about. And obviously that is the Pittsburgh Steelers. But before we do, I want to remind you that your buck goes report after every pirate's game on the podcast on I Heart Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts will continue to come your way. And I do appreciate everybody listening. OK, buddy, preseason victory, your take lines are open for one to eight oh five seven two three six. Give us a ring. Tell us how you feel about the Steelers first preseason game.
15:19 Marc I'm just going to only only one line open right now. So, OK, yeah, give it a shot. Get in, get in there. Steven, tell us what you think about the Steelers.
15:29 Steve First of all, I don't give a shit about winning a preseason game. Of course, no, they don't. That doesn't mean anything. What actually means something is what the first teams did, meaning what did the first team offense do if they played our Steelers did play their first team offense, which is actually kind of bump, bump, bumps the trend. Like a lot of teams dated in the first preseason game, they don't even play the first team. I'm kind of I'm kind of glad that they did, because otherwise there'd be a lot of speculation about what was happening. I would have to say with the Steelers offense, I was glad about a few things. One, it was a pass the run offense, not a run to pass offense, meaning right. They opened up the run, which they didn't actually do very much running, at least with the first team to. But they passed the ball. And what did I like about the passing of the ball? They actually, to me, it looked like Kenny Pickett's security blanket was definitely Deontay Johnson. Right. Like he always was looking for him first. And if he was open, bam, he just got it to him, which I'm OK with. I'm OK with that because I think and the other thing is Deontay Johnson didn't run backwards. So those are two really positive starts. Right. And then what was really impressive was I think they had the ball like around the 35 on that third and eight play. Right. And what I liked about that play was normally Steelers from last year, third and eight. What would they do? Maybe throw five yards and hope that the guy can run for three yards to get the first down. Right. No, they actually threw it past the yardsticks. Wow. What a revelation. Right. It was like almost like a 15 yard pass. Right. And they only needed eight yard gains. And then, you know, Pickens made made the play. He made the guy miss and he's in the end zone.
17:25 Marc I mean, the only reason I do this so I can hear Schwab. Did you catch it, Steve? Smart. I said Canada starting to figure it out.
17:34 Steve Starting to figure it out. Right. You can actually throw the ball more than five yards down. Yeah, but he's making fun of me. No, no, he's definitely figuring it out because the only jet sweep they ran was to Calvin Austin, the third.
17:48 Marc I was going to see a three. That's my favorite player.
17:51 Steve The guy who actually should be running jet sweeps with his blazing speed. Right. Right. So so that's what I liked about the first team offense. And, you know, and clearly Calvin Austin, the third, is a fast man.
18:04 Chris He's fast. Yeah. Let me get a couple of comments in here while you get there. First of all, DG says your boy, Kenny, looked pretty good. I actually thought he looked pretty good. Yeah, he looked good. And I was comfortable, which was more important. And I was super happy. And I think that Mac, are you being blinded by any romantic feelings, though? Not no, not yet. Not yet. He's going to have to do a lot. I can tell by looking at his eyes.
18:29 Steve There's definitely some romantic feeling still there.
18:32 Chris For sure. I would not call it romantic.
18:34 Steve Well, there's people in his eye when he says, can you just put it that way? I don't know what it is, but it's there.
18:42 Chris I'm telling you, guys, this is what I put up with. All right. So I thought he looked pretty good.
18:46 Steve One more thing about the offense, the offensive line, you know, they didn't start my man, Broderick Jones. I know. But Broderick Jones definitely had more starts than Dan Moore Jr. You mean Moore Moore, Moore Snaps. Right. Right. And there was this great analysis of every single one of his plays on YouTube that I watched. It was brilliant. It was a brilliant breakdown. I wish I had the guy's name. I'll get it for you. We'll put it in the in the comments.
19:12 Chris OK. But basically, Broderick Jones played almost a perfect game, which is incredible. He did have a holding call late in the game. I did see that.
19:22 Steve Oh, yeah. Did you not go back and watch it? There was absolutely no holding on that play. Just because he's such a monster. Well, the guy was running behind him, so he pushed him. Gotcha. And I guess they said he grabbed him. But whatever it was. Trust me, that would never get called in the regular season. Well, maybe it would. Yeah, I don't care. I think the guy played great. And I'm good with that. Like I said, I think you should be starting. But if they want to put Dan Moore Jr. in there and he looked good, too, by the way. So I'm not bashing him. Yeah. But I bashed him last week. I did. And I don't apologize for that. I don't want you to. So you'll figure it out. So I believe that we've got it like there was some there was some talk coming out of camp like, oh, he's not looking that great. Like, who knows if he's he might be a bust. Like I was hearing some some rumblings of that with Broderick Jones watching him play last week. I have no problem. I think he's going to be great. He just mauled some guy. And the other guy who actually did really well was from a blocking standpoint was their tight end Washington. He buried some guys. I mean, just absolutely buried some guys and dove up some gigantic holes that our running backs were running through. So that's what I love about the offense. Let's talk about the defense because I see there is a there's a.
20:44 Chris Yeah, there is. But I want to get in. I want to get I want to get his comment about Calvin. Austin is a stud and the picket to picket is going to be awesome to watch. I just want to get in one comment that I have on Calvin Austin, the third that touchdown catch from Rudolph. Yeah. Now, of course, you realize he's running against a second or third string cornerback. But the fact that he was able to run by that guy by a mile tells me he just look, the comparison is going to be it's a bad comparison right now. Yeah. But I think there's a potential for a Tyree kill comparison.
21:21 Marc Of course. Just because. Oh, my God. You are so ridiculous. That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. You think so? Do you? Yeah. Like, you know, I'll tell you who I'll tell you who right now. Calvin Austin, the third is hoping he can be right. Hoping he can be Quez Watkins. Really? Or 70 yard touchdowns all preseason because he's so darn fast.
21:46 Chris And then the regular season, he catches like two touchdowns. OK. All right. We're going to remember this.
21:52 Steve OK. I'll make a bet with you right now that Calvin Austin, the third has more catches on the year than Quez Watkins
21:59 Marc or whoever held that actually is a bet I might take because I'm because they're saying is having a great camp. Let's do it. Let's do it live. Who's got to who's got to wear what is it? OK. We're adults now. We don't got to wear.
22:17 Chris He's so afraid to lose. He is so afraid to lose.
22:20 Marc Yeah. We'll go. What is versus? Let's do it.
22:23 Chris Let's do it. So what happens? What's what's the bet?
22:26 Steve It's the total number of receptions. Are we going to go yards also?
22:30 Chris Now, let's just do total number of receptions. Let's make it easy. Total number of total number of receptions. OK. Piece of cake. OK. And and what are you going to win or lose?
22:39 Marc We'll figure that out later. We'll figure it out. We're going to forget about. No, absolutely. But but still, still the fact that you actually said Tyree Gale with C.A. three. Are you out of your frickin mind?
22:54 Chris No, I'm not. I'm telling you right now. You heard it here first. Pickens and Deontay Johnson are closer to Tyree kill than C.A. three. Not even no way. Not when it comes to speed. Yeah, not when it comes to like being a good football. He's the next Tyree kill Hall of Fame.
23:12 Steve I love it. I'll be down. Just go for it. I love it. That was hilarious.
23:17 Marc Yeah, I enjoyed that. I like Robert Whitney says Calvin Austin is a stud.
23:24 Chris Yes, he is a stud. Wait a minute. DG's got one in here. My guy. And yes, there's a romantic bias there. Mason Rudolph dropped in a beauty for that touchdown. Rudolph is better than Trubisky.
23:38 Steve You really have to drop it in. In fairness, David, he was wide open, but he did put it right in on his hands. He didn't overthrow me, didn't under throw him, and he could easily run in from there.
23:48 Chris Yeah. Yeah. And that that wasn't on the air. That was just in the.
23:51 Steve No, that was just in my head. Yeah, that's exactly right. I say that to myself all the time.
23:56 Chris Nobody heard that. That was just in my head. Nobody. Nobody heard that. Amy May says Chris is ridiculous with the Tyree comment. Well, maybe you could spell Tyreek right in. They take you seriously.
24:07 Steve So let's talk about the defense, shall we?
24:09 Chris Yes. Robert is a Kwan Alexander. I'm guessing he's talking about looked awesome with a couple of good hits. Also, I bet that Rudolph takes back up over Trisky. He looked like pure dog. You know what? Yes. Talk about the defense.
24:23 Steve So the defense first series, they were in three and out. Got to love it. Although I guess they were. I kind of wish they would have been able to go for it on that fourth and one just to see what would have happened. Right. Right. Because I mean, you only do that in the preseason, right? You're never going to go for fourth and one at that point, no matter who you're playing or what the scenario is. Right. But because they had an offense, you know, whatever illegal procedure lined up wrong, you know, fourth and sixth, they had the punter. I just like the way the defense looked like they could fill the gaps real quick on the on the run.
25:00 Chris Pierre. Gosh, I forget number 42. See the Steelers. Yeah.
25:05 Steve Justin St. Pierre. He's terrible. Like he's got to go like he's he's he is not a good backup. Like if he has to come in in the game where he's got to fill in for for our cornerbacks, we're screwed because he's there. Yes. Yeah. Well, Joey Porter Jr. didn't play at all. So, I mean, there's really no analysis of what he did because he didn't do anything.
25:29 Marc That doesn't even make any sense.
25:31 Steve Why did he not play? I don't I don't know. I don't know. It was curious to me, but not a single play. So I don't know. You know, maybe he's a superstar and they're just they're going to launch him
25:42 Marc in week one right at party. I don't know about that. Oh, maybe it was just maybe it was just getting toasted by Tyra Kill. I mean, Calvin Austin.
25:52 Steve Yes. Well, everybody gets toasted by Calvin Austin, the third, because he's a stud.
25:57 Chris Just remember that it's it's Calvin Hill, the third. Tyreek Austin.
26:03 Steve No. So overall, I think the Steelers did play very good. I mean, I'm not ready to say, wow, their offense is going to be great. They're going to score 30 points every game. I mean, they only scored 30 points once all of last year. Yeah, once. Yeah. But the fact that they came out and scored 27 and they look really good. I like their I like their two minute offense, too. I thought their two minute offense was pretty impressive. So let's just roll with it.
26:29 Chris Let's see what we can do against Buffalo this week. Yeah. And that's the thing preseason. You know, I thought the important thing about watching that first series for me was just to see how Kenny Pickett looked behind the line and was comfortable making his reads and to see if he was able to kind of make things happen. And he did. And it was only one series. And everybody does that once a game. Yeah. So that was important, though. So I thought that was a good sign. I thought it was it. It's hard to say this is a good sign when they don't whip out a jet sweep right away. But, you know, Matt Canada would have to live in a bunker that was completely hermetically sealed. Right. To not know that if he ran more than one jet sweep to a guy that wasn't fast like Tyreek Hill, you know, you know, yeah, that that that's even better. I like that one. He'll figure it out. Tyree killed the third baby Tyree kill baby. Baby Ty, baby Ty, baby Ty. You got it. So I thought there was there were some good takeaways from it. But again, everything in preseason game, number one is totally with a grain of salt. Yeah, for sure.
27:53 Steve Yeah. So I mean, their rush didn't look that great. I mean, meaning, well, Cam Cam didn't play. They didn't get a lot of pressure on the quarterback. They didn't look like they were going to be dominant about, you know, rushing the quarterback. They didn't run any blitz packages. Why would they? You don't want to get anybody hurt. No, but, you know, it's just kind of a curiosity. Like, are they going to be a defense that thinks it's going to be good enough that they can just go out there and throw out a dime package every now and then and be OK? Maybe. I mean, I don't I don't know. Like you said, it's it's you can't really buy too much into the preseason. But their defense looked OK. I mean, they didn't look dominant. They didn't look like they were going to run over people. Although Kwon Alexander is definitely a stud. And Mark Robinson actually played really well for a guy who got injured last year. He still has a lot of speed for for for being injured last year. Yeah, I don't I'm I'm not putting him in there as anything, but special teams player and if one of the other linebackers get hurt. But it is good to see him out there. And I love his speed. I think he can cover a lot of ground. Maybe he might be able to cover a tight end every now and then on third downplay just to mix it up a little bit. A land and Roberts really only played two steps. So you can't really really, really don't.
29:09 Chris They're looking for him to be the leader in the linebacking course. Yeah.
29:12 Steve Yeah. But overall, I'd say the Steelers look very solid. And did anybody lower on the depth chart make a case for a roster spot? No. That was an easy answer. No, I don't think so. I mean, there wasn't any there was nobody did anything in the second, you know, you know, you know who I thought didn't look good from a wide receiver standpoint was that Cody White. He looked terrible. OK. Well, we look terrible by time. But I don't think they honestly I don't think they need him. But but he was somebody that everybody was like, he might be OK. I think he was like a third or fourth round pick this year or last year. But he didn't look good at all. His hands look terrible. And I think he was doing return duties, which is going to be baby Tyreeks job. Baby Tyreek, baby Ty.
30:03 Chris So I think that the takeaway from the first preseason game is that it looks like they are progressing. D.J. Didn't we pick up another linebacker from the Colts? We have we have 20 linebackers. We do have 20 linebackers. I didn't hear about. Yeah, I don't know. I can I can let me let me pull up the Steelers. So there was some movement today in the NFL, though. Yeah, some running back. There was.
30:28 Steve Yeah. Dalvin Cook is now on the Jets.
30:31 Chris I want to talk about that in a second, but I'm going to the Steelers just to see if there's any news real quick.
30:38 Steve Kendrick Green of fullback, Joey Porter. That was a joke. That was a joke, by the way. Not one single play. Actually, you know, I think it's a good thing that they're doing a good job. Actually, Cam Hayward was in the fullback position for a little bit. He looked all right. I think, you know, if they if they need a fullback, which I don't believe they do need a fullback, I think him do just fine.
31:00 Chris Here's the thing about here's the thing about the movement in the NFL and Dalvin Cook going to the Jets. OK, now, remember, we've talked about this in years past. And I have always said the Jets are cursed. OK, you have quarterbacks go to the Jets to die.
31:14 Marc Oh, OK. Actually, you know what? I disagree. And I will say this. I will say this. I don't think you should be saying anything about the Jets if you're not watching. Hard knocks, hard knocks. Yeah. You should be watching it. Why? Well, I will say this one, right? Yeah. Right. Right. No, I will say this. I mean, you know, is Aaron Rodgers a nutball? Sure. Yes. Now, but I will say this and granted, look, granted, he knows that they're being, you know, videotaped everywhere they go. Of course. And he loves it. Yeah. Right. But I will say that he has, at least on that tape, shown to be a pretty good teammate. I mean, he's really helping Zach Wilson like a ton, you know, where he doesn't really necessarily have to. And, you know, he's doing things like, you know, he was talking to teammates. He's like, hey, you know, this this is what you should do. If you want to be a leader on this team, you know, every every day at lunch, sit next to another guy that you don't know, get to know them a little bit. You know, like, you know, just stuff that I thought was good. So he tells other people to do it. But is he doing it? Of course he is. I think I think he is. So, I mean, I have to say, I felt I was more impressed with him than I expected to be. So you think and think this year the Jets are going to figure it out? I do. I do. I do. I think the Jets may be a little precursor to his picks.
32:52 Chris Yeah. I mean, I do like Miami in that division. I want to know if the word is actually is it figure or figure figure? It's figure it out. Yes. I would say I think let me put it this way.
33:05 Marc I would say I think let me put it this way. I would be surprised. Thank you for that. I would I would be surprised if the Jets don't make the playoffs barring a Rogers injury. I mean, think about it like this. Oh, that's easy. Think about it like this. The Jets were actually pretty good last year with no quarterback. You know, now all of a sudden you're adding Aaron Rogers to, you know, to a Garrett Wilson. And, you know, he brought Lazard with him. He brought out with him. Is there now, you know, they have another big wide receiver. I'm just drawing a blank on the name. Yeah. You know, he's got Dalvin Cook in the backfield and the rookie running back last year was fantastic. Breeze. Yeah, Breeze Hall. Right. I mean, they've got they've got some major weapons.
33:53 Steve Of course they do. They're cursed. Then go ahead and name somebody on their defense.
33:59 Chris You can't. That's their problem. Abraham. Didn't he retire like 30 years ago? I don't know. I just figured it's probably a good try.
34:08 Marc Good try, Mark. Oh, no, actually. How about how about Sauce Gardner? Sauce. Yeah. OK. Sauce. Yeah.
34:14 Steve Sauce is sauce is definitely a talent on that defense. Yes. Yes. And it will get burned by Baby Tie.
34:20 Chris There you go. Sauce versus Baby Tie. Do they play the Jets again this year? I don't think they know they don't. Yeah, I don't I just don't like I don't like the Jets. Organization. I think they're horrible. I think I think it's a curse. Quarterbacks go there to die. Brett Favre died there. Joe Flacco died there. Aaron Rodgers is going to die there.
34:41 Marc But no, it has nothing to do with anything.
34:44 Chris DG says I have to agree with Chris until shown otherwise. The Jets is where quarterbacks go to die.
34:50 Steve Thank you, DG. But the one thing you can't deny is if Dalvin Cook is still a talent, which I think he is now, I think I don't think he's at the top of his talent level now. I think he's coming down from the top of his time. They don't need him to run every day. But they don't. Yeah, they don't. Unlike Zeke, who is now with the Patriots. I think Zeke is way down. Right. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Like three or four years ago. Yeah.
35:15 Chris I just I just want to say this, Schwab. I do agree with you that the Jets have a lot more talent on offense that they that they've had in a in a long time. And I do think that their chances of being a much better team this year are pretty good. But that curse is still there.
35:31 Steve So Zeke going to the Patriots, I said they still have to play against like the Steelers. They have to play against the Dolphins. They have to play the Bills twice. It's like the Steelers. Yeah. But they have to play against the Bengals twice. They have to play against the Ravens twice. I just I just don't believe in that talent.
35:47 Marc I just don't believe in curses. I just think, you know, like think about it this way, like what you said, all these quarterbacks, all these quarterbacks go to the Jets to die.
35:57 Chris Well, cursed for many years. No, they weren't. No, I don't think they were. I wouldn't call them a curse. I'm just trying to get a rise out of you, Schwab.
36:05 Marc It's really all I'm all I'm saying is, is that there were no players on the last Jets team that was cursed that are on this team.
36:14 Chris Yeah. OK. All right. I just I don't believe in that. OK. All right. Well, we'll we'll we'll have to see.
36:20 Steve I think the thing that I that I I agree with Chris on is that they get players from other teams after their prime and they just don't do well. And the and the and the quarterbacks, they do draft that are young are garbage. Yeah. So I just I just think they lack. Yeah. In their ability to put together an offensive scheme that allows quarterbacks to thrive. Now, that could change this year because you have a Hall of Fame quarterback and you have a potential rookie of the year last year and Garrett Wilson. I think that can definitely change. So if it's going to change, it'll change this year because if it doesn't change this year, they absolutely are cursed. And you can't deny that this is the year we determine the curse. Yeah. OK. If they go if they go seven and ten this year. Yeah. They're a cursed team.
37:10 Chris Yeah. Yeah. And and the G's got it, you know, Leveon Bell. He really lit it up. Yeah. Yeah. Neil O'Donnell. Yeah. O'Donnell. I mean, God, it's just unbelievable. We could go on and on. And the thing about it is that Rogers is look, he's passed his prime is, you know, is he better than the Brett Farve they got, you know, probably. But he's still passing. But didn't Farve go to the Jets and then to Minnesota and like rattle off of 14 and two season or something there? I forgot that Farve went to the Jets. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So and and my buddy, Jeff from York, Neil O'Donnell, he was still in his. Yeah, it was right after he blew it in the Super Bowl. I know. I know. Not a game I want to relive. All right. Let's go to Zeke.
37:58 Marc So let me so let me ask you this. OK, here we go. So last year, Aaron Rogers on, for all intents and purposes, a pretty crappy team. Right. Twenty six touchdowns, twelve interceptions, a ninety one point one rating, thirty seven hundred passing yards. That's his that's his bad year. That's horrible.
38:21 Chris How is he going to bad year? How is he going to do any better than that on the Jets?
38:25 Marc Good Lord. Well, think about it this way. He's just one year removed from forty one hundred thirty seven touchdowns, four interceptions and one hundred and eleven rating. Yeah. I think it's very possible that he could have one more MVP caliber type season. I would not say I think it's a little premature to say he's passed his prime.
38:51 Chris And DG agrees with you. He says past his prime. Rogers is still in quotes is still way better than most quarterbacks. Yeah. But here's the thing. He's only ever played for the Green Bay Packers in Wisconsin. He's never had the bright lights of New York City on him. And let me tell you, man, all he needs to do is have one or two bad games with those Jets fans. And you can forget about it. Aaron Rogers has an outer space.
39:17 Marc He's Aaron Rogers is an outer space. He's got no clue what's going on on this earth. Yeah, he doesn't know where he is. That's true.
39:23 Steve He probably still thinks he's in Green Bay.
39:25 Marc Yeah, he's probably he probably right. I mean, he's on hard knocks, but right now I think he thinks he's still meditating.
39:31 Chris Yeah. Yeah. It's the matrix. It's still the opposite. He believes in the matrix. So Zeke, once again, Zeke on the Patriots. I thought this was going to happen just because this is a classic Bill Belichick move. And I think that they're obviously not going to rely on him to run the ball two or three downs. I think he's going to be like their Ligarite blunt.
39:59 Marc They're going to make him the goal line back. He's going to score 11 touchdowns on the goal line. And on the year is going to have 430 yards.
40:07 Steve What do you think, Steve? Now, the Ramon de Stevenson is a is a is a stud running back. OK, he's a beast down at the goal line. There's no way they're going to pull him out for that. But what they will do is probably every third series, they'll let Zeke go in and probably get 10 touches, maybe a game at the most. OK, like a like a change of pace. Yeah. And I think part of the reason is they're going to be a run first team. I mean, who's their number one receiver up there? They got Juju and they got.
40:37 Chris Oh, yeah, that's right. Juju went there.
40:39 Steve They got they got they got somebody else. They they they got somebody else. Yeah, they're actually somebody not bad. I can't remember who it is, but I think they're just trying to hide Mac Jones because his talent is to me, it's like Kenny Pickett talent. It's like mediocre. Yeah, it's you. You say that about my boyfriend. Well, you know, they're I mean, they're both only in their what? Second years is this is this third. Yeah. So, I mean, Max really got to really put up this year, but I don't think he's going to. Yeah. I don't know either. I thought in his first year, there's not a lot of talent in Roxy. Right. Right. So, I mean, you can't really expect him. He'll have he'll have as good a season as Aaron Rodgers.
41:19 Chris How about that? All right. There you go. Here's here's here's the one thing I would say. You decide. And Rodgers is insulted. If Mac Jones, he should be if Mac Jones had Joe Gibbs as his coach, he would win the Super Bowl. No. Yeah, that's all. Oh, and you were you were agreeing with me earlier, Schwab. Not on that. Not on that. No, we're having a debate as to whether Bill Belichick was actually one of the greatest because he had Tom Brady.
41:45 Steve And I said, Chris said something ridiculous, like Joe Gibbs is a better coach than Bill Belichick, which is I'm the first one to take anything against the Patriots and just keep bashing over the head.
41:56 Marc But that's just ridiculous. No, I agree with that 100 percent. I mean, Joe, Joe, Joe Gibbs won three Super Bowls with three different quarterbacks and came back to a Dan Snyder fiasco and won a division. There you go. And he was like and he was like and he had like dementia at the same time.
42:15 Chris Like he couldn't get he couldn't, you know, stop the play clock. He did. He had to get that. Yeah, that that wasn't dementia. That was just yeah. But and the only reason he retired is because God rest his soul. Sean Taylor got shot and died or he might still be the coach. So no, I I I think Joe Gibbs there is much better coach. There is. There is. There is no NFL. He was also a better coach than Chuck Noll.
42:43 Steve Now you're just. Oh, I want to. I can I can I can I can I can I can promise you I'm kidding that Joe Gibbs probably makes the top 10.
42:57 Marc Best NFL coaches of all time, but he's going to be eight, nine or 10. What do you what do you think, Schwabber? Well, I would say this. He's definitely not eight, nine or 10. I think he's like four, five or six. But he might actually put him that high. But he might show later. He might show later simply because of the element of time.
43:22 Chris It's just it's a long time ago now. Yeah, it is true. So I promise you, Chuck Noll, who coached earlier than him, would be higher on the list. Oh, yeah, I agree with you. That I was just messing around with. I think Chuck Noll took he they had the benefit of a great draft, but he took a team that was absolutely horrible. And then he molded those guys into one of the most legendary football team.
43:46 Steve You might not like this, and I don't agree with it, but I think Mike did probably would be higher on the list than Joe. That is complete.
43:53 Chris Oh, God. It's complete horse.
43:56 Marc That's ridiculous. I will I will say I will say I will say this. Why? That's why. I will say this, and this is this is a compliment. This is a compliment to one of Chris Klein's loved legends. I remember my first year at Drexel, I was watching an Eagles Redskins game. And there was a guy there who was an Eagles fan, and he said something. It's like one of those weird things that I'll just never forget. And he's like, you know, and I think the Eagles won the game. Like, that's when they had Cunningham, you know, and he's just I was like, what do you think? What do you think today? And he's like, I don't know, man. He's like, I'll tell you what, when we play the Redskins guy, I'm most concerned about is Joe Gibbs. There you go. And I and I just I always remember that. And like, I actually do think he's on the money with that. Like, to be honest, in my entire lifetime, the coach that I thought always outsmarted the Eagles coach the most was Joe Gibbs.
44:58 Steve Yeah, but he was outsmarting Buddy Ryan. I mean, that's not very hard to do.
45:03 Marc There were some good coaches back then. I mean, you know, there was he coached against Vermeel, you know, he coached he coached against Andy Reid. He coached against Parcells.
45:13 Chris He coached against Bill Walsh. Yeah, you know, he coached against what's his name for the Cowboys. You know who I'm talking about? Landry and Jimmie Johnson. Yeah, yeah. He coached against Marv Levy and out coached him in a Super Bowl. Dude, he's Tom Landry, also known as Chuck Mills, bitch. Yeah. All right. That's enough of that stuff because we got we got to get the we got to. Yeah. Here, Jeff Paul is there's a good one. Cotite. Oh, yeah. Does he bring back good memories?
45:46 Steve Schwabber, Rich Cotite. We did win one playoff game with Cotite. Oh, there you go. There you go. Well, it's almost as much as Mike Tom.
45:54 Marc Yeah, he's definitely a little an Eric Allen interception. Down in New Orleans. Yeah. Yeah.
46:01 Chris Eric Allen, he was good. I liked him. All right. So, Bill, what are we looking for in the second preseason game?
46:08 Steve What do you want to see? More of the same. I want to I want to see them continue to throw the ball to open up the run. I actually like to see a little bit more running and a little bit more a little bit more pressure on the quarterback.
46:18 Chris I wasn't in two things that I'd be looking for. I wasn't impressed with anything. Najee did. And he didn't he didn't play much. No, he didn't play at all. I'm still concerned about him. I'm concerned about it. Should I I'd like to see I think our line, given the experience they've had together now and then adding Broderick Jones, a big guy like Darnell Washington, Zantri can block or Gentry can block. I think you got to see him get off to a good start or or I you guys. You guys laugh at me, laughed at me last year when I talked about Jalen Warren. And now they're actually talking about Jalen Warren being a better running back than Najee Harris. That's a joke. People talking about it. I'm not saying it's not.
47:04 Steve I'm just saying that I was just the old thunder and lightning. That's all it is. That's all it is. It's our BBC anymore.
47:14 Chris And Anna says Warren is a beast and I couldn't agree with you more, Anna. The thing about Warren is that is he's a beast amongst little boys. He's he's a beast. He ties. Yeah, he's small. He is small. But man, his feet never stop and he's always moving forward and he can he can cut. Look, he's never going to be Tony Dorsett. You know what I mean? But he's definitely he's got to me. He's got more drive, more vision, more ability. It's actually kind of a shame he doesn't have another two inches and 20 pounds.
47:48 Steve I'm sure he has any of those things over. I think the only thing he does have over nausea is speed. He definitely has more speed than nausea. Right. Right.
47:56 Marc I'm sort of I'm sort of sensing like if it doesn't work out with Kenny Pickett, you might be moving on to jail more.
48:04 Chris And who? Me? I always got to have a plan. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you mean I have that twinkle in your eye.
48:12 Marc Jalen's in the friend zone right now.
48:14 Chris You know, that's a backup plan. Jalen's in the friend zone. Yes. Jalen and I, you know, we're kind of tight, but he's just a friend. Got to have a plan B. OK. More of the same. And we'll we'll we'll talk about that next week. Oh, are we finally going to get to talk about our key? We are definitely going to get to talk about hockey. And I do want to remind everybody, first of all, that the hockey Jesus does preach on the podcast, the sports sports podcast on the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, Spotify or anywhere you get your podcast after every single Penguin's game. The season is fast approaching October. We're 60 days out, less than 60 days out now. And you got a little preaching you want to do right now. And if you guys have anything you want to say, we do. This is a live show on social media. You can call us at 412-805-7236. A Schwab or would say, get in now. Lines are open.
49:11 Marc And by the way, by the way, real quick, has anybody seen or heard from Pat? Pat on track now, because I'm sorry, because I'm starting to get concerned. I am where it is.
49:24 Chris We shouldn't actually be laughing, I guess. Yeah, we should. Yeah. OK, let's laugh.
49:30 Marc All right. We'll text him after the show. All right, Jesus. Yeah. Yeah.
49:33 Steve Yeah. Give it to us. All right. So not much going on since the Carlson trade. There is. Sorry about that. Really? Yeah. Right. Right. Right. In the middle. I apologize. No, you don't. You did it on purpose. Yeah. Yeah. No, no. So the only two things that are going out there and one I can't figure out, but I absolutely have to talk about it is Yarmer, Yager. Yeah. Yeah. What is that? Is that real or is that fake? I have no idea. I honestly I honestly think it's one of those Internet spoof things that that like just got put out there because why not? Because they're signing all these old guys, right? Why not bring the Yager back? Right. And why not put it out there? Because you know, people are going to run with it. I mean, it caught my attention right away. 50.
50:22 Chris Yeah. Yeah. He's 50. Yeah. Yeah. Why hasn't anybody said that's bullshit?
50:28 Steve Well, that's what I want to know. Well, because one, he hasn't retired yet. Well, we know that. So he can still play. And there's speculation just because of his age that he does want to retire finally, but in order for him to retire, he has to actually have. Well, I guess he doesn't actually have to have a contract. Right. But the speculation is he would want to retire a penguin. Right. So therefore they would sign him. But the but the question that what's out there now is he actually would play for the penguins, not like sign a one day contract and then retire, paying one. The speculation is he wants to play another year.
51:06 Chris Yeah, that's what I'm getting. That's what I'm kind of like. I could totally see the entire scenario you just talked about. It happens all the time. Right. You sign some of them sign a one day contract. Right. Exactly. But the fact that they keep throwing in the league minimum indicates to me that I mean, would they pay him the league minimum to sign for one day and retire? No.
51:27 Steve That indicates to me that he wants to play. No, if they play the league, if if they pay him the league minimum, it has to come off the cap. Right. They're actually a little bit over the cap. So they would actually have to move somebody in order to do that. And actually, they're over the cap a little bit. And they actually have one less player assigned than they should have. So if they brought somebody up like a Thomas Tatar, they would have to find about seven hundred thousand dollars that they would actually have to move either down to the baby pens or trade out of the organization. So so I can't figure out the auger stuff. I do believe that it's just pure speculation.
52:07 Chris You say what's your gut telling you? It's just it's just Internet.
52:10 Steve So my gut's telling me that. But my heart is saying, bring him back, please. Yeah, please. Everybody would absolutely go nuts. That the opening night. Imagine Connor Bedard on the other side, you know, the new phenom for the Chicago. Right. Blackhawks. And you have the old man, Yager on the other side. With Sidney Crosby. Right. Yeah. With Sid. And I think part of the other speculation that's kind of fueling this is the fact that, you know, Jake had his surgery. So they're looking for a winger. That's what's that's what's also fueling this Thomas Tatar stuff.
52:44 Chris Would you I mean, look, Yager was great. And there's no there's no denying that. Yeah, he was great for a lot of teams. Is there first for the pain anyway? I mean, I know Gordie Howe played until he was what, 53.
52:55 Steve No, what happened is Gordie Howe came back because a Gretzky was in his rookie year. So he wanted to play with Gretzky against Gretzky. Right. So he signed. I don't even think he played a full year for Hartford. But he was in his 50s. He came back and played in his 50s. Right. How long had he been retired? Well, he came back, I think, in like 1980.
53:17 Chris So he would have been retired for eight years. Holy hell. So, yeah, I mean, honestly, look, the pirates brought McCutchen back and we all know that scenario. Right. They kind of needed to do that. Right. Way. No, the pens absolutely don't. So then why would they why would they? Seriously, I actually thought this from a business perspective. Yes. Jerseys, money, fans, goodwill. The guys 50.
53:45 Steve OK, he is definitely not at the top of his game. Neither is Carter and they're paying him two point five.
53:51 Chris But Carter's not 50. He's still for all intents and purposes. If you won, he's on the ice. He plays like 50. Yeah, but yeah, but I mean, trust me, trust me.
54:04 Steve If you put your if you put your out there with Carter, your would make Carter look like the 50 year old. I'm just I'm just.
54:13 Marc Your out there on the power play.
54:15 Chris No, no, they don't need them on the power play now that they got Carlson. I just think I think that this first of all, I think this is total Internet fodder. I agree. And if it's not, then I would seriously question Kyle Dubas is Acumen as a general manager, even with all of the good stuff he just did. It would for me, it would put him right in the ditch. No, it wouldn't. Yeah.
54:42 Steve Well, for you, look, bring it bring him back through Pittsburgh Penguins fans. If it would put him further up high, just because it's yogurt, that's it. And and the reason yogurt left was because they were a crap organization. Well, I know they couldn't afford things and they had to let them go. And in yogurt was kind of complaining at the time. Actually, by the way, I think it was like when that would have been like in 19. No, that would have been to. So it would have been like 25 years ago. They actually got rid of them, which is crazy to think. Yeah. But the bringing back would just make all that go away.
55:22 Chris Yeah. But the thing is, you're up against the cap. You're already over the cap. You're going to waste a roster spot on a guy that you're probably not going to play a whole lot.
55:29 Steve Look, you're right when it comes down to the logic. That's what I'm saying.
55:33 Chris So that's why you want to try to win a cup this year. Why would you? Well, you want to try and win a cup every year. I know. But this but it's not like you're rebuilding the team. You're you're actually trying to add the final pieces to win a cup.
55:46 Steve Well, I think further in the playoffs, I think that that will actually rely on Tristan Jari's shoulder. I get it. I get it.
55:54 Chris But you see what I'm saying, Robert, do you understand what I'm trying to say? Or are you sleeping?
56:00 Marc No, no, I mean, I'm listening. I mean, you know, it's weird. At the same time, you know, the Flyers signed Jagger when he was. I don't know, maybe he was 40 and he was really good. So, you know, who knows? I mean, apparently he's like one of those like workout phenoms. Right. He's probably still in better shape than just about anybody his age in the world, which would be, you know, and so, you know, it would it surprise me if he actually played decent? And I really wouldn't. It really wouldn't. So I don't think I don't think it's totally crazy. Now, at the same time, I don't think there's any real need to do it. Right. Yeah. But, you know, we'll see. I don't know. I have I have a feeling it's it's I have a feeling it's not likely real, because if it was, there'd be more reporting from the big guys on it. Yeah. And I haven't seen much of that.
57:06 Steve I agree with you there. And I think ultimately Dubas is just playing it is it's free media. Why not? Why not? Why not run with it?
57:13 Chris Yeah, that's the the old saying goes, any press is good press. OK. Anything else with the pens? Other than you're you're so excited, I can like see you shaking like SpongeBob.
57:26 Steve I'm trying to, you know, keep it tamped down just because, you know, with Jake not starting the year on the team and being in rehab, I think that's going to be a problem for the Penguins. I'm actually a little nervous about the start of the season, and be honest with you, it's an excited nervousness now that we got Carlson. And I may be buying a jersey, by the way. Nice.
57:48 Chris But that could be a mistake, though. That'll be a good two hundred dollars well spent.
57:53 Marc Could be that could be a mistake. You don't want to you don't want to put undue pressure.
57:57 Steve You don't want to put any pressure on Christ. The good ones. That's ridiculous.
58:01 Chris You know, the hockey Jesus gets the good ones. Who in the hell the hockey Jesus should get the good ones for free. That's what I think. Hmm. Let's call the penguins and talk to them. Maybe we'll talk to fanatics and see what they got going on. We got to get Tony the tiger on that one. How about that? How about that? Yeah. Sounds good to me. Go ahead. You got one more thing on the pens before I tell you what I want.
58:22 Steve The one the one thing I will say is that Jagger does make the team. I think I think David had the best idea.
58:29 Chris We bring back the mullet. Yeah, that that was the thing I was going to say. He is also a professional mullet stylist. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
58:36 Steve Yeah. I think I think you'll see the mullet everywhere back in Pittsburgh.
58:39 Chris OK, so full force. Here's ears. OK, so we have the Calvin Austin and we have the Tyreek Austin or baby Tyquez Watkins challenge. Maybe if Quas Watkins gets more catches, you got to bring back your mullet. How about the loser has to wear a wig mullet for a show? How about we just like when you get to see more of it? I'd like to see with hair.
59:08 Marc Yeah. How about we how about we just like act like adults and like,
59:12 Chris I buy you dinner, you buy me dinner? Because there's nothing fun about that. There's nothing fun about that.
59:18 Marc I'm going to have dinner anyway. I want to see you in a mullet. Silly little hot takers. How about this? I want to see Mark. Mark, Mark, Mark wears a mullet and I wear a bald head. There we go. There you go. There we go. Bald head.
59:34 Chris No, I think I think I think Mark wears a mullet
59:37 Steve and you actually shave your head because Mark's not going to spontaneously grow hair. No, he tried. I love my hair too much to shave my head. Not going to happen. Although I think I did almost make a bet about shaving my head, but it had to do with the Pirates winning so many games.
59:52 Chris And I knew that was a win. Yeah, that was easy. OK, listen, I want I want to tell you guys something I watched today that I thought was I don't I found myself watching it. And it was one of those things where I was like, it kind of made me a little sick to think that I was curious about it. I watched Untold on Netflix, which is stories about sports people. Caitlyn Jenner. OK, yeah. Have you seen that one? I haven't seen it. No. OK, so for me, it's kind of cringy just because I don't have any issue with somebody who's transgender or their sexuality or anything. I don't care about any of that. You can be whatever you want. Do you? Sure. But the fact that Bruce Jenner, you know, we grew up in the 70s. He was on the Wheaties. The fact that he decided that he was going to win. Yeah, that he was going to transform himself. That that blew my mind. It blew all our minds for you because you're like, what? So I was really conflicted about watching it. And it actually was very interesting. But here's the thing about Bruce Jenner that I did not realize. He was he played football in high school. He got injured. A track coach picked him up and said, you would probably be really good at track and the decathlon. So he started. OK, sports was his thing because he was always he was always like trying to figure out who he was. Right. You know, the whole transgender thing. We're still trying that way. Right. So but the interesting thing is that he ended up getting going to this. I think it was called Grayson College or something like no name college. Yeah. And he decided I want to I want to do the decathlon and I'm going to concentrate on sports because I can't figure out what's wrong with me, who I am and all my thought process. And so he made the first Olympic team and he lost. And he lost to this Russian dude. And then he said, when the Russian dude, a violin or something was his name, world famous decathlete and like the best ever. And while he watched him at the 72 Olympics in Munich, get the gold medal, they showed a video of of Bruce Jenner, who he came in like eighth or nine. He like totally lost. Right. And tenth is when he came in. He was sitting there and he and you could see him mouth the words. That's it. That's what I want. And then he said that moment on. He decided that the only thing I'm going to do is train for this. And that's it. And he had no trainer. He had no staff. He had nobody. He married his first wife, Christy. They moved to San Jose. He got a job as an insurance salesman. She was a flight attendant. They got an apartment next to this like training facility that wasn't an Olympic training facility. It was just like a like a YMCA, like a track gym. No, it was a track, dude. It was a track. And every morning, every day, he would train for eight hours a day with his dog. And then some dude found him because then he would go and compete in like different stuff. And he said, I decided that, you know, because I was having so many internal issues about who I was, this is how I could just be Bruce and like make Bruce the best, the best version of Bruce ever. And the guy won the decathlon, won the gold. He never had a professional trainer in his life. He did it all by himself. And he said, I decided if I win. Well, the dog was good. That's it. He decided if I win, that's it. I'm done. I'm done whether I win or not. Yeah, I'm done. And then he set the record for points. And then and then, of course, we all know he ended up being like he was on TV shows as a but he never saw any of that coming. He said, I didn't do it for money. I didn't do it for fame. I didn't do it for attention. I did it just because I had to. And I wanted the gold to me. That ended up being the most impressive sports story that I've heard in my life. How does somebody who doesn't have a trainer, he has absolutely nobody. Nobody was teaching him how to do any of this.
01:04:11 Marc Well, Rusty, the dog was pretty good. How does how do you win an Olympic gold? How do you do that? You run with your dog. Yeah. And now he's Caitlin.
01:04:21 Chris Right. I respect that.
01:04:22 Steve You kind of screws up. You run in 1976 when professional athletes really weren't a thing. Yeah. Well, right. I mean, if you were a good athlete, maybe you were maybe you were part of it or maybe you weren't. Now they actually seek these people out and they they start from a real young age. And now they're just incredible athletes, if you think about it.
01:04:43 Chris So DG say this Kenny and the property diva know about your new thing for Caitlyn Jeter. No, I don't have a thing for Caitlyn. I have a thing for Bruce. Is that worse? I know I'll let you be the judge of that. Brad Trombley, Brad, he wants to know if there's a hotel within walking distance of PPG Paints that's not three to four hundred dollars a night.
01:05:08 Steve We can look that up for you, Brad. Yeah, I don't know, man. We'll get back to you.
01:05:12 Chris I don't know about not three hundred and four hundred a night. Here's my question. And granted, I don't stay overnight in Pittsburgh, right? As I live nine miles from downtown. Yeah. Who the hell would pay three to four hundred dollars a night to stay in Pittsburgh? Are you kidding me? I mean, like maybe at the Renaissance. I you know, I can't.
01:05:30 Steve Well, in Steeler Games, that's the problem. Like Steeler Weekend. Right. That's the thing. Right. That's ridiculous.
01:05:35 Chris Might be better off with an Airbnb. Well, he wants to be with him walking distance.
01:05:42 Steve Yeah, I know. He just wants to walk downtown. Yeah, I don't know. You know what, Brad, we will try to do some research. We'll do some research. I'll talk to my wife for downtown. She'll know some things down there.
01:05:52 Marc All right. I think we've had enough. We will get on that pronto.
01:05:55 Chris Yeah, there we go. Hey, listen, guys, I want to thank everybody who supports us for watching the sports porch on social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter. And of course, you can always catch the podcast. We drop it right after the show. The sports porch on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or anywhere you get your frigging podcasts. And of course, the buckos report on the sports podcast.
01:06:22 Steve Do you like my ego? I like the fact that you play off of your alter ego. Do you like that? OK, all right.
01:06:31 Chris Really? All right. That's it, guys. We are out. Thank you so much. Thanks, Jeff, for being here. We love you. We love you, DG. Take it easy, guys.
01:06:40 Marc Good night. Good night. We'll see you on the flippity.