The Porch Is Live and Arthur Smith is HERE!
Arthur Smith, The Penguins, Streaming and Headlines
Did the Steelers improve their chances with Arthur Smith? Will the All Star reset help the Penguins?
Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of our podcast! We kicked things off with a casual chat about sobriety at events and quickly jumped into our live show, covering a wide range of topics from sports updates to some truly bizarre news stories, and of course, our personal streaming recommendations.
Sports Talk: Steelers and Super Bowl Predictions
We dove deep into the Pittsburgh sports scene, discussing the Steelers' offseason moves, particularly the hiring of Arthur Smith as the new offensive coordinator. We debated whether Smith was the right choice for the team and how his appointment might impact the Steelers' offensive strategy, especially with Kenny Pickett as the quarterback.
With the Super Bowl just around the corner, we revisited our predictions. I'm sticking with my bold call for a 49ers victory over the Chiefs, while the Grand Schwabini and Steve are both betting on the Chiefs to take the win. We also touched on some Super Bowl-related distractions, including a certain pop star's presence and a player's decision to skip the Grammys.
Offbeat News: The Case of the Accused Pigeon Spy
In a lighter segment, we couldn't help but share a headline that caught our eye: a pigeon in India was detained for eight months on suspicion of being a Chinese spy. It turns out the bird was just off course from a race in Taiwan. We had a good laugh about the absurdity of the situation and the lengths to which the authorities went to clear the pigeon's name.
What We're Watching: Personal Streaming Picks
We wrapped up the episode with our personal streaming picks. The Grand Schwabini recommended "The Leftovers" on HBO Max, a supernatural drama that explores the aftermath of a mysterious event where 2% of the world's population vanishes. Hockey Jesus shared his latest binge-watch, "The Trust: A Game of Greed" on Netflix, which is a reality show blending elements of "Survivor" and "Big Brother." As for me, I stumbled upon "Deep State" on MGM Plus, a gripping espionage thriller that's kept me hooked.
That's all for this episode! Remember, you can catch our show live on various platforms, and the podcast version is available right after on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll catch you next time for more sports, laughs, and streaming recommendations.
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CHRIS: walked into the yo sober to be honest with you oh very few people did right yeah i think i was only there sober with max really yeah yeah okay well i think we're live right now and i think it is probably time to start the show so let's just uh let's play the music let's go let's do that The sound we all love. Yes. The sound we all love.
STEVE: Yes, indeed.
MARC: Did we win the Grammy for best show opening song?
CHRIS: We did. Mostly because I do things like Hey, if you're watching us, you know exactly where you are. You are watching us live on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on YouTube, on X, and now on Instagram, all over the friggin' world. Everywhere. And this is the Sports Porch in Pittsburgh, and we drop this show right after the show into a podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or
CHRIS: anywhere you get your frigging podcasts. And I'm getting pretty excited because, you know, pirate season is right around the corner and I think there's going to be lots of cannonballs flying out of PNC park. What do you think about that hockey Jesus?
STEVE: Uh, no, okay. Yes I'm not gonna play with that.
CHRIS: Kyle is already in the house And he says good evening pittsburgh. I also want to remind everybody i'm throwing a comment up here right now We are also live on radio pgh our internet radio station bookmark that link because you can listen to all kinds of hot garbage music you can listen to our shows during the day good stuff at night good stuff at night we have some other shows that are going to be debuting there but if you're in the car and you're watching social media while you're driving you have a problem so click on this link listen in the car on radio pgh so uh all right guys how was your week good bad indifferent we got a lot to talk about it's monday it just started okay well i think you mean our past week past week thank you so much yes i mean the past week since we last met
STEVE: Well, I, I was actually confused on what to do. No hockey, no football. I didn't actually, so I like, full disclosure, I like to do puzzles. Okay. I did not get a puzzle and my wife and I are still married, so that's gotta be a good thing.
MARC: You like to do puzzles with your wife too, don't you? I'm anti-puzzle. I have no interest in puzzles. Yeah, you either like puzzles or you hate them. I have just no interest. Uh, I have a little bit of minimal interest in doing the border. Yeah. After that, I'm not interested in the hard work.
CHRIS: That's because the rest of it is very hard. Yeah. And for the record, it's not that I like doing puzzles with my wife. It's just that I find that that is a good way to spend some time with her. Oh, I see. See what I mean? Smart. Very nice. You got to put in the work. See how I did that? Absolutely. All right. And you can always… Relationship goals. You can always find us on the web at,
CHRIS: Okay, big question, big question. Was Arthur Smith the right hire for the Steelers? Now, I don't want you to say anything, Hockey Jesus, because I don't want you to say anything. I want to hear what Mark has to say about Arthur Smith And what you have to say out there, if you're watching this live, was Arthur Smith the right hire for the Steelers? Welcome, David. DG, what's happening, gentlemen?
MARC: What's happening, DG? Yes, I think Arthur Smith was the right hire for the Steelers. They needed a Offensive mind and offensive play caller with experience who's done well in the past. He does see the importance of a run game, which the Steelers have and should continue to have. You know, so I think what this does is, number one, I think it takes a little bit of pressure off Tomlin. because now Tomlin is no longer the, you know, why did you bring in Matt Canada? You know, why don't you tell Matt Canada to do something different? You know, he should be able to, you know, sort of mostly take his hands off and let Arthur Smith run the offense. My only concern is that it seems pretty clear reading the, you know, the stories and the quotes that are put out there that they still believe in Kenny Pickett. So, I guess we're going to finally get our answer next year in terms of, you know, was it Kenny Pickett or was it the offensive coordinator? Unfortunately, I think it was Kenny Pickett. Not to say that the offensive coordinator wasn't bad and didn't hurt the situation, but I don't think we're going to see a, you know, a three or four times better Kenny Pickett with a better offensive coordinator. I think they personally for me, I think they need to move on at the quarterback position. And so I kind of feel like even though the Steelers might get back to the playoffs, I just sort of kind of feel like it's maybe another wasted year.
CHRIS: Well, and there you have it, Steve.
STEVE: So I'm conflicted on this hire, because if you want them to go down the same path that they've been on with a slightly better, more veteran offensive coordinator, who actually is much better in the red zone than any offensive coordinator I've had in a while, then it's the right hire. However, Mark did say, you know, he wants them to move on from the quarterback position. Well, he, he, he'll be happy to know that two thirds of the quarterbacks will be gone. Unfortunately, probably the one third that is staying, he doesn't want to stay and that'll be big Ken. And, and, and that, that is definitely the question that needs to be answered next year. Whether you like it or not, they've decided to draft the number one guy. They still think he's good. I agree with Mark. I don't think he's as good as they think he is. But it's a it's a mandate. You can tell by everything that Arthur Smith is saying, what everything Tomlin's saying. They don't mention anybody but Ken Pickett when they talk about the quarterback. I know they're not even talking about going and getting anybody. Do i think they'll look yeah i think they i think they probably will look but i think when it comes down to making the decision they're gonna stick with with big can i do like the one thing i do like about arthur smith which actually do you know how old arthur smith is He's young, actually. He's not that old. He's only 41 years old. I thought he was older than he was. So I'm like, really? We had to hire another old white guy. He's not that old. And he did have success. I know everybody's saying it was with Derrick Henry. But when you have an offensive scheme that works in the red zone, it usually always works in the red zone. So I'm actually pretty excited to see what they could do, because I thought their red zone offense was absolutely horrible. It was, has been horrible. It has been since Ben's been gone. Uh, and even before then the, the coordinators just didn't have a scheme to get into the end zone. So I, I think that might help, but am I on a scale of one to 10 excited about this offense now from where it was before? Maybe I'm at a six or a six and a half, or maybe you might get me to go to seven if they're like 80% in the red zone in the first three games. But that's about it. Like I'm not who can get excited about a good running game. I mean, I'm happy he said he's going to focus on the offensive line, which to me means you put Broderick Jones on her left. Either go get another tackle or you say Dan Moore, learn the right tackle or you're out and you have to either draft or get a center. Other than that, I think the offensive lines in good shape. with Daniels and say, I'm all loop. I don't see any reason to mess with the line other than to do those things, but you know what they're going to do. They're going to spend more money on the damn defense and, and really they should spend their money on a better quarterback.
CHRIS: Yeah, I, I think that the first thing I thought about when, uh, it was announced that Arthur Smith was going to be the OC was, and I know this is going to be hard to believe, or maybe even hard to swallow. I thought, you know, the Steelers actually did what they said they were going to do. Yeah, they did. You know, Tomlin came out and said, I want to hire somebody who has play calling experience. Okay. And outside the organization. From outside the organization. Now, there are some pretty deep connections between Arthur Smith, Munchak, Wisenhunt, you know, and that whole Tennessee group. He said they're not bringing in Munchak. Yeah, I know that. What I'm saying is that, like, the whole outside the organization thing, you know, that's a little iffy because of the connections there.
MARC: Right.
CHRIS: But he's a young guy. He's had play calling success. What I think is more important is that His, uh, offensive scheme with the Titans is basically what helped to resurrect the career of Ryan Tannehill. Now that's true. A lot of people have gone out there and made a hell of a lot of comparisons to, uh, Tannehill and, uh, Kenny Pickett and how Tannehill had been a starter for a long time and had actually produced not at a high level. He just didn't kind of. Hit that next level until those two years with smith. So you can't draw a comparison between tannahill and kenny pickett Yeah, but what you can say is that I think and this point's more this is more to your point I think that if if kenny pickett is definitely going to end up being the guy Then this was the right hire for Kenny Pickett doesn't mean he's going to turn in a 30 touchdown season, but that's what they're looking at. All signs point to pick. It's going to be the number one guy going into camp and you know, they're going to let him either succeed this year or burn out. And, and, and then we'll be talking about that at the end of next year. So I actually think it was a good hire. I really do given what was available out there and what they had. Mm-hmm. The other side of it is these other guys, you know slowik or Robinson from LA. Yeah, or whoever else you want to you want to talk about Kingsbury? Who's now probably Ben Johnson who stayed with Detroit? Yeah, you know, they might not have wanted to come here. Kellen Moore. Kellen Moore who went to the Eagles possible. Yeah. I mean you've got a break. You've got a you've got a great you've got a great offensive mind and you're looking at the tools they have and you're saying yeah, but the but the quarterback hasn't shown me any
STEVE: Yeah, but I think a guy like Kingsbury, he's probably wants to get paid like one or $2,000,000 a year, and the sealers are just well, they're never going to do that.
CHRIS: That's that's a whole other discussion will have here in a second. Let me get DG's comment in here with our Arthur Smith. I'm afraid we'll have more of the same Smith's offenses at the Tennessee and at Tennessee and Atlanta rank low in passing. Of course, yeah, Steelers want pick it to be a game manager. QBU hands the ball off and makes few tosses. No explosive offense. Unfortunately, DG. I think you're right. I mean, we'll just have to see what happens.
STEVE: That's the kind of guy they wanted to hire and that's. who they hire. I mean, the hire is not a surprise. I do agree with you, though. I believe he is good because he's outside of the organization. You know, it's not a Byron left, which it's not a guy who's been a Steeler before. Yes, he does have some Steeler ties with other, but you could probably say that with almost anybody in the NFL, really.
CHRIS: Yeah, I mean, that's true. No coaching tree, but a lot of connections. Yeah, a lot of connections. Exactly.
STEVE: To this Steeler organization.
CHRIS: Yeah. And, and the other thing is a lot of people made, made a lot about the, uh, the press conference with, uh, Art Rooney too. And, you know, they questioned him during the press conference. I was listening to it about, you know, what do you want an offense coordinator, all this stuff. And, you know, he's dodging it and saying, this is what we're looking for in this, that, I mean, they already had the contract signed. It was like, to me, it was obvious when he was talking, I was like, you want to know what I think this hire has already been You know, they knew, I believe they knew at the end of the season exactly what they were going to do.
MARC: Well, it might have taken a little bit of time. I don't know. I don't know.
STEVE: Yeah. No, I think, I think Mark's right. I think they, they took a little bit of time to look at it. I mean, they did bring in that one guy from Carolina, right? Maybe that was a Rudy rule.
CHRIS: It probably was, but I'm super happy they didn't, they didn't hire him. Yeah, just because the offense is in in carolina would were horrible. Yeah, and when you have cmc and you can't score I mean, I don't care if your quarterback is garbage every time cmc touches the ball. He's got a shot though.
STEVE: I think he was after no, they know I think he was there either way their ownership down in carolina doesn't allow anybody to be successful.
CHRIS: Yeah, that that there's a pittsburgh connection there, too Yeah, that's huge. Pittsburgh connection. Yeah. So I, you know, I, I think all, all that being said, all the criticism that, you know what, I love this right now. You listen to the radio in this town and it's like, if I'm Arthur Smith coming in here, I'm thinking, did I really take the right job? Because it's good. They're good. They're blasting him constantly. And he hasn't even, he hasn't even, you know, uh, penned up a game plan yet.
MARC: I mean, let's, I haven't been listening much. I, I, you know, I prefer to listen to the sports porch. Yeah.
CHRIS: Um, but, uh, you just, you just, you just prefer to listen to yourself. Right. But what were they saying?
MARC: What are they saying?
CHRIS: Well, between the callers and, and between most of the hosts and everybody talking, they're like, this guy is a nothing. They kind of like, it's like, He was a head football coach. Exactly. But what I mean is it's, it's not exciting enough. It's like, we're just going to get more of a run game with Kenny Pickett, you know, which is kind of like where we were at the end of last year.
STEVE: It's never going to get exciting as long as Tom wins the head coach because he believes that defense is first and offense is second and it should cater to whatever you're doing on the defensive side of things.
CHRIS: Yeah. And you're right, DG. He does. And I'd happily, at this point in my life, take more money than brains. Obviously, actually, it wouldn't take very much money. So where was I going to go with this now that my brain… Oh, yeah. And now I did see something I thought was hilarious today. And I don't know how true it is. Maybe you know it's true or not. You're talking about Le'Veon? No, no, no, no, no, no. We can go there. That's ridiculous. No, I'm talking about I did see something. I don't know if it was on X or somewhere else that Matt Canada is actually being interviewed for an offensive coordinator position somewhere. Yeah. Swear to God. Yeah. Did you hear that? With who? I don't know. DG says he's not hearing any sound. Uh oh. DG, talk to us.
STEVE: Uh oh. No sound. Talk to us.
CHRIS: You should be hearing sound, DG, because I'm talking. maybe we've been well he was hearing sound before yeah yeah or or yeah maybe uh maybe uh maybe you can you can talk about matt canada getting a uh oh amy says she can hear us okay there we go real technical director it's always thank you it's always a fun time on the porch
CHRIS: a real technical director.
MARC: Here's one comment. The Steelers somehow downgraded from Matt Canada to Arthur Smith.
CHRIS: Yeah, see, that's what I'm talking about. That's how is that possible? That's ridiculous. Yeah, that is ridiculous.
STEVE: Yeah. Did you know, do you know where Canada was actually interviewing? It had to been like, uh, Carolina or something like that.
CHRIS: I don't know. And my buddy Jeff is in the house. Thanks, Jeff. Glad you're here again, man. Um, no, I, it was a blurb. It was one of those things where I was, can you hear me now? Can you hear me? That's from the, that's what's that? What did I say? That was from casino. If you guys know casino. Yeah. It's a tall little Philly. Anyway, I'm going down the wrong way. Okay. So, um, it was one of those things I was doing. I was on a photo shoot today and I happened to look down at my phone. I saw this quick blurb and, um, It was like Matt Canada is being interviewed for something.
STEVE: I think that's fake news. It could. I think you can just just whatever that was, just delete it from your inbed.
MARC: Do you find something? No, I couldn't find anything on Matt Canada. But I do when I when I do see pictures of Arthur Smith, I feel like he's getting ready for a Civil War reenactment. I know.
STEVE: Well, I just see a side by side picture of Canada. That's what it is. Yeah. They seem to be they look very similar.
CHRIS: Are they both completely bald? Yeah. Arthur Smith is bald. I don't think so. I don't know. Yeah. Uh, Amy Bollinger saying Justin Fields, third round pick. Wow.
STEVE: You could get Justin Fields for third round pick. I'm all in on that. That's just not going to happen. No, it won't happen. I know. But yeah, if you could do it, Amy, that would be, that would definitely be worth it because he next year, he's only making like 20 million next year. Yeah. The whole year. Yeah. 20 million for that kid. Yeah. Yeah. I know it's nothing. Remember he, he's in his last year. So you have to decide what you're going to pick up the fifth year.
CHRIS: Right. All right.
STEVE: I got, you know, cause he's a year ahead of, uh, of big Kent.
CHRIS: Yeah, and Amy May says she heard the same thing as Amy.
STEVE: I mean, there's no reason not to go get Justin Fields for a third round pick.
CHRIS: Did you hear, can you find something like that, Schwaber, on there? Is that an actual rumor or is that just people hoping?
MARC: I'm going to say I think it's hoping. Yeah, I'll take in a little investigation here.
CHRIS: All right, you go for it. Yeah, I am just like you.
STEVE: But I don't think they'll do it. I mean, I think the Steelers are perfectly happy with trying to get Mason Rudolph back and letting Ken take it over, you know. I just think it's crazy, honestly, that they would do that, especially if you can get a talent like Justin Fields. And let's say he lights out next year and he's the next Donovan McNabb. Sorry, Mark, to use Eagle's old reference there, because I don't think he's actually quite as good as Jalen Hurts. But I don't know. It just, it makes sense to me. That's the position they need to focus on. Like, I think the offensive line is okay. I think they got good enough talent at wide receiver. I think, I'm hoping that Arthur Smith coming in will be able to utilize the tight ends better.
MARC: We got something going on here. I do have something. on Justin Fields. Let's hear it. It's breaking news. It says the Bears will not trade quarterback Justin Fields to a team in the NFC, barring an offer that is too good to refuse. The Raiders, Steelers, Dolphins and Jets have all made offers, but nothing more than a second round pick.
CHRIS: Well,
MARC: It's interesting. So what did we do?
STEVE: We, we, yeah, we probably low balled them with the third round pick and we're for fourth.
MARC: Yeah.
STEVE: And the Raiders will give them a second round pick.
CHRIS: Yeah.
STEVE: The Raiders need somebody more than we do. I mean, their quarterback is okay, but I mean, he's not who's, who's their quarterback now.
CHRIS: Right. O'Connell kid.
STEVE: I don't even know kid. Yeah.
MARC: Now we have Chad Brown can see Justin Fields or Russell Wilson landing with the Steelers. Yeah, I don't want to see Russell Wilson here, I'm sorry.
STEVE: Amy is so tempting me with that Penguins comment.
CHRIS: Can I really want to jump in on that? Yeah, just give me a quick sec here. I want to get Jeff in here. He thinks Arthur Smith was a good hire. And Rob Hemingway is telling us that it's just a rumor that Mike Munchak, yeah, that's just a rumor.
STEVE: It is just a rumor. only because he used to be a Tennessee.
CHRIS: I know he's not coming back. They parted on bad terms. They had some kind of blow up.
STEVE: The Steelers organization already said they're very happy with the offensive line guy. And you know what? They should be because he actually did make that offensive line better. No doubt. Once Tomlin let him play his number one pick.
CHRIS: So Amy Bollinger is, uh, she's, she's jumping onto hockey.
STEVE: Can I answer this for Amy?
CHRIS: Because, you know, I mean, if you really have to, or Amy could stick around for the hockey, Jesus, I'll give her a little tease now.
STEVE: Okay. Amy, they actually did change the power play around a little bit already. Um, but their trigger man, uh, boosted in, got sent down. So they're going to have to change it up again tomorrow night. There you go. And if you stick around for later, I'll give you a little bit of analysis. Ah,
CHRIS: Now that's what I call a tease. Absolutely. All right. Thanks everybody for being here. I want to remind you again that you're watching the sports porch, Pittsburgh all over the world on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn X, and now Instagram. We love that. Uh, and we do drop the podcast right after the show, the sports porch podcast. You can find it anywhere. You get your frigging podcast. I heart radio app, Apple podcast, Spotify, Spreaker overcast. all those crazy podcast things or whatever. And please subscribe, leave a review, go to the YouTube channel. Hockey Jesus is going to start preaching there. And anything else on the Steelers we want to talk about right now? I mean, we're heading into the Super Bowl. We did make our picks last week. We're going to review them again this week.
MARC: I will say this, that when I did my Twitter search, there is a ton of Justin Field Steeler talk on it. Yeah, there's a ton.
STEVE: Well, because that's exciting.
MARC: That's what people want. Although the funny thing is this one person from Chicago joined in and said, hey, you know, if I was a Steelers fan, I wouldn't get too excited. 38 fumbles and 40 games. The guy can't hold on to the football.
CHRIS: But you want to know what Kenny Pickett can't throw a touchdown. I mean, at least it would be exciting. Yes, that is correct. Jeff chimes in wide receiver free agents. I mean, I know what are you talking about here?
STEVE: Go ahead. Allen Robinson is going to be a free agent. Yeah.
CHRIS: Yeah.
MARC: Thank goodness for that. He may be out of football. Yeah.
CHRIS: Somebody will sign. And of course, of course, Le'Veon Bell, as DG says, says he wants to come back to Pittsburgh. I say, so what?
STEVE: Yeah, we don't need a Le'Veon Bell.
MARC: Yeah.
STEVE: Unless he's going to start rapping. Unless he's going to start rapping for us. Yeah, or boxing. Maybe we can put him in the Steely McBeam outfit.
CHRIS: Oh, yeah. And he can rap and box at the same time. Steely McBeam. Rapping, boxing, Steely McBeam.
STEVE: I think that's the position for Le'Veon Bell.
MARC: I think that's downgrading Steely McBeam. Yeah.
STEVE: No, you can't downgrade that guy.
CHRIS: I don't even know. At Steely McBean, I mean, like, can't we just have cheerleaders?
STEVE: No, dude, we can't have Steely McBean and we can't have cheerleaders.
MARC: I mean, come on. We shouldn't have either. There should be no Steely McBean. There should be cheerleaders. There should be cheerleaders. Not that I even need them, but I'm saying for, you know, young men in their 20s, cheerleaders would be nice. They need cheerleaders.
CHRIS: Uh, no. Yeah. I didn't have to push the button for that. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. So there's going to be a lot, there's going to be a lot of news coming forward. Um, you know, one last thing here, let's, let's stay on this Justin Fields thing. Yep. Okay. So there's rumors flying all around and we know all this kind of shit goes on for months and months and months and months and months and months. I'm going to go right back to you, Grant Schwabini. Do we want Justin Fields here? Would you be like, yeah, they did. I mean, throw aside the 38 fumbles and all that.
MARC: Would you be like, oh yeah, a little excitement? Oh yeah, I'd be excited if Justin Fields was coming. For sure. Absolutely.
CHRIS: How about you? How about you?
STEVE: Yeah, because I actually think that he's gotten so much better. Like his rookie year, he was pretty horrible. Right. And the year before that, he was getting better. But last year, he actually showed some signs of some real brilliance, honestly.
MARC: Yeah. And he can score on any play at any point in the field any time. Yes, he can run the ball, you know, so yeah, I mean and look and the way you would be looking at it is here's a guy with tremendous skills. That's that's shown a lot at this level that needs, you know, a veteran OC to help him put his game together, right?
STEVE: Yeah, I think he would be great here, honestly.
CHRIS: Yeah, I'd like to see it just for the excitement of it. But the problem with that is when I think forward, I think to myself, oh gosh, what if they traded for Justin Fields? Wow, wouldn't that be exciting because of all the things we just talked about? And then they'll probably start Kenny Pickett anyway.
MARC: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, What's going to happen, you know, people are offering thirds, you know, people are not offering first. It's probably somebody is going to jump in and say, take my late second round pick. And that's what that's who will get them.
STEVE: Yeah. And I don't know that I would give a second round pick for him. A third round pick is and definitely would be worth it.
MARC: Got it. I'd give a second round pick because it's it's not an early pick. I mean, it's what's gonna be I only 50 or something Yeah, 54.
STEVE: Yeah, but look at look at what they got in the second round last year What I think what the Steelers need is they need to draft the center and they need to draft a linebacker And you're not going to get one of those two positions at the third round pick that's going to be as good in my opinion
CHRIS: Okay. So what's Rob?
MARC: Maybe it just depends.
CHRIS: What's Rob Hemingway talking about when he says, what do you guys think about Heinz Ward? Well, um, well, that's how you spell the catch up. Not his first name, but same thing.
STEVE: No. Heinz is a wide receivers coach. Right. And the Steelers just got rid of their wide receivers. Ah, okay.
CHRIS: That's where that's coming from. Yeah.
STEVE: Okay. So I actually think that would be a good signing.
CHRIS: Why not? Why not? Why not? I don't disagree with that.
STEVE: And wait, I think he, He was
MARC: Is he with Houston? Actually, you know, that might be a great signing, because if anybody needs it, it's Deontay and Pickens. Yeah, I agree. They need somebody.
STEVE: They need somebody to come in and be like, hey, and you know what? Actually, Heinz Heinz Ward wasn't actually he was kind of a complainer when he played. He just did it on the down low.
CHRIS: He didn't do it on social media. Well, there wasn't. Right. So he was an old school guy. So when he got upset, you knew, but it wasn't disrespectful. Yes.
STEVE: Yeah. And, you know, he played the game pretty tough, too.
MARC: He worked. He worked hard and he would never take a playoff. He would never.
STEVE: That's exactly right. And that's they need more of that. I don't think they neither of those guys need to be learn how to catch the ball.
CHRIS: Yeah. Well, and the last thing I'm going to say about the Steelers right now at this point is that I find it reprehensible that their coaching staff is as small as it is in today's NFL. I just I just think that they're handicapping themselves when they don't add a pass game coordinator or run game coordinator. I mean, I know it sounds like maybe we're overcomplicating things, but the complexity of the offenses that are run in the NFL now and the defenses, the Steelers, they need to expand that staff or a guy like Arthur Smith. I mean, it is going to look like an old style offense. So mike says hines could also teach them how to block right and actually i thought that early finish the play yeah right finish the play so alright so as as things progress we will continue to obviously keep an eye on the steelers but we do have the superbowl coming up this week are super bowl picks now if you watch the show last week the sports for jury caught the sports sports podcast on the i heart radio app apple podcasts or. Anywhere you get your friggin podcasts, uh, you would already know that we did make our picks last week And i'm i'm gonna go over those right now Uh, because I want to see if we've had any of us have had a change of heart, uh last week, um mark said mark the grand swabini said the chiefs are going to win 26 to 24 Steve thinks the Chiefs are going to win 27 to 24. And we see the Grand Schwabini's lamp up there. And I, the Brock Purdy fan, I think the Niners are going to win this big 35 to 21. So, Super Bowl picks, have you changed your mind?
MARC: No, and let me give you a couple reasons why. Do you know that every single time that there has been a One coach going up against the other coach in a rematch in a Super Bowl. The first coach who won, won the second time. Okay. All right. So it's over. It's over. It's over. All right. All right. And you know what? I was actually listening to Kyle Brandt. Who made a, you know, good morning football. Oh, who made a really good point this morning. I meant word. Um, he says when, when he, when, yeah, when he picks, uh, when, when he picks the super bowls, it's he, he thinks of these two things as the most important things. Number one, who's the quarterback who's got the better quarterback. And that's obvious. Right.
STEVE: And number two who's got the better defense and I think that's obvious to actually But I think is the playoffs I think San Francisco kind of their defenses come down if tailed and I think Kansas City's defense right on up because I would say at the beginning I would say Baltimore one I would have said San Francisco to and Kansas City three or four defense, right?
MARC: So, so it's kind of like if you've got the better quarterback, you get the better defense and then also throw in, you know, you do have Shanahan where, look, he can, he can change the narrative on Sunday. But right now the narrative on him is he's the guy who can't win the big game. Right. Yeah. So, you know, you have those three factors kind of going in the chief's direction.
CHRIS: Although I will say that there was a time where that was the narrative with Andy Reid. There was a time back when he was the Eagles.
MARC: I'm not picking on you. I'm just saying that was the narrative. But the difference there is Patrick Mahomes. There you go.
STEVE: Yeah. There you go. You've already gone through that.
MARC: Right. Okay. The difference is Patrick Mahomes. Now is Brock Purdy the next Patrick Mahomes and we just don't know it?
STEVE: Well, we'll know on Sunday.
CHRIS: Now you're just trying to gaslight me. So you're sticking with your 26-24 call on Chiefs over the Niners.
MARC: Yes. If anything, I would maybe give the chiefs a few more points. Okay.
CHRIS: But you're going to stay at this. So you were 27, 24 chiefs. Yes. Any different reasons than him?
STEVE: Um, I have there, there have been two things that have happened since last week that one have given me a little pause. I had to pump the brakes a little on the brakes. And one was, OK, this is a good sign. It's going to be all Kansas City. First is Travis, Kelsey and Taylor Swift.
CHRIS: Yes. Oh, for God's sake. We have to talk to you about Taylor Swift one more time.
MARC: Look, as I win, it's love wins. Yeah.
CHRIS: And by the way, I had Lions 49ers drop your picks in the comments. So I'm sorry, guys. Chiefs 49ers, drop your pick in the comments.
MARC: No wonder nobody was commenting. Now we need an editor. New position available.
STEVE: Sports porch editor. There you go. Lions, Dolphins, and the Super Bowl.
CHRIS: Commanders, Browns. Sorry about that, guys. My fault. Okay. Super Bowl picks. Drop them in the car. Yeah, of course. Now I get a comment. Hold on. Can I finally talk about? Yes. DG, of course, is saying album of the year, right? It's only her fourth.
MARC: You belong to me.
CHRIS: Okay. So going back to this, you're saying that there is a Taylor Swift component.
STEVE: The Taylor Swift component is one. She will be at the Super Bowl, which we already knew. But two is Travis Kelsey did not want to distract his team and he did not go to the Grammys, even though he could have gone to the Grammys, right? So that was good on Travis to not have that distraction. That could have been a problem for the Kansas City team, even though I'm sure he would have been allowed to go. Yeah, I think that was a smart move on his part. Maybe the first smart move he's done in a little while. But the other thing that is a little disturbing is Patty Mahomes' dad. Did you hear what happened?
MARC: A little DUI action. Although, you know what? It's a recurring topic, so I feel he's used to it at this point.
CHRIS: Yeah, but still.
MARC: Has he had a lot of DUIs? Yeah, it's like the third one or something. Really?
STEVE: Yeah. And actually, he just got caught with an open container in his car. I mean, who hasn't?
CHRIS: Me. Me neither. I mean, I've gotten caught with a couple wrecked cars. Never an open container in any of those cars. They couldn't accuse me of that.
STEVE: But anyway, so I think that's a little bit of a distraction. You don't want to have any distractions come that day. And the other thing, I'm going to throw a third one in there. You heard about CMC's parents not being able to afford a suite. Have you heard about this?
MARC: What is he, a total jackass? He doesn't give his parents any money?
STEVE: No, like Dude, the super bowl suites are going for like three million dollars for the suite. So dish it out. What do you get?
MARC: I mean, come on Like he doesn't make that what do you get five million a game?
STEVE: Anyway, I mean this cmc's fiancee who I guess is pretty popular. I don't know her. Yeah She's buying the suite for for for the mccaffs room
MARC: Oh, isn't that sweet?
CHRIS: Yeah. So his fiance is for who? She must make a lot of money.
STEVE: Yeah. I don't know her name, but she's a singer, actress.
MARC: You can tell CMC is a jerk under it all. You can tell. You think so? That's direct evidence of it. Yeah, absolutely.
STEVE: I think he's just cheap.
MARC: Have you noticed that Mike Lawrence has a comment here? You might want to put that up. Have you noticed that the Kansas City Chiefs are already going sod father on us here? They're already complaining. No, it's actually, it's not KC, it's San Francisco. San Francisco is the one that complained about. Yeah, that's what I thought, yeah. So, Sodfather's retired, but he still seems to be with us.
CHRIS: Yeah. If you're complaining, it's almost like you're making up excuses.
MARC: Right, they're already making up excuses. And what would Taylor Swift have to say to Barack Purdy if she saw a picture? You belong with me just another picture to burn. Oh my god.
STEVE: Oh, yeah I thought maybe she was gonna make this one of my swifty switch. All right So bringing it back to the she's gonna need a new a new guy for a new album By the way, you're sticking to you're sticking with my you're 27 24 chiefs Yeah, I don't see any reason to sway from.
CHRIS: Okay. And Jeff thinks, uh, you look like you're freezing is 55 degrees in the man cave. Are you freezing?
STEVE: Well, you know, hockey Jesus, you would think all the hot air coming out of these other two guys, they would warm me up.
MARC: But one thing, one thing, not really. One thing I will say, I, something I've never really grasped is I don't really understand the vest jacket. Yeah. Like, it's either cold enough that you need sleeves with the jacket, or it's warm enough that you don't want to wear the vest. I'm with you. Would you agree? I'm 100% with you. Like, I don't get it at all. Please share with us the thoughts on the vest. I think it's a look. Is it a look? Yeah, it's a look. I think it's just a look.
STEVE: That's all it is.
CHRIS: It is a look. You're absolutely right.
STEVE: Like, if you're cold, you don't want to wear a vest. Right. Because all the heat is just escaping everywhere.
CHRIS: Right.
STEVE: Okay. But if it's mild out, Like you probably don't want to be wearing any jacket at all, right? But when it's mild, like you can get away with the vest because you can always unzip it, you know, and, and, and it's okay that way, you know, or you can keep it zipped up and you're, you're nice and toasty inside. Your core stays nice and warm.
CHRIS: You want a warm core. Yeah. You want a warm core. And, uh, Luke, I love the best comments coming in. Luke says he's a, he's a sailor. Jeff was wondering if you were going on a cruise and Schwabini. You're a superstar. You sound like Sonic.
STEVE: What's with the vest? What's with the vest? Well, you know what? Every time I hear that, you know, he's a sailor. I think of Back to the Future. Let's squash Dork over here. Dork thinks he's drowning.
CHRIS: Yeah. So basically what you're saying is you're going for a look. I'm going for the Dork look.
MARC: Ah, the sailor dork. No, it's really not. It's not a dork. Look, it's a it's a real preppy look. It's like a mountain man. Look, it's like the guy who's going skiing.
STEVE: No, I would say it would be a mountain man. Look, it's like a. uh camouflage and he had a beer like it was like blaze orange yeah and i'd be like holding a gun yeah that's what we need hey guys listen everybody send steve a blaze orange vest by the way i do need a new one yeah this one's kind of like scraped down here you can't see he needs a new vest i'm drowning over here
CHRIS: I think we found a new bit here on the sports porch. Okay, steve sticking to 27 24. I am sticking with my 35 21 And I have absolutely no reason for that other than i'm just trying to you know be somebody else That's picking the 49ers and i'm also a big brock purdy fan hall of fame. I think the kids got it going on You are a big fan man.
STEVE: You you are you picked up on him. You like his boyish.
CHRIS: You like his boyish looks Yeah, let's not go down that road I mean i've spent the last three months questioning my very existence Yeah, now we don't need to question whether or not this looks there you go. So I I just are we really here? I I feel the uh, oh we we do have a prediction on uh, instagram Let's hear of art says kansas city 31 san francisco 20. Thank you. K of arts. We appreciate that. That would be entertaining Um, yeah, no, I don't really the the reason that i'm and the actual reason that i'm going with the niners, uh over the chiefs in this is It's more about the whole big game thing with kyle shanahan I think that shanahan especially after like at some point it's it's gotta end. Yes and and and To be honest with you, the Detroit game, when they came back, now we've had this discussion last week. We don't have to have it again. Detroit kind of beat themselves in the third quarter. We know that. They made mistakes. They didn't play the right game. But the fact is that San Francisco, they had to win that game. Even though Detroit made the mistakes, they had to win the game. And Kyle Shanahan called the right plays. And I think that he's the kind of guy that learns from his mistakes And I think this is what I think, bold prediction. They win this Super Bowl. That's going to change the trajectory. They may win another one, may win another one. And I'm not saying back to back, but there might be another one in their future. If they lose this Super Bowl, Shanahan will not go back to the Super Bowl again as a head coach. And I think that this is the year he's got to do it. So that's why I'm going with them. Jeff is saying. 33 to 30 Kansas City. See the other thing is I'm bucking the trend. Everybody thinks Kansas City is going to come in and not roll over them, but win the game. Uh, so drop your picks down there.
STEVE: Everybody knows it's fixed. That's why they're picking Kansas City.
MARC: Right. Well, you know, they, they, they want Kansas City to win. They want Brady to chase. Um, I mean, they want my homes to chase Brady. Of course they do.
STEVE: And honestly, if you think about the way Kansas City have won their last two, there were two completely different ways they won. So I think it's pretty amazing that Mahomes, if he does win, will have won with three really completely different teams, except for Kelsey.
CHRIS: Maybe some of the linemen here and there.
STEVE: There was some talk that Kelsey would retire if they win again.
CHRIS: I was somebody was talking on sports radio just saying blah. I mean, I think I think he's going to.
MARC: Although I think the exciting thing, though, is I do think that if Mahomes wins a back to back, I think they could they could write the script without him, like for next year. Yeah, that would be two years. He'd be back in the script. Yeah.
CHRIS: Yeah. Or or what happens is what happens when Brock Purdy wins. And now you've got the underdog, you know, the only, the only undrafted quarterback to ever win a Superbowl was Kurt Warner. The only guy that was Mr. Irrelevant or in the seventh round ever went to Superbowl, right. Would have been, would have been, or would be Brock Purdy. Maybe they're setting that up for a classic. Now we got, you know, two potential dynasties, blah, blah, because to be honest, we talked, we talked about this during the game. We talked about this during the, the chiefs, uh, Whoever the hell they put chiefs, Baltimore game. I mean, how many more Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelsey commercials can we possibly see?
STEVE: I don't know, dude. I think I've seen like three new commercials with Kelsey. Yeah.
CHRIS: I mean, I mean, God bless the guy. God bless the guy. He's living a dream life that a lot of people would love to live, but especially a guy who graduated from Cincinnati. Yeah, really? I am just so tired of seeing this guy. So, all right, we dropped the sports porch podcast right after the show on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you get your friggin' podcast. K of Arts on Instagram says, next year will be Steelers and Packers at the Super Bowl. God, I hope you're right. I would love to see that. I would love to see that. I like Jordan Love, actually, and we'll talk about that later on in the year. We've done our Super Bowl picks. Now, I want you guys to stay tuned here because we are going to have Hockey Jesus on, even though it is the all-star break, but we do have, you know, they've got a game tomorrow night. But then we're going to go back to a couple bits that we love doing during the dead zone. Uh, we've got, uh, headlines that mean something and, uh, what we're watching coming up. So you want to stay tuned for that. But at this point right now, I do want to remind you, and also thank you for listening to hockey Jesus who preaches on the sports porch podcast after every single penguins game, wait a couple minutes, hop on the sports porch on the I heart radio app or apple podcast. You can hear hockey Jesus and how he feels about the game. Um, uh, So, Hockey Jesus, it's the break. What can we expect?
STEVE: Well, the penguins got to make some hay early. Yes, yes, really do. I mean, I know they've got four games on hand, and that seems like a lot. But if you lose those games, you're you're toast. I mean, the reality is, is they've got a they've got a pretty tough schedule coming up. They play Winnipeg right off the bat tomorrow night. Winnipeg's like the fifth best team in the NHL right now. OK, they got Connor Hellebuyck, who's just a hell of a goalie. And on top of that they just got one of the free agents, I forget who it was, but they got one of the free agents out there just this past week, so they've gotten better. Um, when a peg has so, um, and on top of that, you know, there's all this talk about Gensel and the contract negotiation and all that stuff, and they didn't get anything done on that front. So that's still sitting out there for the penguins to really kind of work through. Um, on top of that, you know, Sid wasn't really that busy, uh, on the all-star weekend. I know some asshole from, um, from Philadelphia. One of their announcers was like dissing him because, uh, he didn't come to the, he didn't come to the NHL draft. I'm not going to mention the guy's name. But he was basically saying, why wasn't it at the NHL draft? Because, you know, they do a draft for teams. Right. And he knew McKinnon was going to pick him. Right. And he was he was like basically skating outdoor somewhere. And like, that's right. Yeah, he was he was practicing.
CHRIS: He was practical figure. Well, it's why he's one of the best in the world. He's the best in the world. He's still practicing.
STEVE: The reality is Sid has been the spokesman for the NHL the last 10 years, and the torch is being passed to Austin Matthews and to Connor McDavid, and he doesn't need to be there as much as he used to be. So the reality is, screw you, guy from Philadelphia, you said some stupid stuff. It just makes me hate that team anymore.
CHRIS: You know the Grand Schwabini's looking this up right now, he's trying to find you.
MARC: No, I haven't been looking it up, I didn't think it was worth a look.
STEVE: No, it isn't worth it. Are you looking at naughty pictures? No. So, so the reality is the penguins actually do need to start stringing some wins together. Um, and they, by the way, they need to do something about this cancel contract. They either need to sign them supposedly. And I, this is, I don't think this is, this is, this is something that probably happened, but it probably might've been in the neighborhood. They said that, you know, he was offered a 50 million contract, $50 million contract for six years. That's probably not long enough for Jake. He probably wants a eight or nine year contract, but the reality is, is they're not going to give him 80 or 90 million because in about three years, his team's going to be starting over. Not good. And they don't want to be saddled with that contract and have Jake by himself. Cause let's face it. Jake was Sid is a really good combination for the penguins and for the NHL. If you take Jake off of this team, it's bad on both fronts, in my opinion. I think Jake's a better player than a lot of people give him credit for. I think he can survive without Sid, but he's not a 40-goal scorer without Sid. Nobody is. Sid is definitely raising the talent level of Jake. Jake is super, super talented, but the fact that he's already had two 40-goal seasons and they're only giving him nine million, the problem is, Frickin Toronto gave, um, um, um, Neylander an 11 and a half million dollar contract. He's only had one 40 goal season and that's the problem. So when you start doing those comparisons, it makes it harder to sign a guy like Jake. I honestly, I still think they get it done because I believe that that Jake does want to. play the rest of Sid's career with Sid and vice versa. So I just think, I think they're going to get it done. I know a lot of people say, no, they have to trade him. I don't think you have to trade him because here's why the Pittsburgh Penguins, I believe can get into the third spot. I don't believe Philadelphia Flyers are a playoff team and I could be absolutely wrong on that, but. I don't know what happened with the Canadian young players, and there were two players that came off of the New Jersey Devils that were actually pretty good players. I don't know if that's going to affect them negatively, because I still like the Devils as a team, and they're right there with the Penguins. And if it's those two fighting for that last spot, I think the Devils have an edge, but their goaltending has been poor, and the Penguins' goaltending has been some of the best.
CHRIS: So I know this may be a little premature, but is the, is the, is the, uh, from now on next show from here on out, you must talk like Jerry Seinfeld. Why should I do that? Because it's, I think it sounds hilarious. So I, a little premature, but, um, is the penguin season on life support right now?
STEVE: No, it absolutely is. Yeah, because if they go on a three or four game losing streak, it's over. You say it's over. I don't think they can afford to do they can't afford a four game losing streak.
CHRIS: OK, so they let's assume a four. Let's not assume it. Let's pretend four game losing streak right off the bat is canceled, signed or traded.
STEVE: I think they'd be looking to trade them at that point. All right. Yeah. All right. Because because you just you you're at that point, you're going to have to you're going to have to win like seven out of 10 games. OK. And it just that's not sustainable because they have a lot of Metro games coming up. Not not so much this month. They actually have quite a few West games in February.
CHRIS: Yeah.
STEVE: But March is the gauntlet. And that's a gauntlet. That's really where they're going to have to win.
CHRIS: Okay, we're going to move on to our next segment, but I want to wait just one for amy on the power play.
STEVE: Yeah Oh, yeah, so so I think what's going to happen is unfortunately So the penguins mixed it up They took um, they took uh, gino off the power play and they took carlson off the power play that they put um They put pustin on the power play and they put letang on the power play and it worked great I unfortunately think they're probably going to put Gino back on the power play.
CHRIS: Well, they sent Pustin and down.
STEVE: They sent Pustin down, but they brought up Pulley Harvey. Okay. And I love these names. Hockey name. Yep. Finish. He's finished. Come on, Jerry. Jerry. And what's with the names in hockey? Pino.
CHRIS: I sounded more like Harry.
STEVE: He actually was a number one pick from Edmonton and he just wasn't working there. OK, and so they picked him up and then they signed him to a two year contract. Only like 800,000 a year, so they may put him on, but my guess is they probably either put Russ back up there. I'd like this. I'd like to see Carter up there. Be honest with you. I think Carter Carter in the front would make a lot of sense, so those would be my changes to the power play, but unfortunately I think they're going to leave Latang up there. probably put Gino back on the first.
CHRIS: Okay, so that was Hockey Jesus. Thanks for being here, Hockey Jesus, preaching on the podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasts. Now we're bringing back something that we just love doing. The first thing we're going to do here is we're going to talk about headlines that mean something. And what is that? Well, it's headlines that actually mean something. So the Grand Schwabini has pulled up a headline here. I'm going to put the picture up there. What exactly is going on there?
MARC: Pigeon freed in India after being cleared of spying for China.
CHRIS: Wow. I'll tell you what that is sophistication at its final This is a true story Chinese are catching up.
STEVE: Well, it was freed.
MARC: So it wasn't a spot Well this this pigeon was detained for eight months earlier on suspicion of being a Chinese spy detained detained in Mumbai
STEVE: How does one detain a pigeon?
MARC: The pigeon was found with two rings on its legs bearing Chinese script and one of the rings was found to contain a microchip. So detectives had the pigeon held at the by soccer by didn't shop at it hospital for animals that sounded extremely on that was that was an incredible chance or indian acts on suspicion of being involved in espionage on behalf of china did they think it was a mechanical bird the no i want to know i want to know what the pigeon said when they asked it if it was spotted the pigeon The pigeon was determined upon investigation not to be a Chinese spy, but instead had been involved in open water racing in Taiwan and had wandered off course, ending up in India. Uh, you can bet your bottom dollar PETA had its hand in this. Uh, and they campaigned for the bird to be freed and the bird is now free.
CHRIS: Well, God, DG wants to know if they waterboarded the pitch and we don't know what happened in the hospital. I'm not sure. I thought you were going to say, I thought when, when you said the, the, the pigeon was actually not spying, that it was, it, maybe it was part of a drug ring or something like that, or maybe, Look, this is a traffic baby pigeons.
MARC: Look, you know, you know, the eggs, you know, egg trafficking, you know, the saying where there's smoke, there's fire. Yeah. Well, something's off about this bird.
CHRIS: Yeah, I think you're absolutely right. All right. Pigeon freed in India after being cleared, cleared. of spying for china eight months it's very important it's very important that that you're very thorough i mean hey everybody is presumed innocent until proven guilty absolutely now for my headline that means something i don't have a story behind it but i did find a headline that i that i thought thought was uh well you'll see when i put it up there uh typhoon rips through cemetery hundreds dead That was a real, a real headline.
MARC: Well, my question would be, is it just hundreds dead or are there more thousands dead?
CHRIS: How big was the cemetery? Well, I don't know. I guess the only way to do that would be to go through and like count the bodies. Yeah.
MARC: Well, in all honesty, did you read the article or no?
CHRIS: There was no article. I just found this. I'm serious. It was, it was on a site that had actual headlines and then I would have had to dig, way deeper to get. Yeah.
STEVE: You don't want to dig in a cemetery. It's a bad idea.
CHRIS: I tried that once.
MARC: I'm trying to think. I can't imagine going any further. I can't imagine that there's a cemetery that's that large that has a hundred employees. Yeah. So I'm going to say they made a mistake and you know, the dead people were already dead. Yes.
CHRIS: Probably feet under. Yeah.
MARC: Maybe it was just hard to decide who had bad editing, the kind of editors that say the super bowls, the dolphins and the lions. Yeah, that's right.
STEVE: That was somebody that needs a new tech.
CHRIS: That would be me. Okay. Uh, don't forget to subscribe to the podcast, the sports porch on the IR radio app, Apple podcast, Spotify, or anywhere you get your podcasts subscribe and leave us review last segment of the evening. What we are watching and what is that? Well, look, we have millions and millions, literally now. millions and millions of things to stream to watch and spend our time. We all know that we do it. And so what we would like to do is bring a couple things that we like to your doorstep and see if you like them as well. We'll start once again with Jerry Seinfeld, I mean, the Grand Schwabini. You are currently watching
MARC: I am not currently watching. I've just completed The Leftovers. On HBO Max. On HBO Max. Pray for us. Basically, I watched your show, Chris Klein. Yeah, that's what you've been saying. For those of you who don't know Chris Klein, he is a supernatural kind of guy, science fiction type of guy. Yeah. and i was watching something that i was sure chris klein had watched in his lifetime but he hadn't so it was kind of neat being chris klein for a couple weeks it really is and so i don't like the word neat so three three seasons it's it's Three seasons, it's really good. It's a lot of good acting. And essentially what happens is… Oh, wait, do I need to close my ears? No, no, no. At a specific point in time, October 14th, whatever, 10 a.m., whatever it was, 2% of the world's population just disappears. Yeah, goodbye. And then the you know, it's sort of a lot of well, where did they go? What happened? How do we deal with this? Um, you know, some people are dealing with it by joining a cult. Um, and, uh, it actually gets more and more supernatural as the series moves along into season two and into season three. I love it. it um and so it it's you know it's kind of like mind-blowing and they do some they do some wild stuff too like like you'll have episodes where like the first like five minutes you're like am i sure this is the leftovers What's going on? Where are they? What? You know what I mean? And it's just got a lot of neat kind of, you know, that type of stuff. So I watched it to its completion. I thought it was really good. So I'd highly recommend it.
STEVE: Is it done after three seasons? Like it has a definite ending?
MARC: Yeah, it's definitely done.
CHRIS: First of all, I like the fact that you thought it was neat pretending to be me while watching something. Jeff says he could tell you all stories about me, but he'll keep his mouth shut.
STEVE: Just make a Netflix series out of it.
CHRIS: Jeff, there you go. My life is a Netflix series, but, but, um, I, yeah, this is definitely, I, I will be watching this as soon as I can get my little direct TV stream Hickey to update my HBO max. It was almost like it let me update it just enough to finish Gamora. And now it's back on the fritz, but yes, I love super technical term you use there with Hickey and back on the fritz. Yeah. He is on the fret. All right. I want to warn our Instagram viewers that Instagram only allows us to stream for 60 minutes, then they cut it off. So if it cuts off, thanks for watching us because we got three minutes left, but I think we're going to go a little further than three minutes. So what we're watching hockey Jesus right now is watching. This will be no surprise. Something called. The Trust, a game of greed. And this is on Netflix, right?
STEVE: It's on Netflix. It's a new it's a new series. I think that they were actually doing those like time, like you could watch some of them. Yeah. And then, you know, oh, you had to wait for an episode, that sort of thing. I waited till they all came out because I didn't want to do that. You wanted to be able to just like, if I go away, if I use of your life, it's like plow through. You know, they're like 45 minutes. So like two days, no problem. Yeah. You can bust right through it. Absolutely. On the weekend. Yes. Yes. So this is where this is a game where it's basically survivor meets big brother. Everybody, there's a pool of $250,000 at the beginning. 11 people could share the whole thing. All they have to do is live in this fabulous house with a great pool. They get all their meals cooked for them and all they have to do is just live there and then they can share the money at the end. Sounds great. Sounds great.
CHRIS: Okay. So this is a reality show. It's real. Okay.
STEVE: All right. And then suddenly Brooke Baldwin comes out and says, I want to show you what's in the vault. Oh. And then you go down to the vault and then they tempt you with all these things and then people are like, well, did they take our money? Maybe we shouldn't do it. They find out somebody is a millionaire. They found out, you know, they found out people lied and then people get people get really upset with other people. And it only takes one vote. to vote you out. If I voted for Chris and nobody else voted for anybody else, Chris is gone.
CHRIS: So if you just don't like somebody, you can vote him out. And you are out. How many people can get voted out every show?
STEVE: Well, if there's a tie vote, like if everybody got one vote, everybody would stay.
CHRIS: hit the bricks baby you could potentially vote half the people out at one show no only one person can get voted out because the most amount of votes wins okay but you but you only have but let's say there was just one let's say everybody got along there's 11 people yep everybody gets along yep But you just don't like me. Right. Nobody else cast a vote. Right. You vote for me to leave. Then I leave. You're gone. OK.
STEVE: And then suddenly and then everybody says nobody's going to vote anybody out. And then he comes in and it's like somebody has been voted out. Right. Right. Yeah.
MARC: Yeah.
STEVE: And you're like everybody's like, what?
MARC: Yeah. Just watch the show. Stop it with the over now. You know, hey, if my mother's daughter's cousin votes somebody out, but You're not doing it in the Seinfeld voice. I don't respond to your demand.
CHRIS: I do what I want to do. All right. All right. The trust on Netflix. Trust. Okay. The technical director. Here we go.
MARC: It's either a documentary or something with dragons and trolls.
CHRIS: It is neither. It is neither. Get out of here. It's a cartoon. Get out of here. I actually forgot. I actually forgot to type it in. The technical director is watching. I actually picked up an old older show. It had two seasons, two seasons in 18 and 19. You guys may have watched it. No, not this. I don't think anybody here has not heard of the Sopranos. This is Deep State. No on MGM plus.
MARC: I don't think I've ever heard.
STEVE: Well, I don't have MGM plus.
MARC: MGM plus. Yeah. What are you doing? MGM plus. I mean, what's that? It's part of my Amazon.
CHRIS: uh okay because i started watching the godfather harlem is on there i wonder if mgm plus is like part of my package too i just don't even realize it's it's it's a deep state now i found this by accident because i had actually just finished watching um the new uh semi-documentary um on netflix uh alexander making of a god oh yeah it's it's not something i'm interested yeah yeah but i was interested in it but but then i was kind of you know jumping around between prime and whatever and i saw on mgm deep state i thought it looks interesting one of the better shows i've ever watched as far as it's it's about A guy that was in basically british intelligence and it's like it's a classic story like he got out And then they pull him back in And he's got a it's there's like a lot of middle eastern back channeling iran nuclear deal stuff going.
MARC: It's not a true story What's going on now?
CHRIS: Uh, yeah, but like back, back channeling stuff.
STEVE: It was back then.
CHRIS: And, uh, kind of like now only back then. Right. Right. I can never get a word in. It's fucking joints. How many, how many seasons? There, there are two seasons and I'm about three quarters of the way through the first season. It's really, it's a good watch. It's really good. It's suspenseful. The acting is great. The action is good. The story makes sense. Anybody we know in it? Um, no. Well, if I put the picture back up you you recognize it looks like Andy Garcia. It's not Andy Garcia, right?
MARC: I can't remember his name But he's been in a lot of stuff That's all I can watch something with a good guy has been a lot of stuff Yeah, tune in to deep state on MGM plus that's a guy who looks like Andy Garcia.
CHRIS: Yeah, that's You guys just beg for it
STEVE: Will you be done before the Super Bowl? That's what we… Maybe.
CHRIS: Come on.
MARC: Maybe.
CHRIS: Well, Super Bowl week, people. Super Bowl week. I want to thank everybody who always tunes in every Monday night at 730. Guys, we could not do this without you. We are so happy that you come here for all the antics, the ridiculousness, the stupid Grand Schwabini. It's exactly right. I got to turn this down so people can hear me. So thanks for watching the sports sports podcast. Of course, we are live on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, X, Instagram, all over the world. And you can always catch the podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, Spotify, or anywhere you get your frigging podcasts. I am your technical director and I am out. Don't drown. He's got to do that. See you guys.