Nov. 29, 2022
The Porch Is Live!

We learn a new language. And talk about the Steelers and Penguins.
We learn a new language. And talk about the Steelers and Penguins.
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Okay, folks. Nobody's watching yet but the Porch is live. Welcome to the Sports Porch. Everybody's getting ready for that big Steeler game then. We are back. Whoo. We are back. Absolutely. Wanna thank you for listening to us on American Busker, iHeartRadio, American Busker, 1 50 million registered users. 2000 devices, two hundred and 60 plus one platforms according to Mark Schwab. Yes and thank you to the whole iHeartRadio team, all the folks in production in camera, in maintenance.
We love you. We appreciate it. Maintenance. Especially especially the technical director. Especially maintenance. Yes Robert. And you might want to you might want to speak over your laptop because I don't want you to I don't like I we have to hear your beautiful voice. So anyway guys of course we the Steelers are playing Monday night. Wait it's Monday night? Uh it is Monday night. So we don't really have a Steelers game to talk about yet.
I'm sure we'll be talking a lot about it tomorrow or maybe even after the game. Right. During the game. But we are going to do that. We're going to update our records. Uh it's one of us had a stellar week. And that was? I think it was Steve. Oh. My first three and ohs. My first three and oh.
Yeah. Cuz I was two on one the last 2 weeks. I've been coming on strong. He's coming on. Yep. No disputing there. Coming on strong. And then of course we're going to do a little hockey Jesus with this with the Penguins. Hopefully you've been listening to the Hockey Jesus Podcast after the Flyers. So well let's just jump right into it because we we have a special guest here tonight.
We have a special segment since we we have some airtime we want to film. And we're really excited about it and there's going to be a challenge at the end of it. And that challenge will happen at a later date. You will all get a chance to watch and hear that. Um but let's let's get right into this right now with the Steelers.
Tonight they play at the Colts.
Expectations. I mean of course all over the radio. Back I mean Mark Madden's going crazy on on the Steelers and how horrible they are in organization top to bottom. That's accurate. Is yeah I would say right. Right. So what what what say you? I mean are you agreeing with him? Well I agree to a certain level. I mean I think that it's clear they suck this year.
Yes. And I think they've sucked for a long time. And people just are now catching on to their well I I understand that. But it it from from top to bottom is in an organizational issue. Are the Steelers losing the ability to see ahead and draft appropriately and plan does the Buck Stop with Colbert and now that he's gone can Con change things is it is is it more of a Tomlin issue you know Tomlin to me and I've been one of his biggest defenders over the last however many years I I'm actually starting to come around to the other side I I think Tomlin does not want to have anybody beneath him who can maybe use Surf his power I I think he's always been that way but this is the way so the question the real question is is who are the Steelers going to become after this meaning after they go down to their downturn and start coming back up right will they be the old Steelers who you know relied on defense and a good running game and a hall of fame quarterback to get them through or will they be something different and I think that's the problem like nobody really knows like everybody keeps saying you know well they draft did a tight end with Heath Miller and then they got Ben and then they got and then they got Bettis you know and that's what made that core really good that did really well and everybody's trying to equate it to the guys that they have now I don't think that this NFL is that NFL this NFL now is about quick strikes and how you can get down the field field really quick and you don't need to to have a running game you I think you still need to have a running game to be able to to to drag it out at the end but the reality is if you got a good wide receiver and a an awesome quarterback that can get a good wide receiver the ball they make all the difference I mean look nobody likes Kirk Cousins he everybody thinks he's garbage I like Kirk Cousins but Jefferson makes him a really good quarterback yeah so Diggs did before that right and Diggs is doing the same right and you know the thing about the thing I like about Kansas City is they lost their Tyrek Hill and it doesn't matter because they still have Travis Kelce who's a world-class catcher.
Right. So so that's what you need to have in this NFL and right now the Steelers have neither. So I don't I don't I think anybody who's not catching on to where where this how bad the Steelers are. Oh and the other thing is you know I and I said it's at the beginning of the season. They need to have a top-notch defense and then maybe the offense can be good enough.
Who's doing that now? San Francisco. San Francisco's got the greatest defense in the NFL and suddenly they got they they got lucky in their **** quarterback got hurt and they kept Garoppolo cheap so now they can make it all happen so I I look at teams like that and I think that's what the Steelers want to be they want to be more like San Francisco and not like Miami because they can't be like Miami because they don't have that quarterback right but although I think Tomlin thinks that they can be Miami and and I think there's the disconnect and the question is Tomlin's been in the league so long that I don't know if he's got the right language to be able to get to this level of talent and and be able to coach them.
That's the big question. And speaking of language, we're going to be dealing with a little language later on in the show. We certainly are. Yeah, that was that was. We're going to need, we're going to learn new language. The question is is Tomlin watching? Well, he's not watching tonight. Yeah. We'll give him a pass tonight because yeah, this could be a good idea. We'll send him the podcast and maybe we can send him some of this language and.
You guys stay tuned because we're going to that we're going to have some knowledge draw on us. So for me personally, I'm going to ride it out regardless, right? But I don't I honestly have no idea where this is going to end and I think those who don't want to ride it out like the Mark Maddens of the world. They don't care. They're almost done. They're they're they made their money you know talking about the Steelers.
And Richard Richards definitely not the Pirates organization.
Hopefully not like the Pirates.
No they'll never be like the Pittsburgh. They do want to win and they do spend the cap maximum every time and there's also a cap maximum in the NFL which makes it you know the playing field that's level unlike the Major League Baseball which we won't even go into.
Well my thoughts are fairly similar. I mean I I think where the Steelers have gone wrong over the past couple years is they've prioritized skill positions and they haven't prioritized the lines and and I think in the trenches is where you win football games on the defensive line or on the offensive line it's very true and and so what I think they need to do is they need to sure up those lines because you know look like Anage Harris becomes a much better back if you got a top five offensive line you know a guy like Deon Johnson Deontay Johnson probably becomes a you know like if you want to say right now he's maybe like the 15th best receiver in the league or something right he might be somewhere between five and eight if you got one of the better offensive lines and he's got all day to get open you know what I mean so they they fix so many problems and and on the defensive side of the ball it's all about getting to the quarterback you know causing turnovers yeah and you know look I mean yeah do they have you know one of the best players in the league there sure but they need more than that right you know Hayward's a little bit on the older side and I mean look Ky Smith is showing some promise but the bottom line is like you don't you don't really look at that line outside of TJ Watt and say this is a dominant defensive line you just say no or this is TJ Watt and he makes some other people better so we're pretty good but it's not like it's like this you know you're not like rotating like eight guys in and out and everybody's fresh right they seem to get gassed really so I think if they if they get back to drafting offensive and defensive or you know you know maybe corners and also part of it's drafting the right people too right I mean they they've they've drafted some corners early and they haven't really worked out so you know and that's the other part of it it's you know the the the GM you know the person making the picks you know we can sort of put everything on Colbert you know up to this point but you know after the draft is turned over to Omar Khan and so now like I look at the next draft as this is your opportunity to kind of make your own mark and and show the direction that you know you think the team should be headed in and and I think we just honestly just have to wait until that happens before we start passing judgement on his ability to pick players yeah I I agree with you there I I think that you know this is a this is again it's a transition year and you know switching this over to the expectations we had for somebody like Kenny Pickett I I just I think it's really hard I think Kenny Pickett and you guys are going to be surprised by this I don't think Kenny Pickett is ultimately going to end up being the answer as much as I hate saying that I I look at I look at what's going on now I still think he has the skill set but I think he has the misfortune of being inserted into a team that does not have any direction and an offensive coordinator who is you know terrible and he's not going to that kind of direction and I think those for unless you're Jalen Hertz who's had a different coordinator every single year of his football existence since he left high school you know and he's got that amazing kind of talent that now he had he's had consistency for two years in Philly and look what happened how good he is now you know that is that is a rare talent so somebody like a Kenny Pickett needs somebody who has command of the NFL game to to coach him yeah I don't think he's going to get that and I hate to say it it it's early in the game and who knows maybe by the end of the year some sort of light bulb actually does go on but I just I think he's a stop gap and I think they I think they end up drafting a quarterback if they end up in the bottom of this draft which I think would be a mistake well but I think they that's only going to be if they have a top two pick right the top two picks are going to be quarterbacks but yes but you know I I mean I I think here's the thing with with Pickett I mean it's clear to that he can play.
It's just to what level can he play. Right. And and I think that really to be honest I I don't really think it's about so much pickets like decision making or ability to throw the deep ball or anything like that. I I really just think it's about that he doesn't have a great team around him. Right. You know like like he he's like basically you know what he is to me? He's like best case scenario Jimmy you know if he's got a great running game and a great defense and a great offensive line can he play well enough to be you know a consistent playoff team I think he probably can yeah but it but if he doesn't have that you know you're looking at like a middling kind of eight and eight kind of team you you know what I mean which is what we've had right right and it's you know and so this is his rookie year and you know you combine the fact that it's you know this is the year that you're going to make all your mistakes you know hopefully you're leap is from year one to year two and then so instead of having like an 89 year or nine and 8 year it's probably going to turn out to be like a six and 11 year.
Yeah. You know what I mean? Well remember Josh Allen and and Jalen Hertz they all had terrible first years. It is. So there's definitely a learning curve that he's gotta go through. So which is why we're all Steeler Nation. Everybody included in this is kind of giving him a pass this year and and we should because this is the year where you want to see progression to a better to a better level but then the question is he clearly he's no Ben Roethlisberger he would come in and light it up right from the beginning and and nobody looks like is looking to him as that type of guy so the question is is he more like a Neil O'Donnell who maybe can get you to the Super Bowl but not win it or is he more like a Mark Malone who is just a stop gap for a few years until they can draft somebody else and really that's the question the question is is that what happens and and the Question is how long will it take because you gotta figure he's the quarterback of this organization for the next three years barring any major injury.
Right. And then they make a decision on whether or not they want to give them a big contract and and then that's when you decide whether you're in the three-year rebuilding plan or a five-year rebuilding plan. Mm hmm. And and Steeler Nation does want to hear that but that's where we are and we're just in year one of that. So, it's it's it's going to be a long road.
It is. It just is. It is. So, what do you guys what do you guys expect tonight to see from this game? This is one of the I I gotta tell you this particular game I'm not looking forward to at all you know I mean it's like first of all Schwabber's pick was the Colts to be in the Super Bowl which is right which will forever go down in history one of the worst ever almost as bad as the Rams yeah which I think I picked that was it me it was me yeah I who did you pick remember I think we all kind of took the Bills so that's true yeah I picked the Bills we all we all had the Bills in there so you know we we got some right I have the Cowboys in there remember and and and remember you guys were like they started out oh and two they lost Dak and everybody's like they're done now yeah and now look at them they they they look like the Bills are kind of a surprising team in terms of finding ways to lose yeah I mean they still they're still learning that's the NFL so let's talk about expectations for this game it it's hard to have any you know that that's you know you're going up against the Colts team that's in total disarray okay and then obviously we talked about the Steelers and what their deficiencies are so thinking about it from the standpoint of you want to see some sort of progression what do you expect what do you want you know I mean I think there are some good defensive players on the Colts that are out aren't there yeah the Colts have some injuries yeah definitely I mean I mean but you're not watching the game because Colts players are hurt you're watching a game to see what Kenny's going to do right can they keep the running game going and how dominant will the defense be those are the three those are the three things I'm looking for in the game tonight can we get three or four sacks can we force the old man quarterback that's up there now I think he's doing right I think he's still the quarterback right yeah I mean can they force him to to fumble the ball you know when they sack him and that's really can they can they take the turnovers and go to the house or yeah can they do something with that that's really the way to win I don't think you can stop Jonathan Taylor but hey I didn't think they could stop Alvin Kamara either but on the road I think it's a little bit harder so I think they'll have a hard time stopping Taylor tonight but if they can stop Taylor and they can get to the quarterback then they got a chance at winning you know they can score points now so maybe they even get the twenty-four well I would expect to see what we saw in the first half of the last game which is Kenny Pickett throwing the ball you know letting loose steep down field to George Pickens trying to get him into the offense more over the middle to Fryer move I mean at at this point right now you know anybody can say the playoffs are still a possibility but I think we all know that's ridiculous given this team right now you know let's open up the offense and see if he can throw the ball well let's let's let's get some lanes for Nanjay Harris to run through let's play football instead of this they're still going to approach it until they're eliminated from the playoffs they're going to approach it like But remember what they have eight losses is if they lose tonight.
That's right. Yeah. So I mean you know they're only one more loss away from the dreaded non 5 sub final season for Tomlin right out. Right. And then and then what do they do? You know? Mm hmm. Anything's possible after that because we've never seen that before either. And Brad's back in the house. Good evening gents. What's up BT and DG's in the house as Mark's Colts pick was appropriately called a bull.
That's right. It was bold. Yeah. It was it was It's a fine line between bold and stupid. I'm actually trying I'm I'm trying to put together the thought process you had because I would have never picked that to begin with. Well well my thought process was is that they were a great team but they had a horrible quarterback in Carson Wentz. Right. And I figured you know hey Matt Ryan might have a year or two good left in him.
Right. And then we just kind of realized that he's now done. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he he's no Matthew Stafford. If if he was yeah. If he was Matt Ryan maybe from two years ago I might have been right.
Well that guy was in the Super Bowl yeah right that's right and and he was with his other team yeah and Richard wants to know what our score prediction is for tonight why don't you take that one oh jeez six to three. I mean there'll be more points. Five to 2. Uh alright I'll go 28twenty-four Colts. Alright. BT's going 2713 Steelers. What about you? Um I'm optimistic we get a defensive touchdown.
I'm saying 2921 Colts.
I I I got I got no feel for this game whatsoever. Honestly I mean I I love watching football games and this is like a game that I I'm like not looking forward to watching at all because I find the Colts to be like totally boring and I have no hope the Steelers in Mad Canada's offense because I can't stand that guy. So give us a pitiful score. Uh I'm going to say 1714 Colts. There's no way there's no way the Steelers win it. But let's let's do the over under on receiver running plays tonight. Um jet sweep. I'm going to put I'm going to put receiver plays. Five. Over under.
Over under. Over under the jet sweeps. Well no I'm going to four.
five. Wide receiver running plays.
So wait so it could be an on a double reverse. Is that count as two? Yeah. No that's one. Okay that's just one. Yeah. I'm going to take I'm going to I'm going to can I take the five? I said 4. 5four and a half. Oh then I'm going to go over. Over? Yeah. If you go five point five I'm taking the under. How do you take four and a half? How do you not go over? I'm going to we had five the other day.
I'm going to take the under in a I'm going to take the under in a shock. It's going to be four. Oh. Oh you think Canada's going to learn something. No no. No. Four's still Too many. Four four's about three too many. You're right. Meanwhile our our guests back in the green room has no idea what we're talking about. What the hell they yeah. She's smart. She may end up learning language from us.
Right. If you think about it. This could be like a this could be kind of like a give and take. What's your call? Over or under? Uh God. On the four and a half. Four and a half. I have no faith in Canada. I'm saying over. Yeah. I think absolutely. You're going to have to get some pretty big odds to go under. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Like to one.
Yeah and and Mike Lawrence says Matt Canada doesn't know what a double reverse is. Now DG's tried to drop some wisdom on us here. Confidence, desperation, or stupidity in any event. I love seeing the Jags knock off the Ravens especially when they chose to go for the women. Did you see the end of that game? I did. I watched it. Yeah. Yeah that was that was awesome.
Uh awesome to see. Dougie P. Aggressive Dougie P. So I mean you know the Jags don't have anything to lose. No not at all. And once again they've got a semi rookie quarter he's still learning the game he had a great game the other day did you see the the Jaguars were zero in 171 I think I got that right zero in 171 with one minute left in the game and losing by seven or more points really that was the first game they ever won where where they had the progress yeah that's progress did you know that Jaylen Hertz became the first quarterback ever he's gotta he's gotta get the I want to hear it 150 pass yards and 1150 rush yards two touchdowns throwing and no interceptions first ever any game yeah 150 yards rushing yeah by anybody is a lot yeah are you sure it wasn't 125 and 125 that was 15150 okay wasn't 159 and 149 well, you know what it is I bet I bet Michael Vick did that but I bet he had an interception right yeah probably right there you go probably there you go yeah alright Fly Eagles pretty impressive yeah fly Eagles fly okay let's get to our our predictions from last week Last week oh God I got the I got the wrong page of the notes.
That's okay. I'll let you know that I was three and oh. Last week on Sunday night Chris had the Packers and Steve and Mark had the Eagles. So you two won that one. The Thursday night game Chris and Mark had the Giants. Steve had the Cowboys. And that one. Mark and Steve had the Bengals and Chris I was taking a big risk last week.
I was trying to go opposite. You were and I ended up on the you were playing Did you go first? I think you chose first. I think being in the hot seat is is a tough place to be. It is. So that leaves the record so far this year with Steve is now over five hundred and seventeen. Chris. I am twenty and 16 and Mark is actually leapfrogged into the lead.
22 and fourteen so now we don't have to go back and do a recount. Yeah. Every week he accuses me of like it seems like things are falling into place. I doubt it. Yeah. Of course. Now that you're not Alright so this week. I'm happy to be amongst the winning. This week's this week's picks. Uh we're doing the Thursday night game. Bills at Patriots.
Steve. I'm not overthinking this. The Bills will win. Alright Steve's got the Bills. I am also not overthinking. I'm going Bills.
Marquez the Bills and Chris is just not going to lose any ground to you guys and he's going to take the Bills yeah I mean the Patriots look like they didn't they didn't know how to win a game I mean really the Patriots it it is kind of a miracle that they have like are they like 65 or something yeah they're like in that in the hunt it's kind of a miracle or they're like have the last playoff position they don't really have like any good players anywhere no they're going to they're going to come down you know I mean but I mean Belichick is a damn good coach and and he gets his ready for it.
Yeah that that's however that's I think the Bills gotta win this game. They got they gotta come out. They gotta start stringing some together. Yeah so okay yeah and I I think they're going to pull it off there. Alright Sunday night Colts at the Cowboys. Once again. Well this is an easier. There's no shot. I mean yeah the Cowboys are rolling and the Colts are not. Uh right right right right. It's really that simple.
Even even if the Colts do beat the Steelers. Can I hold my pick until we pick the Chiefs at Bengals for that one? No. You guys let me do that? No absolutely not. God. I I gotta go Cal. I I mean it's stupid. I gotta go. Well you made us pick the stupid game. I know. There were a lot of other good games to pick. But we do the perfect Sunday night Chiefs at Bengals.
Sunday night. That's a big game. For Sunday Chiefs at Bengals. That's not Sunday night. That's our Sunday pick em game. Yeah that's a Sunday pick em game. So it's a one o'clock afternoon game. Ooh. And so Cincinnati Cincinnati's got a lot of tough games coming up the Chiefs don't I'm I'm going to take I'm taking Cincinnati on this one whoo and Statemen win well no I think Cincinnati has has to win because their schedule is like the second hardest for the remaining games that are left and I looked at their schedule and I think this is the game they have to win if they want to they want to keep pace with Baltimore because Baltimore plays Pittsburgh twice and we know what that means he's overthinking this one no no I think I think it's going to be the Chiefs.
I I think that you know the Bengals have sort of rallied to have a respectable season but I think you know that that momentum is going to die down as the games get tougher and and it'll start with the Chiefs. Alright and a a late comment from Daniel Rupert. He's taking the Steelers taking Steelers. That's a lot of scoring for the Steelers there Daniel. 27. You know they they're going from the defense.
He's saying 38 points for Pittsburgh. I know but you know. We digress. Okay.
Sure there's at least two defensive touchdowns in that thirty-eight. Alright, I want to remind everybody that we appreciate American Busker iHeartRadio, a 50 million registered us. There's 2, 000 devices, 260 platforms. Thank you, iHeartRadio. And remember, you can always catch up with us on the Sports Sports Podcast on the iHeartRadio app or anywhere you get your podcast and please think about leaving us a review and as always, you can visit our website, The Porch is Live dot com.
The Ports is live. com. So hockey Jesus. Wait did you pick? Did I pick? Oh yeah the Chiefs. I picked the Chiefs. Yeah. So wait I'm only the Bengals. Hockey this could be my week. You realize if I win that one and the other two? Yes. I tie you. For first place. I'm 22 and fourteen. I want to see the what are you talking about? I had 19 wins.
He was 16 and 17. Yeah and then he went three and oh. I can't. Mark. I can't do you. You said I'm 22 and fourteen. No. Did you? No. Am I twenty-four? 22 and 15. Sorry. Yeah. Wait a minute. It doesn't matter. No no you're 22 and fourteen. The differential is three wins. But we would have to go I can only get one game.
Right right right.
This year is called the Weeds. Okay we're in the Weeds right now. Maybe you're in the Weeds. No I think you guys are in the I think you're in there's another one. 28 to 3.
Maybe maybe we should maybe we should have some weeds.
Alright. Uh twenty-eight sassafras for some first quarter of the season hockey. Yeah let's do that. Let's talk first quarter of the season. Yes we're only 28% because you know you got that stupid you you can't divide by four. Eighty-two doesn't divide by four. Once again we're in the weeds about that. In the weeds you know. 28%. In the weeds. But you know. Whatever it is.
Now listen guys. Listen guys. Alright I'm going to control again. I've gotta do this. I don't think we should let him take control. We want we we want to thank everybody who listens to the podcast and the Hockey Jesus updates after every Penguins game. And if you if you follow the Penguins the way Steve does you want to listen to that recap after every game he's on live on the podcast.
It's on Hockey Jesus. So Hockey Jesus can I do the Hockey Jesus report for Hockey Jesus? Let's see how accurate it is. Let's see. Go ahead. Go for it. Hockey Jesus. Okay. Uh Sydney Crosby's good. Uh Malcon has really been playing well. I really like the defense from Chris LaTang and Jari's been special in goal. Uh Bluger has been amazing. Um he had one game against the Flyers.
We had three assists. Um and you're getting some great effort from Pederson. And you know bottom line they're winning some games and let's just hope it keeps up and they they gotta play you know a smart game because they're not as fast as they used to be. Every G's or something. You got it. No, you missed a few things. Did I miss a few? Yeah.
You you missed you missed the the coming out of the closet.
Of Zooker. Zucker is finally healthy. He's been playing with Gino. You're right about Gino playing well only because he playing well with Zucker. Of course it's easy to say Sid plays well because he always plays well. True. And you're right about you're right about Pederson. But you are wrong. Pederson did get his butt kicked though. Pittsburgh did it all. Oh yeah he got his **** kicked. I did it all Giano.
Donard you're wrong.
Uh The only thing that guy can do is fight. That's exactly right. Well and he ran over LaTang so I mean he did two things on that play. Yeah. But that's all he can do. I mean get something out of it. So on the on the fan they were talking about the fact that it is it's a possibility still the play it they think they can if they remain healthy they kind of agree with you Steve.
If they remain healthy they they look like they can be a playoff team. They might actually be able to go far in the playoffs. Not that far but speed is an issue and youth is an issue and obviously that's what's happening here. Yeah I mean so they're they're one in four or one and five on back-to-back games because they're too old. They can't play the second game.
Right. And when they play against young teams on their back to back, they get their **** kicked just like they did in Toronto. Right. Just like they did in Montreal. So, this is the problem for the Penguins because there's no solution for it. You can't just bring up young guys for the next game and play the young guys. You have to infuse young talent into the lineup throughout the season.
So, the only way that's going to happen is if they get injury, actually think injuries would help this team believe it or not but the problem is is they're always going to be on the cusp they're never going to be in the top four they're probably not going to be in the bottom four they're probably going to be in and out of that 78910 position the rest of the season and that's just who they are that's they're going to be their identity the only way they're going to get better is if Jarry really catches fire and and that knocks him up a notch but that's really they can do is between Jarry and De Smith is steal a few games and that's what the Flyers were doing earlier in the season with Carter Hart.
Yeah. Hart was playing out of his mind and now he's repressed to the norm. They suck. So so the the actually the Penguins haven't gotten any really good goalie goalie play. I think their goalies are like twenty-first and twenty-ninth in the league with goals against. So so I'm looking forward to seeing our goalies play a little bit better. The question is is will does that mean will retreat back into our trap defense which nobody likes to say but if they do that then they'll probably win more games that way and they'll slow down the game which they hate to do so it's like you never know what's going to happen with this team so stay tuned actually you think playing against Carolina on Tuesday Carolina plays the game the Penguins want to play they're fast they're fast right and they get good goalie play and they're younger so they can do it the whole game while the just wear down throughout the game and we'll see we'll see who blinks first.
That's who he's spending time with on Tuesday night by the way. Who? His his hockey Jesus buddies. Yeah my hockey Jesus buddies. The Carolina Hurricanes. No no he's doing Bible studies. No. No. I'm studying the real Jesus.
Yeah but you got a hockey game to watch too. So it's all there's real see David's right. I mean LaTang did look look tired in their loss Dave and that and and he's going to because he just can't play as many minutes as he used to. Which is why I'm I'm glad Pederson's up there instead of Dumlin because Dublin looked tired after the first three games.
I'm I'm I'm glad they got him off the line and have him won that third line with Ruda. Um that was a smart move to you know to do something. And you know what? POJ's probably going to have to step it up at some point. I I think they call him PO Joseph now but I'm still going to call him POJ. Um well I think it's important that that you know it's a long season and that we get some of the youth playing.
Thing about hockey is it's a one sport where you get in at the eighth seed they get hot you get a hot goalie anybody can win yes anything can happen oh by the way the two teams that are the hottest in NHL if anybody cares Boston Boston super hot and the Devils the Devils are playing yeah which is a surprise yeah well the reason the Devils are playing well once again is they they're getting Excellent goalie play.
I think their goalie is like number one in the league and goals against and they have a young team who's not afraid to just skate around. Right. And so they're skating really fast and they're letting the goalie make all the saves on the other. And eventually that's going to that's going to fall apart from them. Boston on the other hand I think are pretty solid team. But once again they're old too.
So they're going to falter later in the season. So it'll be interesting to see what happens here in the in the second the second quarter. The second 28% of the well I excited for our new segment. I love how he likes to just you know he gets tired of talking about stuff and then it's like we were talking we were talking about infusion of youth. That is true.
This is what's happening on a sports board. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and we are we are obviously what we discovered actually is that we're behind the times. We are. So you know whenever I watch an interview on television. These younger football player. I mean we're three guys. We've known each other 30 years. We're in our 50s. You know I'm watching these guys get interviews. **** We're in the NFLs.
Yeah. Yeah. We are. You made it.
Actually I made it better but you know I don't know what they're saying half the time. I have no idea. Do you have any idea? Like Julian's in her twenties. She hasn't even thought once about like you know dying yet. Yeah.
Wait a minute. We can't we can't look. We can't talk. She's in the green room. We can't talk. We can't we gotta bring her on this what we what we decided what we decided was that you know in order to better understand today's youth today's Up and coming sports star. It would be a really good idea if we understood the vernacular. Okay and that's a that's a big word there.
Big word.
You know what vernacular means? Yes. I'm joking. Of course she does. I know. Let's bring her in. Let's bring her in. College education. So we so we'd like to introduce our our vernacular specialist Julia to the Sports Porch. Welcome Julia. How you doing? Julia. Julia Remember to speak up Mary. Yes. Yeah. Yes and she is our expert so thank you for being here. Sure I'm glad to be here.
And we are going to call this segment right now because I I have a feeling this is going to be actually what we what we talk about. This going to be the question what the heck did she say? Ah. What the heck did she say? So. What the heck did she say? For those of you for those of you who are listening on American Busker iHeartRadio and watching us what's going to happen here is Julia is going to drop some knowledge on us about the language of youth and what's actually going on and I'm I'm going to let Julia take it from here.
So so how are you going to run this Julia? What's going to happen? How are you going to teach us? Well so I'd like to start off by saying that I I wouldn't classify myself as an expert in this. Okay. You know as a young person I know a little bit. But they the words they come and they go just as fast. So. That's right.
Okay. Who No wait. So we're going to take time to learn words that are just going to disappear. Well some will stay around. Okay. So we don't know which ones are going to stay. Yeah they stick. Alright alright. But you know just I mean I don't have a lot of time left. We're going to make sure I'm using my time wise. We're not going to hold you responsible if a word doesn't stick. Okay thank you. Yeah. Yeah.
So so how this is going to work is. I'm going to I'm going to give you a word and I'm going to let you take a guess on what you think it might mean. Okay. You could give like a definition or like put it in a sentence, whatever. Okay. Whatever you think. And then I'll give you I'll I won't tell you if you're right right away. Okay. But I'll give you a context sentence. Okay. Using the word in context.
Okay. And then you can use those clues to to pull the the meaning. Okay right. So then I'll keep score. Woo hoo. Okay. Of who who's picking up. And we've got five words and two bonus words. And there is a an outcome. The loser. Right. Amongst the three of us. Right. Does what? The wing challenge? The hot wing challenge. The hot wing challenge. So we will be going to Buffalo Wild Wings in Monroeville.
Just make it simple. In Monroeville. Yeah. At a later date. Mm hmm. And we will the loser here the oldest guy here in terms of the vernacular will have to take the wing challenge and going from least hottest to hottest. Right. Right? You're going to have to eat some really hot wings. Okay. Yeah. No matter what. Which will probably be painful. Okay. At some point. Yes. And that'll probably lead into some other problem.
Let's keep this thing going. Some lasting effects. Yes. There will be some lasting effects. Okay. Take it away Julia. Uh first word. Alright. Word number one.
Chewy. Oh boy. Uh Oh god. Oh it sounds like a mix between vodka. Who's going to go first? How do you spell it? Okay. C H C U G Y. C H E U G Y. Whoo. Chugi. I have no idea. Where you going to make a guess? I'm going to I'm going to go ahead. I'll I'll say that it's I'm going to say it's going to be something. Oh wait did I say U? I meant what is not W. Yes. I'll I'll change it. Yeah. What is it? Oh. Oh. It's instead of the W it's a U. Oh my fault. That's okay. Wait let's hear it in a sentence. Yeah let's hear it. We need to hear the sentence.
Alright. Wearing skinny jeans in twenty 22 is Chugi.
Ooh. Okay so I think Chugi means I know. I I got an idea. Like that's so yesterday. That's what that's what I got. What do you got? She kind of gave it away. I did and I didn't I didn't mean to do that. That's so yes. Yeah, we can't do the sentence, right? I think we can't do the sentence. No, you think we just gotta guess. Okay. No, no, no, I like the sentence. She she she's just going to not. She'll just say. Sorry. Okay, that's your guess. Yeah. Right. She's excited that she was excited that I got. Yeah. Well, that's why we have bonus.
Sorry. Alright. We'll just take that out and throw in a bonus.
Word one is Chewy so we're all. That was a warm up. Okay, warm up. I like it. Yeah. It's a warm up. I like it. I like the warm up. Okay. Okay. Uh Go ahead. Alright. I think this next one you guys will probably be able to get situationship.
Situationship. Situation. It's one word. Yeah I think I got it. I think it's like you're not quite in a relationship.
But like it it could be or could not be. You're just you're just trying to figure out like what are we? Like what's the situation? Okay. That's me. Yeah. Would you like to go next? That makes too much sense to me. What? What I said? Yeah. Come up with your own thoughts. Yeah. But what if my thoughts are your thoughts? They could be.
You could say dino. Have your own thoughts. Dino. Dino. I think it's the same. That's ridiculous. Yeah. Why would you think? You know what? I think it's more like I think it's like something that you got yourself involved in and you don't know how to get out of it. Ooh that's a good now you're using your brain cells. Thank you. It's been a while.
I think I think I think more like Mark. I think it's more like where you are interested in a girl and something happened some situation happened and then you're not sure if that took it to the next level or if it's just you're still friends. Could you spreadsheet that for me? No. Okay. Alright. Alright. So, what does it mean? So, to be honest you guys all kind of hit it on the mark.
Whoo. In your like because it it it spreads. You know but let me give you my my example. Okay. Okay. Okay. So this is my example. Jenny and Kyle they're in a they're in a situationship. Jenny doesn't really love Kyle and Kyle doesn't take Jenny on dates and she wouldn't want to date him exclusively but when she saw Kyle flirting with another girl at the club Jenny her mind and they had a huge fight but two days later, Jenny tells her mom, Jenny and Kyle are talking again.
Mm hmm. And Jenny tells her mom about Kyle but would never bring Kyle home to meet her. Ooh. Oh. So, it's kind of one of those things where like usually, if you can foresee yourself wanting to date someone, you're like, you know, but if you're in a situationship, you're like really on the fence. Right. And the chances of it proceeding further are slip.
It's kind of more like a booty call and you don't want your booty call to have someone else's booty call. Yeah.
To put it in ninety.
That's in nineties. That was the nice way. That was actually like the nice way of putting it in nineties terms.
No, I think he got it. I think he was he was based on. Okay. Alright. One zero0. Okay. Alright. So, word number three. Alright.
She ate.
She ate. Is that two words? So it's two words. Like she ate. She ate. Okay. Like so A T E. Yes. Okay so yeah we gotta do it with Alpha Satin first. Yeah yeah. So just about the same. She ate. Okay. She ate. I'm going to say like it means like like like she like kind of like she ate that man like like she like she tore it up. Like she just like she nailed that man. That's that's where I'm going.
That's where I'm going.
I want you to guess. I want you to guess. You want me to guess? I don't want to guess. Okay so she she ate for me means like she was at the club right? She's scared. She she saw she saw a guy there. Yeah. Right? And she just she just went for it. She just like she she just totally went for it. She was into this guy. She sucked his face. You know maybe did some things in the bathroom that she shouldn't but she ate. I like I like yours better than mine. But who knows? That's where I'm going. Maybe I'm right. That's where I'm going. What was yours? I I totally got it.
You you gotta give your own answers.
I think she got hungry and she went to McDonald's.
There you go. She ate. There you go. She ate. She ate. She ate. Alright. We we could be oh for three. They're probably oh for three. What do we got? Do you want me to give the sentence or tell you who I think won? Go ahead. No. No. Give the sentence. We want to know who won. Well, but did Tyler want to hear the sentence? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, I'll give you the sentence. Cuz it'll confirm. Damn. Did you see Becky's Halloween costume? She ate that **** up.
Mm. Schwabber wings again. Sound like Mark like the whole time.
Yeah. Alright. Well. I do like I do like watching immature television. That's true. So that's very true. Alright. Alright Mark. Number four.
Yeah and you're like that was yeah like that's too. Yeah. Oh you got that. You got the hand movements now. Yeah. Yeah. That was funny. Alright. Number four. Alright. This one is another phrase. Bad for the brand.
Bad for the brand. Okay. Um do I guess I I just keep going because I'm like the winner goes first. No no let's how about Steve go first this time. Okay. Okay. Or I'll go for well no you go first. You can go first. I don't I don't I mean you're Calvin Klein. Bad for the brand. Yeah. Sounds like yeah. Um Yeah. For you. Yeah. You know what? I think I think that's more something like you know like you when you go let's say let's say you're who is that Kyle and and what was the example you had? Oh Kyle and Jenny. Okay so like real people.
Let's I know they're not real people.
So Kyle and Jenny like Jenny sees Kyle flirting with another and she goes she goes bad **** in the club. That's bad for the brand. Okay. It doesn't make her she doesn't look too good. That's bad for the brand. That's what that's what thing it is for real. Okay. Like like they would say like you know she's acting a certain way. That's bad for the brand. Okay. Yeah I think bad for the brand for me means like you have a certain persona.
And let's say that let's say that that persona is like I don't go out and you know I I'm not I'm I'm not an outgoing person but then something happens and then you go crazy. Somebody would be like man that was that was really bad for the brand for that guy. I'm kind of along you guys but I'm going to kind of make it a little simpler. I'm just going to say it sort of means like something is uncool. Like so like you know like Maybe like you're wearing something and it's just like yo just check out what she's wearing for the brand yo.
Uh I think he does.
Alright. So, let's do it. Alright, what's the so so my example sentence, your guys' examples might actually been better than mine. Oh. But I said, going to Target in my house lounge clothes and no makeup just just to walk through the doors and see five people I know off the bat that I used to know is bad for the brain. That's clothing.
That's him all the way. Clothing.
You could choose another winner. Well, to be honest, you kind of had it more on the dot because like, I mean, you all kind of did because it can be different things like if I were to go out and wear oh I don't know. Something that's not typically what I would wear that doesn't like isn't very mean. That would be bad for the brand. Yeah. Or like something that was like offensive. You know what I mean? Okay. That would be bad for the brand. But like your example with Kyle and Jenny that Jenny losing her **** at the club.
Yeah like that's bad for the brand.
So he gets it. That's all I want. So what two one zero? Yep. Yep. Oh. Bring all those wings. This is good. I think she kind of gave you a lifeline. Yeah.
She's there is no there is yeah no playing favorites around here. Trust me.
Alright. Number 5. Number 5. Another phrase. It's giving.
It apostrophe S. Correct. It's giving. Is it that's two words? It's giving.
Go for it. You go for it. It's giving. Ooh.
No idea no idea it's giving yeah hey it's giving like It's giving. It's giving. Hey. It's giving.
Yeah. It's giving. It's giving. I almost want to hear the sentence before I guess. You can't. No you can't. We we decided that's illegal. It's giving.
I've I've no idea. Give it away.
I'm going to say it kind of like relates to being charitable in some way. Like you know like yeah like hey did you hear what she did? Like she she she was doing that feeding the homeless stuff man. Man it's given man.
No idea. Yeah. I love how he he likes he likes CJ really get into. Maybe you need to she's straight up giving yo. Yeah. See give. How about a little backup rap for us? There you go. You know every show. Every show. I have no idea. It's giving. Oh God. I I would I I think it's something where if somebody is if somebody is going over the top.
They're like they're like it's like it's totally over the top. Like they they walk in and they they walk in. They walk into a restaurant. They walk into a Bob Evans family breakfast and they're wearing their they're wearing their prom gown. It's giving. Like it's giving. You know? That's my guess. Alright. That's my guess. I don't know if that's it but maybe like materialistic. Like she Straight up giving, you know? Yeah.
I keep saying yo.
God. Alright. Come on. You have to be able to come up with something. Alright. So, I I'm I'm thinking a lot more along the line of Chris with this one like but I think it's like it's so it it's just it's just so great like they did something that's so wonderful and it's just like somebody recognized it. Yeah. Whatever that thing is and somebody's just like, yo, that's it's given. That's all. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Alright, you guys.
I'll give you my sentence. Alright.
So me carrying in all the groceries from the car. All of them. It's giving Arnold Schwarzenegger.
So like me. Okay. Like it's giving so like the persona. Right right right. Kind of. Or like you know so like you said you said like you walk into Bob Evans with your prom dress. You could be like it's giving like oscentacious like. Okay. So you can like use like you use a word to follow it up. But mine was like terrible. I know but that's just like groceries is terrible. So like you could say like she don't like she did all that. It's it's giving philanthropy. Yeah. Or somebody was going crazy cooking in the kitchen and like man it's given emerald in there.
Yeah right right.
Yeah yeah yeah. So in other words who was the closest? Was he the closest? I'd say. Yeah okay. Maybe. Alright. Cuz I can be like it's given it's I think we all get zeros on. Yeah okay.
I mean it's she gets the final word. Yeah I'll say. I'll yeah it's him. I'll give it to him. So two two zero. Yeah. Now these two next ones I'm excited. This is the this is this is your chance. I need the bonus. Oh and then we have to have like a tie breaker. We all have to eat this. Yeah okay that's a great idea.
Absolutely. Alright.
Bonus word number six. Okay.
R I Z Z.
Riz. Yeah. And to be fair I actually had to call my friends and confirm. Okay. Confirm this one. Confirm that Riz.
Riz. That's so Riz.
Huh. Riz. I'm going to I'm going to try this one. Okay. I think Riz means like straight to the top. Like that's Riz. Like that just goes zoom right to the top. It's Riz. Not bad. That's what I'm going with.
Riz. To play off a rise. And we don't know if it's a verb, a noun, or an adjective at all. Riz. Nope. Yeah. That's okay. I'm I'm I'm Riz Riz. We the the Alright I think go ahead. Go ahead. You go ahead and do yours. I got it. I want you to be like it's like she took it and ran with it. Like hey man like she just rizzed that.
Like nailed it. Yeah. Right. She just. Yeah. Okay. She went Riz with that. That was crazy.
Yo. Chill. Yo.
Uh I I I'm I'm going to say it's she's got no Riz. She's got you know like she doesn't have. Yeah. Like like she's got somebody that walks in and into the room and says something really stupid off the wall like totally inappropriate. She's got no Riz.
Riz man. Yeah. Yes. That **** is Riz. She got no no no no. But it's more like she's got no Riz. Yeah. Okay. Okay so I'd say you guys are statistic to the sports statistics. Alright thank you. Cuz we totally get that one right. We have no idea.
Right. I knew okay so Chad has been trying to get a homecoming date all year but the kid has no Riz. No game. No. He's got no game. What did I say? Uh I said he's got game. I said he's got games. Well that's the opposite. Yeah no. That's the opposite. No it's not the same. Well like Riz no yeah I don't win. Like Riz means like you can you can pull **** You got game.
You know. Yeah.
Huh. Yeah and I was saying the opposites. I was wrong. Yeah. Nobody got it. No no. We missed the mark. We weren't that far off though if you think about it. You know what I mean? Like she said something improve and she's got no Riz. Yeah. Uh We blew it. Alright. What's the last one? Yeah. We don't want to overdo it. You're losing the you're losing the wing. I'm eating the wings. Unless maybe what we'll do. The bonus is worth two. So you can either tie us or one of us wins. That's right.
Unless we both. Does that work? Yeah. Alright. Alright. Alright.
Last one. Simp. S I M P. I think I think I know. I think I actually know. Yeah. Me too.
Somebody's really dumb. They're a simp.
Like they're a Simpleton. Yeah. Yeah. Like they're like yeah like stupid. Yeah. You know. Or like they did something stupid. Yeah. Or they're just. That was real sick. There's like nothing special about them. They're just like eh.
What do you got? I got nothing. Like I I think that's exactly what it is.
Which means that there's no way that's what it is.
Probably not. But you know sports sports guys. I gotta figure this one out. Hold on. You got. Simp. 2 cents. Simp. Three. Two. Simp. I I think I think that's another way of calling somebody an **** I think you're wrong.
I'm just guessing. Hey. Okay. Alright. What is it? Alright.
I can't believe Dan man. Ever since he started seeing Chelsea he's such a simp.
Whip like a weak **** Yeah. Like a weak **** Whipped. Yeah. Whipped. Okay. Yeah. So it's like you'll do anything for your girl's attention and affection. Ah.
So it's more like a playoff and yeah.
So we're all yeah. We're all wrong. You guys. We're wrong again. We're we're bad on the bonus. So so Steve. Steve's the big loser. Steve is the big loser. That was a lot of fun. That was a lot. That was painful. I was it was very painful. And and for me that was a little painful. Yeah. I think that was for me too. Yeah. I think we need to cut that down to like three words.
Uh yeah we could do that.
I could keep going. Of course you could. I could keep going. Yeah I know. Cuz you got nothing better than. Yeah. I feel like I'm in like you know I'm in like a coming of age moo hearing like just acting. Yeah. Right. Saying like that's what's up **** Yeah. Yo Oh my god. We got a comment coming in here and then we'll and then we'll wrap things up. Uh Deeji says you guys are hilarious with your guesses of course but you know what? From now on, Julia will be known as in the she can pick her her her moniker if she wants but she's the word master.
She definitely word master or the wordsmith. Wordsmith whatever you want. I like it. Next time you're on, you can you can change your name. Wordsmith, word, whatever. Okay. And there's plenty of words out there. Yeah but we didn't even get the bottle. There's a lot.
I thought Bussin was coming. Well I'm glad you wouldn't already known. I tried to pick ones that like that we wouldn't know. That are most commonly used. Right. Cuz like some of those they're a little they're a little busing's kind of out now. They're a little chewy. Yeah. Simp. I'm going to use Simp with my kids this week. And maybe don't be a simp. Yeah. Don't be a simp.
But how can that apply if if like you said the simp is like he's whipped. You know with his could say that to his son. Yeah I could say it to my son. Hey don't be such a simp. Yeah. About your girlfriend. Right right. Yeah and he would would he be offended by that if he's telling him you know. Put on the boot. Put on the boots.
Let's trap him on. That's right. Don't be a simp. Get your balls out of him. Like he's like I'm not sure what's going on. Yeah. Right. This you know thing with this girl. Don't be a simp. Yeah. Alright. We're coming up on a we're coming up on an hour here guys. Ray gets a comment and he feels like he's actually learning. I'm definitely learned nothing. That is why we'd be educated.
Yeah. I've learned eat wings. That's right. That's what we do here. We educate. Yeah. Make people better. You know and who's going to pay for these wings? I think he's gotta pay for him. Sure. That's the whole point of losing. Sounds good to me. Yeah and that's good to me. That's what we want. Yeah we'll just get like nice mild. Yeah and then you know like crazy. Watch him.
Here I'm I'm going to use it in a text now. No because my they're complaining about I'm going to use it wrong. They're my my family is complaining about having a head cold. I'm going to say don't a simp. Oh, that'll be. Yeah, it kind of goes hand in hand. Like a wimp. Like kind of wimp. Like you're wimpy. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Alright. Well, thank you so much Julia. Wordsmith Julia did a great job.
Yeah, we appreciate it. Absolutely. And we will have you back on. Hey, if you want to come back and eat wings with me. We'll get your your favorite flavor. You don't have to eat the hot one. Yeah, we'll have we'll maybe we'll have Julia will come and she will she will serve you there. She will serve you and judge the wing eating. She will decide whether or not you've actually eaten them.
Right. You know. Can you can you no you you will definitely know I with that? Yeah. When I start gagging and choking you'll know I'll be eating and and she could throw you know what we can do this whole thing we'll talk about it later where like he eats a wing and then if it's getting too hot and she has a word he can guess the word if he guesses the word he can skip that one.
There's a lot that we can do. There's so much that we can do. So once again guys I'm looking forward to that. Thanks for listening on American Busker iHeartRadio. Hi 50 million registered users, 2000 devices, 260 platforms. Wanna thank you guys for being here. Once again, want to thank Julia for educating us. Thank you so much Julia. Uh we hope you all have a great week and while I fire up that music, I always have problems with that guys.
Wanna fire up that music and say, you know, here we go. Let's go Steelers. Let's go Steelers. Here we go. Alright, guys. Have a great week.
Peace out.
Deuces. That's that's cooler. I want to get I wanted to get I wanted to get DG's comment in there.