Sports Porch Black And Gold - The Penguins and The Pirates are both LOST
The Pirates tread water with great pitching and terrible hitting.
The Penguins make questionable moves at the start of NHL Free Agency
The Steelers.... well we just can't wait.
Trader Joes Snack Time
What We Are Watching
It's all here on the OG Porch...
The Pirates tread water with great pitching and terrible hitting.
The Penguins make questionable moves at the start of NHL Free Agency
The Steelers.... well we just can't wait.
Trader Joes Snack Time
What We Are Watching
It's all here on the OG Porch - The Sports Porch
Horchata Ice Cream, Penguins Trades, and Stump the Yinzer!
Hey there, sports fans!
I hope you're ready for another exciting episode of the Sports Porch podcast! We had a blast recording this one, and I can't wait for you to listen in.
In this episode, we covered a range of topics, from the latest Penguins trades to our thoughts on the Pirates' performance. We even had a fun segment where we sampled Trader Joe's Horchata Ice Cream - a creamy and sweet Latin American-inspired treat that you won't want to miss!
We also put Hockey Jesus to the test with a challenging Yinzer trivia question about the first American-born NHL player to reach a thousand points. Can you guess who it was?
So grab your favorite snack, kick back, and tune in to the latest episode of the Sports Porch podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And don't forget to check out our YouTube channel for more sports content!
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Let's make it a great show, fellas. All right, let's do it. Wow.
null: Incredible.
SPEAKER_00: Here we are live, live on the actual porch. We are back on the porch.
Chris: Yes, all over the world on Facebook, LinkedIn X, the fantasy alpha crowd is in the house again, and we are on Instagram right now. Thank you for being here. We are so excited. We do drop the podcast right after the show on the iHeartRadio app. And of course, I'm going to put a comment in there. You can listen to us live anytime on our sister station, on our radio station, radio PGH. By the way, guys, the sports sports black and gold airs on radio PGH every morning at 9 a.m. and every night at 11 p.m. I like it. You can catch the show again in case if you're in your car. You know, just pull up that sports porch or that radio PGH stream and you're good to go.
SPEAKER_00: I like it a lot. When you wake up and when you go to bed. That's right.
Marc: That's the first thing you want to hear in the morning and the last thing you want to hear before you put your head on that pillow. That's right. Your voice.
Chris: All right, guys. Welcome here. Back again. We are in the dead zone. Of course, we've talked about this for years, but we do have a lot of things to talk about. We're going to talk about the Penguins moves in Free Agency. We're going to talk a little bit about the Steelers. We're going to talk, of course, about the Pirates, what's going on with them, which seems impossible. Then we have our Trader Joe's snack time. My wife's going to bring out the snack time. What we're watching, we have a lot of fun. But first, First, what I want to do is I want to present the first sports porch collectible. Uh-oh. Here it is. Uh-oh. The Broderick Jones. I called it.
Marc: I called it.
SPEAKER_02: I called it.
Marc: Broderick Jones. Very nice. Yes. That is sweet. Yes.
SPEAKER_00: It is massive.
Marc: Very nice. Yes. Yes big man.
SPEAKER_00: I like the offensive line shoulder. Yeah, like it's got the elastic on it Yep, love it.
Chris: Yep. It's on it's the authentic and I got this at the Carly car car Brandon shorts Carly short for a better tomorrow foundation, right? gala that Brandon so graciously invited us to, and his PR person, Kerry Ford of Kerry Ford PR. But it was a great event, raised a lot of money, and yeah, was able to get the Brandon Short, or the Brandon Short jersey, was able to get the Broderick Jones jersey. So we will frame that, put it in the studio. I thought about trying it on, but then I was like, I don't want to ruin it.
SPEAKER_00: Does that now make… It said small. It won't fit you. Yeah, I know.
Marc: Does that now make Broderick Jones your favorite stealer? No. No.
SPEAKER_00: Well, you know, I'm a big Broderick Jones fan.
Chris: Yes, you is. Steve is. I did it for Steve. I would never do anything for you.
SPEAKER_00: Well, he might, but we couldn't talk about it on the radio.
Chris: so the broderick jones jersey um anyway that that was a fun event uh it was great so moving on moving on in true bucko fashion the pirates steal two from the braves every time they play the braves i say this they're gonna they're gonna win two out of three and they do um congratulations to aroldis chapman i mean really well they only took two from the braves when they were at home but when they went to atlanta they lost two Yeah, of course. I know you're right, but but still um, auralis chapman sets the major league record most strikeouts by a left-handed reliever I mean, I don't know how important that record really is And and and and it's one of those things where wow, he said it as a pirate. What was the best ever at it?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I guess Yeah, steve carlton was a left-handed. Yeah, right. But yeah, but not a reliever. Yeah, not a really. Oh, is it a reliever? I don't know what best reliever was there auralis chapman, I guess
Marc: Yeah, who else was a left-handed reliever? Billy Wagner? I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I don't know very many.
Chris: Not a lot of them. No. Yeah, so maybe he's like the only one because he's the only one.
Marc: I think Billy Wagner had like maybe close to 300 saves.
Chris: Yeah, yeah, no, strikeouts, strikeouts. Yeah, it's strikeouts, but… It was on Raul Descamps and set the strikeout record. As a reliever. Yeah, in a pirate's uniform. I would say that is neither here nor there. It is neither here nor there.
SPEAKER_00: It's one of those things we would call a useless statistic.
Marc: Right, but what is here and there is that the pirates are now becoming a team that ruins every Paul Skeen start. Yeah, that is exactly right. He just pitches great and they can't win because they don't score. No.
SPEAKER_00: Well, they score one run. One run. Yeah.
Chris: Yeah. Yeah. And it's incredibly frustrating. They're 40 and 43. They're nine and a half games in back in Milwaukee. Their run differential is negative 34. That's bad. As far as the wild card standings, we love to focus on this all the time right now.
SPEAKER_00: They're like seven games back.
Chris: No, no, no, that's of Milwaukee. They're three games out of the wild card. But how many are in front of them? So is San Francisco. The Diamondbacks are two and a half out. The Mets are two out. Then you have St. Louis, San Diego and Atlanta in the wildcard spot. So it's 16. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And, you know, they have what was at the time that I saw this statistic, the second worst lineup in baseball. And Brian Reynolds' hit streak ended. You know, yes, yesterday, Cruz hit a two-run homer, and I guess so did Tellez. But, I mean, we got to go back to the fact that they are, and you said it, Schwaber, they are wasting an incredible year for not only jared jones well not only paul skeens but for jared jones and and and really if you think about it for mitch keller i mean it's just you know we we've we've got three of the better if not best starting pitchers in the national league um even bailey falter you know for all his faults has had a good year for the pirates you know his record doesn't reflect it he's a he's a half season pitcher i know you talk about that every week and he probably is but they are wasting these, this great pitching performance. And they're in a situation now where we talked about this last week, we're still talking about the prospects in the system and what are they going to do at the trade deadline? And everybody knows they're not going to, if they do anything, which they always do something, but if they do anything, it's not going to be anything. You know, it's going to be, it's going to, there's not going to be a lot of sellers out there anyway, because San Francisco is a real team.
Marc: So you said if, if they do something, it's not going to be anything. Right.
Chris: Explain that. I mean, I don't think you have to think very hard.
SPEAKER_00: They won't go get Vlad Guerrero. Right. Right. There's no way there was some clickbait that of course I had to do. Yeah. And it wasn't available. It said it was a pirate's clickbait. Of course. I'm like, okay, what's this guy's idea? Well, I think it would be great if they went to get Vlad Guerrero Jr. Yeah.
Chris: Well, I think it, I think it would be great if they went to get Shohei Ohtani. Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: This is, this is the brutal, he's only 20 million.
Chris: He is affordable, right? He, and that's the thing. It's not that the pirates don't have the money yet. Yeah. It's, it's not like the pirates organization does not have the money. They have the cash. Yeah. In spite of the fact that they have among the lowest attendance records in baseball for the last, I don't know, 10 years, they have the cash, but they won't do it. And I guess the sports media in this town has to fill up the airtime with something when the Steelers aren't playing. And yeah, we got a faux Major League Baseball team in town with a really pretty ballpark. So let's talk about all the people in the minor leagues that should be playing and Let's get people to call in and get really mad that Bubba Chandler isn't up here and Gorski isn't up here and Jiwon Bae isn't up here and look at the lineup. Man, look at the lineup. It's unreal, the batting averages. I mean, look, we're mostly old school here. We're mostly old school. So yeah, we can look at analytics. We can look at war. I love that wins above replacement Who the hell cares? Okay, I don't care what your wins above replacement are if you're batting 350 you're in my lineup You know, I mean give me a break or or for the for the for the pirates if you're batting 275 that would be an incredible batting Right. That would be that would be a ridiculous thing. And Marvin Hamilton chimes in on Facebook and says they don't want to win a championship. Marvin, you're right. You know, but as as an owner and you could be right, Marvin, absolutely. He could be right. But I find it hard to believe that as the owner of a major league franchise, you would not want to put on your shelf A trophy. I mean, seriously. Well, some people don't.
SPEAKER_00: They don't want to pay for it.
Marc: Some people don't. They just want to make millions. And it's just like, you know, the Pirates to him are just like Wiggle Whiskey is to him.
SPEAKER_00: Right. It's just a commodity.
Chris: It's just a commodity that makes him money. And didn't he buy a cider company, a hard cider company, too? I mean, I could be… Arsenal, yeah. Yeah, Arsenal Cider. Yep. Yep. Sorghals. Maybe he'll want to buy the Sports Porch.
SPEAKER_00: I mean, if this guy's into buying Pittsburgh stuff… I think if he's listening to us, he's not interested. Right. Unless he wants to just eliminate us. Well, either that or… We probably could be eliminated for a lot cheaper. For a lot less.
Chris: Yeah, than what he paid for Wiggle Whiskey. Yeah. Or he'll just force us to start talking about Matt Gorski and G1 Bay. and how great it'll be when they come back up. And Henry Davis, another bust.
SPEAKER_00: We're all in agreeance that they are not going to go get a bath.
Chris: There's another, there's another new Steve word. Agreeance. Is that a new word?
SPEAKER_00: Agreeance is a word, Chris. You're welcome, Martin. Is agreeance a word? You can use your dictionary.
Marc: I think it's A-G-R-E-E-A-N-C-E.
Chris: Thank you, Mr. Dictionary.
SPEAKER_00: But you're welcome if it's not a word. But they're not going to, so why beat a dead horse? Let's just move on to the next subject because the pirates are a dead commodity in this town. I know people want to talk still, they still want to talk about the pirates because Their pitching is top notch. I mean, skeins is unreal, right? Yeah. But this is the month where they're either going to put it together or fall apart. They play. They play St. Louis twice this month. They play the Phillies. They play all the good teams this month. They play. They play the Milwaukee Brewers. So if they can win those series, then OK. I'll say, oh, they're doing good. They should go get a bat anyways. But they won't win most of those series. And on top of that, that will give them the fuel to not want to go get a bat and maybe even let one go.
Marc: I don't know. Another Pittsburgh related thing to comment on that doesn't have to actually do with the baseball team, per se, What do you guys think of the City Connect jerseys? I thought they were kind of weak.
SPEAKER_00: Dude, the City Connect jerseys across the board are horrible.
Chris: Well, they rolled those jerseys out last year.
Marc: Yeah, most of them are bad. I heard they're calling the Phillies ones, the Phillies players are calling them, it's a softball team jersey.
SPEAKER_00: We're playing our softball.
Marc: But I was just I was looking at the Pittsburgh one. It's just a big P.I.T. and it's just all yellow. And it's a P.G.H.
SPEAKER_00: Oh yeah. P.G.H. OK.
Marc: And it's like well what like what is this even like that couldn't get more creative than that. Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: No, they can't. And they're they're they're meant to be very just specific. Like it has the city name on it. Right. And that's all they really want to do. Now, in the case of the Phillies, I don't know what they did with those colors, like what was going on with that. But it's supposed to be representative of the city. Right. So I guess Philly's a little bit more flashy than Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh's just black and yellow and has a PGH and that's it.
Chris: Well, what's the whole idea behind City Connect? I mean, isn't the fact that the ballpark is in the city? Well, right. It's just about selling more jerseys.
SPEAKER_00: That's all it is. And Major League Baseball, like, has a weekend that they only wear their City Connect jerseys all across Major League Baseball. That's it.
Marc: Yeah, I think it's every home Friday night for the Phillies is the City Connect game.
Chris: How do you guys feel about Sheetz? I think they're terrible. I do too. How do you guys feel about Sheetz sponsoring the Pirates now with the little Sheetz patch? Yeah, you didn't hear that?
SPEAKER_00: Hey, as long as Nutting's getting more money, why do we care?
Chris: That makes you happy?
SPEAKER_00: Well, I mean, it's just more money for him to put in his pocket. I mean, good for him.
Marc: When I think of Sheetz, Years ago, Amy and I were driving up to see a Penn State game at Nittany Lion Field or whatever they call it.
Chris: Beaver Stadium, Happy Valley. Nittany Lion Field. Big Penn State fan here.
Marc: And we were in this like slow bumper-to-bumper traffic going into Penn State, and there was a big Sheetz, you know, tanker there, and they were advertising a new sandwich. Yeah. Oh yeah. And it was called the barbecue! And so after I saw that for a while, every time we thought about Sheetz, we'd be like, you want to get a barbecue? It was spelled like barbecue and then like you you get one.
Chris: No, I just want you to say it one more time. The barbecue. That's how we're going to say barbecue from now on.
SPEAKER_00: Well, I mean, we are going to be doing that this week. It is the 4th of July. Oh, yeah. Oh, by the way, happy birthday, America. Yes.
Marc: Happy birthday, America. Happy birthday. Get your flags out. Look, he still does it to this day, Amy May says.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, well, you just did it for us like four times. Our ears will never be
Chris: The first official Chris Chada on Instagram says, I went to Penn State sucks and isn't City Connect like color rush in the NFL? I guess.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, it's kind of we should have thought of that. Now, we're just not smart enough.
Chris: Marvin Hamilton on Facebook does have a baseball related question. Do you guys think some of it is coaching? Well, it's hard to tell. Well, the short answer for me is yes. I don't like Derek Shelton as a coach. It's hard to tell when you don't have a full length major league lineup, when you, when you have a bunch of guys that belong in the minor leagues and haven't worked their way out of the minor leagues yet. And that's all you have to choose from. So it's, it's really tough. If he had guys on there that were batting, you know, the major league average batting two 50 to 60 to 70, maybe one guy on there that, that, that would maybe hit two 90 and is capable of 40 home runs every year. and their pitching staff is the way it was, is the way it is, and they're losing ball games, then it would be really easy to find the culprit. It would probably be the way the manager is handling the club. But I don't know. But when it comes to hitting, a lot of people go down the road of the hitting coach needs to go. Well, Derek Shelton was a hitting coach. So yeah, I think a lot of it is coaching. But I also think, I also think there's a lot of it is that the talent level is, it's just not there.
SPEAKER_00: I think the coaching is equivalent to the talent level. It's both minor league. So therefore that's what you're going to get. Exactly. Minor league coaching with a minor league baseball team. And I agree with your thoughts on the hitting. When you get to the, after the sixth position or even the sixth position, you're going to get out. Like even if you have three guys on and no outs, the chances of you scoring run are pretty low.
Chris: Unless you're the Braves who's seven, eight, nine hitters hit 20 home runs.
SPEAKER_00: Right. Exactly.
Chris: Right. Um, and Chris Chada also, he observes that Shelton seems very highly regarded when he listens to opponents radio broadcasts on the MLB app. They're always heaping praise on him, but I just don't see it.
SPEAKER_00: I don't think none of them
Marc: Well, the only reason that is, the only reason that is, is because everybody looks at the team and sees how devoid of talent they are outside of their three starting pitchers and thinks, wow, they're 40 and 43? The manager must be doing a good job.
Chris: That's what people think. That's the side of the coin that you could say says, he's doing a good job with what he's been given, you know, it's, you could say it's hard to, well, it's really hard to argue against that. That's why I, I have a very mixed, uh, I have very mixed feelings about Derek Shelton so far. I, I, I really wish, what everybody else wishes that the Pirates would give him some good players. And then let's see what he can do.
SPEAKER_00: Because, you know, the pitching staff is doing great. I still think they make too many blunders. Like, yes. How can you how can you make the first out of third base? Yeah. How can you have a guy hit a leadoff triple? You're welcome. And not score like those are some of the basics. Like as a as a coach of a major league baseball team, That should never happen. You should never get your first out of third base that you that should never happen, right? The players should know if that happens they're going to be benched even if they're Brian Reynolds and he has a He has a 25 game hitting streak, but he doesn't coach like that So that's that's my problem with Sheldon is it's just the fundamentals. He's just not good at teaching The guys can't even freaking slide the guy slid into home plate and he didn't touch didn't touch home plate and he was out Like, how can you how O'Neal Cruz last year got hurt sliding? Yeah, that was a horrible slide. We talked about that all last year. These are basics for a major league baseball coach to teach to make sure his players know how to do it. You do it once you see them. They do it in training camp. OK, they can slide. Now we can go on with the rest of it. But when they can't slide, they need to practice sliding. But he just doesn't do that. And that's my problem with Sheldon, the basics. Yes. Learn the basics, teach the basics, have a good fundamental team. And that's not what the pyres have ever been underneath him.
Chris: Yeah. And the other side of the basics is you've got a team that is not a power hitting team and they're not a contact hitting team, but you've got a pitching staff that is really good. So play small ball.
Marc: So if you're not a power hitting team and you're not a contact hitting team, would you say you're a non contact hitting team? Yes.
Chris: No, I would call you the Pittsburgh Pirates. That's right. I would say you're the Pittsburgh Pirates. OK, a couple more things on baseball, then we're going to move on. Henry Davis, is he a bust?
SPEAKER_00: Bust.
Marc: Probably. Yeah. I mean, I'm not going to completely write him off. He hasn't played a full season in the majors.
SPEAKER_00: I think I don't think he will. He's a total. Yeah, he might be.
Chris: Yeah. I think Andy Rodriguez, we have no idea.
Marc: But when he was up here, they probably screwed him up by not playing him a catcher to begin with.
SPEAKER_00: Exactly. I agree. I think they screwed around with them and messed with his psyche. He's never going to get it back.
Chris: I don't think so. Uh, O'Neal Cruz now sitting at 99 strikeouts for the year and we're not even at the all-star break.
Marc: 99, 22 walks. Is, is going to hit 25 home runs though probably. He's got 12.
Chris: Right. Is he a bust? No. Jury's still out?
SPEAKER_00: No, he's not a bust.
Chris: Is he, is he as advertised?
SPEAKER_00: Uh, no, he's a little bit under the advertisement label just because he came up as this guy who is going to lead the team in a lot of things. And everybody knew he was going to strike out, but they expected more power and better in the field, not just exit velocity and his throwing velocity. That seems to be the best thing he is at, which is not enough to be a leader on the team. But I think he's a good player, but when you are surrounded by bad players, that's why the heat.
Marc: He's also good for the position too because you know, there's not a ton of great short stops out there I can think of one Good Gunner Henderson.
Chris: There you go Will this team will this team back their way into the playoffs No, not this year.
SPEAKER_00: Absolutely not.
Marc: Yeah, is that really a question? Yeah
Chris: People, people are, people are really, they really want to know what we think about that. No. Um, I don't think so either. I don't think so.
SPEAKER_00: They just don't, they don't have a team yet. They're, they're, they've got the right pieces for a team. Yeah. They need about three more pieces until they actually are. Yeah. And they need to jettison some old. Yeah. And I think one of them will be the coach by the way. I don't think he's part of the team.
Chris: I, I, I tend to agree with you, uh, catch the sports sports podcast dropped after every show, right after the show, we're going to drop the sports sports podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you get your frigging podcasts. And of course you can follow us on YouTube at the sport at the sports sports podcast, uh, leave us a review, subscribe, all that good stuff. Um, official Chris Chada on Instagram. He, he has a question for hockey Jesus. Wow. It's a good thing I'm here. Hockey time, hockey time. He wants to know, will the Hockey Jesus be doing hockey podcasts in the off season, draft, trades, et cetera?
SPEAKER_00: But of course, I'll be doing one every, probably every week. This week, I have to do one because two things happened, the draft and free agency. And, uh, and we'll be talking a little bit about that tonight, Chris. Um, but I will have a more in depth one that will be hitting YouTube. Um, definitely by the weekend for sure. A hundred percent by the weekend. I'll look for that. Make sure you subscribe, hit that bell, and you'll get it as soon as it pops up.
Chris: Follow Hockey Jesus on YouTube at the Sports Sports Podcast.
SPEAKER_00: But if you stick around here tonight, I'm going to give you a little bit of a preview.
Chris: Yeah, and we're going to get there. But first of all, we have got to give some props to the Grand Schwabini over here to my right. Last week, the Grand Schwabini's prediction was the Florida Panthers will win Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals to bring the Cup to sunrise. And they sure did. And they did. And actually he predicted 3-1. Almost got the score. Are you going to have a prediction for us tonight, Grant Schwabini? Sure. Okay, are you going to think of one while we go through the rest of the show? You bet. Of course. You bet. That's the way it works. Yeah, yeah. So all credit to the great Grant Schwabini for predicting the outcome of that game.
Marc: By the way, how's the Grant Schwabini's prediction on Jack Sawinski looking?
Chris: It is looking pretty good. The Grant Schwabini predicted that Jack Sawinski would end the year under 200. He is currently batting a blistering 168. He's actually gotten worse.
SPEAKER_00: He was like 170.
Chris: Maybe you should predict that he'll get better and see what happens. I can only predict what the future holds. There you go.
SPEAKER_00: That's not something I feel really bad.
Marc: I actually feel a little partly responsible for the lack of run support for Paul Skeens lately. Yeah, I know.
SPEAKER_00: I mean, you cursed him too by saying less than 10 wins.
Chris: Yeah, I feel terrible. Seriously. He's pitching like he should win 20 games. Right, right, right. Yeah, it is a tragedy that, you know, he seems to, you said it earlier, he seems to be on this first pitch home run thing. Which is so weird. Yeah, and then he settles down and strikes out seven people and gives up maybe another run, but the Pirates in his first three starts, they scored like five or six runs when they can't score anything for him. Yeah, it's horrible. Um, so let's, let's talk about hockey right now because hockey Jesus does preach on the podcast after every single regular season Penguins game, you catch the hockey Jesus. He's sitting right across from me right now on the original porch. And, uh, during the Stanley cup playoffs and the Stanley cup final, he did the same thing. Um, of course, congratulations to the Florida Panthers. Uh, I was, we, we did our last show last Monday, right? uh, on the Greenfield porch. And then I stuck around and watched the rest of the game. He did.
SPEAKER_00: It was around to the end.
Chris: I stuck around until they were, well, you know, riding the cup on the ice. So lifting the cup over the ice, they weren't really riding the cup. I know that was accident.
SPEAKER_00: Maybe they weren't later in the night, but there was, yeah, there was definitely not something you televised guaranteed.
Chris: There was somebody riding that cup later that night. What do you think Schwab? Absolutely. There you go.
SPEAKER_00: Um, I did see Roberto Luongo eating spaghetti.
Chris: I think that's, I think that's actually, you know, one of the, one of the best things about one of the best things in pro sports is that Stanley cup and what they do with it afterwards.
Marc: You know what I actually did? I actually copied that when I used to be in charge of, you know, about 300 sales folks. Oh my god. We would have a competition and if you won the competition for the week, it was around Christmas time, so you would get the elf on the shelf. Yeah. And you got the elf on the shelf for a week and you had to take it with you somewhere and take a picture. People brought it out of state and all kinds of stuff. It's fun. On a plane.
Chris: It's fun. Should have got a mini Stanley Cup. Snorkeling in the Bahamas.
SPEAKER_00: I could see that. Chuck took it into the ocean.
Chris: Yeah. Did he? Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Dove right into the ocean with that thing.
Chris: You got to figure there's some things that have happened to the Stanley Cup that will never be revealed.
SPEAKER_00: Well, we all know the big penguin story is it ended up at the bottom of Mario Lemieux's pool. Yeah. Why? Well, because they had a big pool party and they literally Phil Bork threw it into the pool and right to the bottom it went and sank. I think it was there for a while.
Chris: They expected it to float.
SPEAKER_00: I mean, seriously, they were, I guess these are heavily inebriated.
Chris: Yes. Yes. Heavily inebriated. Well, what does God have for us today? Yes. What does, what does God's hockey son have for us today?
SPEAKER_00: Well, I think we should go over the new players that the penguins got first. Um, I don't really want to go over the draft just because look, here's the deal with the draft. If you're not picking in the first 10, you have no idea if these guys are ever going to play in the NHL, let alone how long it takes for them to play. Put it this way. In 2018, the Penguins drafted Philip Hallander. You know who that is? No, you don't because he's never played. In 2019, the Penguins drafted Sam Poulin. Do you know who he is? No.
Marc: Was it related to Dave Poulin? No.
SPEAKER_00: You could say that is that a friend of yours? But but He could he has played in five games for the Penguins and he has never scored by the way in that same year Jack Hughes Capo Caco and Alex Turcotte Were all drafted. Those are names. You probably know maybe not Turcotte Capo Caco. Yeah, Capo Caco. Yeah
Chris: Coppococco.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah. You know him, right? Yeah. New York Rangers? No. No. Okay. Is he still on that team? How about in 2018? Rasmus Delene? You know him? Mm-hmm. Sveshnikov from Carolina, who's no longer with them. Kotakiemi from the Montreal team. Are you sure you're pronouncing these names right? Yes. How about Brady Kachuk? Do you know him? Yeah. Yeah. He was drafted in 2018, but you got to be in the first five picks to be able to do anything.
Marc: And so, you know, other other way. Well, you can. But the thing is, is that some of these guys who are picked, they might not make the NHL for four or five years. Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: Well, and most of them don't. And the ones that do, they still are like third or fourth. They'll get a cup of coffee. Yeah. Or they'll be third or fourth line players. You won't know who they are. They'll be good, good hockey players. You won't. They won't become a household name like Trevor Zegers. Right. He was drafted number nine for the Ducks in twenty nine.
Chris: Where are we going with this?
SPEAKER_00: So my point is the draft is useless to even talk about because the penguins don't draft high enough to be able to draft good players that will make a damn in their league for the next two or three years or maybe never even ever.
Chris: Is make a damn the same as make a difference?
SPEAKER_00: No, make a dam is much worse. So I'd rather talk about what happened today. What happened today is the penguins finally got rid of Riley Smith. Yes. And here's the deal with Riley Smith. He's an excellent player. He just didn't want to play for us because he wanted to party in Vegas with all his friends last year. And he got he basically got picked by us and couldn't party with his friends. So he got the boo-boo face like everybody does.
Chris: So you're saying that Pittsburgh is not a party town.
SPEAKER_00: I'm saying that Riley Smith wanted to be with his buddies. Yeah, it would be like if Chris Letang got traded to um, Dallas stars After the year that they won the cup Everything he would have the boo-boo face and wouldn't have played well for them Like I don't know how you factor that into getting somebody like that. I mean you expect these guys to be
Chris: professional.
SPEAKER_00: Exactly. And he was not. And I guess he was a total headache in the locker room. I don't know. I am only the hockey Jesus, but I, I, this is what I, what I heard. So the good thing about it is he's gone. They did have to retain some of his salary, only 25% of it, but they did get a second round and a fifth round, a conditional fifth round pick, depending on how well he does. So, um, I think that's great to get rid of that, that, that person just because, um, People in the locker room who are headaches just bring everybody down and if you don't want to hockey I think is more than anything. You heard the Florida guy say it. I love these guys these guys I would run through a fence for these guys like vibes Yeah, if you don't have if you have one player who's an asshole or doesn't even want to be there It just ruins the vibe for everybody So I think he's gone and I think by the way, that's why they wanted to get rid of Tristan Jari, too Because it's not that he's a he's a headache or he's a cancer He's just kind of like, you know, he's like the stoner in the corner. Like is he gone? No, he's not gone but but that's why they signed Ned because they signed Ned to that two and a half million dollar contract for two years because I actually think they're gonna split time the two probably and And the issue is, nobody really cares about Jari. They don't love him like they like Marc-Andre Fleury. And I know that's a little bit of an extreme example. Marc-Andre Fleury is one of the greatest human beings of all time.
Chris: Human beings? Really?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, human beings. Really? He's not an alien.
Marc: Yeah, it's kind of like Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, Marc-Andre Fleury. Yeah.
Chris: It's a pretty good one.
SPEAKER_00: That's a pretty good one. He's the last living legend. Yes.
Chris: I think that's what Mark Schubert said. Okay, gotcha.
SPEAKER_00: And by the way, it's his last year in the NHL, so he's going to get it.
Chris: Theory of relativity.
SPEAKER_00: Uh, yeah. Goaltending. He, he made more money than those guys. Yeah. Probably. Well, maybe not Ben Franklin.
Marc: I don't know. I don't know. Back then like 10 bucks was like being a millionaire. Yeah.
Chris: $10. I'll gladly pay you Tuesday.
SPEAKER_00: It didn't have a Ben Franklin on it. I can tell you that. Yeah. Um, so, so it's good to get rid of this guy. They did pick up Matt Grizzly. He's from Boston. Uh, the reason they bench him for a while. So not Matt Grizzly kind of got on the bad side of things. Look, I looked up his statistics two years ago. He was a plus 46 for Boston, which is an incredible year. Last year, he was only a plus 13 and in the playoffs, his entire playoffs career, he was a minus 19. I just think he's not a playoff guy. And let's face it, I don't think the Penguins have to worry about being a playoff guy, because this team's probably not going to make the playoffs again. And that's not what they're worried about. They're just worried about finding a defenseman who's going to be good enough. And actually, honestly, he'll he'll he'll be better than P.O.J. I'll be honest with you. I think he'll be better than P.O.J. when it comes down to it. Right. So, so I actually like that pickup and they got a whole slew of, of guys you won't know. And I'm not even going to go through it. I'll save that for, for my podcast. Right. But they, they picked up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 guys with one year contracts at the, the, the minimum, the, the contract minimum $775,000.
Chris: So is this more like a, like a, like tearing it down and a rebuild?
SPEAKER_00: No, you can never rebuild when you keep the three best players on your team.
Chris: Right. I mean, that's that that's that's the biggest problem is that you've got. I mean, it's not a problem. I mean, Crosby's not a problem.
Marc: I don't believe you talked about Kevin Hayes.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah. OK, so I didn't talk about Kevin Hayes because he didn't get picked up today. He got picked up a few days ago. Kevin Hayes got picked up. from St. Louis. And the reason they went to get him was because he came with the second round pick. Most of his contracts being half his contracts still being paid by Philadelphia. St. Louis is picking up like a million something off of it. So they only have to pay him like 2.75. Is that right? Yeah, I think that's right. 2.75 or 3.25 million. Um, and for a third line center, look, he's a 33 year old guy. He's not going to make the penguins that much better, but it gives them more depth on the third and fourth line center. It allows them to put Lars Eller either on the fourth line or the third line. Those guys can be interchangeable on the third or fourth line. Uh, but they did need to get another third line center and they also got, um, uh, Anthony, well, this is going to be hard for me. Well, vol year, thank you. They got him. He's, he's a journeyman. He, when he was playing well, you probably remember him playing for the New York Islanders. He was really good for them. I think he had three seasons of like 20 goals. And then he just, I don't know what happened to him. He went off the cliff and since then he's been all around everywhere. Um, I don't, I think he'll be okay on the left wing for Riley Smith, but, um, they're going to have to find somebody else. I think they probably bring up the, the two new guys that they got in the deal. Um, uh, from Carolina to give those one of those two guys a shot on the left wing also, but we'll see how that works.
Chris: So if this is not a rebuild, Because you've, you're saddled by the Malkin contract and no movement clause, no movement clause, the latang contract, no movement clause, Carlson, Carlson's new contract.
SPEAKER_00: And they're going to re-sign Sid. Sid's in his last year.
Chris: We know Sid's not going anywhere.
SPEAKER_00: He's going to sign up three to five years.
Chris: But if it's not a rebuild, then what is it? Because if you're not going to make the playoffs and you're not going to contend for a cup with Sidney, let's forget about Malkin with Sidney, Crosby and Letang in on your team. What the hell are you doing?
SPEAKER_00: I mean, this is you're basically fielding an average team. Yeah. Play averagely. Why? And to get people in the seats. Well, look, we all know that that's what's going, that you can't move anybody. So why even talk about those four guys? Because they're not going.
Chris: Can't you just, can't you just drop them, release them?
SPEAKER_00: No, because you, then you still have to pay them.
Chris: I get it. The way the hockey contract. Okay.
SPEAKER_00: So I can't just cut a veteran players. You're not allowed. I think after they're in the league for seven years, I think you like, so they have 10. Yeah. We couldn't, we couldn't just cut Jeff Carter.
Chris: Yeah. Right. Right. So we have 10, they have tenure.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah. And you know that when you sign them.
Chris: So, so then again, new news. So then, then all of this, all of this shit being rained down on Kyle Dubas is, is not his fault. No, there's a lot of, they're giving him a lot of shit in the media because he's not making moves. Basically what I'm hearing here is that because of, The way this team was constructed before he got here. Well, he doesn't have a lot of options right now, and he's kind of got to play a waiting game until he can, you know, move Malkin or get Malkin or Letang off the books and then maybe and free up some money.
SPEAKER_00: You know how we talk about Tomlin has to retire. Yeah, that's what's gonna have to happen with these four guys now That's what in fairness to to to do this He had to fix all the problems that happened with Hextal and the only way he could do that Would was to take on a huge contract from Carlson, but he was me He was able to get rid of garbage guys for a good player. The problem is he had to Hey, I had to bring that salary with it, which not all of it, fortunately, but 10 billion of it. So that's what that that's helping hamstring him being able to make move because that $10 million is a lot. Now, I know the cap for, by the way, in the NHL, it was the past four years have been known as the flat cap era because the cap only went up two million dollars in four years. This past year, it went up four and a half million because ESPN bought the contract. There are more people watching the game. So, so there's more money to be, uh, used this year than ever before. And I think that's why you saw a lot of these signings was because there's more money and now people want to lock them in at this because they feel like it's just going to go up and up and up. And I saw an article today that said, um, viewership in North America was up like 43% during the Stanley cup, uh, playoffs than it was the year before. That's a big jump. So yeah, so I think that we should I watch I think that's a huge yeah I think I think well, you know and thanks to Gary Bettman for giving me a shout out at the draft by saying You know all the people who are watching Thank you to all the fans and I'll I'll take I'll take credit for some of that. I You're welcome, Gary. Anytime you want to come on the show and have a conversation about hockey with me, I'm ready to have that conversation with you, Gary, because I am bringing fans to the game and that is in turn bringing more money to the Pittsburgh Penguins. Pittsburgh Penguins, if you would like to throw me a bone, maybe a media pass every now and then, I'd be welcome to accept that. I will be happy to accept that. Any weekend, you would love to give that to me.
Chris: You are actually, you are more than media, you are spiritual media.
SPEAKER_00: And I speak the truth because I am the hockey Jesus. I have to speak the truth.
Chris: Okay, that was Hockey Jesus on the Sports Sports Black and Gold podcast. We are going to drop this podcast right after the show on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you get your friggin' podcasts. And you can always catch Hockey Jesus on YouTube at the Sports Forge podcast. Now it's time for Stump the Yinzer. Stump the Yinzer. Yeah. What is Stump the Yinzer? Well, Hockey Jesus is our resident Yinzer. And every week we ask him a Yinzer related sports question that he must answer. And if he does, he retains the title of Yinzer. If not, the Grand Schwabini gets a shot and he will become Yinzer for the week. So the question. And we are keeping it hockey related here.
SPEAKER_00: You can do it.
Chris: Hockey related. Yeah, I had to find a hockey question because he complains every time I do a baseball question. Last week he got Gary Anderson. We got him from the Bills. That kind of pissed you off. Let's just go with the question. Bring it to the prophet. Which penguin became the first American born NHL player to reach a thousand points? And if you know, you must tell us the year. Oh, which year? Hmm.
SPEAKER_00: Well, tell us if you know. Yeah, I know. I'm pretty sure I know who it is. Okay. I believe it's Joey Mullen. Yeah.
Chris: Okay. I agree. And you, oh, and you agree. Okay. That is correct. So the year. So you, you are the Yinzer, but you will be the ultimate Yinzer.
SPEAKER_00: Well, the year's a little bit difficult because I'm, I'm, I know that we moved back to Pittsburgh, so I know it was after 1993, but the question is, was it was in 93 or was it a 94 that he did it? And I'm going to go with 1994. 1995.
Marc: Close enough son of a gun.
Chris: You didn't give him a chance Yeah, why well you because you got it, right? The real question was who and if you know, I was gonna go 1993 Okay, so there you go. So we both would have missed it Okay, so joey mullen the first american-born nhl player to reach a thousand points in 1995 With the penguins, I think I actually have a sign that says congratulations joey and it's like in red white and blue Did you make that sign?
SPEAKER_00: No, no. They handed it out at the game. I was at the game where they said, congratulations, Joey. I'll get your thousands point. Gotcha. I I'll have to, I'll, I'll pull that out for you fans. Please do. It'll be on my podcast.
Chris: Please do.
SPEAKER_00: Well, it'll be on my YouTube when I do it next.
Chris: Okay. Interesting. All right. There we go. Is it, is anybody getting hungry? Sure. I'm thirsty. Are you? Are you thirsty? Yeah. Okay. Well, it's a good thing you're getting hungry and thirsty. It's time.
SPEAKER_00: It's snack time. Oh.
SPEAKER_02: Taste the biscuit. Taste the goodness of the biscuit.
Marc: Very nice.
Chris: Very nice. You know, it's on a little bit of a delay.
Marc: So when we replayed on the podcast, you're not it. Yeah, I know. I can't figure out behind. Okay. So this is trader Joe's snack time.
Chris: Everybody, everybody who's familiar with the show knows that I work at Trader Joe's, so what I do every week is I grab a Trader Joe's product, I bring it home, we sample it, we give our honest opinion. Trader Joe's isn't paying for this, they're not an official sponsor of the show, but they did tell me I could do this, so we do thank them for that.
Marc: When are we going to take it to the next level and actually go to corporate? Whenever you want. Whenever we want to go. You want me to go to the corporate or are you the employee?
Chris: You seem to be. That's the thing. I am the employee. OK. So maybe you can just. I'll speak on your behalf. I'm your agent. That's great. OK. This week we have something called horchata ice cream. Oh, I'm always afraid of horchata.
Marc: Ice cream. Horchata. What the heck is horchata?
Chris: Horchata. I'm going to tell you. What is horchata? I'm going to tell you. But first, what I'm going to do is I'm going to set that right there. Sweet cinnamon. give you each a spoon all right okay um horchata ice cream uh the popular latin american beverage called horchata or horchata is creamy and sweet like ice cream with no good excuse not to we decided to take it all the way there from smooth beverage to frozen dessert trader joe's Horchata-inspired ice cream delivers all the delicious flavors of horchata in every spoonful. Like many ice creams, its rich base includes cream, milk, eggs, yolk, and cane sugar. We horchatatized it by adding cinnamon and brown rice flour, plus a touch of sea salt. And since inclusions are fun, we also added pieces
SPEAKER_00: What are those pieces?
Chris: Of horchata flavored cookies contributing a nice textural variation. I don't know.
SPEAKER_00: They do.
Marc: I have to say I like it. I think it's pretty good.
SPEAKER_00: I don't taste the sea salt, but it is very good. It's got a cinnamony feel to it. Yeah. And, and, and your wife, of course, brought it out at the perfect time. Did she? Yeah. Cause it's like, it's perfect. Like, you're not like digging into it and you're like, I can't get into this ice cream. Yeah. Yeah. Take a spoon, pass it back.
Chris: Hold on horchata ice cream, sweet cinnamon and rice ice cream with horchata flavored cookie pieces. I liken the taste to a rice pudding.
SPEAKER_00: Oh no, it doesn't taste anything like rice pudding.
Marc: No, I don't think so. To me, it's almost like coffee ice cream.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, I agree.
Marc: Coffee ice cream.
SPEAKER_00: Cinnamon coffee. Yeah. With a little bit of cookie inside. Right.
Chris: Yeah. This sells a ton. People can't wait for it to come back. I never had it before. I actually, I have to admit that I did have it at the store because they demoed it. Then I was like, I got to try it.
Marc: Did you say it's Latin or Chata?
Chris: Yeah, or Chata is a beverage. Yeah.
Marc: Okay. I was thinking about trying to break down hor Chata, you know, how they went together. How do they go together, Mark? I don't know. They just go.
Chris: It goes right down your throat. You guys.
SPEAKER_00: I mean, all you got to do is put it in your mouth and swallow it right down your throat.
Chris: Yeah. There you go. And Steve, Scott Betzinger, it's Mexican and delicious.
SPEAKER_00: Absolutely.
Chris: Absolutely. So there you have it. Trader Joe's snack time this week or chata ice cream. I would say I would say it's a winner.
SPEAKER_02: Yeah, it's good. I mean, you know,
Marc: It's one of those things, though, like, you know, ice cream is something to be determined over time. Yeah. Nice. Nice job. I have a friend with me. if it was a dog for those of you who are not watching.
SPEAKER_00: I think the dog wants some ice cream.
Chris: Yep. No, we're not giving the dog any ice cream. All right. Trader Joe's snack time. Thanks a lot. Horchata ice cream.
SPEAKER_00: Have it at your 4th of July party.
Chris: Enjoy. I get a feeling we're going to finish this.
SPEAKER_00: It's pretty good. Have horchata.
Marc: Have horchata with the biscuits. All right. Uh, this is the sports porch black and gold podcast. We drop it after the show on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, Spotify, or anywhere you get your horchata podcasts.
SPEAKER_00: The only horchata podcast in town.
Chris: So our last segment of the night is what we are watching. And the way we do this is we all know 100 million streamers. I was trying to explain. 100 million streamers. Yeah. I was trying to explain streaming services to my 84-year-old mother and her partner wrote up. Why would you do that to yourself? And her friend wrote up at Denny's.
SPEAKER_00: That sounds like a horrible afternoon. Were you having breakfast or were you having dinner? I'm kidding.
Marc: I'm kidding, Chris's family.
Chris: Yeah, we know that. We know you're not. And I'm not saying it's not true.
Marc: They're probably not watching, though, because when they used to watch, they used to be on here.
SPEAKER_00: Yeah. We got too popular for them. No, they watch. Anyway. Leave us a message there, Mr.
Chris: I was just, I was just, uh, uh, I was just trying to say, I was trying to explain streaming services to my 84 year old mother, uh, yesterday. And I basically told her, look, just think of it as the old days, CBS, NBC, ABC networks, streaming services or networks. So there's a hundred networks and they all have shit we want to watch. And we watch a lot of it. and then we review it. The qualification for something to be reviewed is that you have to have finished either the season, so if it has nine seasons you don't have to finish all nine.
Marc: Can I say though, that was actually an absolutely horrible explanation of streaming. That has nothing to do with what streaming is. What streaming is, is the ability to watch whatever's on that streaming channel anytime you want.
SPEAKER_00: Anytime of the day, anytime of the night.
Marc: You stream it, it's like you basically you click on it, sort of like a download, and you just watch.
SPEAKER_00: And if you don't like it, you just shut it off.
Marc: Right. It's nothing like NBC and ABC. And the only thing that could possibly be like that would be saying like Netflix is like ABC and it's not even close.
Chris: OK, well, you take all of that you just said and explain that to an 84 year old and see if you make any headway.
Marc: I think he just did. I think I'm more fit to have that conversation.
SPEAKER_00: Uh, in fact, your mom's probably listening and she's going to say thanks. Yeah.
Chris: Right. Official Chris shot on Instagram says Netflix is starting to put on content from other networks, which confuses me sometimes. And I'm not 84 years old.
SPEAKER_00: Well, and they are starting to add advertisements, which is really, I hate that starting to piss me off.
Chris: Yeah.
SPEAKER_00: I hate that on prime, but look, I mean, if you're paying for the fee, you shouldn't have to watch any,
Marc: Yeah, well I had you got to pay more I Went from like I think it was like $7.99 to $19.99 to have no ads on Hulu Yeah, there you go. You know you did got me. They got me got you You're happy you're happy with it is it worth it actually it is completely worth it really Yes, honestly, I watched it for years with the commercials and I was like, it's not really that big of a deal because on the commercials, you know, catch up on like what's going on online or something porn. But, you know. Well, yeah, you know. That was just inappropriate. Yeah, whatever. But anyway. But true.
Chris: Inappropriate doesn't mean for you. You don't want a commercial. For you. I didn't. I was talking. Yes. OK. All right. Moving on. Go ahead. All right. So the qualifications now, now that we've gotten the explanation of streaming to an 84 year old woman. Yes sir. Yes sir. The qualification is you have to have completed the current season you're watching or the entire documentary or movie. Correct. Okay. All right. So we're going to start with H.J. again. He's getting more horchata. We're going to start with the Grand Schwabini tonight. Grand Schwabini, you are watching
Marc: I watched the movie Pig.
Chris: You ever hear of it? Nicholas Cage, yeah. I've heard of it, I haven't seen it.
Marc: It's on Hulu.
SPEAKER_00: Wait, it's a movie?
Marc: Yep, it's on Hulu. Pig. You know, I'm a pretty big Nic Cage fan. I enjoy his work. I think that makes on a plane. I think he's he's got he's just got like some really interesting roles You know going back in time he does and and he's also one of those guys to like he kind of does everything like he could he could be a real dramatic actor and and give like a, you know, an award winning performance. And then he could also like just be a lot of fun in an action movie. You know, he kind of like does it all. He does. So Pig was one, you know, you saw there were a couple, you know, reviewers there that gave it like four stars. This was one he was being really highly touted for his, you know, his acting chops. It came out last year, right? Wasn't it last year? Yeah, it was last year. And I liked it. I thought it was really good. Now, I will say this. I mean, look, it's it's not a happy film. It doesn't look happy. It's not a happy film. I mean, it's basically a film about, you know, a couple of people whose lives have taken a pretty severe downward turn.
Chris: Is this like, what was the movie that he was in where he won the Oscar, Leaving Las Vegas?
SPEAKER_00: Oh yeah, Leaving Las Vegas.
Marc: Kind of like, you know, with the negativity of that type of movie.
Chris: Yeah, he played an incredible alcoholic.
Marc: But it was really good. And essentially, just to give you an idea, he's basically playing a guy. I won't tell you what he used to do, but he was somebody who was really successful at something. And then, you know, um, something tragic happens in his life. And then he kind of isolates himself out in the cabin in the woods. This is classic Nick cage. Right. Right. And, and just take it from there. Um, I thought it was an enjoyable hour and a half. Um, but you know, you're probably, you're going to come out of it saying like, Yeah, I thought he played that guy really, really well.
SPEAKER_00: Is the ending happy or sad?
Marc: He's close. It's close. It could be considered happy.
SPEAKER_00: Oh, okay.
Marc: It could be. Okay. It just, it just depends.
Chris: It depends on what your definition of happy is. For some people, happy is pulling the trigger. So yeah. Yeah. All right.
SPEAKER_00: All right.
Chris: H J is watching, um, something called,
SPEAKER_00: This is called the king of collectibles. The golden touch. This was season two. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know if you've seen season one.
Chris: Did you, did you see season one?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah. I watched season one. So this is, this is a, this is actually the gold. Golden is a company in, in Philadelphia. And what they do is they run auctions on they're more famous for like sports memorabilia, right? So the sports memorabilia field is absolutely huge. So they like people will pull these one of ones from these blaster packs and stuff like that. They'll go after the guy to get that card to put it on their auction. And they they charge like 20% of whatever they get but they have this clientele that's that's worldwide right so all the all this really is is this just watching them going getting and this guy. I can't remember the owner's name, but he basically has all these relationships with all these people. Like for example, in this one, he knows Barry Bonds really well. So Barry Bonds lives in San Francisco and he went out to Barry Bonds and he was like, when are you going to put some of your stuff up on sales? Because I guess he kept everything. And he was like, OK, I'll do that. And meanwhile, this guy brought with him a baseball that had Babe Ruth's signature, Hank Aaron's signature. And he wanted to get Barry Bonds' signature all. And it would be like the only ball Barry Bonds has ever signed. So he like and he was like going to give it to his son because this guy has a son that's like, you know, 12 years old or something like that. And it's really interesting cause they're in Philly. So, you know, he employs a bunch of guidos essentially. Right.
Chris: But these, these guys, no offense to guidos or Philadelphia or Italian Americans.
Marc: You're right.
SPEAKER_00: I'm Italian American. Well, we're just making sure people, so you can say, wait a minute, did we have this conversation before?
Chris: Is Italian?
SPEAKER_00: Yeah, it is. We'll have this conversation at another point. Let me get to my point. I was thinking Polish. I'm that too. Yeah. You're a big mix. You're a mutt. Yeah. I'm a mutt. So, so we've established I'm a mutt. But what we haven't established is the people who work for them are actually really great people. They're, they're total salesmen. Like they go out there and they meet with these people that have these million dollar cards. And they're basically saying, you want to put it on our website because we can get you the highest price. But meanwhile, they're getting paid like 20% to do it. So it's kind of like if you own the car, do you think you could sell it to somebody at basically a higher price? And most of the time, it isn't that way at all because they have such a great clientele that's amazing. So I suggest you do it. And by the way, in season two, like in season one, they did like a lot of sports stuff. And in season two, they branch out to like Pokemon stuff.
Marc: Is this kind of a similar to like a Pawn Stars type of thing?
SPEAKER_00: It's similar, but different. It's different because they're going out to the clientele and they're going to get it. And they're not just coming in and say, Hey, I have this. How much is it worth?
Marc: Are they, are they having like difficulty getting the person to do the things? Is that part of it?
SPEAKER_00: Some of it, but some of it also is like his family dynamics. Cause he's got his daughter who he wants to bring into it. And she like knows the hip hop world. And she actually got this piece from Dr. Dre back when he was with Snoop. And he was like, I don't want anything to do with him anymore. And he took this big piece of jewelry and he basically gave it to his jeweler. And his jeweler was like, I want to sell this. Because it was worth like a million dollars. Really? Yeah. Wow. Because it was early on Dr. Dre. so so they like branch out and then they they're like they just show how they create these um the uh this network of people that like oh i know this guy who knows this guy who knows this guy and like they did that with like uh action comics they were trying to find the first superman and it was like a big thing at comic con they went in new york and they like showed they like show all the i can't imagine how much editing they do because Most of it's got to be so boring. Right. And then like the auction takes like, you know, whatever, two days or whatever. And all the action happens in like the last 30 minutes. So it's pretty interesting, their relationships among each other too, not just the products, but the products are really what draw everybody in.
Chris: Interesting. So H.J. is watching King of Collectibles on Netflix. flicks okay what do you got for us documentary uh no this is not a documentary this is a show that was aliens no that was on showtime and is now on netflix your honor your honor your honor yeah your honor with brian kranz yeah you guys seen it well i haven't i watched like the first like four or five episodes of the first season
Marc: Didn't like it? I thought it was pretty good, but not great. And so we stopped.
Chris: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You should keep going.
Marc: No, I mean, I hear from people that that they've really liked it.
Chris: Yeah, it's real. Yeah.
SPEAKER_02: I mean, I guess, I guess, I don't think he's going to watch it.
Marc: I guess where, I guess the reason for not, for stopping watching it was sort of thinking it was, um, and look, I do get it. You got to kind of suspend, you know, reality when you're watching a lot of these shows, but it just seemed like so impossibly like impossible. Yeah. That it was just kind of like, this is just a little ridiculous.
Chris: Yeah. Well, kind of like that. Yeah. I think it's a great show. We finished season one two nights ago and we're into season two now. So Brian Cranston plays a judge in New Orleans. whose wife was murdered some time ago within like the last few years. He has a son. The son is mourning the loss of his mother. And when he goes to mourn the loss of his mother on the anniversary of her death, he gets involved in a car accident where he kills a kid on a motorcycle. Spoiler alert.
Marc: Somebody gets killed by a motorcycle.
Chris: There you go. Because he gets scared. It's in a crime-ridden section in New Orleans where she was murdered. And basically, you know, he goes home and he confesses to Brian Cranston, the judge, his father. Dad, you know, I ran this kid over and he died.
Marc: Think about how you can say it so it doesn't give anything away to the viewers.
SPEAKER_00: They do something that probably wasn't the right thing to do. Let me help, Mark. It's Steve's turn to help. And so they did something that they probably shouldn't have done, and then they had to make up for it somehow, and then it ended up in court anyways, and then there's something really crazy happens at the end, but you have to watch it to see it.
Chris: Yeah, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. It's a good show.
Marc: It's a good show. You do like to tell everybody the entire story. Is that what I do?
Chris: Yeah, you do. It's a good thing. It's all right. All right. Thanks for watching the Sportsbook Black and Gold. We're going to drop that podcast right after the show on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you get your friggin' podcasts. And, uh, yep, Lena, we love you too. You have been blocked. Jubelansk!