Buccos Report - No Break After The All Star Break

A loss to begin the 2nd half. 6-4 Giants over the Pirates. Hedges and Davis error and the Pirates cannot come up late.
A loss to begin the 2nd half. 6-4 Giants over the Pirates. Hedges and Davis error and the Pirates cannot come up late.
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Swell AI Transcript: buccosreportnobreakaftertheallstarbreak.mp3
00:00 Technical Director This is your Buccos report on the sports sports podcast where you can find us at the I hard radio app, Apple podcasts, Spotify or anywhere you get your freaking podcast. Sorry. You can always get a little warm sports at the porches live.com. The porches. I'm laughing tonight because I know maybe I should wait for the music to stop, but I know who's listening right now. Yes, I do. I know who's listening right now because I told them to listen and I'm not going to out them on national podcast sports radio, but your pirates tonight. That's why I called it no break after the all star break folks. Six to four, the Giants beat the pirates. San Francisco had six runs on 10 hits with no errors. Pittsburgh four runs on eight hits with you'll love this people to errors. We'll talk about those in a minute. The loss goes to Holderman, but it really shouldn't completely go to Holderman, but it's going to anyway. And who cares about who the wind went to? It really doesn't matter. Holderman, Rich Hill, another decent outing for this guy. He can continue to get innings and he looks like the tiredest pitcher in baseball. Sorry, Mr. Hill. You just do. I get it though. I'm 52. So I couldn't do what you're doing and you're looking at it and going it's going to be a long night. Rich Hill six innings pitched seven hits, three runs. All of them earned two walks, two strikeouts. Holderman, as I said, gets the loss a third of an inning pitch two hits, three runs to the man. Baruchy comes in, gives up a hit and nothing else, but he does nail Conforto with what looked like a high fastball. And you could hear the guy grunt. But they didn't get any runs on him. DeLa Santos comes in basically for the ninth inning and does his job. So how was hitting? Sawinski leading off, still continue to be mesmerized by the fact that they can't figure out a lineup. I don't know. I don't get paid the big Bucs and I haven't spent my entire life playing, coaching, managing baseball, but I've watched enough. I think to know that that's a problem. Reynolds one for four with a run. Okay. Henry Davis two for three with a run and it's good that he did that because we're going to talk about that in a second. So keep them in your mind. Santana over three. Troy one for three with a big bomb home run. Two RBI's. Triolo one for three with a run. He continues to play good baseball. Even Marcano two for three with an RBI. Gonzales got a hit in there out of four at bats. So now we're getting back to this Davis and Hedges thing. Okay. Hedges let a pass ball go by him, which ultimately led to a score. Because then Davis missed a routine one hopper and it maybe it wasn't completely routine in right field soon after and they scored runs. And the irony is that Davis committed an error in right field where he's learning how to play, but shouldn't be. Hedges committed an error catcher where he's supposed to be one of the best, that you know, defensive, but he can't hit a ball to save his life. And he got Davis in right field. Shouldn't he be catching or if you're going to teach this guy how to play right field, shouldn't the catcher that has a better bat and just as good a defense. I mean, they ran all over Hedges and then delay came in and he threw a guy out. So I don't know. I'm just watching baseball. I'm not coaching it. I'm not putting teams together. I'm not doing any of that really cool stuff. I'd love to in my dreams, but it's just not working. The home run by Choi was his fourth RBI is by Choi two of them. There is six. Marcano is 18th. The team did leave five on on base and we were over five with run runners in scoring position. So, you know, another, we got out to two and you know, a lead, you know, Rich Hill pitched a scoreless game until the fifth inning and they got two and then we got two and then we got one back and we were up three to two. And then it was kind of back, you know, back and forth for an inning. And the Giants ran away with it at six to four. And that, that pretty much sums it up. Folks, what is the Pirates record now? Well, we lost 50 games, so I didn't want to get there so early. Your Pirates are now 41 and 50 still eight and a half out of first place. The wild card really does not matter in this division. Okay. There is going to be no wild card out of this division. What do we have to look forward to? Well, we got the Giants again tomorrow at seven oh five. You're going to have Alex Cobb going for the Giants six and two with a two 91 ERA 89 and two thirds pitch 99 hits. So you can hit him 86 Ks, 21 strikeouts. So this just tells me he gets a little run support as well. And Johan Oviedo for the Pirates is three and 10. This poor guy, four 75, a hundred innings pitched a hundred and two hits, 87 Ks, 40 walks. Walks have been his problem all year. So, let's try to get a win here, guys. Let's try to get a win. And as always, I want to thank you for listening to us because I do enjoy doing this no matter what. And I think we have the makings of a decent team. We'll talk on the sports porch about the drafting of Paul Skeens. Or Skeens, I think it's Skeens. And how he could affect them in the future because I think he could, but it's a big chance to big, big if. And right now at this very moment, the Pirates are kind of out of ifs. And there you go. My friend from Greenfield who is listening to this podcast, the buck goes report on the sports porch podcast where you can get us on the I heart radio app, Apple podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere you get, you guessed it, your frigging podcasts, and you can always feel a lot better about yourself. Let me tell you, it's a lot better by visiting the porches live.com, the porches live.com, the porch is live.com. Guess what? It's all one word for you. Word challenged people out there. It's all one word. And every Sunday at 4 PM on American busker, I heart radio, that's 4 PM Eastern thought I would forget that. Didn't you? Greenfield man. All right. I am your technical director and I am out. Let's go Bucs.